"Building What": Geraldo At Large

your bullshit debwunker video also states that damage from falling debris took ouT 25% of the supports of wtc 7....BUT NIST SAYS DAMAGE PLAYED NO SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THE COLLAPSE....so are you debwunking NIST now ??

Nope. Both are true. Yes, I realize that fact probably hurts your widdle truthtard brain, but the damage to the south face of the building had little to do with the collapse that initiated in the northwest area of the building. Was the south face damaged? Yes. Was there structural damage? Yes. Did WTC 7 collapse due to fire? Yes. None of these are mutually exclusive no matter how much that hurts your widdle truthtard brain.
What makes you think the collapse "initiated in the northwest area of the building" since the roof remained level across the entire width of the building?

More from Mr Chandler:

"Mr. Chandler goes on to describe two particular attributes of Building 7’s free fall descent that make the evidence for explosive demolition even more overwhelming:

“What is particularly striking is the suddenness of onset of free fall. Acceleration doesn’t build up gradually. The graph [measuring the building’s descent] simply turns a corner.

"The building went from full support to zero support instantly.”


“The onset of freefall was not only sudden, it extended across the whole width of the building… The fact the roof stayed level shows the building was in free fall across the entire width

Mr Chandler's summation:

"“The collapse we see cannot be due to a column failure, or a few column failures, or a sequence of column failures.

"All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed over the span of 8 floors low in the building simultaneously to within a small fraction of a second, and in such a way that the top half of the building remains intact and uncrumpled.”


Chandler is a joke. When are you truthtards going to realize the sites you "trust" for all your information lie to you on a regular basis!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rhY9c_iemA]Part 1[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60A86cg16KQ]Part 2[/ame]
Patriot911, stop spreading misinformation and lying, please.
No misinformation. No lying. That's what bothers you so much. You KNOW deep down it is the truth, but you just don't have the balls to admit it to yourself, much less anyone else. :lol: It takes a real piece of shit to not own up to his mistakes. It is an even bigger piece of shit that has to pretend everyone else is lying in order to cover up for his own incompetence and dishonesty.
Patriot911, stop spreading misinformation and lying, please.
No misinformation. No lying. That's what bothers you so much. You KNOW deep down it is the truth, but you just don't have the balls to admit it to yourself, much less anyone else. :lol: It takes a real piece of shit to not own up to his mistakes. It is an even bigger piece of shit that has to pretend everyone else is lying in order to cover up for his own incompetence and dishonesty.

Once again, please stop lying. Could you refrain from spreading misinformation as well? I'd also like to suggest trying to take a step back when it comes to your personal attacks. Your opinion and commentary are not needed in these forums, but feel free to express yourself. This is America, even the ignorant can speak. its up to you how you present yourself, and if mocking people and being a nuisance is how you project your personality, then I sympathize for you, I really do.

Once again Patriot911:

1: How does WTC7 freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? 8 total floor lengths were removed, how so?

2: There is no bowing or bending of the structure, thus eliminating the fires inside breaking apart the beams over 5 hours. So in this case how does a building remove 8 floors for a complete freefall?

3: How does it collapse INSIDE before it collapses as a whole? Use facts, not opinion.

4: How does WTC7, and the towers have molten steel/molten liquid at the bottom of the buildings if temperatures needed to produce such molten need to be in excess of 2500F degrees? (Aluminum is silver, not gold/glowing)

5: Has any steel structure building completely collapsed in history? If so, where?

6: Why is the WTC7 not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report?

I'm keeping it limited so you do not distract with opinions and commentary.
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"Freefall is an embarrassment to the official story, because freefall is impossible for a naturally
collapsing building.

"In a natural collapse there would be an interaction between the falling and the
stationary sections of the building.

"This interaction would cause crushing of both sections and slowing of the falling section.

"I have done measurements on several known demolitions, using similar software
tools, and found that they typically fall with accelerations considerably less than freefall.

"Building 7 was not only demolished, it was demolished with tremendous overkill.

"Freefall was so embarrassing to NIST that in the August 2008 draft release for public comment of their
final report, the fact of freefall was denied and crudely covered up with the assertion that the collapse
took 40% longer than 'freefall time.'

"They asserted that the actual collapse, down to the level of the 29th floor, took 5.4 seconds whereas freefall would have taken only 3.9 seconds.

"They arrived at their figures with only two data points: the time when the roofline reached the level of the 29th floor and an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of

"They started their clock at a time between the collapses of the east and west penthouses when
the building was not moving.

"They claimed they saw a change in a 'single pixel' triggering what they asserted was the onset of collapse, but anyone who has worked with the actual videos will recognize that the edge artifacts in the image of the building make this an unrealistic standard.

"Furthermore, even if there was a tiny motion of the building at that point, it continued to stand essentially motionless for several more seconds before the dramatic onset of freefall collapse.

"The fact of a cover up in NIST's measurement is underlined in that the formula they point to as the basis for their calculation of 'freefall time' is valid only under conditions of constant acceleration.

"They applied that equation to a situation that was far from uniform acceleration. Instead, the building remained essentially at rest for several seconds, then plunged into freefall, then slowed to a lesser acceleration.

"Their analysis demonstrates either gross incompetence or a crude attempt at a cover up.

"The scientists at NIST are clearly not incompetent, so the only reasonable conclusion is to interpret this as part of a cover up.

"(It is important to stand back occasionally and recognize the context of these events. This was not just a cover-up of an embarrassing fact. It was a cover-up of facts in the murder of nearly 3000 people and part of a justification for a war in which well over a million people have since been killed.)"

Why did NIST change their story regarding WTC7's 2.25 seconds of free fall between August and November of 2008?

Freefall.pdf P.4
Once again, please stop lying.
Hate to break it to you, princess, but I haven't been lying. YOU'RE the douche that lies, remember?

PhysicsExist said:
Could you refrain from spreading misinformation as well?
No misinformation either. Just the truth.

PhysicsExist said:
I'd also like to suggest trying to take a step back when it comes to your personal attacks.
Awwww.... diddums get his wittle feewings hurt? Tough shit. Grow a pair and suck it up, asshole!

PhysicsExist said:
Your opinion and commentary are not needed in these forums, but feel free to express yourself.
:lol: Like your opinion and commentary are needed!! :lol: You're just steamed because I continue to make you look like the fool that you are.

PhysicsExist said:
This is America, even the ignorant can speak.
You are living proof of that.

PhysicsExist said:
its up to you how you present yourself, and if mocking people and being a nuisance is how you project your personality, then I sympathize for you, I really do.
I am only this way with true pieces of shit that use the deaths of 3000 Americans to push an agenda via lies and opinions while ignoring the facts and evidence. If you don't like it, you are free to stop posting. I'm not going to stop because some pissant is suddenly trying (and failing) to take the high road. I guess the spamming technique didn't work out too well for you, eh? :lol:

PhysicsExist said:
Once again Patriot911:

1: How does WTC7 freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? 8 total floor lengths were removed, how so?
Collapsed. Internal. Read it in the NIST report. You know.... if you keep asking the same bullshit questions you're going to get the same answers. The truth doesn't change just because you're too big of a pussy to acknowledge it.

PhysicsExist said:
2: There is no bowing or bending of the structure, thus eliminating the fires inside breaking apart the beams over 5 hours. So in this case how does a building remove 8 floors for a complete freefall?
And you're now an engineering genius? :lol: No thank you. Your knowledge of engineering and physics could fit on the head of a pin with room to spare.

PhysicsExist said:
3: How does it collapse INSIDE before it collapses as a whole? Use facts, not opinion.
Read the NIST report. It explains it all. If you can't understand it, take it to the nearest kid and have him explain it to your sorry ass.

PhysicsExist said:
4: How does WTC7, and the towers have molten steel/molten liquid at the bottom of the buildings if temperatures needed to produce such molten need to be in excess of 2500F degrees? (Aluminum is silver, not gold/glowing)
There were no recorded temperatures of 2500F. You are once again lying out your sorry ass. And aluminum is only silver if it is pure. Any alloy of aluminum or contaminated aluminum is going to glow orange.

PhysicsExist said:
5: Has any steel structure building completely collapsed in history? If so, where?
Ahhh. You've been listening too much to eots where he dishonestly claims the NIST says WTC 7 was the first steel structure building to collapse. He neglects the height aspect. But since you're ignorant, yes, there have been TONS of steel structured buildings that have collapsed in history. They've collapsed for all kinds of reasons. You're so fucking retarded you couldn't even ask the question right! :lol:

PhysicsExist said:
6: Why is the WTC7 not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report?
The 9/11 commission report was a report on the events leading up to 9/11, the attack itself, and the post 9/11 events. It had nothing to do with collateral damage. It didn't report on WTC 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 because they were not the targets of the attack.

PhysicsExist said:
I'm keeping it limited so you do not distract with opinions and commentary.
:lol: You're going to be no happier with the answers this time as you were all the other times. Maybe you should quit being a bitch and actually READ the NIST report. :lol:
You did not post one fact Patriot911.
Stop with the personal attacks, stop distracting and using your opinion. Answer questions with facts, and for a start that would begin with citing facts, and not directing us to the NIST report. You need to realize that people can easily see the conversation on these forums and with logic realize you are spewing random insults and misinformation while myself and others are asking basic questions, stating facts, and citing our sources. you can continue on the same pace and style you have been, but it's not helpful for your 'cause', whatever it may be.

Once again Patriot911:

How does an office fire cause an internal collapse before the total collapse?

How does a building freefall through the path of greatest resistance, where are the Newtonian Physics?

If the freefall speed is clocked at 2.25s or 8 floors minimum, where is the resistance? Objects cannot fall at the speed of freefall through other objects, so how did the 47 story steel structure collapse completely, and show freefall speed acceleration? It is impossible unless those floors were not there, or were removed. And office fires cannot do such, so how did this happen?

Please refrain from posting commentary and opinions. Answer with facts, and do not cite NIST for god sakes.
Is David Chandler or "Aliententity" lying about 2.25 seconds of free fall acceleration?

Practically the only thing he isn't lying about. Typical truthtard.
Assuming that's an admission Chandler's correct, how does any falling building go into free fall WITHOUT an external force removing its supporting structure?
You did not post one fact Patriot911.
So says a little pissant who can't actually prove I am lying, so has to stick to general claims. What a little bitch!

PhysicsExist said:
Stop with the personal attacks, stop distracting and using your opinion.
This coming from someone who gives nothing BUT opinion! :lol: That's rich!

PhysicsExist said:
Answer questions with facts, and for a start that would begin with citing facts, and not directing us to the NIST report.
The NIST report DIRECTLY ANSWERS your questions. Read it for once. We know you can read.

PhysicsExist said:
You need to realize that people can easily see the conversation on these forums and with logic realize you are spewing random insults and misinformation while myself and others are asking basic questions, stating facts, and citing our sources. you can continue on the same pace and style you have been, but it's not helpful for your 'cause', whatever it may be.
You mean exposing your lies and bullshit? :lol: Yes, I am sure people recognize that. That is why you're trying so hard to shut me up. Isn't going to work. And since you and people like you are beneath contempt, I will continue to treat you like the scum you are.

As for repeating the same questions without addressing what I've already written, remove your head from your ass, shove said questions as far up there as you can, and then feel free to stick your head back up your ass. The last part is optional. :lol:
Is David Chandler or "Aliententity" lying about 2.25 seconds of free fall acceleration?

Practically the only thing he isn't lying about. Typical truthtard.
Assuming that's an admission Chandler's correct, how does any falling building go into free fall WITHOUT an external force removing its supporting structure?

So fire and gravity are not external forces? Wow! That is news to the world of science! We're going to have to rewrite a LOT of textbooks!!!!
Fire and gravity caused the failure of four hundred structural steel connections per second across eight lower floors of WTC7?

We'll have to rewrite EVERY textbook, starting with Isaac Newton's.
Fire and gravity caused the failure of four hundred structural steel connections per second across eight lower floors of WTC7?

We'll have to rewrite EVERY textbook, starting with Isaac Newton's.

:lol: Wrong yet again. The fact you are either incapable of learning what happened or are just willingly ignoring what happened to push your agenda proves you're nothing but a wimpering truthtard with nothing to actually contribute. That must truly suck to know you've actually failed at being a truthtard! Wow.
Are you stupid enough to believe scattered fires and gravity produced 2.25 seconds of free fall?

Do you believe every lie your government tells?

Or only those that serve your agenda?
Fire and gravity caused the failure of four hundred structural steel connections per second across eight lower floors of WTC7?

We'll have to rewrite EVERY textbook, starting with Isaac Newton's.

:lol: Wrong yet again. The fact you are either incapable of learning what happened or are just willingly ignoring what happened to push your agenda proves you're nothing but a wimpering truthtard with nothing to actually contribute. That must truly suck to know you've actually failed at being a truthtard! Wow.

I dont understand why you are playing this game with us. Stop it and act like a prideful citizen. Stand up for the truth and stop distracting everyone from the facts.

You have yet to post one fact, cite any credible source, and have continued to attack us with personal jabs and illogical remarks. I do not understand your agenda because you are all over the place.

Once again Patriot911:

How does a building have an internal collapse from office fires?

How did the steel melt/deform but show ZERO effects on the outside of the buildling for the 5-6 hours it was burning?

Where in history has an office fire caused a steel building to completely collapse? If so, where?

How does 2 objects exert no force through eachother, where the greatest resistance is, but instead provide Freefall acceleration?

According to Newtonian Physics, the only way for this to be possible is if the floors were not there/just removed, how were they?

Office fires don't cause complete collapses, and the debris played no significant role in the collapse, so what caused 8 floors to disappear?

Please refrain from personal attacks, and avoid answering with your personal opinion. Cite sources, state facts, and stop directing us to NIST while calling us 'fucking retarded' or 'truthtards', please.
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I dont understand why you are playing this game with us. Stop it and act like a prideful citizen. Stand up for the truth and stop distracting everyone from the facts.
I'm not playing games, and I AM standing up for the truth. The very fact you can't even ADDRESS responses to your posts show that you not only know you're lying, but that responding would prove that to everyone.

PhysicsExist said:
You have yet to post one fact, cite any credible source, and have continued to attack us with personal jabs and illogical remarks. I do not understand your agenda because you are all over the place.
That is because once again, you're lying your truthtard ass off. I've posted facts and I've cited credible sources. This is the truth of the matter easily verified. A shame you have to stoop to lying like this.

PhysicsExist said:
Once again Patriot911:
Why is it you find it impossible to respond to what I have already written in response? Truthtards are so full of shit.

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