"Building What": Geraldo At Large

When you start with bullshit, you end with bullshit. Claiming all 24 colums and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed at exactly the same time is pure bullshit.

But hey. Let's run with it.

Let's do run with it, because if columns hadn't been removed in such a fashion, free fall would never have occurred. You can bark all you want. That's physics. If a building is falling at the same speed as a brick through the air for a period of 2.25 seconds, then every single column, both perimeter and core, would had to have been removed floor by floor, simultaneously over about 8 floors.

We will await your demonstration of fire's capability of producing such a result.

He only has insults and commentary. He will only respond with his opinion and try and make the conversation personal, without providing any rebuttals and claiming our evidence is 'fake'. He is a prime example of an insane person.
"All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed over the span of 8 floors low in the building simultaneously to within a small fraction of a second,..."

You mean over-stressing interior columns and perimeter columns to a point that the fail is not the same as "removing them"?
Removing all 82 columns over eight floors "within a small fraction of a second..." according to David Chandler is the requirement for 2.25 seconds of free fall.
"All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed over the span of 8 floors low in the building simultaneously to within a small fraction of a second,..."

Is steel that brittle?

BuildingWhat?BuildingWhat? - A TV Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Building 7 - Free Fall Collapse

When you start with bullshit, you end with bullshit. Claiming all 24 colums and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed at exactly the same time is pure bullshit.

But hey. Let's run with it.

So it is your conclusion that all 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed within a small fraction of a second. Well, that rules out thermate or thermite. So we're talking high explosives ala controlled demolition.

The smallest explosive charge needed to remove column 79 (the one that initially failed) would create the equivalent sound of a gun shot going off right next to you.... if the blast were to go off half a mile away in an urban setting. BUT... you claim it HAD to be more than one column. You're talking about 24 interior columns (big charges) and 58 perimeter columns (not quite as big) going off within a second.

Yet nobody heard anything even approaching what one would expect.

Yet seismographs both in downtown Manhattan and the far more sensitive ones at the permanent site at Lamont Doherty didn't record anything resembling explosives going off.

Yet nobody found A column or perimeter column cut by demolitions charges despute there being 82 columns you claim had to be cut. They DID find columns that had suffered failure due to heat and stress.

Yet nobody found evidence of explosives being used at all. No blasting caps. No wiring. Nothing.

So tell us, GP..... knowing what you know now, how did anyone do it? There is no such thing as silent explosives.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.
"All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed over the span of 8 floors low in the building simultaneously to within a small fraction of a second,..."

Is steel that brittle?

BuildingWhat?BuildingWhat? - A TV Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Building 7 - Free Fall Collapse

When you start with bullshit, you end with bullshit. Claiming all 24 colums and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed at exactly the same time is pure bullshit.

But hey. Let's run with it.

So it is your conclusion that all 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed within a small fraction of a second. Well, that rules out thermate or thermite. So we're talking high explosives ala controlled demolition.

The smallest explosive charge needed to remove column 79 (the one that initially failed) would create the equivalent sound of a gun shot going off right next to you.... if the blast were to go off half a mile away in an urban setting. BUT... you claim it HAD to be more than one column. You're talking about 24 interior columns (big charges) and 58 perimeter columns (not quite as big) going off within a second.

Yet nobody heard anything even approaching what one would expect.

Yet seismographs both in downtown Manhattan and the far more sensitive ones at the permanent site at Lamont Doherty didn't record anything resembling explosives going off.

Yet nobody found A column or perimeter column cut by demolitions charges despute there being 82 columns you claim had to be cut. They DID find columns that had suffered failure due to heat and stress.

Yet nobody found evidence of explosives being used at all. No blasting caps. No wiring. Nothing.

So tell us, GP..... knowing what you know now, how did anyone do it? There is no such thing as silent explosives.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

along with the evidence which proves the story has been covered up also indicates the need of a new investigation. Wouldnt you all want to know the exact reason why we have thousands of our troops stationed in the middle east? wouldnt you want to know who exactly murdered 3000 people? Wouldnt you want indisputable evidence that the buildings fell the way they did? Well NIST and the 9/11 commission provided nothing but coverup and lies. Physics prove that the fire theory is impossible in reality. We are only pressing for truth because we CARE About this country, whoever proceeded with covering up these crimes and whoever participated in the event itself, should all be brought to light. We have spent 1 trillion tax dollars on the wars, we have enacted the Patriot act, and TSA. This is all because of 9/11, if you have common sense and use basic logic, you can see a reinvestigation is REQUIRED, BY LAW.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
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When you start with bullshit, you end with bullshit. Claiming all 24 colums and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed at exactly the same time is pure bullshit.

But hey. Let's run with it.

Let's do run with it, because if columns hadn't been removed in such a fashion, free fall would never have occurred. You can bark all you want. That's physics. If a building is falling at the same speed as a brick through the air for a period of 2.25 seconds, then every single column, both perimeter and core, would had to have been removed floor by floor, simultaneously over about 8 floors.

We will await your demonstration of fire's capability of producing such a result.

Nice running away from the truth ya pussy! What's wrong? Is the truth too painful for you to bear? Are you seriously so afraid of the truth that you can't handle addressing it?

We know the building fell for 2.25 seconds at free fall. That is a known.

We know how loud explosives are and how much produces how big of a bang. That is a known.

We know explosives work via pressure. That is a known.

We know the windows didn't blow out of the WTC 7 which is what one would expect from a sealed building. That is a known.

We know there was dust coming out the top of the WTC 7 which would indicate this is where the air inside the building exited. That is a known.

So we have two schools of thought. One that says there were explosives used to cut all the columns and one that says the inside of the building at least partially collapsed before the exterior collapsed, thus allowing near free fall acceleration.

Explosives would have been heard CLEARLY AND WITHOUT DOUBT at LEAST a half mile away. You don't mistake a noise as loud as a gun shot going off right next to you.

Did we hear such an event? No. Do we have clear audio tapes of the collapse event? Yes.

Explosives would have left clear and easily identifiable cut marks in the steel. Did anyone see this? No.

Explosives would have left a seismic signature just prior to the collapse. Did we see that in the seismic record? No.

Did the windows blow out with great force from the pressure of the blast wave? No.

OK, now let us look at the second theory.

The claim is that the interior started collapsing before the exterior.

Is there any evidence to support this? Yes. The penthouse clearly collapses several seconds before the exterior collapses.

So go ahead and refute these facts. Don't just puss out and run away. Be a man. Grow some balls for once in your life and stand up for what you "believe" in.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?
When you start with bullshit, you end with bullshit. Claiming all 24 colums and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed at exactly the same time is pure bullshit.

But hey. Let's run with it.

So it is your conclusion that all 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to be removed within a small fraction of a second. Well, that rules out thermate or thermite. So we're talking high explosives ala controlled demolition.

The smallest explosive charge needed to remove column 79 (the one that initially failed) would create the equivalent sound of a gun shot going off right next to you.... if the blast were to go off half a mile away in an urban setting. BUT... you claim it HAD to be more than one column. You're talking about 24 interior columns (big charges) and 58 perimeter columns (not quite as big) going off within a second.

Yet nobody heard anything even approaching what one would expect.

Yet seismographs both in downtown Manhattan and the far more sensitive ones at the permanent site at Lamont Doherty didn't record anything resembling explosives going off.

Yet nobody found A column or perimeter column cut by demolitions charges despute there being 82 columns you claim had to be cut. They DID find columns that had suffered failure due to heat and stress.

Yet nobody found evidence of explosives being used at all. No blasting caps. No wiring. Nothing.

So tell us, GP..... knowing what you know now, how did anyone do it? There is no such thing as silent explosives.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

along with the evidence which proves the story has been covered up also indicates the need of a new investigation. Wouldnt you all want to know the exact reason why we have thousands of our troops stationed in the middle east? wouldnt you want to know who exactly murdered 3000 people? Wouldnt you want indisputable evidence that the buildings fell the way they did? Well NIST and the 9/11 commission provided nothing but coverup and lies. Physics prove that the fire theory is impossible in reality. We are only pressing for truth because we CARE About this country, whoever proceeded with covering up these crimes and whoever participated in the event itself, should all be brought to light. We have spent 1 trillion tax dollars on the wars, we have enacted the Patriot act, and TSA. This is all because of 9/11, if you have common sense and use basic logic, you can see a reinvestigation is REQUIRED, BY LAW.

NYC Coalition For Accountability Now
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
24 year FBI veteran Coleen Rowley has added her support for a new 911 Investigation.

From Wiki:

"After the September 11, 2001, attacks, Rowley wrote a paper for FBI Director Robert Mueller documenting how FBI HQ personnel in Washington, D.C., had mishandled and failed to take action on information provided by the Minneapolis, Minnesota Field Office regarding its investigation of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.

"This individual had been suspected of being involved in preparations for a suicide-hijacking similar to the December 1994 'Eiffel Tower' hijacking of Air France 8969.

"Failures identified by Rowley may have left the U.S. vulnerable to the September 11, 2001, attacks.

"Rowley was one of many agents frustrated by the events that led up to the attacks, writing:

"'During the early aftermath of September 11th, when I happened to be recounting the pre-September 11th events concerning the Moussaoui investigation to other FBI personnel in other divisions or in FBIHQ, almost everyone's first question was 'Why?--Why would an FBI agent(s) deliberately sabotage a case?'

"(I know I shouldn't be flippant about this, but jokes were actually made that the key FBI HQ personnel had to be spies or moles, like [Robert Hanssen], who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis' effort.)

In July 2009 Coleen explained why she's calling for a new investigation:

"The official dissembling and excuse-making about the true causes and prior mistakes that gave rise to and allowed the terrorist attacks to happen, almost immediately ushered in the Bush-Cheney Administration's egregious and lawless, post 9-11 'war on terror' agenda which bore no connection to the original causes and no connection to the goal of reducing terrorism and making the world safer.

"When I got a chance, about 8 ½ months after 9-11 to tell what I knew, I did so and my disclosures led to further investigation by the Department of Justice Inspector General and figured in the 9-11 Commission Report."

Now it's time to put Dick and Rummy and Dubya UNDER OATH and on CSPAN and SHOW the "true causes and prior mistakes" that produced the crimes of 911.

Why I Support
GP, why are you running away from the discussion at hand?

Are you man enough to confront these facts of reality?


1) If fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.

2) Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.

3) According to a Zogby poll in 2006, 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7.

4) It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.

5) 1,340+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.

6) Numerous witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner.

7) Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”


After those facts and watching that video, what do you have to say? Or can you even man up and watch the videos you are disrespecting?
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GP, why are you running away from the discussion at hand?

Are you man enough to confront these facts of reality?


1) If fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.
Wrong. WTC 1 and 2 collapsed before WTC 7 and those were both fire induced. Would you not agree the circumstances surrounding all three collapses is ALSO unprecidented?

PhysicsExist said:
2) Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.
And why should it be? The 9/11 commission report is all about the attack, what led up to the attack, failures during the attack and what we can do to prevent future attacks. The 9/11 commission report also didn't report the complete destruction of WTC 3, 4, 5 or 6. What does this prove? Truthtards will see boogiemen behind every little detail. :lol:

PhysicsExist said:
3) According to a Zogby poll in 2006, 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7.
And? What difference does that make? Most Americans think Iraq was behind 9/11 as well. Doesn't make it true.

PhysicsExist said:
4) It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.
:lol: More truthtard dishonesty. WHY did it take 7 years? Because the first four and a half were spent doing the reports for WTC 1 and 2. :lol:

PhysicsExist said:
5) 1,340+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.
So we should listen to 0.0513% of all engineers and architects WHY? Without real evidence, you're never going to get a new investigation no matter HOW much you cry and stomp your little feet or hold your breath.

PhysicsExist said:
6) Numerous witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner.
And? Who is going to go into a burning building and wire it with explosives? It would be a FEDERAL crime for everyone involved, even if all they did was not come forward with the information. It is called aiding and abetting.

PhysicsExist said:
7) Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”
And? What does that have to do with the collapse?
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?

'Not ready to concede there weren't explosions heard by first responders and others on 911.

There even seems to be some physical evidence of highly advanced pyrotechnic material.

"Starting in 2007, a group of independent researchers began examining the ubiquitous 'dust' (powder actually) from the World Trade Center disaster to see if identifiable residues might help explain the highly energetic destruction that was observed in the videos.

"Naked-eye and microscopic examination revealed numerous tiny metallic and magnetically attracted spheres and red/gray chips, quite distinctive in the dust samples.

"The existence of iron-rich microspheres in the WTC dust was documented by government agencies in 2004 and 2005.

"But nothing yet had been published about the red/gray chips in the dust until Steven Jones first described them in 2007.

"What might have been misinterpreted as the residue of common paint when seen with the naked eye proved to be a highly energetic advanced nano-composite material.

Not something Osama could have cooked up in his cave, I'm guessing.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?

'Not ready to concede there weren't explosions heard by first responders and others on 911.

There even seems to be some physical evidence of highly advanced pyrotechnic material.

"Starting in 2007, a group of independent researchers began examining the ubiquitous 'dust' (powder actually) from the World Trade Center disaster to see if identifiable residues might help explain the highly energetic destruction that was observed in the videos.

"Naked-eye and microscopic examination revealed numerous tiny metallic and magnetically attracted spheres and red/gray chips, quite distinctive in the dust samples.

"The existence of iron-rich microspheres in the WTC dust was documented by government agencies in 2004 and 2005.

"But nothing yet had been published about the red/gray chips in the dust until Steven Jones first described them in 2007.

"What might have been misinterpreted as the residue of common paint when seen with the naked eye proved to be a highly energetic advanced nano-composite material.

Not something Osama could have cooked up in his cave, I'm guessing.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?


GP, why are you running away from the discussion at hand?
Bad timing on my part.

I should not have changed the subject; however, the only direction I'm running is spelled out clearly by BuildingWhat?

"The “BuildingWhat?” campaign is a non-partisan effort led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and shift public opinion such that the New York City Council will be inspired to open an independent investigation into how this building, which housed the City’s Emergency Operations Center, was destroyed at 5:20pm on September 11, 2001.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?

'Not ready to concede there weren't explosions heard by first responders and others on 911.

Woah! Nobody is saying people didn't hear explosions on 9/11. It is highly debateable as to whether those explosions were caused by explosives or not, but that is a different issue.

What we are talking about is the explosions YOU claim would have happened a split second before WTC 7 started to collapse. To my knowledge, there isn't a single witness that claims explosives happened just before or right at the start of the collapse of WTC 7. The only witness I've seen talking about WTC 7 explosions during the collapse was talking about explosions going off DURING the collapse, but you claim they would happen BEFORE the collapse.

georgephillip said:
There even seems to be some physical evidence of highly advanced pyrotechnic material.
I thought you wanted all columns cut at the same time or within milliseconds of each other. You can't do that with "pyrotechnic" material. That is why things like thermate or thermite are not used in controlled demolitions. You can't time it for shit. You need something that cuts quick and can be controlled down to the millisecond which is exactly what you claimed was needed. Also, they are talking about the towers, not WTC 7.
We agree there are no silent explosives, Patriot911, and I don't know how or who brought down the three WTC towers.

That's why I'm on the side of those calling for a credible and independent investigation into the crimes.

OK, so now we're making progress. We agree there are no silent explosives. Would you also agree there was no large explosion that could clearly be heard half a mile away in an urban area milliseconds before the collapse started?



Why listen to a truthtard asshole when there are examples of what actually happened?


Hear a bang as loud as a gun shot? They are a couple blocks away yet we hear NOTHING. No KABOOM. No earth shaking. It is time for you to stop listening to the assholes who lie to you and start looking at the truth.
5) 1,340+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.

How many of those 1,340 architects and engineers went through the NIST report about WTC7 and showed what calculations and what parts of the collapse sequence NIST came up with in their study as being wrong and how it was wrong?
5) 1,340+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.

How many of those 1,340 architects and engineers went through the NIST report about WTC7 and showed what calculations and what parts of the collapse sequence NIST came up with in their study as being wrong and how it was wrong?

Are you serious? Take 30 minutes out of your life, and this will answer your question.


No one wants to put effort into looking into the other side they are disrespecting. research, put some effort and time, and actually use an open mind when creating a rebuttal. It is beyond naive not to.
5) 1,340+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation that would include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives for the collapse of Building 7.

How many of those 1,340 architects and engineers went through the NIST report about WTC7 and showed what calculations and what parts of the collapse sequence NIST came up with in their study as being wrong and how it was wrong?

Are you serious? Take 30 minutes out of your life, and this will answer your question.


No one wants to put effort into looking into the other side they are disrespecting. research, put some effort and time, and actually use an open mind when creating a rebuttal. It is beyond naive not to.

No we're disrespecting fucking idiots like you who are basically the scum of the earth.

Have a good night.

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