"Building What": Geraldo At Large

Let me start with David Chandler's claim (P.13 #186) that "(f)ree fall is an embarrassment to the official story, because freefall is impossible for a naturally collapsing building."

I'm guessing you disagree with all or part of this statement?


Absolutely. Anytime ANYONE starts talking about absolutes, you can pretty much bet they are talking out their ass. It is a convenient way to dismiss every other theory simply based on it being an "impossibility" and thus not worthy of discussion. That is why people such as David Chandler don't want to go into the details too much because then the "impossible" isn't so impossible anymore.

One thing life teaches us is that there isn't just one way for things to happen. Car wrecks happen in all kinds of different ways, so saying that because a car has a five star safety rating means you can't die in a car wreck only shows one has a very limited imagination. Same thing with buildings. There are VERY few known collapses of buildings, but we know they are all different. Pretending they have happened enough to be able to make claims about impossibilities should be a HUGE red flag to anyone reading the claim.

Let me put it to you another way. If building collapses were such known events, why does the NIST even bother studying them? It is because no two buildings are alike and no two collapses are alike. You are talking different construction, different materials and different circumstances surrounding the collapse.

According to the NIST, there were three distinct collapse events; a vertical collapse, a horizontal progression, and then the exterior collapse.

The vertical collapse started with the buckling of one of the major support columns the NIST numbered as column 79. This collapsed caused a vertical progression of the collapse all the way up the building to the roof. The visible sign of this progression is the disappearance of the East penthouse that held a lot of the mechanical hardware for the building.

So now you basically have a hole going from top to near bottom for the east side of the building. Every time an east side of a floor collapsed, that put stresses on the western side of the floors. Eventually the strain on the floors became too great and the collapse started progressing ACROSS the building instead of up and down.

All the time these internal collapses are going on, load bearing structures are being destroyed.

Destroy enough load bearing structures and the whole thing is going to start coming down. That is exactly what we saw happen on 9/11. The last of the load bearing structures gave way in the first .8 seconds of the collapse where the collapse was less than free fall. For the next 2.25 seconds, there was little to hold the building up and the building fell in essentially free fall. As the collapse starts nearing the ground, more support is given to the building from the already collapsed sections and slows the building down until the collapse event is complete.

There you have it. How a building can fall in essentially free fall for 2.25 seconds of the collapse. You don't have to take out every structure inside the building, just enough structures to get the building moving. Gravity and momentum will finish the job. Having a lot of the internal structures already destroyed by an internal collapse event or two and the external of the building is going to come down REALLY fast.

So no. I don't believe David Chandler when he pretends to be omnicient and can confidently claim free fall in a natural collapse is an impossibility. Read up on David Chandler and you will find he has made a LOT of very aggregious errors throughout the years. He is known amongst the truthers, but outside the truther community, he is pretty much a nobody. He is not a structural engineer. He is not omnicient.
I'll ask this again.

So no matter how much dead weight I put onto the top of one column standing in it's end, that dead weight will NEVER fall at freefall if the column fails?

Pay attention. You asked this, among other questions, and I answered at length. Find the thread.
Another thing. How come when the beams were "cut" was there a .8 second period of time that the building WASN'T in freefall?


I never said that a controlled demolition was always in free fall. Many buildings whose beams are cut never reach it. This one did. That's the point.
Another thing. How come when the beams were "cut" was there a .8 second period of time that the building WASN'T in freefall?


I never said that a controlled demolition was always in free fall. Many buildings whose beams are cut never reach it. This one did. That's the point.

But the beams were cut the moment the building started down. According to you, the floors were cut all at the same time?

Move goalposts much?

I'll ask this again.

So no matter how much dead weight I put onto the top of one column standing in it's end, that dead weight will NEVER fall at freefall if the column fails?

Pay attention. You asked this, among other questions, and I answered at length. Find the thread.

Oh yeah. You said a column will ALWAYS provide some resistance regardless of the dead weight load applied.

Laughable. You need to be educated. Go talk to a structural engineer about your claim. They'll laugh you out of the building.

But the beams were cut the moment the building started down. According to you, the floors were cut all at the same time?

Move goalposts much?


A disingenuous post. If you have a point make it. If you have a real question, ask it.

Oh yeah. You said a column will ALWAYS provide some resistance regardless of the dead weight load applied.

Laughable. You need to be educated. Go talk to a structural engineer about your claim. They'll laugh you out of the building.


How can steel provide 0 resistance? Even air provides resistance. It doesn't matter how much load is applied. A single steel column will obviously provide more resistance to a trillion ton load than nothing will. A trillion ton mass will fall faster in a vacuum than that mass will atop a single steel column.

Please refute this.
Wrong, ignorant prick! Wires and blasting caps are NOT consumed in the explosion.
There is detonation cord that is itself an explosive and therefore would be consumed. Look it up you ignorant asshole.
Steel cut with thermite is also VERY identifiable as you have both the melted steel and left over melted iron from the reaction.
And the molten pools of metal are just made up. Right.

Firefighters were not ignored by the commission. And again, you're pretending the 9/11 commission was the investigation. It wasn't. The investigation was carried out by the FBI.
No matter how you slice your bullshit, it's still bullshit, and disingenuous of you to say that firefighters were not ignored. Flawed investigation by FBI = flawed commission report.

So name a witness who believes your bullshit about controlled demolition? Not every witness made it into the final report, but that doesn't mean they weren't heard.
There are many people, look them yourself up asshole.

Wrong yet again. If a new investigation were instigated just based on accusations NOTHING would ever get closed.
The original gov version was instigated on preconceived accusations, and assumptions!

One doesn't work towards a pre-conceived notion, but should start with no presumptions and see what the evidence shows.
But that's what the gov and NIST did.

That is because the evidence of explosives were completely missing. You can't have explosives that don't make a REALLY loud noise, yet no noise was heard. When talking about the towers, you had people trapped inside the towers in the very area (the core) you truthtards claim all the high explosives were going off.... yet they survived and didn't hear any explosives going off.
Yeah and all the people that heard explosions are all wrong. Do you turn off the volume when videos are played. WTF is wrong with your mind you ignorant fuck?

You've had NINE FUCKING YEARS to come up with ANYTHING and none of you have it. You have tons of conflicting theories none of which hold up to even casual examination, much less a serious investigation.
The basic theory that the gov is lying and there is a cover up is the same.

Yet they don't believe anyone but Al Qaeda was involved. Sure there was a lot of CYA after 9/11 as nobody wanted to have the finger pointing at them claiming they were part of the problem that allowed 9/11 to happen. And in the end, Kean and Hamilton both agreed that the 9/11 commission report was complete and true from everything they had at the time.
All this CYA sure makes for a good thorough investigation and final report to you then? Kean and Hamilton recently wrote a book about the obstacles. Check it out. Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.
Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission, hoping to hide the bungled response to the hijackings, these sources said.
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong yet again. Flight instructors said Hani Hanjour was a bad pilot. Not one instructor has ever said anything bad about Atta because he was a very accomplished pilot. Where do you get all these lies? Do you pull them out your ass or do you just believe whatever you make up?
Even saying one pilot was bad and couldn't have flown is enough to raise doubt about this story. Ever hear of beyond a reasonable doubt? It's used by jurors in our court system.

As for Hanjour, he made a 330 degree turn in almost three minutes to line up with the Pentagon because he came in too high. He then flew the plane into the Pentagon. It is easy. Load up any flight simulator you like and try it yourself. I've done it repeatedly and in far more dramatic fashion than Hanjour.
Please elaborate. Are you a pilot? The maneuvers are so easy for you but not for the pilotsfor9-11truth.org?

Gee. What a surprise! You're wrong again. William Rodriguez did indeed testify before the 9/11 commission. He wasn't the lying asshole he is today, so he gave a much different accounting than he gives now.
"Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake." Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.
William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes | 911Blogger.com

The burns were caused by the fuel coming down the elevator shafts.
Even NIST admitted that the fuel was consumed on impact of the planes.

Why no arab names? Because you believe everything you read from 9/11 conspiracy sites and never bother to actually check the facts for yourself. Thus you are constantly being made a fool of by the people you trust. How does that make you feel?
Based on what has been said by the gov and its official version, and its history of lying to the public I will be more inclined not to believe what they say. They have lost credibility.

You mean the same excercises they ran for several years prior? What about them. These excercises caused about five seconds delay total when the FAA asked NORAD if this was real or an exercise.
Bullshit. Norad's stand down on 9/11 was so blatant that it changed the story a few times as each previous version has been exposed as lies The falsity of Norad's explanations were so severe that even the 9/11 Commission considered recommending criminal charges for the making of false statements. Again- 9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com

Sure does. We had no plans in place for an attack of that type. It is always easy to get blindsided by an attack you are not expecting to happen in the way they attack.
The drills that were being run and that you admit to for years, were for a similar attack on the nation like what occurred on 9-11. What do you mean we had no plans in place, and blinsided? What?

Bullshit. Logan International was serviced by an American company, ICTS, that was a subsidiary of a Netherlands company owned by an Israeli. You must have gotten suckered by this article which clearly states all the airports were serviced by one company, yet when you read the article it is clear they are ONLY talking about Logan.

Yeah, I love that one! You truthtards like to pretend they were Mossad agents! WOOoOOooOOoO!!!! Here's the problems. The didn't record the first hit.
How do you know they didn't? Why did they say they were there to document the event?

There were suspected Israeli spies in the US spying on suspected terrorists. What about it?
You don't seem to care about another nation spying on yours, and the connections and ramifications. Israel had the most to gain from the attacks and they have admitted as much, but it's of no consequence to you, not even the slightest bit intriguing.

What about it? The PNAC document doesn't talk about "needing" a new "Pearl Harbor". It just said it would take longer.
They mentioned it asshole. You know what you are a fucking liar, and don't deserve any responses from people here. It is clear you don't care about the nation you live in because you dismiss so much as trivial. Go and fuck off somewhere else.

I've looked at ALL the evidence, not just the evidence that backs up the official story.
Apparently not.
I am not like you truthtards; blindly listening to the people who lead me around by the short and curlies.
But you are.

I think for myself and draw my OWN conclusions.
No you really don't, and you don't have the balls to stand up for your country despite the obviousness of something being drastically wrong. You are a pos and should not be entitled to call yourself an American.
There is detonation cord that is itself an explosive and therefore would be consumed. Look it up you ignorant asshole.
Oh! Look at the ignorant prick pretending everything was done just with det cord! WOOO!!! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Steel cut with thermite is also VERY identifiable as you have both the melted steel and left over melted iron from the reaction.
And the molten pools of metal are just made up. Right.
Nice duck job, asshole! The molten pools of metal wouldn't be from thermate or thermite as it would be cool within minutes of the reaction having gone off. Use your brain for once in your pathetic life! NO CHEMICAL REACTION can melt steel and KEEP it melted for any length of time, much less weeks. This is a FACT.

Mr. Jones said:
No matter how you slice your bullshit, it's still bullshit, and disingenuous of you to say that firefighters were not ignored. Flawed investigation by FBI = flawed commission report.
So prove it. We have the fire fighter's testimony. Find one that says explosives were used. You won't find one. If you had, you truthtards would have trotted it out long before now and wouldn't have to resort to bullshit claims with nothing to back it up.

Mr. Jones said:
There are many people, look them yourself up asshole.
You made the assertion. It isn't up to me to prove your bullshit. It is up to you. And since you can't, we now have more evidence you willfully lie your truthtard ass off.

Mr. Jones said:
The original gov version was instigated on preconceived accusations, and assumptions!
Yet all the evidence backs up the government version, proves your version (whichever one of the dozens you believe) is pure bullshit. And the evidence YOU have your bullshit is real? Don't tell me. Let me guess. There is tons out there and I need to look it up for myself. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
But that's what the gov and NIST did.
According to a piece of shit truthtard like you. The NIST actually changed their theories several times over the course of the investigation, which proves they were NOT working with a preconceived notion, but were actively working on building a theory that fit the facts. Reality trumps truthtards with no dignity or honesty.

Mr. Jones said:
Yeah and all the people that heard explosions are all wrong.
No, piece of shit truthtards that pretend every bang heard on 9/11 was caused by explosives is wrong. I have no doubt people heard stuff on 9/11. There were 12 full size transformers in WTC 7. Ever hear a transformer cook off?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4XPxEoDfvs]Transformer letting go[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngiPk6sTBs]Another one[/ame]
That is one of many things that don't like fire and go bang when exposed to a lot of heat.

Mr. Jones said:
Do you turn off the volume when videos are played. WTF is wrong with your mind you ignorant fuck?
I listen to what they say and DON'T say. Unlike you douches that pretend you know what they're REALLY saying. Where are all the firefighters that heard these explosions if they really thought they were caused by explosives?

Mr. Jones said:
The basic theory that the gov is lying and there is a cover up is the same.
Pretending the government is lying about everything and is the source of all evil in the world despite evidence to the contrary is clinically described as a paranoid delusion. It is one that all truthtards have. Some pretend it is the government. Others pretend it is Jews. Others the NWO. All paranoid delusions.

Mr. Jones said:
All this CYA sure makes for a good thorough investigation and final report to you then?
Nobody on the 9/11 commission needed to CYA. Their job was to expose any and all CYA. They feel they did a good job of it.

Mr. Jones said:
Kean and Hamilton recently wrote a book about the obstacles. Check it out. Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.
I guess you're too fucking ignorant to understand what it means when they say INITIAL story. :lol: Was the 9/11 commission lied to? Of course. Did they get to the bottom of it? They think they did. They probably missed some. Bottom line, though, is they found zero evidence of government participation of or foreknowledge of 9/11. This is a fact you truthtards continue to ignore.

Mr. Jones said:
Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources.
That wasn't suspicion. You truthtards don't understand the first thing about the judicial system. They had actual evidence.

Now, don't you think if this wrongdoing involved actual participation in the events of 9/11 or assisting in any way the attacks that they would have turned this evidence over IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT QUESTION to the justice department? Of course they would have. But that doesn't fit into your precious theories. NONE of this does. It is just a distraction from your failed and decidedly pathetic theories.

Mr. Jones said:
Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission, hoping to hide the bungled response to the hijackings, these sources said.
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com
And? How does that prove the government was behind 9/11? Not ONE SHRED of evidence pointed to ANYONE besides Al Qaeda being involved. THAT is a fact you will run from until the day you die.

Mr. Jones said:
Even saying one pilot was bad and couldn't have flown is enough to raise doubt about this story.
The 9/11 commission didn't say that. One of Hanjour's flight instructors did. All the evidence points to a fairly incompetent pilot flying Flight 77. They didn't use rudder control and were very shaky with the controls, whereas a good pilot is SMOOOOOOTH.

Mr. Jones said:
Ever hear of beyond a reasonable doubt? It's used by jurors in our court system.
A shame you truthtards don't use that. You're so cock sure you know every little fact that you miss the fact you have NOTHING to back up your "facts". You don't have reasonable doubt about your theories. You have absolute doubt!

Mr. Jones said:
Please elaborate. Are you a pilot? The maneuvers are so easy for you but not for the pilotsfor9-11truth.org?
Any pilot that says a 330 degree turn while dropping some 3000 feet in a little over three MINUTES is a difficult maneuver is lying his retarded ass off and should be stripped of his pilots credentials. I've seen some of your truthtard "credible pilot testimony" and it was all bullshit. I especially like the supposed fighter pilot and commercial airline pilot that said such a maneuver would have the plane pulling 5, 6, or 7 Gs. Problem is, G is a known, calculated value if you know how long and how fast someone goes through a turn. Flight 77 never pulled more than one G. Many sports cars can pull more than a G. :lol:

So yeah. Don't talk to me about these supposed experts at Pilots for 9-11 truth. They're a bunch of fucking liars like the rest of the truthtards.

Mr. Jones said:
"Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake." Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.
William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes | 911Blogger.com
Bullshit. First off, linking a blog is about as honest as posting something from the National Enquirer! :lol:

Slick Willie's initial statements:

…we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area

The fire, the ball of fire, for example, I was in the basement when the first plane hit the building. And at that moment, I thought it was an electrical generator that blew up at that moment. A person comes running into the office saying 'explosion, explosion, explosion.' When I look at this guy; has all his skin pulled off of his body. Hanging from the top of his fingertips like it was a glove. And I said, what happened? He said the elevators. What happened was the ball of fire went down with such a force down the elevator shaft on the 58th (50A) – freight elevator, the biggest freight elevator that we have in the North Tower, it went out with such a force that it broke the cables. It went down, I think seven flights. The person survived because he was pulled from the B3 level. But this person, being in front of the doors waiting for the elevator, practically got his skin vaporized."

So... explosions in the basement were first correctly attributed to the freight elevator and other elevators letting go.

Slick Willie's later bullshit:
All of a sudden at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! HELP! HELP!

Wow. Yeah. Those two descriptions are just SOOOO alike I don't know what I was thinking! :roll:

Mr. Jones said:
Even NIST admitted that the fuel was consumed on impact of the planes.
Bullshit. It was consumed in about 15 minutes, not on impact. Come on. You think ANYONE believes that bullshit? :lol: But feel free to quote the NIST that says all that fuel was consumed on impact.

Mr. Jones said:
Based on what has been said by the gov and its official version, and its history of lying to the public I will be more inclined not to believe what they say. They have lost credibility.
Spoken like a truly delusional person.

Mr. Jones said:
Bullshit. Norad's stand down on 9/11 was so blatant that it changed the story a few times as each previous version has been exposed as lies The falsity of Norad's explanations were so severe that even the 9/11 Commission considered recommending criminal charges for the making of false statements. Again- 9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - washingtonpost.com
Yet the 9/11 commission clearly states there was no stand down order. :lol: You're such a fucking liar. You're also pretty damn stupid if you actually think anyone believes your bullshit of a stand down order. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
The drills that were being run and that you admit to for years, were for a similar attack on the nation like what occurred on 9-11. What do you mean we had no plans in place, and blinsided? What?
:lol: The ONLY similarity is there were hijacked planes in the excercised which got cancelled as soon as the events of 9/11 started unfolding.

And if you are seriously so fucking ignorant you didn't know that we didn't have plans in place for people hijacking planes INSIDE the US and crashing them into buildings, you shouldn't be here typing anything. You should be in a rubber room with constant supervision.

Mr. Jones said:
:lol: One can always tell a truthtard is WAAAAAAY out if his league when he gets so desperate as to link a google search and hope nobody notices.

So now it is your claim securacom is an Israeli owned company? :lol: WRONG! It was backed by an American-Kuwaiti investment firm, but it was an American owned company. Also, Marvin Bush was not involved with securacom on 9/11 and NEVER had any kind of role in operations.

Mr. Jones said:
How do you know they didn't? Why did they say they were there to document the event?
Because unlike you ignorant fucks, I do my research. You should try it some time.

Did you notice they are not speaking English and they are being interpreted? :lol:

Also, the FBI concluded the Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attack. They looked at the tape. If they saw the first hit, that would be absolute proof of foreknowledge of the attack, wouldn't it?

Also, it would directly contradict their story:

As to what they were doing on the van, they say they read about the attack on the Internet, couldn't see it from their offices and went to the parking lot for a better view. But no one has been able to find a good explanation for why they may have been smiling with the towers of the World Trade Center burning in the background. Both the lawyers for the young men and the Israeli Embassy chalk it up to immature conduct.
Now, how can they have taped the first hit after reading about the attack on the internet? :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
You don't seem to care about another nation spying on yours, and the connections and ramifications. Israel had the most to gain from the attacks and they have admitted as much, but it's of no consequence to you, not even the slightest bit intriguing.
Like I've stated repeatedly, I believe what the evidence tells us, not what a bunch of paranoid delusional fucks tell us they know for sure even without any evidence.

That being said, does Israel spy on us? Absolutely! Everyone spies on everyone! You think we don't have spies in Israel? :lol: It is all part of the game of international politics and intrigue. And what has Israel gained? Iran is still threatening to wipe them out. Hezzbolah is still there. Hamas is still there. Al Qaeda was some threat, but not much. Afghanistan wasn't a threat. Saddam was a minor threat, but not THAT much.

Mr. Jones said:
They mentioned it asshole. You know what you are a fucking liar, and don't deserve any responses from people here. It is clear you don't care about the nation you live in because you dismiss so much as trivial. Go and fuck off somewhere else.
Really? I am lying? Wow. I take it you've never actually READ the PNAC document. Here's the sentence for you. "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor". So where in there do they say they NEED one? They don't. Thanks for proving just how big a piece of shit you really are and that you will stoop to any level to try and make a point. So, despite your request, I am not going to go and fuck off somewhere else. I am going to stay right here and make your life a living hell as I continue to expose your underhanded, dishonest and deceitful lies.

Mr. Jones said:
Apparently not.
Really? Given this discussion so far, you are woefully unprepared for any kind of debate because you don't even know the simple facts. Hell, anyone who has to link to google to try and prove a point is just flailing to stay afloat.

Mr. Jones said:
I am not like you truthtards; blindly listening to the people who lead me around by the short and curlies.
But you are.
So says the proven piece of shit liar. You think ANYONE is going to believe you after you've spent this whole post exposing your dishonesty for everyone to see?

Mr. Jones said:
I think for myself and draw my OWN conclusions.
No you really don't, and you don't have the balls to stand up for your country despite the obviousness of something being drastically wrong.
You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I am actually heavily involved in the local politics here because I know things are very wrong. I don't need to go making up a bunch of shit to know that. You apparently do. Either that or you just can't STAND the truth so you have to make shit up just so you can fuel your own hate. Either way it is dishonest.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a pos and should not be entitled to call yourself an American.
So says the piece of shit traitorous asshole that wants to blame the government and / or the Jews based on nothing but paranoid delusions. The country would be FAR better off with you on Al Qaeda's side. Oh wait. You ARE on Al Qaeda's side! Nobody fights harder to get Al Qaeda off the hook than your average truthtard! Hell, Al Qaeda doesn't even try to get off the hook! They admit it! :lol: See, even when you try so hard to befriend the terrorists you screw it up. . XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Edited - No Family Attacks!
There is detonation cord that is itself an explosive and therefore would be consumed. Look it up you ignorant asshole.
Oh! Look at the ignorant prick pretending everything was done just with det cord! WOOO!!! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
And the molten pools of metal are just made up. Right.
Nice duck job, asshole! The molten pools of metal wouldn't be from thermate or thermite as it would be cool within minutes of the reaction having gone off. Use your brain for once in your pathetic life! NO CHEMICAL REACTION can melt steel and KEEP it melted for any length of time, much less weeks. This is a FACT.

So prove it. We have the fire fighter's testimony. Find one that says explosives were used. You won't find one. If you had, you truthtards would have trotted it out long before now and wouldn't have to resort to bullshit claims with nothing to back it up.

You made the assertion. It isn't up to me to prove your bullshit. It is up to you. And since you can't, we now have more evidence you willfully lie your truthtard ass off.

Yet all the evidence backs up the government version, proves your version (whichever one of the dozens you believe) is pure bullshit. And the evidence YOU have your bullshit is real? Don't tell me. Let me guess. There is tons out there and I need to look it up for myself. :lol:

According to a piece of shit truthtard like you. The NIST actually changed their theories several times over the course of the investigation, which proves they were NOT working with a preconceived notion, but were actively working on building a theory that fit the facts. Reality trumps truthtards with no dignity or honesty.

No, piece of shit truthtards that pretend every bang heard on 9/11 was caused by explosives is wrong. I have no doubt people heard stuff on 9/11. There were 12 full size transformers in WTC 7. Ever hear a transformer cook off?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4XPxEoDfvs]Transformer letting go[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngiPk6sTBs]Another one[/ame]
That is one of many things that don't like fire and go bang when exposed to a lot of heat.

I listen to what they say and DON'T say. Unlike you douches that pretend you know what they're REALLY saying. Where are all the firefighters that heard these explosions if they really thought they were caused by explosives?

Pretending the government is lying about everything and is the source of all evil in the world despite evidence to the contrary is clinically described as a paranoid delusion. It is one that all truthtards have. Some pretend it is the government. Others pretend it is Jews. Others the NWO. All paranoid delusions.

Nobody on the 9/11 commission needed to CYA. Their job was to expose any and all CYA. They feel they did a good job of it.

I guess you're too fucking ignorant to understand what it means when they say INITIAL story. :lol: Was the 9/11 commission lied to? Of course. Did they get to the bottom of it? They think they did. They probably missed some. Bottom line, though, is they found zero evidence of government participation of or foreknowledge of 9/11. This is a fact you truthtards continue to ignore.

That wasn't suspicion. You truthtards don't understand the first thing about the judicial system. They had actual evidence.

Now, don't you think if this wrongdoing involved actual participation in the events of 9/11 or assisting in any way the attacks that they would have turned this evidence over IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT QUESTION to the justice department? Of course they would have. But that doesn't fit into your precious theories. NONE of this does. It is just a distraction from your failed and decidedly pathetic theories.

And? How does that prove the government was behind 9/11? Not ONE SHRED of evidence pointed to ANYONE besides Al Qaeda being involved. THAT is a fact you will run from until the day you die.

The 9/11 commission didn't say that. One of Hanjour's flight instructors did. All the evidence points to a fairly incompetent pilot flying Flight 77. They didn't use rudder control and were very shaky with the controls, whereas a good pilot is SMOOOOOOTH.

A shame you truthtards don't use that. You're so cock sure you know every little fact that you miss the fact you have NOTHING to back up your "facts". You don't have reasonable doubt about your theories. You have absolute doubt!

Any pilot that says a 330 degree turn while dropping some 3000 feet in a little over three MINUTES is a difficult maneuver is lying his retarded ass off and should be stripped of his pilots credentials. I've seen some of your truthtard "credible pilot testimony" and it was all bullshit. I especially like the supposed fighter pilot and commercial airline pilot that said such a maneuver would have the plane pulling 5, 6, or 7 Gs. Problem is, G is a known, calculated value if you know how long and how fast someone goes through a turn. Flight 77 never pulled more than one G. Many sports cars can pull more than a G. :lol:

So yeah. Don't talk to me about these supposed experts at Pilots for 9-11 truth. They're a bunch of fucking liars like the rest of the truthtards.

Mr. Jones said:
"Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake." Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.
William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes | 911Blogger.com
Bullshit. First off, linking a blog is about as honest as posting something from the National Enquirer! :lol:

Slick Willie's initial statements:



So... explosions in the basement were first correctly attributed to the freight elevator and other elevators letting go.

Slick Willie's later bullshit:

Wow. Yeah. Those two descriptions are just SOOOO alike I don't know what I was thinking! :roll:

Bullshit. It was consumed in about 15 minutes, not on impact. Come on. You think ANYONE believes that bullshit? :lol: But feel free to quote the NIST that says all that fuel was consumed on impact.

Spoken like a truly delusional person.

Yet the 9/11 commission clearly states there was no stand down order. :lol: You're such a fucking liar. You're also pretty damn stupid if you actually think anyone believes your bullshit of a stand down order. :lol:

:lol: The ONLY similarity is there were hijacked planes in the excercised which got cancelled as soon as the events of 9/11 started unfolding.

And if you are seriously so fucking ignorant you didn't know that we didn't have plans in place for people hijacking planes INSIDE the US and crashing them into buildings, you shouldn't be here typing anything. You should be in a rubber room with constant supervision.

:lol: One can always tell a truthtard is WAAAAAAY out if his league when he gets so desperate as to link a google search and hope nobody notices.

So now it is your claim securacom is an Israeli owned company? :lol: WRONG! It was backed by an American-Kuwaiti investment firm, but it was an American owned company. Also, Marvin Bush was not involved with securacom on 9/11 and NEVER had any kind of role in operations.

Because unlike you ignorant fucks, I do my research. You should try it some time.

Did you notice they are not speaking English and they are being interpreted? :lol:

Also, the FBI concluded the Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attack. They looked at the tape. If they saw the first hit, that would be absolute proof of foreknowledge of the attack, wouldn't it?

Also, it would directly contradict their story:

Now, how can they have taped the first hit after reading about the attack on the internet? :lol:

Like I've stated repeatedly, I believe what the evidence tells us, not what a bunch of paranoid delusional fucks tell us they know for sure even without any evidence.

That being said, does Israel spy on us? Absolutely! Everyone spies on everyone! You think we don't have spies in Israel? :lol: It is all part of the game of international politics and intrigue. And what has Israel gained? Iran is still threatening to wipe them out. Hezzbolah is still there. Hamas is still there. Al Qaeda was some threat, but not much. Afghanistan wasn't a threat. Saddam was a minor threat, but not THAT much.

Really? I am lying? Wow. I take it you've never actually READ the PNAC document. Here's the sentence for you. "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor". So where in there do they say they NEED one? They don't. Thanks for proving just how big a piece of shit you really are and that you will stoop to any level to try and make a point. So, despite your request, I am not going to go and fuck off somewhere else. I am going to stay right here and make your life a living hell as I continue to expose your underhanded, dishonest and deceitful lies.

Really? Given this discussion so far, you are woefully unprepared for any kind of debate because you don't even know the simple facts. Hell, anyone who has to link to google to try and prove a point is just flailing to stay afloat.

So says the proven piece of shit liar. You think ANYONE is going to believe you after you've spent this whole post exposing your dishonesty for everyone to see?

You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I am actually heavily involved in the local politics here because I know things are very wrong. I don't need to go making up a bunch of shit to know that. You apparently do. Either that or you just can't STAND the truth so you have to make shit up just so you can fuel your own hate. Either way it is dishonest.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a pos and should not be entitled to call yourself an American.
So says the piece of shit traitorous asshole that wants to blame the government and / or the Jews based on nothing but paranoid delusions. The country would be FAR better off with you on Al Qaeda's side. Oh wait. You ARE on Al Qaeda's side! Nobody fights harder to get Al Qaeda off the hook than your average truthtard! Hell, Al Qaeda doesn't even try to get off the hook! They admit it! :lol: See, even when you try so hard to befriend the terrorists you screw it up. Your mama must be just SOOOO proud of her loser piece of shit son.

So its your contention the real patriots featured at this site are working with
Al Qaeda and should be considered pieces of shit by their mothers ??

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
So its your contention the real patriots featured at this site are working with Al Qaeda and should be considered pieces of shit by their mothers ??
No, they should be considered pieces of shit by EVERYONE. And since when have traitors been considered patriots?

When people proclaim someone is guilty based on suspicions and lies with no actual evidence to back up their claims, that is NOT American. That is a witch hunt. That is a lynch mob. That is rule by emotion, not law and evidence. So how can you claim truthtards are patriots instead of traitors? You truthtards have first amendment protections to allow you to spread your lies. The moment you try to go past your hate speech, you will find out the true meaning of patriotism as true American patriots put you FIRMLY back in your place.

Also, I did not say you truthtards are working with Al Qaeda. If you were doing that you would be keeping your big mouths shut. Al Qaeda has repeatedly accepted responsibility for the attacks. They WANT responsibility. And here you truthtards are trying your damndest to get Al Qaeda off the hook. You may THINK you're doing them a favor, but I think they're probably pretty pissed off at you.
So its your contention the real patriots featured at this site are working with Al Qaeda and should be considered pieces of shit by their mothers? ?

No, they should be considered pieces of shit by EVERYONE. And since when have traitors been considered patriots?

So the answer is yes...

When people proclaim someone is guilty based on suspicions and lies with no actual evidence to back up their claims, that is NOT American



That is a witch hunt. That is a lynch mob. That is rule by emotion, not law and evidence. So how can you claim truthtards are patriots instead of traitors? You truthtards have first amendment protections to allow you to spread your lies. The moment you try to go past your hate speech, you will find out the true meaning of patriotism as true American patriots put you FIRMLY back in your place

You hate us for are freedoms...just like...the terrorist

Also, I did not say you truthtards are working with Al Qaeda. If you were doing that you would be keeping your big mouths shut. Al Qaeda has repeatedly accepted responsibility for the attacks.

got a link to that ?

They WANT responsibility. And here you truthtards are trying your damndest to get Al Qaeda off the hook. You may THINK you're doing them a favor, but I think they're probably pretty pissed off at you.

Last edited:
Oh! Look at the ignorant prick pretending everything was done just with det cord! WOOO!!! :lol:
Hey asshole, your trying real hard to put your own words in my reply, but it doesn't work any reader of your replies can see your spin. You are caught lying AGAIN. Where did I say everything was done with det cord. My response was that there are det cords that are known to be explosives themselves. Your continued deliberate spin is typical, proving again you are full of shit.

Mr. Jones said:
And the molten pools of metal are just made up. Right.
Nice duck job, asshole! The molten pools of metal wouldn't be from thermate or thermite as it would be cool within minutes of the reaction having gone off. Use your brain for once in your pathetic life! NO CHEMICAL REACTION can melt steel and KEEP it melted for any length of time, much less weeks. This is a FACT.
You are an absolute idiot, what the fuck have you been reading about thermite? Links? Is there any other material useful in controlled demolition, other than thermite or thermate, that would continue burning for weeks despite all attempts to extinguish the fire with water? .. Jet fuel and fires fed with office furnishings will not burn underground without oxygen, your claim to doing your own research is clearly another lie fuckwad. Again provide some links.

So prove it. We have the fire fighter's testimony. Find one that says explosives were used. You won't find one. If you had, you truthtards would have trotted it out long before now and wouldn't have to resort to bullshit claims with nothing to back it up.
Fireman have been quoted in print and on video saying the collapse was like a CD demolition, with the popping sounds, sounding like "detonators". You are behind catch up this has been known for years now.

Yet all the evidence backs up the government version, proves your version (whichever one of the dozens you believe) is pure bullshit. And the evidence YOU have your bullshit is real? Don't tell me. Let me guess. There is tons out there and I need to look it up for myself. :lol:
Yeah asshole there are a lot of contradictions about the attack, and of course you will say they have proof, but upon further review, much of their/your proof is suspect. Just because they tell you something doesn't mean it is so. Damn, you are one fucked up SOB. You don't seem to be able to grasp this yet. The concerns people have are because they are genuine. You should try looking into the many valid points and arguments these people are making, instead of pretending to know what you are talking about.

According to a piece of shit truthtard like you. The NIST actually changed their theories several times over the course of the investigation, which proves they were NOT working with a preconceived notion, but were actively working on building a theory that fit the facts. Reality trumps truthtards with no dignity or honesty.
NIST had to change their story because it did not make sense, they ran with the fire collapse theory, which is not plausible according to many engineers and scholars. They were trying to change the facts to fit the fire theory, and failed. Remember, NIST said they had no evidence of explosions at the WTC. They lied to you and you believed them. Now, nine years later, they have to give up their evidence, and there are explosions all over the place. The reality is that we don't know everything we should, and the nation and its people are paying a steep price, or haven't you noticed, asshole?

No, piece of shit truthtards that pretend every bang heard on 9/11 was caused by explosives is wrong. I have no doubt people heard stuff on 9/11.
Hey fucktard, they heard EXPLOSIONS. NIST denied it, and they lied, credibity for NIST -0 people that were there- priceless.

There were 12 full size transformers in WTC 7. Ever hear a transformer cook off?
That is one of many things that don't like fire and go bang when exposed to a lot of heat.
Sure it is possible transformers blew, it still doesn't explain a lot. Next you'll be saying witnesses heard exploding cans of Glade or Pledge, 9-11 solved.

I listen to what they say and DON'T say. Unlike you douches that pretend you know what they're REALLY saying. Where are all the firefighters that heard these explosions if they really thought they were caused by explosives?
haven't you heard about the gag-order James Woolsey handed down to 9/11 Firefighters? Many firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because their bosses forbid discussion of this fact. Just like witnesses at the Pentagon. You're about as dumb as a douchebag.

Pretending the government is lying about everything and is the source of all evil in the world despite evidence to the contrary is clinically described as a paranoid delusion.
The government does lie to its citizens, it is a proven fact. Are you really that naive, or just really really stupid?

It is one that all truthtards have. Some pretend it is the government. Others pretend it is Jews. Others the NWO. All paranoid delusions.
Hardly. Read up on the subject, you might be surprised.

Nobody on the 9/11 commission needed to CYA. Their job was to expose any and all CYA. They feel they did a good job of it.
No they admit they did not do as good a job as they could have, ask John Farmer you fucking twit.

I guess you're too fucking ignorant to understand what it means when they say INITIAL story. :lol: Was the 9/11 commission lied to? Of course. Did they get to the bottom of it?
They think they did.
Looks like you've done some actual research on this one. I tried to tell you...But no they don't think they got to the bottom of it.. continue to read on.

They probably missed some. Bottom line, though, is they found zero evidence of government participation of or foreknowledge of 9/11. This is a fact you truthtards continue to ignore.
So which is it? They covered their asses..but they did a good job...but they missed some.. you are a fucking idiot and are all over the place, take your damned meds and get off the computer... Holy shit....unbelievable....
Of course they didn't find any evidence, because the investigation was FLAWED, hence the commission report was FLAWED. They possibly would have found evidence of government participation or foreknowledge but they say that they were basically lied to by the FBI, CIA, Whitehouse and NORAD. Now do you see the need for a real investigation? Probably not, you confused sorry ass, ignorant SOB.

That wasn't suspicion. You truthtards don't understand the first thing about the judicial system. They had actual evidence.
Based on what? See the above response.

Now, don't you think if this wrongdoing involved actual participation in the events of 9/11 or assisting in any way the attacks that they would have turned this evidence over IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT QUESTION to the justice department? Of course they would have.
Fuck No! it's obvious that forces much larger and with a lot more pull were in charge, hell they were lied to and sidetracked, and still wouldn't do anything about it. The people that pulled this attack off, could easily wipe out whomever they want to. It is fear that is keeping the truth from coming out, not lack of evidence, fool.

But that doesn't fit into your precious theories. NONE of this does. It is just a distraction from your failed and decidedly pathetic theories.
Hey I didn't start this, I was with the program way back when the STHF, not anymore tho.

And? How does that prove the government was behind 9/11? Not ONE SHRED of evidence pointed to ANYONE besides Al Qaeda being involved. THAT is a fact you will run from until the day you die.
I don't think anyone doubts that Alqaeda is dangerous, but if you read about the organization, there are questionable aspects about their complicity. Look up Alqaeda and CIA. Look up false flag attacks while your at it.

The 9/11 commission didn't say that. One of Hanjour's flight instructors did. All the evidence points to a fairly incompetent pilot flying Flight 77. They didn't use rudder control and were very shaky with the controls, whereas a good pilot is SMOOOOOOTH.
A good pilot like you, with all that simulator time? I'll take the words of the pilotsfortruth.org over a jackass like you any day.

A shame you truthtards don't use that. You're so cock sure you know every little fact that you miss the fact you have NOTHING to back up your "facts". You don't have reasonable doubt about your theories. You have absolute doubt!
Asshole, no one here is claiming "we are so sure of anything" other then we have been lied to.

Any pilot that says a 330 degree turn while dropping some 3000 feet in a little over three MINUTES is a difficult maneuver is lying his retarded ass off and should be stripped of his pilots credentials. I've seen some of your truthtard "credible pilot testimony" and it was all bullshit.
I especially like the supposed fighter pilot and commercial airline pilot that said such a maneuver would have the plane pulling 5, 6, or 7 Gs. Problem is, G is a known, calculated value if you know how long and how fast someone goes through a turn. Flight 77 never pulled more than one G. Many sports cars can pull more than a G. :lol:
I'm no pilot and don't pretend to be but, hey they are more trustworthy then your lying ass that's for sure

So yeah. Don't talk to me about these supposed experts at Pilots for 9-11 truth. They're a bunch of fucking liars like the rest of the truthtards.
Prove it asswipe, the only proven liar is you, you been caught lying about the 9-11 commission, the evidence provided by the FBI to said commission, thermite/mate, the pilots, WTC and airport security, the list goes on.. your bluster is meaningless.

[quote-Mr. Jones]
"Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake." Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.
William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes | 911Blogger.com[/quote]

Bullshit. First off, linking a blog is about as honest as posting something from the National Enquirer! :lol
No your posting ridiculous government talking points that are highly questionable is bullshit. The man heard explosions and saved people from the building. Many people believe him, what would he have to gain from lying?

Bullshit. It was consumed in about 15 minutes, not on impact. Come on. You think ANYONE believes that bullshit? :lol: But feel free to quote the NIST that says all that fuel was consumed on impact.
Yeah and you still believe fuel trickled down staggered elevator shafts almost 1/4 mile seconds after the plane hit. Fucking moron.

Yet the 9/11 commission clearly states there was no stand down order. :lol: You're such a fucking liar. You're also pretty damn stupid if you actually think anyone believes your bullshit of a stand down order. :lol:
People can look it up for themselves and make their own conclusions but we discussed the 9-11 ommission report, how credible could it be by now? Not much after all we've learned. The war games or drills resulted in confusion, no doubt about that, but what is one to make of the testimony given at the 9-11 commission by Norman Mineta?
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?

:lol: The ONLY similarity is there were hijacked planes in the excercised which got cancelled as soon as the events of 9/11 started unfolding.
It fucking confused NORAD AND THE RESPONDERS! DAMN you are dense. All the warnings the government and some employees of the government had, told not to fly on 9-11 etc...and they still ran the drills? Something aint right MFker, can't you see that? It is tooo conincidental, just like the London bombings..Ypu act like people have no right to question this shit? Fuck you!

And if you are seriously so fucking ignorant you didn't know that we didn't have plans in place for people hijacking planes INSIDE the US and crashing them into buildings, you shouldn't be here typing anything. You should be in a rubber room with constant supervision.
You are really stupid man. They had been planning against this scenario before 9-11. They thought about it, an planned for a response against it.Hell it was even on Nightline with Peter Jennings! Your "caught by surprise" act is astoundingly stupid.

:lol: One can always tell a truthtard is WAAAAAAY out if his league when he gets so desperate as to link a google search and hope nobody notices.
I posted a simple Google search to help your retarded ass along, and to show you how easy looking something up can be, But Wow that went right over your head didn't it?

So now it is your claim securacom is an Israeli owned company? :lol: WRONG! It was backed by an American-Kuwaiti investment firm, but it was an American owned company. Also, Marvin Bush was not involved with securacom on 9/11 and NEVER had any kind of role in operations.
Prove it. Links?

Because unlike you ignorant fucks, I do my research. You should try it some time.
Take your own advice or take your meds. Still on the Mental facilities computer? Almost lock down time isn't it?

Did you notice they are not speaking English and they are being interpreted? :lol:
Yeah sure, but you believe that Irans president wasn't misquoted don't you asswipe?

Also, the FBI concluded the Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attack. They looked at the tape. If they saw the first hit, that would be absolute proof of foreknowledge of the attack, wouldn't it?
Right...because "The FBI said.. The ones who fucked the 9-11 investigation up on purpose? Yeah they're credible.
Look up the Israeli spy ring scandal, if you really give a shit about your nation. I'm getting tired of babysitting your dumbass.

Also, it would directly contradict their story:
Now, how can they have taped the first hit after reading about the attack on the internet? :lol:
Who the fuck really knows what we would have learned from the bastards, they laugh while your fellow citizens are getting killed and you excuse that as a sign of immaturity? When their photos were developed, it was revealed that the dancing Israelis were smiling in the foreground of the New York massacre. You POS ass kissing treasonous scumbag.

Like I've stated repeatedly, I believe what the evidence tells us, not what a bunch of paranoid delusional fucks tell us they know for sure even without any evidence.
You are lost in a made up world, and have been castrated of your manhood, if you ever had any to begin with you coward. You are led like a sheep.

That being said, does Israel spy on us? Absolutely! Everyone spies on everyone! You think we don't have spies in Israel? :lol: It is all part of the game of international politics and intrigue.
Americans losing their lives is no fucking game.
You make me sick. I know people who died for this bullshit, and been maimed for the state of Israel. Isntreal is part of the reason we are over seas.

And what has Israel gained? Iran is still threatening to wipe them out. Hezzbolah is still there. Hamas is still there. Al Qaeda was some threat, but not much. Afghanistan wasn't a threat. Saddam was a minor threat, but not THAT much.
You really don't know shit.

Really? I am lying? Wow. I take it you've never actually READ the PNAC document. Here's the sentence for you. "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor". So where in there do they say they NEED one? They don't. Thanks for proving just how big a piece of shit you really are and that you will stoop to any level to try and make a point. So, despite your request, I am not going to go and fuck off somewhere else. I am going to stay right here and make your life a living hell as I continue to expose your underhanded, dishonest and deceitful lies.
I have read the PNAC, and you mincing words around it doesn't take anything away from the fact that the writers needed a "catastrophic and catalyzing" event to kick off their plans for a "New American Century" Any fool can read it and decipher what it means you asshole!

Really? Given this discussion so far, you are woefully unprepared for any kind of debate because you don't even know the simple facts. Hell, anyone who has to link to google to try and prove a point is just flailing to stay afloat.
This hasn't been a discussion, it has been a look at you getting caught lying, and trying to deceive people, and when they read your BS it will be clear that you are the one woefully ignorant and unprepared.

So says the proven piece of shit liar. You think ANYONE is going to believe you after you've spent this whole post exposing your dishonesty for everyone to see?
No one has to believe me or especially you, all they have to do is what you have been lacking...research and reading, and have an open mind.

You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I am actually heavily involved in the local politics here because I know things are very wrong. I don't need to go making up a bunch of shit to know that. You apparently do. Either that or you just can't STAND the truth so you have to make shit up just so you can fuel your own hate. Either way it is dishonest.
Local politics huh? You mean the Ds against the Rs? If you think things are wrong at the local level, what makes you think they aren't wrong when it comes to such a world changing topic such as 9-11? You are sounding clueless again. Stay out of politics, I doubt you'll contribute anything for the greater good of anybody worth a damn.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a pos and should not be entitled to call yourself an American.
So says the piece of shit traitorous asshole that wants to blame the government and / or the Jews based on nothing but paranoid delusions. The country would be FAR better off with you on Al Qaeda's side. Oh wait. You ARE on Al Qaeda's side! Nobody fights harder to get Al Qaeda off the hook than your average truthtard! Hell, Al Qaeda doesn't even try to get off the hook! They admit it! :lol: See, even when you try so hard to befriend the terrorists you screw it up. . XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Edited - No Family Attacks!
Yep so says I, too bad. Look up some of the things you are arguing about next time. You look like an ass as always. You don't even know about the trouble your nation is really in, or don't care. I'm leaning towards you not caring, you haven't shown you do.
If I was on Alqaedas side , I would really be on the governments side...Twist your douche bag brain around that.
Self Edited-No family Attacks. :eek:
Mr. Jones, I apologize for my comment about your family. That was out of line and won't happen again. Sorry.
You know it's really pathetic that you have to resort to that. I don't normally even get bent outta shape and resort to name calling but when you come on here and start and end every sentence with an insult, I wont turn the other cheek. Not once have I entered a thread, or introduced myself to a forum with name calling, or insults. You have come here and challenged people with such tactics, and I'am grateful to the mods and who ever reported you as I initially didn't see your remark. I can assure you that had you not had the cloak of the internet to hide behind you would have thought twice about bringing up my family in a face to face scenario. That aside, if you can't hold a discussion without using your low ball tactics, I will not be responding to any of your posts.
P.S-Mom is proud :razz:
So its your contention the real patriots featured at this site are working with Al Qaeda and should be considered pieces of shit by their mothers? ?

No, they should be considered pieces of shit by EVERYONE. And since when have traitors been considered patriots?

So the answer is yes...
Your answer was incomplete, thus wrong. Expand your horizons and embrace your shittiness.

You hate us for are freedoms...just like...the terrorist
:lol: Keep repeating that and maybe some day you will convince yourself. You'll never convince another soul since it is complete bullshit.

Also, I did not say you truthtards are working with Al Qaeda. If you were doing that you would be keeping your big mouths shut. Al Qaeda has repeatedly accepted responsibility for the attacks.

got a link to that ?
Look it up. What.... you one of those retards that think there was just one video of Osama admitting 9/11? How about the videos where some of the hijackers are giving their final testiments?>

eots said:
They WANT responsibility. And here you truthtards are trying your damndest to get Al Qaeda off the hook. You may THINK you're doing them a favor, but I think they're probably pretty pissed off at you.

:lol: So a bullshit video trying to pretend there is no "Al Qaeda" means Al Qaeda doesn't exist? What kind of bullshit denial is this? :lol: You truthtards never fail to amaze me at just how stupid you dumb fucks really are.
Oh! Look at the ignorant prick pretending everything was done just with det cord! WOOO!!! :lol:
Hey asshole, your trying real hard to put your own words in my reply, but it doesn't work any reader of your replies can see your spin. You are caught lying AGAIN. Where did I say everything was done with det cord. My response was that there are det cords that are known to be explosives themselves. Your continued deliberate spin is typical, proving again you are full of shit.

You are an absolute idiot, what the fuck have you been reading about thermite? Links? Is there any other material useful in controlled demolition, other than thermite or thermate, that would continue burning for weeks despite all attempts to extinguish the fire with water? .. Jet fuel and fires fed with office furnishings will not burn underground without oxygen, your claim to doing your own research is clearly another lie fuckwad. Again provide some links.

Fireman have been quoted in print and on video saying the collapse was like a CD demolition, with the popping sounds, sounding like "detonators". You are behind catch up this has been known for years now.

Yeah asshole there are a lot of contradictions about the attack, and of course you will say they have proof, but upon further review, much of their/your proof is suspect. Just because they tell you something doesn't mean it is so. Damn, you are one fucked up SOB. You don't seem to be able to grasp this yet. The concerns people have are because they are genuine. You should try looking into the many valid points and arguments these people are making, instead of pretending to know what you are talking about.

NIST had to change their story because it did not make sense, they ran with the fire collapse theory, which is not plausible according to many engineers and scholars. They were trying to change the facts to fit the fire theory, and failed. Remember, NIST said they had no evidence of explosions at the WTC. They lied to you and you believed them. Now, nine years later, they have to give up their evidence, and there are explosions all over the place. The reality is that we don't know everything we should, and the nation and its people are paying a steep price, or haven't you noticed, asshole?

Hey fucktard, they heard EXPLOSIONS. NIST denied it, and they lied, credibity for NIST -0 people that were there- priceless.

Sure it is possible transformers blew, it still doesn't explain a lot. Next you'll be saying witnesses heard exploding cans of Glade or Pledge, 9-11 solved.

haven't you heard about the gag-order James Woolsey handed down to 9/11 Firefighters? Many firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because their bosses forbid discussion of this fact. Just like witnesses at the Pentagon. You're about as dumb as a douchebag.

The government does lie to its citizens, it is a proven fact. Are you really that naive, or just really really stupid?

Hardly. Read up on the subject, you might be surprised.

No they admit they did not do as good a job as they could have, ask John Farmer you fucking twit.

Looks like you've done some actual research on this one. I tried to tell you...But no they don't think they got to the bottom of it.. continue to read on.

So which is it? They covered their asses..but they did a good job...but they missed some.. you are a fucking idiot and are all over the place, take your damned meds and get off the computer... Holy shit....unbelievable....
Of course they didn't find any evidence, because the investigation was FLAWED, hence the commission report was FLAWED. They possibly would have found evidence of government participation or foreknowledge but they say that they were basically lied to by the FBI, CIA, Whitehouse and NORAD. Now do you see the need for a real investigation? Probably not, you confused sorry ass, ignorant SOB.

Based on what? See the above response.

Fuck No! it's obvious that forces much larger and with a lot more pull were in charge, hell they were lied to and sidetracked, and still wouldn't do anything about it. The people that pulled this attack off, could easily wipe out whomever they want to. It is fear that is keeping the truth from coming out, not lack of evidence, fool.

Hey I didn't start this, I was with the program way back when the STHF, not anymore tho.

I don't think anyone doubts that Alqaeda is dangerous, but if you read about the organization, there are questionable aspects about their complicity. Look up Alqaeda and CIA. Look up false flag attacks while your at it.

A good pilot like you, with all that simulator time? I'll take the words of the pilotsfortruth.org over a jackass like you any day.

Asshole, no one here is claiming "we are so sure of anything" other then we have been lied to.

I'm no pilot and don't pretend to be but, hey they are more trustworthy then your lying ass that's for sure

Prove it asswipe, the only proven liar is you, you been caught lying about the 9-11 commission, the evidence provided by the FBI to said commission, thermite/mate, the pilots, WTC and airport security, the list goes on.. your bluster is meaningless.

[quote-Mr. Jones]
"Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake." Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.
William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes | 911Blogger.com

No your posting ridiculous government talking points that are highly questionable is bullshit. The man heard explosions and saved people from the building. Many people believe him, what would he have to gain from lying?

Yeah and you still believe fuel trickled down staggered elevator shafts almost 1/4 mile seconds after the plane hit. Fucking moron.

People can look it up for themselves and make their own conclusions but we discussed the 9-11 ommission report, how credible could it be by now? Not much after all we've learned. The war games or drills resulted in confusion, no doubt about that, but what is one to make of the testimony given at the 9-11 commission by Norman Mineta?
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?

It fucking confused NORAD AND THE RESPONDERS! DAMN you are dense. All the warnings the government and some employees of the government had, told not to fly on 9-11 etc...and they still ran the drills? Something aint right MFker, can't you see that? It is tooo conincidental, just like the London bombings..Ypu act like people have no right to question this shit? Fuck you!

You are really stupid man. They had been planning against this scenario before 9-11. They thought about it, an planned for a response against it.Hell it was even on Nightline with Peter Jennings! Your "caught by surprise" act is astoundingly stupid.

I posted a simple Google search to help your retarded ass along, and to show you how easy looking something up can be, But Wow that went right over your head didn't it?

Prove it. Links?

Take your own advice or take your meds. Still on the Mental facilities computer? Almost lock down time isn't it?

Yeah sure, but you believe that Irans president wasn't misquoted don't you asswipe?

Right...because "The FBI said.. The ones who fucked the 9-11 investigation up on purpose? Yeah they're credible.
Look up the Israeli spy ring scandal, if you really give a shit about your nation. I'm getting tired of babysitting your dumbass.

Who the fuck really knows what we would have learned from the bastards, they laugh while your fellow citizens are getting killed and you excuse that as a sign of immaturity? When their photos were developed, it was revealed that the dancing Israelis were smiling in the foreground of the New York massacre. You POS ass kissing treasonous scumbag.

You are lost in a made up world, and have been castrated of your manhood, if you ever had any to begin with you coward. You are led like a sheep.

Americans losing their lives is no fucking game.
You make me sick. I know people who died for this bullshit, and been maimed for the state of Israel. Isntreal is part of the reason we are over seas.

You really don't know shit.

I have read the PNAC, and you mincing words around it doesn't take anything away from the fact that the writers needed a "catastrophic and catalyzing" event to kick off their plans for a "New American Century" Any fool can read it and decipher what it means you asshole!

This hasn't been a discussion, it has been a look at you getting caught lying, and trying to deceive people, and when they read your BS it will be clear that you are the one woefully ignorant and unprepared.

No one has to believe me or especially you, all they have to do is what you have been lacking...research and reading, and have an open mind.

You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I am actually heavily involved in the local politics here because I know things are very wrong. I don't need to go making up a bunch of shit to know that. You apparently do. Either that or you just can't STAND the truth so you have to make shit up just so you can fuel your own hate. Either way it is dishonest.
Local politics huh? You mean the Ds against the Rs? If you think things are wrong at the local level, what makes you think they aren't wrong when it comes to such a world changing topic such as 9-11? You are sounding clueless again. Stay out of politics, I doubt you'll contribute anything for the greater good of anybody worth a damn.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a pos and should not be entitled to call yourself an American.
So says the piece of shit traitorous asshole that wants to blame the government and / or the Jews based on nothing but paranoid delusions. The country would be FAR better off with you on Al Qaeda's side. Oh wait. You ARE on Al Qaeda's side! Nobody fights harder to get Al Qaeda off the hook than your average truthtard! Hell, Al Qaeda doesn't even try to get off the hook! They admit it! :lol: See, even when you try so hard to befriend the terrorists you screw it up. . XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Edited - No Family Attacks!
Yep so says I, too bad. Look up some of the things you are arguing about next time. You look like an ass as always. You don't even know about the trouble your nation is really in, or don't care. I'm leaning towards you not caring, you haven't shown you do.
If I was on Alqaedas side , I would really be on the governments side...Twist your douche bag brain around that.
Self Edited-No family Attacks. :eek:[/QUOTE]

Nice job Jones.Great watching you hand his ass to him on a platter like you did.:clap2:
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Mr. Jones, I apologize for my comment about your family. That was out of line and won't happen again. Sorry.
You know it's really pathetic that you have to resort to that. I don't normally even get bent outta shape and resort to name calling but when you come on here and start and end every sentence with an insult, I wont turn the other cheek. Not once have I entered a thread, or introduced myself to a forum with name calling, or insults. You have come here and challenged people with such tactics, and I'am grateful to the mods and who ever reported you as I initially didn't see your remark. I can assure you that had you not had the cloak of the internet to hide behind you would have thought twice about bringing up my family in a face to face scenario. That aside, if you can't hold a discussion without using your low ball tactics, I will not be responding to any of your posts.
P.S-Mom is proud :razz:
:lol: Well, if you weren't such a piece of shit, I wouldn't have to bother to call you a piece of shit, would I. Apparently you see nothing wrong with using the deaths of 3000 Americans to push your anti-government agenda. I do. And I don't mind making you fools look like the dishonest retards that you are, and if that includes calling a spade a spade, then so be it.

Oh, and way to gracefully accept an apology. :lol:
:lol: Well, if you weren't such a piece of shit, I wouldn't have to bother to call you a piece of shit, would I.
There you go again, I guess being the way you are is a result of some deep seeded trauma or something, it comes natural to you and it must be very sad to go through life thinking that swearing and calling people names while hiding behind a monitor makes you a real man.

Apparently you see nothing wrong with using the deaths of 3000 Americans to push your anti-government agenda. I do. And I don't mind making you fools look like the dishonest retards that you are, and if that includes calling a spade a spade, then so be it.
You still don't want to comprehend that it is the people like yourself who are using the deaths of our citizens to help push an agenda detrimental to the USA SANCTIONED BY THE VERY PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR DEATHS. Allegiance should be to the nation, and its constitution, not to a government that is making slaves of us all. As Thomas Jefferson said" When the government fears the people there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is tyranny" And you support tyrannical behavior by your government. You even suggest people shouldn't speak out against it by expressing their different views on subjects like 9-11, by calling then enemy sympathizers. You really should not be involved in politics, even at a low level you have no clue. But you have the right to say and believe what you want according to rights given to Americans. On the other hand, you are not willing to reciprocate those rights to others, and respect their rights.

Oh, and way to gracefully accept an apology. :lol
You only apologized because the mods called you out on your disgusting behavior. Take note of the fact I did not continue to call you names, and am trying to respond to your post in a more mature manner, let's see if you can do the same.

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