Bulletin To The 'No Borders' Crowd

It is a doctrine of Liberalism that having borders, and defending them, is a sign of the heartlessness of Rightwingers....mean, rotten Righties who have no compassion for the poor of the world.

But there are many reasons for borders, not the least is that having a specific geography is the definition of a nation.

1. "There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

a. Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, nor is there national sovereignty.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

And this:
4. “A well-placed source informed Congressman Hunter that foreign nationals with known association to IS were apprehended along the Texas-Mexico border," said Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter, R-Alpine. "Beyond that, we confirmed that every day, border officials are apprehending foreign nationals from countries of security interest, including Syria. And it should concern every American, whether in Texas or beyond, that these individuals are getting that close to the border in the first place."
Duncan Hunter Terrorists passed through Mexico into Texas UTSanDiego.com

But there is another reason to have a strong and well defended border.
Coming right up....
If these fellows with ties to ISIS were apprehended then there are people or law enforcement enforcing the border to ensure people like this do not get over here like during Booosh!

Well, President Obama should have been pretty embarrassed over the Fort Hood killings that were tied to an individual who shared in the views of those Islamic Extremists, if he really cared about the security and safety of this nation from terrorists at all.
The POTUS is supposed to protect you from all loons? Good luck with that.

You can do far worse by undermining current Federal Immigration Laws through executive order, and thereby promote actions that encourage more illegals with an "open invitation" to feel free to cross our borders illegally.
President Obama is pushing the immigration issue as his top priority, because he is in desperate need to attain additional votes to try and create a strong majority of those who would support the liberal democrats. When you lose Pelosi as Speaker, and then Reed as Senate majority, you will use anything in your executive power to do something about it before you leave office.
It is a doctrine of Liberalism that having borders, and defending them, is a sign of the heartlessness of Rightwingers....mean, rotten Righties who have no compassion for the poor of the world.

But there are many reasons for borders, not the least is that having a specific geography is the definition of a nation.

1. "There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

a. Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, nor is there national sovereignty.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

And this:
4. “A well-placed source informed Congressman Hunter that foreign nationals with known association to IS were apprehended along the Texas-Mexico border," said Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter, R-Alpine. "Beyond that, we confirmed that every day, border officials are apprehending foreign nationals from countries of security interest, including Syria. And it should concern every American, whether in Texas or beyond, that these individuals are getting that close to the border in the first place."
Duncan Hunter Terrorists passed through Mexico into Texas UTSanDiego.com

But there is another reason to have a strong and well defended border.
Coming right up....
If these fellows with ties to ISIS were apprehended then there are people or law enforcement enforcing the border to ensure people like this do not get over here like during Booosh!

Well, President Obama should have been pretty embarrassed over the Fort Hood killings that were tied to an individual who shared in the views of those Islamic Extremists, if he really cared about the security and safety of this nation from terrorists at all.
The POTUS is supposed to protect you from all loons? Good luck with that.

You can do far worse by undermining current Federal Immigration Laws through executive order, and thereby promote actions that encourage more illegals with an "open invitation" to feel free to cross our borders illegally.
Capitalism and an open border is what promotes illegal immigration. It's been that way for 60 years. Deal with it.
It is a doctrine of Liberalism that having borders, and defending them, is a sign of the heartlessness of Rightwingers....mean, rotten Righties who have no compassion for the poor of the world

You can certainly tell by all the frontiers people that died at the hands of those Indian savages, the govt. just didn't care....

where were those conservatives then?

I was once told that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would produce Hamlet ..

.....your post... looking at it .... I'd give this seven monkeys, twelve minutes.

It is a doctrine of Liberalism that having borders, and defending them, is a sign of the heartlessness of Rightwingers....mean, rotten Righties who have no compassion for the poor of the world.

But there are many reasons for borders, not the least is that having a specific geography is the definition of a nation.

1. "There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

a. Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, nor is there national sovereignty.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

And this:
4. “A well-placed source informed Congressman Hunter that foreign nationals with known association to IS were apprehended along the Texas-Mexico border," said Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter, R-Alpine. "Beyond that, we confirmed that every day, border officials are apprehending foreign nationals from countries of security interest, including Syria. And it should concern every American, whether in Texas or beyond, that these individuals are getting that close to the border in the first place."
Duncan Hunter Terrorists passed through Mexico into Texas UTSanDiego.com

But there is another reason to have a strong and well defended border.
Coming right up....

As someone who pretends to know history, and since you are a Korean immigrant,

you must be familiar with the anti-immigration movement in this country that once was identified by the name of the "Yellow Peril".
The movement where they hung Chinese and Asians as yard decorations?

1. Did you know that it was Progressives doing that?

2. Did you know that teacher tenure came about because Progressives and Liberals were slandering the Chinese, and fired from university jobs because of same...and the elites- including the NYTimes insisted that that was their right?

3.Those were the same Liberals and Progressives who endorsed and enforced eugenics?

All true.

So liberals are for and against immigration, and you have a rant against either position.

Don't you support the secure borders type legislation of the past, that was designed to keep the Yellow Peril out?

Or is your beef a horse of a different color...so to speak...
It is a doctrine of Liberalism that having borders, and defending them, is a sign of the heartlessness of Rightwingers....mean, rotten Righties who have no compassion for the poor of the world.

But there are many reasons for borders, not the least is that having a specific geography is the definition of a nation.

1. "There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

a. Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, nor is there national sovereignty.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

And this:
4. “A well-placed source informed Congressman Hunter that foreign nationals with known association to IS were apprehended along the Texas-Mexico border," said Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter, R-Alpine. "Beyond that, we confirmed that every day, border officials are apprehending foreign nationals from countries of security interest, including Syria. And it should concern every American, whether in Texas or beyond, that these individuals are getting that close to the border in the first place."
Duncan Hunter Terrorists passed through Mexico into Texas UTSanDiego.com

But there is another reason to have a strong and well defended border.
Coming right up....
If these fellows with ties to ISIS were apprehended then there are people or law enforcement enforcing the border to ensure people like this do not get over here like during Booosh!

I'll do this ever so slowly, so that even you might.....might.....see the logic involved.

1. Terrorists see the value in sneaking into the US....as shown by those apprehended

2. Your unspoken position is that they were the only.....only.....ISIS terrorists who attempted to enter the country.

3. Hint:
"Largely from Central America, they are now arriving at a rate of more than 35,000 a month."
In Texas apos Rio Grande Valley a seemingly endless surge of immigrants - LA Times

If THEY are getting in.....

...you're pretty much a dope, huh?
70,000 illegal Polish in this nation, did they sneak over the border also??
If these fellows with ties to ISIS were apprehended then there are people or law enforcement enforcing the border to ensure people like this do not get over here like during Booosh!

Well, President Obama should have been pretty embarrassed over the Fort Hood killings that were tied to an individual who shared in the views of those Islamic Extremists, if he really cared about the security and safety of this nation from terrorists at all.
The POTUS is supposed to protect you from all loons? Good luck with that.

You can do far worse by undermining current Federal Immigration Laws through executive order, and thereby promote actions that encourage more illegals with an "open invitation" to feel free to cross our borders illegally.
Capitalism and an open border is what promotes illegal immigration. It's been that way for 60 years. Deal with it.

Actually it's Americans who feel themselves "above" certain tasks because it's too much hard work, but would rather sit on their ass collecting months of Federal Unemployment Extensions, that have opened the door and allowed illegals to step in and fill such rolls. If you don't have a college degree, you haven't attained certain skills, you have no choice but to do what it takes to make a living. Maybe next time we won't find students so eager to drop out of public school freely given to them, while looking to government to bail them out of their own personal decisions, but will choose to pull up their sleeves and work hard towards a better life for themselves. There was a time in our nation's history where Hobos were look down upon and hard physical labor, with the desire to leave a better future for your kids, was more honorable and spoke a lot about your character. Now it's deemed more acceptable to hold the mentality of sitting back and allowing the government to provide for us so we don't have to. Once the threat of a government shut down looms... suddenly these people are like "Whoa! Whoa! ... Hold on! Wait a minute here! I depend on that to support my own way of life!! "
I'm a liberal who believes that the combination of exporting jobs and importing labor is a recipe for disaster, if practiced long enough.

"I'm a liberal....blah blah blah...."

Time and again you've been exposed as a lying low-life...

You have no idea how heartened I am when you announce "I'm a liberal!"
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

I'm a liberal who believes that the combination of exporting jobs and importing labor is a recipe for disaster, if practiced long enough.

"I'm a liberal....blah blah blah...."

Time and again you've been exposed as a lying low-life...

You have no idea how heartened I am when you announce "I'm a liberal!"

You should strive for better.
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

Name the liberals.
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

Name the liberals.

Take a walk.
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

Name the liberals.

Take a walk.

So you started a thread based on one more lie. The least surprising event of the day.
.....not only would a strong border protect against terrorists, but would restrict folks who were involved in atrocities such as above....

6. Let's review the story: the people illegally crossing into our southwest are from a nation where the elected officials masterminded the butchery of 43 college students.

Like a horror movie...the police brought the students to a gang which slaughtered them....

" ...angered by the government's response to the case of 43 students who went missing in Guerrero state in September.

The group of [43] students in a rural teachers' college disappeared on Sept. 26 on a trip to the town of Iguala. Prosecutors allege the students were killed by a local gang after police had handed them over to the criminals. Gang members told investigators they had killed the students and buried their bodies.

The case of the missing students has put the high number of unsolved disappearances in Mexico once again in the spotlight.

"It is not just them," housewife Nora Jaime told the Associated Press during Thursday's demonstration, referring to the missing students.

"There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are."

....one of the worst atrocities we’ve seen in Mexico in many years, but it is not in any way an isolated incident. There have been many other cases of disappearances and forced disappearances -- when state agents are involved in disappearing people.
...more than 20,000 people who have disappeared or gone missing since 2007." The Disappearance Of 43 Mexican Students Is An Atrocity. But It s No Isolated Incident

This is the sort of thing that we can expect .....and yet the Obama administration has no problem with the lack of border enforcement????

Are you illiterate?

Name the liberals who want no border.

2.Even Left-leaning Slate mag is getting the reality.

" Unfortunately, many progressives have gone beyond denouncing the obnoxious component of the Arizona statute and the bigotry of many right-wing nativists who defend it to implying that enforcement of any federal immigration law is racist. In doing so, much of the progressive commentariat has demonstrated its distance, not only from the American public as a whole, but also from most Democratic and independent voters." Open borders or high-wage welfare state - Salon.com

And this:
3. "Liberals and mainstream media writers seem offended that Americans want to take precautions--like securing the border--to prevent an Ebola outbreak at home." MSM Liberals Offended Americans Want Secure Borders to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

Name the liberals.

Take a walk.

So you started a thread based on one more lie. The least surprising event of the day.

I never lie, low-life.

Learn to read.

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