Bundy's white entitlement and the gop


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged

As we’ve seen in recent years, this sense of entitlement pervades the privileged. Billionaire hedge fund operator Stephen Schwarzman feels so entitled to his obscene hedge fund tax dodge – the “carried interest” exemption – that he viewed Obama’s call to close the loophole as “a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

When Republican Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had the temerity to propose a surcharge on the biggest financial houses (those with $500 billion in assets or more), to correct for the subsidy and competitive advantage provided by being “too big to fail,” Wall Street went ballistic. Republicans were told the spigot of political fundraisers would be closed until they recanted their heresy. “We’re going to beat this like a rented mule,” boasted Cam Fine, head of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Big Oil feels so entitled to its multibillion-dollar annual subsidies, that Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, even denies their existence: “The oil and gas industry gets no subsidies, zero, nothing.” The more than $4 billion that the most profitable companies in the history of the world receive annually from U.S. taxpayers are apparently entitlements, not subsidies.

No one exemplifies this sense of entitlement more than the billionaire Koch brothers, self-proclaimed libertarians who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into supporting think tanks, lobbies and candidates who will protect their right to pollute our air and water while leaving taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to repair damage done. Owners of companies that have serially violated environmental, health and safety laws, the Koch brothers have played a major role in propogating the views adopted by rancher Bundy.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged - The Washington Post
Best thing that ever happened to Kuntrina van den Heuvel was hurricane Katrina. Made her lie very low ever since.
We only do better as we value education and hard work. Blacks only have themselves to blame...

Losers all.
right....because only white people are rich and only white people get out of paying taxes

i'm sure wesley snipes agrees with you

fucking idiot
Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged

As we’ve seen in recent years, this sense of entitlement pervades the privileged. Billionaire hedge fund operator Stephen Schwarzman feels so entitled to his obscene hedge fund tax dodge – the “carried interest” exemption – that he viewed Obama’s call to close the loophole as “a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

When Republican Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had the temerity to propose a surcharge on the biggest financial houses (those with $500 billion in assets or more), to correct for the subsidy and competitive advantage provided by being “too big to fail,” Wall Street went ballistic. Republicans were told the spigot of political fundraisers would be closed until they recanted their heresy. “We’re going to beat this like a rented mule,” boasted Cam Fine, head of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Big Oil feels so entitled to its multibillion-dollar annual subsidies, that Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, even denies their existence: “The oil and gas industry gets no subsidies, zero, nothing.” The more than $4 billion that the most profitable companies in the history of the world receive annually from U.S. taxpayers are apparently entitlements, not subsidies.

No one exemplifies this sense of entitlement more than the billionaire Koch brothers, self-proclaimed libertarians who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into supporting think tanks, lobbies and candidates who will protect their right to pollute our air and water while leaving taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to repair damage done. Owners of companies that have serially violated environmental, health and safety laws, the Koch brothers have played a major role in propogating the views adopted by rancher Bundy.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged - The Washington Post

Hey dumbass, ever had a thought of your own?
Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged

As we’ve seen in recent years, this sense of entitlement pervades the privileged. Billionaire hedge fund operator Stephen Schwarzman feels so entitled to his obscene hedge fund tax dodge – the “carried interest” exemption – that he viewed Obama’s call to close the loophole as “a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

When Republican Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had the temerity to propose a surcharge on the biggest financial houses (those with $500 billion in assets or more), to correct for the subsidy and competitive advantage provided by being “too big to fail,” Wall Street went ballistic. Republicans were told the spigot of political fundraisers would be closed until they recanted their heresy. “We’re going to beat this like a rented mule,” boasted Cam Fine, head of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Big Oil feels so entitled to its multibillion-dollar annual subsidies, that Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, even denies their existence: “The oil and gas industry gets no subsidies, zero, nothing.” The more than $4 billion that the most profitable companies in the history of the world receive annually from U.S. taxpayers are apparently entitlements, not subsidies.

No one exemplifies this sense of entitlement more than the billionaire Koch brothers, self-proclaimed libertarians who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into supporting think tanks, lobbies and candidates who will protect their right to pollute our air and water while leaving taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to repair damage done. Owners of companies that have serially violated environmental, health and safety laws, the Koch brothers have played a major role in propogating the views adopted by rancher Bundy.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged - The Washington Post

Attacking white people again, Comrade Batshit?

You sure do hate whites, doncha?

Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Oh, and Batshit, claims that DA JOOOOOZZZZ were wealthy elite parasites was EXACTLY what the Nazis did. Perkins is right, the demagoguery you scumbags use is straight out of the Third Reich, and you know it well. I'm sure you're proud of it - you slander those who the party hates in a way that Goebbels only dreamed of.
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I noticed the way Bundy's cattle were entitled to be filled with BLM bullet holes.
Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged

As we’ve seen in recent years, this sense of entitlement pervades the privileged. Billionaire hedge fund operator Stephen Schwarzman feels so entitled to his obscene hedge fund tax dodge – the “carried interest” exemption – that he viewed Obama’s call to close the loophole as “a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

When Republican Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had the temerity to propose a surcharge on the biggest financial houses (those with $500 billion in assets or more), to correct for the subsidy and competitive advantage provided by being “too big to fail,” Wall Street went ballistic. Republicans were told the spigot of political fundraisers would be closed until they recanted their heresy. “We’re going to beat this like a rented mule,” boasted Cam Fine, head of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Big Oil feels so entitled to its multibillion-dollar annual subsidies, that Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, even denies their existence: “The oil and gas industry gets no subsidies, zero, nothing.” The more than $4 billion that the most profitable companies in the history of the world receive annually from U.S. taxpayers are apparently entitlements, not subsidies.

No one exemplifies this sense of entitlement more than the billionaire Koch brothers, self-proclaimed libertarians who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into supporting think tanks, lobbies and candidates who will protect their right to pollute our air and water while leaving taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to repair damage done. Owners of companies that have serially violated environmental, health and safety laws, the Koch brothers have played a major role in propogating the views adopted by rancher Bundy.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged - The Washington Post
For all you bitter Rightwing white guys

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right....because only white people are rich and only white people get out of paying taxes

i'm sure wesley snipes agrees with you

fucking idiot

Snipes did time for that........just setting the record straight.......carry on.:eusa_shifty:
Oh look another thread on Bundy and the Koch brothers.

Forget that many minorities ( Dann, Yowell ,Tybo etc.,) are doing the same thing as Bundy and liberals, like Soros, Gore and Steyer own just as many if not more oil companies as the Koch's do.
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Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged

As we’ve seen in recent years, this sense of entitlement pervades the privileged. Billionaire hedge fund operator Stephen Schwarzman feels so entitled to his obscene hedge fund tax dodge – the “carried interest” exemption – that he viewed Obama’s call to close the loophole as “a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Tom Perkins, co-founder of venture capital fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, considers mere criticism of the wealthiest Americans akin to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

When Republican Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had the temerity to propose a surcharge on the biggest financial houses (those with $500 billion in assets or more), to correct for the subsidy and competitive advantage provided by being “too big to fail,” Wall Street went ballistic. Republicans were told the spigot of political fundraisers would be closed until they recanted their heresy. “We’re going to beat this like a rented mule,” boasted Cam Fine, head of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Big Oil feels so entitled to its multibillion-dollar annual subsidies, that Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, even denies their existence: “The oil and gas industry gets no subsidies, zero, nothing.” The more than $4 billion that the most profitable companies in the history of the world receive annually from U.S. taxpayers are apparently entitlements, not subsidies.

No one exemplifies this sense of entitlement more than the billionaire Koch brothers, self-proclaimed libertarians who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into supporting think tanks, lobbies and candidates who will protect their right to pollute our air and water while leaving taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to repair damage done. Owners of companies that have serially violated environmental, health and safety laws, the Koch brothers have played a major role in propogating the views adopted by rancher Bundy.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Cliven Bundy and the entitlement of the privileged - The Washington Post

Yeah right, big oil, billionaires yada yada and everybody on the left hates rich Jewish philanthropists but what the hell does that have to do with a hard working rancher in Nevada battling a gigantic federal bureaucracy?
My late aunt was very rich. In fact, Faith Hill was wearing her 4.5 karat diamond until her divorce. She worked hard for what she had. Well, she didn't exactly work for it. She married a guy who was filthy rich and nagged him to death. She never worked a day in her life, but she paid very little in taxes because she had lawyers and accountants on her payroll, and they all had loopholes, from municipal bonds to offshore accounts, to annuities, to paper only corporations. She used to 'hang " with national politicians, including one who was in the primary's for a presidential race., and had political connections all over the country. She was on the maiden voyage of the USS United States, back in the 1950's, on an around the world trip. Damned near every dime she spent was some kind of tax deduction. If she had been black, she would have been called a welfare queen. Anyway, she was a primary example of "trickle down economics". While she was cruising around the world, she kept a full time gardener and housekeeper on the payroll, in addition to the attorneys and accountants. The gardener could barely speak English and the housekeeper was a black maid who came to work every day on a bus, because she could not afford a car.
right....because only white people are rich and only white people get out of paying taxes

Well, definitely only white people can form gangs with guns so they don't have to pay taxes, and not instantly get blown away by law enforcement.
Let me tell you why we're advantaged.
1. Only 25% of white children live within single parent families.
2. Both parents provide or at least one stays home caring for the child.
3. We expect a lot of our children. A good culture!
4. Our children are taught to pass the class and to advance in life.
5. Our children get to the top.

What's so hard to understand?
Let me tell you why we're advantaged.
1. Only 25% of white children live within single parent families.
2. Both parents provide or at least one stays home caring for the child.
3. We expect a lot of our children. A good culture!
4. Our children are taught to pass the class and to advance in life.
5. Our children get to the top.

What's so hard to understand?

You are so "special", Mathew!

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