Burger King admits they use horsemeat!!!

I have eaten horse many times in Mexico and it was always very lean, unusually soft but not stringy and sweet. They grill it marinated in many spices. Puerto Morales and Playa del Carmen is most always the area we stay in and many of our Canadian friends stay most all of the winter.
Canadians eat a lot of horsemeat and the Quebec area with it's historic district has many restaurants that serve horse and a lot of it. Most all butchers and super market chains in large Canadian cities sell it. You see it. Their long history of eating horse does date back to the French. Some of it I have eaten in French cuisine is a little tough as they do it sauteed or fried with a lot of sauces. My good Mexican friends are wonderful people and cooks as their spicy smoky grilling of it was good.
Why do people care if there is horse in their burger? What difference does it make? You're eating a dead COW, for christ's sake.

This is like complaining that Korea is cruel because they torture and eat dogs while you yourself are responsible for torturing and eating cows, chickens, pigs and fish.

Having said that, why would anyone with a brain eat at a fast food joint when you know the "food" is garbage?

Why eat fast food.? Several reasons. Laziness, convenience, or maybe some people think it's ok. I do. I've found the quality changes depending on the place. Horsemeat? Big deal, I ate guinea pig in Peru and it wasn't too bad. They called it "kooee" that's how its pronounced anyway and it's a favorite in Peru.
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Most fast food burgers like BK and McDonalds are disgusting...with the exception of very few. And even the exception you have to wonder.
Last burger I ate was from McDonalds...my stomach faught me for the rest of that night. No more FF burgers for me...I'll stick to making my own, thank you.
I'll tell ya what's good at BK...their veggie burger.

For a small upgrade fee, they'll make it out like any specialty Whopper.

Last night I had an avocado and swiss veggie burger that was quite delicious.
I don't eat at Burger King (Hungry Jacks) and now I never will.

You people need to stop believing everything you read online. The truth to this story is that BK found traces of Horse DNA at one of it's meat suppliers in Europe. They never admitted to using Horse meat knowingly, or purposely. You all should have known better than to jump on the band wagon and believe anything the UK guardian prints. Might as well be reading the National Enquirer.

fucking fools.
I don't eat at Burger King (Hungry Jacks) and now I never will.

You people need to stop believing everything you read online. The truth to this story is that BK found traces of Horse DNA at one of it's meat suppliers in Europe. They never admitted to using Horse meat knowingly, or purposely. You all should have known better than to jump on the band wagon and believe anything the UK guardian prints. Might as well be reading the National Enquirer.

fucking fools.

That's still no reason to eat junk.
So .... eating a cow, delicious ...eating a horse, disgusting?? :confused:
Strange set of values.

I had horsemeat when I lived in France. It's tough. Not particularly appealing. Hard to see the distinction in one's choice of diet though.

True. Some societies eat pork, some eat dog. It's all arbitrary.
So .... eating a cow, delicious ...eating a horse, disgusting?? :confused:
Strange set of values.

I had horsemeat when I lived in France. It's tough. Not particularly appealing. Hard to see the distinction in one's choice of diet though.

True. Some societies eat pork, some eat dog. It's all arbitrary.
Some eat dog? You mean like our president?
So .... eating a cow, delicious ...eating a horse, disgusting?? :confused:
Strange set of values.

I had horsemeat when I lived in France. It's tough. Not particularly appealing. Hard to see the distinction in one's choice of diet though.

True. Some societies eat pork, some eat dog. It's all arbitrary.
Some eat dog? You mean like our president?

They eat dog in Indonesia. We eat pigs. What's the diff?
They eat dog in Indonesia. We eat pigs. What's the diff?

I think you will find dog is eaten more often in Viet Nam - I have never seen or heard of it being eaten in Indonesia.

I've eaten horse steaks in Belgium, and they were fine, though not something I'd choose to eat often.

The most interesting thing about this thread is that no one spotted the words "traces" in the statement. It's not exactly like people were being served burgers that were 50% horse - they weren't even 5%!
It is as long as it is done in a relatively humane fashion. I have no problem eating anything as long as the creatures were treated with the respect they deserve. I would eat dog, cat, or horse if it didn't suffer in its death. Too much does incur suffering though.
I asked everyone in this thread if they realize the UK guardian is no more than a Tabloid on the same level as National Enquirer, but they so wanted to believe this story. They ignored that little fact.

Charles Charles Charles. You do realize you are on a board where the people think red tops, the Huffington Post and Glenn Beck are legitimate news sources right?
I asked everyone in this thread if they realize the UK guardian is no more than a Tabloid on the same level as National Enquirer, but they so wanted to believe this story. They ignored that little fact.

Spot the person who had never heard of the Guardian before!!

Left-leaning it may be, but it is without question one of the most intelligent newspapers in the world. It is absolutely excellent.
I went to the BK on St Patty's Day b/c I wanted to try the green ketchup that allegedly tasted the same. It was so nasty! And I don't think they're so bad; but I never go there since I stopped drinking caffeine/soda. Once you have to focus on the food it's like, oh this isn't very good at all.
Granny says, "Instead of whinin' about it - dey oughta get down on dey's knees an' thank God dey ain't getting sued over it...
Horsemeat scandal costs Ireland company contract with Burger King
Friday 1st February, 2013 - Burger King Worldwide has taken a tough stand with Irish meat supplier Silvercrest Foods.
The fast food giant was buying meat for its hamburgers it was selling in the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland. Ireland's Food Safety Authority in early Jnauary cleared the Ireland supplier, saying a very small quantity of horse meat found did not pose a safety risk. Nonetheless the report prompted ABP Food Group to place its Silvercrest subsidiary under entirely new management. "We are proud of our excellent reputation for quality and service throughout Europe and are determined not to allow the Silvercrest incident to overshadow what is a great business," ABP Food Group CEO Paul Finnerty said.

The move however was not enough to sideline Burger King's own investigation, which drew a different conclusion to the Irish regulator, and has now resulted in the termination of Burger King's contract with Silvercrest. "While the Food Safety Authority of Ireland has stated that this is not a food safety issue, we are deeply troubled by the findings of our investigation and apologise to our guests, who trust us to source only the highest quality 100% beef burgers. Our supplier has failed us and in turn we have failed you. We are committed to ensuring that this does not happen again," Diego Beamonte, vice president, Global Quality, Burger King Corporation, said Friday.

Beamonte did not say Silvercrest supplied horse meat, but rather claimed a small quanity of meat was found at the Silvercrest facility that was not British or Irish, and this was the basis on which his company's contract with the Irish supplier was terminated. "Within the last 36 hours, we have established that Silvercrest used a small percentage of beef imported from a non-approved supplier in Poland. They promised to deliver 100% British Irish beef patties and have not done so," Beamonte said. "This is a clear violation of our specifications, and we have terminated our relationship with them. Through our investigation, we have confirmed that this non-approved Polish supplier is the same company identified by the Irish Department of Agriculture as the source of Silvercrest's contamination issue."

Horsemeat scandal costs Ireland company contract with Burger King | Irish Sun

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