Burn 'em out strategy of the feds


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"To those farmers and ranchers who work the land and regularly have to deal with BLM and USFS bureaucrats, this was not only an outrageous injustice, but also an exercise in hypocrisy so huge and contemptible as to be mindboggling. They know firsthand that these Fedgov agencies are a veritable Arsons-R-Us, annually burning up millions of acres of public lands and tens of thousands of acres of private property, as well as endangering lives (and sometimes taking them) and destroying homes.
"Among the many examples still fresh in the minds of the people of Harney County is the Frenchglen/Miller Homestead Fire, which burned more than 160,000 acres, and the Long Draw Fire (more than 558,000 acres). Both of these fires were started by lightning in July 2012. But, critics charge, the BLM carried out a number backfire operations that 1) spread the fire instead of stopping it; 2) caused massive losses to private property and public lands; 3) killed cattle and left many wandering around badly burned; 5) endangered the lives of firefighters and residents; 6) not only failed to notify ranchers and residents before initiating their arson/backfire operations, but repeatedly gave them false assurances that everything was under control, no danger; 7) repeatedly refused to deploy available firefighting assets (hand crews, water trucks, helicopters, planes) requested by ranchers and residents."

Oregon Standoff: BLM’s “Burn ‘Em Out” Legacy — The Untold Backstory
This most interesting proposal calls for huge increases in the national parks budget..under the auspices of "conservation" and "protection"..but wait..

How odd...a huge reduction in the funding for ACCESS projects....so while the feds are fortifying their structures, at the same time, they are actively seeking to limit public access to the property those structures are located on.

It also has some really vague language regarding burning practices...

"• A policy proposal for a new funding framework for catastrophic wildfires that compromise the ability of congressional appropriators to invest in parks and other needs"...what the hell does that even mean?

President Proposes Large Funding Boost for National Parks
I've shown the videos on other threads.....................It's a travesty..............

Watched the cows with the burns, and a fire being set right next to cows..........fire burning on private lands............

The left will not care on this one..........You can post dozens of stories of the abuse and they will go ho hum...........

Add to it that Obama just signed an executive order to give the EPA more power to take land with a reclassification of wetlands............basically giving them the right to call a danged Mud hole wet lands.......

The abuse is out of control.
The government burned private land? I assume the owners sued and won. Did they lose?
The government burned private land? I assume the owners sued and won. Did they lose?
Sue the fed govt? Good luck with that.
If it's true and the Feds don't pay up then that's absolute bullshit.
I'm not certain, but I don't think it's possible to sue the fed govt.
No there are cases happening. Look up "Pautre" fire. It's one that I found. Apparently it's ongoing. The Fed's denied $50 million worth of claims from the ranchers who had property burned. I hope the ranchers win.
The government burned private land? I assume the owners sued and won. Did they lose?
Sue the fed govt? Good luck with that.
If it's true and the Feds don't pay up then that's absolute bullshit.
I'm not certain, but I don't think it's possible to sue the fed govt.
No there are cases happening. Look up "Pautre" fire. It's one that I found. Apparently it's ongoing. The Fed's denied $50 million worth of claims from the ranchers who had property burned. I hope the ranchers win.
Glad to hear it, that you can sue that is. I thought at some level you plain couldn't. Happy to be wrong.
The government burned private land? I assume the owners sued and won. Did they lose?
Sue the fed govt? Good luck with that.
If it's true and the Feds don't pay up then that's absolute bullshit.
I'm not certain, but I don't think it's possible to sue the fed govt.
No there are cases happening. Look up "Pautre" fire. It's one that I found. Apparently it's ongoing. The Fed's denied $50 million worth of claims from the ranchers who had property burned. I hope the ranchers win.
Glad to hear it, that you can sue that is. I thought at some level you plain couldn't. Happy to be wrong.
It's probably a lot of bullshit to do it. I wonder if someone has researched it at length.

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