'Burn It All Down': Dem Desperation = Chaos For Mid-Terms & Beyond


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"These Democrats would do harm to their own country if it meant taking down President Trump in the process. Because of the Kavanaugh hearings, the American people now fully understand what’s at stake."

"The shameful Kavanaugh saga has exposed the central tenet in the Democrat platform for 2018: Chaos. The Democrat Party has officially become the party of chaos and its leaders are hoping the American people aren’t paying close attention. But the Democrats made another tactical blunder by showing their hand over the past two weeks. If given majority status, the angry mob led by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters could begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh based on mob rule. The new McCarthyism being promulgated by radical leftists marks a dangerous time for our American Republic.

...the Democrats are offering the American people chaos and President Trump and the Republicans by contrast are offering more hope, growth and prosperity."

“The Fed is predicting that unemployment will remain below 4 percent through 2020 and that inflation will stay low — around 2 percent — during that time. This has never happened in modern U.S. history.”

And, the good news keeps coming. We’ve recently learned that our national unemployment rate fell again this month to a 49-year low of 3.7 percent. The last time unemployment was this low, Astronauts Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, and Richard Gordon had just returned from the Moon on the Apollo 12 mission. But the crazed Democrats are determined to stop this economic boom by raising taxes and bringing back job-killing regulations from the Obama era."

Dave Bossie: Chaos is the Democrats’ only strategy for 2018 and beyond

2+ Years of TDS, Butt-Hurt, & Desperation have caused the steady mental, physical, and political decline of the Democratic party and its die-hard idiots who continue to defend it and who are determined to ride it all the way down....


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