Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters

First off. I don't agree with everything our government does. That said...

The flag is not out government and I will feel free to turn my back on any troubles someone who does burn the flag might have if I know they've burnt the flag.


It's not something I would do but it's a 1st Amendment right. If someone chooses to attack anybody for expressing their rights then that would be assault. I guess there is at least a couple of retards who don't get that.

Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

As there is no potential for a right to do ANYTHING that precludes or in some way interferes with the means of another to exercise their own rights.

What you're feeling for, is for rights to come with no responsibility and there is no such thing.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

And this is because if you tolerate flag burning, SOME DAY you will end up governed by a government that licenses the murder of pre-born children, spends itself into bankruptcy, arms your enemies while importing that enemy into the country by the TENS of MILLIONS, while it uses the IRS to attack YOU, as a means to prevent YOU from organizing effective political opposition, even as it licenses sexual degeneracy while prosecuting YOU for your refusal to accept such... so on and so forth.

First off. I don't agree with everything our government does. That said...

The flag is not out government and I will feel free to turn my back on any troubles someone who does burn the flag might have if I know they've burnt the flag.



That would be a first amendment right.
It's not something I would do but it's a 1st Amendment right. If someone chooses to attack anybody for expressing their rights then that would be assault. I guess there is at least a couple of retards who don't get that.

Actually the two goons here advocating that course, kind of demonstrate why this kind of fetishism is dangerous medicine. Stirs up the shit-stirrers.

Edit: sorry Obi, didn't see you there. Three goons.

Just because you have no respect for the Symbols of this Nation does not make it "fetishism".
It's not something I would do but it's a 1st Amendment right. If someone chooses to attack anybody for expressing their rights then that would be assault. I guess there is at least a couple of retards who don't get that.

Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

As there is no potential for a right to do ANYTHING that precludes or in some way interferes with the means of another to exercise their own rights.

What you're feeling for, is for rights to come with no responsibility and there is no such thing.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

And this is because if you tolerate flag burning, SOME DAY you will end up governed by a government that licenses the murder of pre-born children, spends itself into bankruptcy, arms your enemies while importing that enemy into the country by the TENS of MILLIONS, while it uses the IRS to attack YOU, as a means to prevent YOU from organizing effective political opposition, even as it licenses sexual degeneracy while prosecuting YOU for your refusal to accept such... so on and so forth.

Wow, we just popped open a jack-in-the-box of crazy. if someone express their rights to free speech and you punch them, you broke the law, bitch.
It's not something I would do but it's a 1st Amendment right. If someone chooses to attack anybody for expressing their rights then that would be assault. I guess there is at least a couple of retards who don't get that.

Actually the two goons here advocating that course, kind of demonstrate why this kind of fetishism is dangerous medicine. Stirs up the shit-stirrers.

Edit: sorry Obi, didn't see you there. Three goons.

Just because you have no respect for the Symbols of this Nation does not make it "fetishism".

The flag is a symbol and people have the right to deface it.
Burn it or Fly it upside down, both are expressions of Freedom of Speech.
May not agree with them but I will fight to defend their right to do it.
Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

Even for a conservative, that's taking PC to ridiculous levels. You don't have any right to not be offended.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

So does that mean anyone is allowed to beat you down if they believe you're engaging in anti-American behavior?
Why burn a flag? Surely a flag does not emit sufficient light or heat. Burning a flag is nothing other than political speech.

Remember, all you who would summarily attack a flag burner, there is no right to attack anyone without cause, and your offense at flag burning is insufficient cause.

And remember too that protected rights are often unpopular. The popular expressions of rights don't require protection as much as unpopular expressions of rights.


Isn't that adorable? It's a RIGHT to injure others by stating one's INTENTION TO DESTROY THAT WHICH THE STANDARD REPRESENTS!

There is no such right...

Americans, where you find a flag burner, simply burn the flag burner... YOU will be doing precisely the same thing they're doing. In effect, all you're doing is burning the symbol represented in the body of the flag burner, just as they're burning to symbol that represents YOU!
Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

Even for a conservative, that's taking PC to ridiculous levels. You don't have any right to not be offended.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

So does that mean anyone is allowed to beat you down if they believe you're engaging in anti-American behavior?

Well, in Keys defense, preaching fascism is free speech too.
It's not something I would do but it's a 1st Amendment right. If someone chooses to attack anybody for expressing their rights then that would be assault. I guess there is at least a couple of retards who don't get that.

Actually the two goons here advocating that course, kind of demonstrate why this kind of fetishism is dangerous medicine. Stirs up the shit-stirrers.

Edit: sorry Obi, didn't see you there. Three goons.

Just because you have no respect for the Symbols of this Nation does not make it "fetishism".

The flag is a symbol and people have the right to deface it.

Do you consider Respect for the Flag and what it stands for to be "fetishism"?
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have defended that flag, many have died doing so.

when you burn it, you're pissing on their sacrifice.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

Even for a conservative, that's taking PC to ridiculous levels. You don't have any right to not be offended.

I actually DO have a right to defend myself from those presenting offense.

In burning; thus destroying the symbol of my nation, the flag-burner is professing their desire to destroy my nation.

Such intention is a threat to my person, my family, town, state and nation.

You simply believe that the 'offense' is rhetorical, when in point of the facts, with regad to those who burn the flag and what they always represent... and this without exception and the history of their cult of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle... they have and are intent upon continuing their efforts to destroy my nation.

And there's no potential for a right for someone to threaten one's life, family, town, state and nation ... none, whatsoever.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

So does that mean anyone is allowed to beat you down if they believe you're engaging in anti-American behavior?

Yep... that's exactly what it means.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have defended that flag, many have died doing so.

when you burn it, you're pissing on their sacrifice.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech

The Flag represents those 'things', those who desecrate the flag, should meet the same fate which they set upon that standard and summarily so... .
Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

Even for a conservative, that's taking PC to ridiculous levels. You don't have any right to not be offended.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

So does that mean anyone is allowed to beat you down if they believe you're engaging in anti-American behavior?

Well, in Keys defense, preaching fascism is free speech too.

Huh... you'd think a fascist would know what fascism looks like. She sees every time she looks in the mirror, yet she's clearly wholly ignorant of it.
Well there's your answer... if what one does provokes another to anger, then there is no potential for a right to whatever that is.

Even for a conservative, that's taking PC to ridiculous levels. You don't have any right to not be offended.

That your government is precluded from oppressing you because of what you say or do... in no way precludes your neighbor's means to defend themselves from your anti-American behavior.

So does that mean anyone is allowed to beat you down if they believe you're engaging in anti-American behavior?

Well, in Keys defense, preaching fascism is free speech too.

Huh... you'd think a fascist would know what fascism looks like. She sees every time she looks in the mirror, yet she's clearly wholly ignorant of it.

Yep, I agree. A fascist doesn't know what a fascist sounds like. Thanks for clearing that up, Adolph (eh, it's a joke, go with it).
unacceptable or acceptable as "freedom of speech"?
I used to care... I don't care any more. It currently represents communism/socialism/redistribution of income/entitlements/satanism/murdering babies. It's not the grand ole flag for me any more. So eff it, let the democrat scum burn it, let the democrat scum eat shit and baby parts and puke all over it. We voted for these scum. Elections matter.

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