Bush didn't know about torture until 2006? Is that possible?



How is that possible? Was he that inept that he didn't know what was going on in his own adminstration until the Democrats gained a majority in congress? Really?

And the Bush administration was afraid to tell Powell? Because they knew he would go ballistic?


I knew Bush was inept, but I never dreamed.............................
isn't sweet the left is worried about the torturing of a terrorist?

how many of our citizens has been BEHEADED now under Obama? How many total from other us and other countries?

Maybe Rdean can tell us since he know everything
In all fairness, Bush may not have even realized he was President until 2006 so you'll have to take that into consideration.
The only thing that president Bush was unaware of was that they changed the definition of torture. The liberal media determined that embarrassment would be classified as torture and interrogation techniques in the Psy-Ops manuals for decades would be reclassified as torture during a republican administration.
How is that possible? Was he that inept that he didn't know what was going on in his own adminstration until the Democrats gained a majority in congress? Really?

And the Bush administration was afraid to tell Powell? Because they knew he would go ballistic?


I knew Bush was inept, but I never dreamed.............................

he still can't ride a bike , has problems sitting on a couch, and walking through a door ... so yeah, its possible.

Waterboarding has consistently been torture since post WWII (to my knowledge)

But you convince yourself of anything you need to in order to fight off the realization that you are a coward who would trade every last American ideal and principle to save your own cowering ass.

Good luck.
And of course their sheep marches in lockstep and spreads their shit for them...TYPICAL

Former Dem Senator Chastises Ex-Colleagues on CIA Report

BY: Alana Goodman
December 10, 2014 12:12 pm

Former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey, who served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for eight years, blasted the committee’s Democrats for their report on the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program on Tuesday.

According to Kerrey, the Democrats “started out with the premise that the CIA was guilty and then worked to prove it,” and criticized them for failing to interview the CIA operators involved in the program.

When Congress created the intelligence committees in the 1970s, the purpose was for people’s representatives to stand above the fray and render balanced judgments about this most sensitive aspect of national security. This committee departed from that high road and slipped into the same partisan mode that marks most of what happens on Capitol Hill these days. […]

The Senate’s Intelligence Committee staff chose to interview no one. Their rationale – that some officers were under investigation and could not be made available – is not persuasive. Most officers were never under investigation and for those who were, the process ended by 2012.
Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence also released a report on Tuesday rebutting the claim that the CIA’s program was ineffective and arguing that the intelligence gathered through it saved lives.

ALL of it here:
Former Dem Senator Chastises Ex-Colleagues on CIA Report Washington Free Beacon
“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.”- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775
How is that possible? Was he that inept that he didn't know what was going on in his own adminstration until the Democrats gained a majority in congress? Really?

And the Bush administration was afraid to tell Powell? Because they knew he would go ballistic?


I knew Bush was inept, but I never dreamed.............................

he still can't ride a bike , has problems sitting on a couch, and walking through a door ... so yeah, its possible.

on the wounded warrior bike rides he seems hang in there......:dunno:
How is that possible? Was he that inept that he didn't know what was going on in his own adminstration until the Democrats gained a majority in congress? Really?

They all signed off on what the CIA was going to do....the dems are simply seeking to hide their own culpability on what they knew about and okayed.....and it wasn't torture...
“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.”- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775

And I agree with him....but these guys are not soldiers....the islamic terrorists are unlawful enemy combatants and terrorists...remember...Washington also executed spies for the British....all soldiers covered by the Geneva convention should be treated according to the rules of war....which means they, actual soldiers, cannot be forced to endure torture or even enhanced interrogation techniques....of course, Germany, Italy, and Japan violated those rules...but they were socialists....

Can you explain why Washington executed spies? Please, defend that action vs. running water up the nose of head choppers, who specifically target innocent men, women and children for their depravity........
if it was a Democrat President the report was about, Dean would be here telling us that the Republicans were the reason he did not know about it...
Waterboarding has consistently been torture since post WWII (to my knowledge)

You can't waterboard soldiers....these monsters.....as long as you aren't torturing them, you can water board them all day long.....

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