Bush sacrificed our children for oil


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
January 20, 2007

If the American Oil Corporations were forced to pay for this war instead of the American tax-payers, Eight Billion Dollars a Month, would we be in this mess right now?
Instead of negotiating an oil deal and keeping Iraq intact, American oil tycoons decided that WE should pay the consequences with our children’s blood and financial debt so that they can steal Iraq’s oil for free.
Moreover, eight billion dollars a month for five years would have paved the way for establishing new energy sources, schools, hospitals, and much more for the American people. But this law-less administration could care less about America, its people, its children, its traditions, its environment and its constitution. Indeed, New Orleans represents a blatant metaphor for the Bush administrations eight years of hell. :confused:
Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone
We are sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia.
Obama sacrificed our children for votes ... that is all. Dumb ass.
BDS Alert! Old news alert! :badgrin:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Published on Saturday, January 20, 2007 by CommonDreams.org [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone [/FONT]
January 20, 2007

If the American Oil Corporations were forced to pay for this war instead of the American tax-payers, Eight Billion Dollars a Month, would we be in this mess right now?
Instead of negotiating an oil deal and keeping Iraq intact, American oil tycoons decided that WE should pay the consequences with our children’s blood and financial debt so that they can steal Iraq’s oil for free.
Moreover, eight billion dollars a month for five years would have paved the way for establishing new energy sources, schools, hospitals, and much more for the American people. But this law-less administration could care less about America, its people, its children, its traditions, its environment and its constitution. Indeed, New Orleans represents a blatant metaphor for the Bush administrations eight years of hell. :confused:
Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone
We are sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia.
Get over Bush idiot. Obamaturd will screw our children a lot more and has with obamacare.
January 20, 2007

If the American Oil Corporations were forced to pay for this war instead of the American tax-payers, Eight Billion Dollars a Month, would we be in this mess right now?
Instead of negotiating an oil deal and keeping Iraq intact, American oil tycoons decided that WE should pay the consequences with our children’s blood and financial debt so that they can steal Iraq’s oil for free.
Moreover, eight billion dollars a month for five years would have paved the way for establishing new energy sources, schools, hospitals, and much more for the American people. But this law-less administration could care less about America, its people, its children, its traditions, its environment and its constitution. Indeed, New Orleans represents a blatant metaphor for the Bush administrations eight years of hell. :confused:
Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone
We are sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia.

How about if the San Andreas Fault was renamed Bush's Fault? Would that help?
I was looking for trivial and pointless thread to post something of no major importance what so ever this will do nicely I miss my old avatar so I'm going back to it.
January 20, 2007

If the American Oil Corporations were forced to pay for this war instead of the American tax-payers, Eight Billion Dollars a Month, would we be in this mess right now?
Instead of negotiating an oil deal and keeping Iraq intact, American oil tycoons decided that WE should pay the consequences with our children’s blood and financial debt so that they can steal Iraq’s oil for free.
Moreover, eight billion dollars a month for five years would have paved the way for establishing new energy sources, schools, hospitals, and much more for the American people. But this law-less administration could care less about America, its people, its children, its traditions, its environment and its constitution. Indeed, New Orleans represents a blatant metaphor for the Bush administrations eight years of hell. :confused:
Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone
We are sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia.

Sardonic time machine?:exclaim:
There should be a rule against posting old news in this manner.

I mean months old... year old... whatever. Some people are slow. But FIVE YEARS? Come the fuck on...
Bush Derangement Syndrome going strong since the year 2000 no expiration date.
If this was about oil...
Where is it...?
I don't see any evidence of us getting a deal on oil...
January 20, 2007

If the American Oil Corporations were forced to pay for this war instead of the American tax-payers, Eight Billion Dollars a Month, would we be in this mess right now?
Instead of negotiating an oil deal and keeping Iraq intact, American oil tycoons decided that WE should pay the consequences with our children’s blood and financial debt so that they can steal Iraq’s oil for free.
Moreover, eight billion dollars a month for five years would have paved the way for establishing new energy sources, schools, hospitals, and much more for the American people. But this law-less administration could care less about America, its people, its children, its traditions, its environment and its constitution. Indeed, New Orleans represents a blatant metaphor for the Bush administrations eight years of hell. :confused:
Bush’s Soldier-Kids: Sacrificing Children to Iraq’s Purgatorial Combat Zone
We are sitting on more oil than Saudi Arabia.
Get over Bush idiot. Obamaturd will screw our children a lot more and has with obamacare.
They have to beat up Bush because he was the last Republican to occupy the White House. They've learned lying and exaggeration get them more votes than the truth does. So far, they've done pretty well by the blame game, because people who don't know the difference are convinced people who give them freebies at the polls really care. And after they ran out of money, they kept the gifts up from the US treasury, which is now into the -$16 trillion category for national debt.

The scam goes on because when someone tries to stop the bs, it energizes the liberal base to get even with conservatives. It's a matter of time until we go through the stages of Bolshevism, which is what this seems to be, though I'm not 100% certain, it seems to have all the earmarks.
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I was looking for trivial and pointless thread to post something of no major importance what so ever this will do nicely I miss my old avatar so I'm going back to it.

Very cool.^^ I usually just post:

~Dreamy was here~

on these regurgitated and often cobweb ridden lefty talking point topics. I forgot all about CommonDreams.org

In the end of Obama's tour of destruction ,8 years total.Bush will still be the scapegoat for his failed polices and agenda.
In the end of Obama's tour of destruction ,8 years total.Bush will still be the scapegoat for his failed polices and agenda.

I think of little children who always try to deflect from their own wrong doings by pointing their teeny little fingers at the other child or sibling when they get caught.

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect! But all these years later? Bordering delusional and out of touch with the here and now.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh yeah, BOOOOSH,......lol!
2. Say *BOOOOOSH* when your spiraling down the drain.


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