Bush: Sartor Resartus


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Latin means 'the tailor re-tailored.'
Here, it refers to a new consideration of President Bush.

Turns out that Bush deserves far more credit than the Left's condotierri has tried to saddle him with.

1. Under the Democrats, terrorism was a police matter:
"During the Clinton administration's two terms in office, terrorism was treated primarily as a criminal justice problem and was not allowed to get in the way of the "real" foreign policy issues -- relations with Russia and China and the dynamics of the western alliance, according to former Clinton aide Dick Morris. Morris says the administration opposed almost every proposal for toughening measures against terrorism. For example:

• When legislation was proposed to cripple Iranian funding of terrorism by mandating U.S. retaliation against companies that aided its oil industry, the administration first threatened to veto it unless the president were allowed to waive sanctions, then blocked sanctions in virtually every case after the legislation was passed.

• When Clinton was advised to pass a law requiring that driver's licenses for aliens expire when their visas do (so that a routine traffic stop could trigger the deportation process), the White House rejected the idea on the grounds that it would constitute racial profiling.

• Clinton refused to establish a "president's list" of seemingly charitable groups that were in fact fund-raising fronts for terrorists.

• Despite staff recommendations that he require baggage X-ray screening at airports, federalization of air security and restoration of air marshals to commercial flights, Mr. Clinton did nothing to implement any of these proposals.

• When advisers proposed an oil embargo against Iran, the president did nothing, despite evidence that the 1998 Khobar Towers bombing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, had Iranian backing.
Under Clinton, America was made vulnerable to terrorism." Clinton On Terrorism

a. "In hindsight, [what we did] wasn't enough, and anyone involved in policy would have to admit that." -Nancy Soderberg, a former senior aide on Clinton's National Security Council

b. Former Clinton deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick concurred: "Clearly, not enough was done. . . . We should have caught this. Why this happened, I don't know. Responsibilities were given out. Resources were given. Authorities existed. We should have prevented this."

I'm about to prove that Democrats are fools.....and Bush was brilliant in this regard.
Stay tuned
very simple------the persons in receipt of Islamic oil money------downplay the issue of worldwide
Islamic terrorism------both here in the USA and
wherever it exists --------which, increasingly---IS EVERYWHERE. Russia does not need "muslim" oil--------but it is obsessively imperialist seeking to control world trade. Thus Russia has become the ally of the Islamic terrorist oil conglomerate in a struggle to CONTROL WORLD TRADE thru the attainment of PORT CITIES thruout the world
2. I was there on 9/11. I drove on the parkway, with papers from the World Trade Center fluttering down.
Everyone was thinking about another possible attack....and one was planned by the savages!

Bush, by his actions after 9/11 prevented a second wave of terrorist attacks that had been planned.
There are new revelations....wait until you see who they come from!

"The man who stood in the midst of the rubble at the World Trade Center site, and announced with bullhorn in hand to our enemies that “the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon,” prevented a second 9/11.

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

What if Bush had treated the offense as a police problem rather than a declaration of war?
Thousands more American dead.
• When legislation was proposed to cripple Iranian funding of terrorism by mandating U.S. retaliation against companies that aided its oil industry, the administration first threatened to veto it unless the president were allowed to waive sanctions, then blocked sanctions in virtually every case after the legislation was passed.

Was the bill a stand alone legislative action or did it have death rider amendments which turned off legislators?
2. I was there on 9/11. I drove on the parkway, with papers from the World Trade Center fluttering down.
Everyone was thinking about another possible attack....and one was planned by the savages!

Bush, by his actions after 9/11 prevented a second wave of terrorist attacks that had been planned.
There are new revelations....wait until you see who they come from!

"The man who stood in the midst of the rubble at the World Trade Center site, and announced with bullhorn in hand to our enemies that “the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon,” prevented a second 9/11.

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

What if Bush had treated the offense as a police problem rather than a declaration of war?
Thousands more American dead.
Legislatures did not move to have the actions certified as an act of war..yet the action to move to war also created a position where rights were suspended to acquire the position...

Was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed tortured to make the confession?
very simple------the persons in receipt of Islamic oil money------downplay the issue of worldwide
Islamic terrorism------both here in the USA and
wherever it exists --------which, increasingly---IS EVERYWHERE. Russia does not need "muslim" oil--------but it is obsessively imperialist seeking to control world trade. Thus Russia has become the ally of the Islamic terrorist oil conglomerate in a struggle to CONTROL WORLD TRADE thru the attainment of PORT CITIES thruout the world
Terrorist have attacked Russians because of their treatment of Islamic nations when it absorbed them into their empire,, and in their attempts in recent history to take them back after the fall of the USSR....
2. I was there on 9/11. I drove on the parkway, with papers from the World Trade Center fluttering down.
Everyone was thinking about another possible attack....and one was planned by the savages!

Bush, by his actions after 9/11 prevented a second wave of terrorist attacks that had been planned.
There are new revelations....wait until you see who they come from!

"The man who stood in the midst of the rubble at the World Trade Center site, and announced with bullhorn in hand to our enemies that “the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon,” prevented a second 9/11.

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

What if Bush had treated the offense as a police problem rather than a declaration of war?
Thousands more American dead.
Legislatures did not move to have the actions certified as an act of war..yet the action to move to war also created a position where rights were suspended to acquire the position...

Was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed tortured to make the confession?
No, he was water boarded.
very simple------the persons in receipt of Islamic oil money------downplay the issue of worldwide
Islamic terrorism------both here in the USA and
wherever it exists --------which, increasingly---IS EVERYWHERE. Russia does not need "muslim" oil--------but it is obsessively imperialist seeking to control world trade. Thus Russia has become the ally of the Islamic terrorist oil conglomerate in a struggle to CONTROL WORLD TRADE thru the attainment of PORT CITIES thruout the world
Terrorist have attacked Russians because of their treatment of Islamic nations when it absorbed them into their empire,, and in their attempts in recent history to take them back after the fall of the USSR....

Thank you, tushie dear, I am fully aware----Of course Russia does not want CHECHEN
terrorists in Russia------but those Islamic terrorists who can be USED for Russian interests are---------HEROES. Russia has ROUTINELY since the 1950s---supported the BAATHIST TERRORISTS. Baathism is
ARAB IMPERIALISM-----a nice ally for Russian IMPERIALISM-----"enemy of '''da west'' " Hezbollah is not attacking Russia and is not allied with Chechen terrorists
3. "...what KSM told Mitchell about what inspired al-Qaeda to attack the United States — and the U.S. response he expected. Today, some on both the left and the right argue that al-Qaeda wanted to draw us into a quagmire in Afghanistan — and now the Islamic State wants to do the same in Iraq and Syria.
KSM said this is dead wrong. Far from trying to draw us in, KSM said that al-Qaeda expected the United States to respond to 9/11 as we had the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut — when, KSM told Mitchell, the United States “turned tail and ran.”

He also said he thought we would treat 9/11 as a law enforcement matter, just as we had the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole in Yemen — arresting some operatives and firing a few missiles into empty tents, but otherwise leaving him free to plan the next attack.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.”

He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.” A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Think about that in light of the moves by the boy-genius who removed all of American troops from Iraq, and created ISIS!
Oh....and remember which party Obama represented.
4. "...Mohammed also readily admits they expected two very liberal responses to the attacks on 9/11 – liberal responses that would have allowed them to be successful.

One, he expected the United States to ‘turn tail and run.’ Recall for a moment that Osama bin Laden once claimed to be emboldened in carrying out the World Trade Center attacks because of military action in Somalia. Bin Laden claimed to discover former President Bill Clinton had no stomach for military action and that under his leadership, America had become a “paper tiger.”

Two, Mohammed assumed the response from the United States would be to treat the terrorist attack as a law enforcement incident – something President Obama himself wanted to do with him and other terrorists in Gitmo. Obama tried desperately to have Mohammed face a civilian trial in New York City, only to have to abandon those plans due to resistance.

Had either man – President Clinton or President Obama – or maybe even Al Gore been leading our nation during that attack, a second attack would have likely been carried out.
Thank God for President George W. Bush."

George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

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