Why Trump Thought He Could Get Away With Breaking Laws

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It's not about an NDA, dipshit.

$130,000 is a campaign finance violation for which Cohen went to jail.

Covering up the illegal campaign finance violation by falsifying business records is a crime.

All caught up now, dipshit?

$130,000 is a campaign finance violation for which Cohen went to jail.

It's not. Cohen went to jail for not paying over $1 million in taxes he owed.

Covering up the illegal campaign finance violation by falsifying business records is a crime.

Paying a legal expense for an NDA isn't covering up a campaign contribution.
$130,000 is a campaign finance violation for which Cohen went to jail.

It's not. Cohen went to jail for not paying over $1 million in taxes he owed.

Covering up the illegal campaign finance violation by falsifying business records is a crime.

Paying a legal expense for an NDA isn't covering up a campaign contribution.
Too bad that is a not an accurate description of what Trump did and for which he was tried and convicted of doing.
NDAs that cover up criminal violations of the law are illegal ... does $100 million buy your silence for a murder? ...

The NDA in question here is civil ... no laws are broken when some stupid old white guy gets off on broken down old whores ... that this particular broken down old whore violated her agreement is par for the course ...

Falsifying business records is always illegal ... and paying whores isn't a business expense ... whether or not an NDA ...

NDAs that cover up criminal violations of the law are illegal

NDAs that don't cover up criminal violations of the law are legal

Falsifying business records is always illegal ... and paying whores isn't a business expense

Legal expenses are legal expenses. Deductible.
$130,000 is a campaign finance violation for which Cohen went to jail.

It's not. Cohen went to jail for not paying over $1 million in taxes he owed.
He went to jail for tax fraud involving his taxi medallions, PLUS for lying on the HELOC he took out to pay off Trump's whore, PLUS for campaign finance violations.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

Covering up the illegal campaign finance violation by falsifying business records is a crime.

Paying a legal expense for an NDA isn't covering up a campaign contribution.
You can keep saying it over and over, but it does not magically become true.


Trump falsified his business records. He's a convicted felon who thought he is above the law.
NDAs that cover up criminal violations of the law are illegal

NDAs that don't cover up criminal violations of the law are legal

Falsifying business records is always illegal ... and paying whores isn't a business expense

Legal expenses are legal expenses. Deductible.
It wasn't a legal expense. It was an ILLEGAL expense. Which is why Trump is now a convicted felon.

Do try to catch up.
He went to jail for tax fraud involving his taxi medallions, PLUS for lying on the HELOC he took out to pay off Trump's whore, PLUS for campaign finance violations.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

You can keep saying it over and over, but it does not magically become true.


Trump falsified his business records. He's a convicted felon who thought he is above the law.

He went to jail for tax fraud involving his taxi medallions, PLUS for lying on the HELOC he took out to pay off Trump's whore, PLUS for campaign finance violations.

I wonder how much they shortened his sentence for the real crimes to get him to plead to the fake one?
I did not know that.

Can you elaborate?

Under the new law, 26 U.S.C. 162(q), a deduction is not allowed for a settlement or payment that:

(1) is “related to” sexual harassment or abuse and

(2) contains a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

(A non-disclosure agreement buys one or both parties’ silence about the agreement itself and the events that led up to it—that is, the harassment allegations.)

On its face, this new tax-code provision removes a financial benefit from alleged perpetrators of sexual violence, and seemingly disincentivizes companies from shuffling the misconduct of employees under the rug as just another “business expense.”

How about that.

12 ordinary jurors are smarter than the majority of Trump's rube herd.

I'd like to pretend I am surprised, but that would be dishonest.
A devoted follower donates $130,000 to the Trump campaign. That's WAY, WAY above the legal limit.

Trump then covers up that illegal contribution by entering the donation in his business records as party supplies.

This is basically the gist of what brought Trump down.

It had fuck-all to do with an NDA.

Instead of party supplies, it was entered as a non-existent "legal retainer". Same difference.

It's as simple as that, and yet evades some willfully dumbass idiots living in denial.

Thankfully, 12 jurors got it. And the odds say that at least 3 jurors were Republicans.
Under the new law, 26 U.S.C. 162(q), a deduction is not allowed for a settlement or payment that:

(1) is “related to” sexual harassment or abuse and

(2) contains a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

(A non-disclosure agreement buys one or both parties’ silence about the agreement itself and the events that led up to it—that is, the harassment allegations.)

On its face, this new tax-code provision removes a financial benefit from alleged perpetrators of sexual violence, and seemingly disincentivizes companies from shuffling the misconduct of employees under the rug as just another “business expense.”

But the Trump NDA with Stormy wasn’t related to any sexual harassment.

So, perhaps it was tax deductible.
NDAs that cover up criminal violations of the law are illegal

NDAs that don't cover up criminal violations of the law are legal

Falsifying business records is always illegal ... and paying whores isn't a business expense

Legal expenses are legal expenses. Deductible.

Paying a whore is a legal expense? ... I agree the NDA in question here doesn't cover up a crime ... (infidelity is only illegal under Christian Law) ...

Unless you're in the business of fucking broke down old whores ... you can't write that off as a business expense ... that's a personal expensive credited to your drawing account ... and not deductible ...

Trump can spend his business profits anyway he wants ... it's not like he pays taxes like some Middle Class slob ...
imo you're sorta onto something, but from the moment he was elected, wogs said his private wealth could not be put in a blind trust, or like Obama just sell it all and put the money in interest bearing accounts. Not a dis, but Trump runs his business like his personal checking account, and he acknowledges himself as the "King of Debt." And he didn't have the cash to post an appeal bond. So, he took the money for the porn star's payoff from his campaign. That was the crime.

I'm pretty sure some potus in years passed paid off a hooker or something ... but they didn't use campaign money. Nixon had suitcases of cash. LBJ? you betchay. The Kennedys? Cash galore. So, while Trump was so technically guilty the jury didn't give him even one count, I don't see how that trial made us better. Or Hunter's either. But in the end, you cannot logically deny that Trump dug this hole for himself with "lock her up."
If you gonna charge him for the three others, why not this too? Cohen went to jail 3 years for this.

my question is why this case first? The only one before the election. That’s bullshit. Thanks Merrick and Supreme Court
Do you deny that Democrats are filthy unrepentant lying scum?
Paying a whore is a legal expense? ... I agree the NDA in question here doesn't cover up a crime ... (infidelity is only illegal under Christian Law) ...

Unless you're in the business of fucking broke down old whores ... you can't write that off as a business expense ... that's a personal expensive credited to your drawing account ... and not deductible ...

Trump can spend his business profits anyway he wants ... it's not like he pays taxes like some Middle Class slob ...

Paying a whore is a legal expense? ...

I don't know, but NDA payments are deductible.
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