Bush visits Canada

ScreamingEagle said:
Well, I WAS trying to be friendly there. However, it seems that all you want to do is personally attack on every little bitty point you can grab onto instead of actually discuss things. You are appearing more and more like a liberal to me. Go troll yourself.

Personally attack every bitty point. :laugh: I went easy on you Oopie. Smell ya. :thup:
TheEnemyWithin said:
Canada sucks!!! Like, it's crawling with psychotic-loony-liberal nut-jobs to the left of Kerry. Just look at MrMarble's avatar...Socialist to the core. Didn't you read that one post (I forget the author) who told about the Canadian guy that called Rush Limbaugh's show? That said it all!!!

And America is a semi-fasicist fanatical state, but hey, at least I don't going around looking for fights.

p.s. My avatar is a joke to play on neo-cons fear of liberals.
MrMarbles said:
And America is a semi-fasicist fanatical state, but hey, at least I don't going around looking for fights.

p.s. My avatar is a joke to play on neo-cons fear of liberals.

It's so easy to judge when we do all your fighting, isn't it, Betsy.
TheEnemyWithin said:
Canada sucks!!! Like, it's crawling with psychotic-loony-liberal nut-jobs to the left of Kerry. Just look at MrMarble's avatar...Socialist to the core. Didn't you read that one post (I forget the author) who told about the Canadian guy that called Rush Limbaugh's show? That said it all!!!

OOPSY, :eek2: I didn't realize that Said1 lives in Ontario...I'm not talking about you, dear...whip me with a wet noodle.... :D
MrMarbles said:
And America is a semi-fasicist fanatical state, but hey, at least I don't going around looking for fights.

p.s. My avatar is a joke to play on neo-cons fear of liberals.

Whatever. When you start to see Canadians hauled away for Thoughtcrimes, don't say we didn't warn you.
TheEnemyWithin said:
Anything I can do to make it up to you...there I added to your reputation!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Wow, one measly point. To the iron lung with you then! :D
Bill O'Reilly conducted a poll asking if the U.S. considered Canada to be a friend anymore. As of yesterday 77% of the 40,000+ responders voted NO - that America does not consider Canada to be a friend anymore.

Historically Canada and the U.S. have always considered each other to be friendly neighbors. However, attitudes seem to have changed dramatically. Very doubtful if Bush's visit is going to thaw this chilly attitude any time soon.
ScreamingEagle said:
Bill O'Reilly conducted a poll asking if the U.S. considered Canada to be a friend anymore. As of yesterday 77% of the 40,000+ responders voted NO - that America does not consider Canada to be a friend anymore.

Historically Canada and the U.S. have always considered each other to be friendly neighbors. However, attitudes seem to have changed dramatically. Very doubtful if Bush's visit is going to thaw this chilly attitude any time soon.

I tend to disagree, I have a lot of faith in Martin, there are a lot of differences between him and Chretien. We'll see.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's so easy to judge when we do all your fighting, isn't it, Betsy.

When have you fought for us?

How so????

It is a much as a fanatical state as you believe Canada is communist.

Whatever. When you start to see Canadians hauled away for Thoughtcrimes, don't say we didn't warn you.

I'm pretty sure America would be first to begin jailing people without just cause or evidence of wrong doing, oh, wait, you already have.

Bill O'Reilly conducted a poll asking if the U.S. considered Canada to be a friend anymore. As of yesterday 77% of the 40,000+ responders voted NO - that America does not consider Canada to be a friend anymore.

Historically Canada and the U.S. have always considered each other to be friendly neighbors. However, attitudes seem to have changed dramatically. Very doubtful if Bush's visit is going to thaw this chilly attitude any time soon.

Canada has basically unchanged in it's policies over the past ten years. It is America that has taken itself far towards the right. So to blame us for the cooling is wrong, we are still the same humble lumberjacks, it's you guys who now demand more.
MrMarbles said:
Canada has basically unchanged in it's policies over the past ten years. It is America that has taken itself far towards the right. So to blame us for the cooling is wrong, we are still the same humble lumberjacks, it's you guys who now demand more.

America is not "far to the right". Just because Bush got elected does not mean that we are a conservative nation. We aren't. But at least we halted the slide to the far left and hopefully things will swing a little more to the right now. In your case, you are unfortunately continuing to swing left in tandem with Europe.

Canada has changed over the past years in that it has become very Secular much like Europe. You used to be a religious country and Canada used to have a moral compass like the U.S. but no longer. You are not the loveable humble lumberjacks you used to be. The liberal majority in your country has caused you to become too much like the pathetic anti-religious socialistic Marxist Eurotrash overseas that is constantly attempting to put down America.

I can only hope that Americans will observe what has happened to your beautiful country and stop the same secularization process being attempted here.
ScreamingEagle said:
America is not "far to the right". Just because Bush got elected does not mean that we are a conservative nation. We aren't. But at least we halted the slide to the far left and hopefully things will swing a little more to the right now. In your case, you are unfortunately continuing to swing left in tandem with Europe.

Canada has changed over the past years in that it has become very Secular much like Europe. You used to be a religious country and Canada used to have a moral compass like the U.S. but no longer. You are not the loveable humble lumberjacks you used to be. The liberal majority in your country has caused you to become too much like the pathetic anti-religious socialistic Marxist Eurotrash overseas that is constantly attempting to put down America.

I can only hope that Americans will observe what has happened to your beautiful country and stop the same secularization process being attempted here.

I've seen this argument countless times from Americans and my question to them is: When do you think this slide began? You say we came from a country similar to the US, politics wise, but I ask when? Even since its inception Canada has had the beginnings of social institutions and a multicultural state?

Since its inception Canada's goal was to unite very different people. At time, the union of Quebec with Ontairo, and the Martimes no less, seemed like a pipe dream. However it was the promise of a national railroad and removed tarrifs the eventually sealed the deal. In contrast, inception did not become as a result freedom like the US, it was due to underlying social/economic factors that were thought best resolved upon Confederation. Indeed, they were correct, it did become better.

As for secularization, Canada history has not had the same religious backbone as the United States. Canada's pre-confederation history was marred with Protestent and Catholic feuding. As a result much of the religious wording and basis was removed from law in order to unite both groups, who were predominant at the time. Civil institutions such as divorce (which didn't occur in the US till 1909), civil unions, etc were creation upon Confederation.

During the mid 40's and early 50's there was a movement that promote a greater role in the majority based, Christian influence. The government allowed Christian churches to promote education amongst First Nations. The results, as Said1 and Marbles, undoubtably were horrific. Tales of abuse persist to this day. Where this was not a reflection necessarily on Christians by any means, it did putter out the movement.

Since the 40's and 50's, things have been fairly status quo social wise. The 50's and 60's saw the rise of the Co-opertive Commenwealth Federation party headed by Rev. Tommy Douglas (who similarly was named the Greatest Canadian) which had Western, Christian social roots which would become the father of the current NDP (leftist) party. That saw the birth of Medicare, instituationalized by Lester B. Pearson, the same man who started the UN Peacekeepers.

So again I ask where sir, at what pivotal juncture in history have we strayed the path?
Isaac Brock said:
I've seen this argument countless times from Americans and my question to them is: When do you think this slide began? You say we came from a country similar to the US, politics wise, but I ask when? Even since its inception Canada has had the beginnings of social institutions and a multicultural state?

Since its inception Canada's goal was to unite very different people. At time, the union of Quebec with Ontairo, and the Martimes no less, seemed like a pipe dream. However it was the promise of a national railroad and removed tarrifs the eventually sealed the deal. In contrast, inception did not become as a result freedom like the US, it was due to underlying social/economic factors that were thought best resolved upon Confederation. Indeed, they were correct, it did become better.

As for secularization, Canada history has not had the same religious backbone as the United States. Canada's pre-confederation history was marred with Protestent and Catholic feuding. As a result much of the religious wording and basis was removed from law in order to unite both groups, who were predominant at the time. Civil institutions such as divorce (which didn't occur in the US till 1909), civil unions, etc were creation upon Confederation.

During the mid 40's and early 50's there was a movement that promote a greater role in the majority based, Christian influence. The government allowed Christian churches to promote education amongst First Nations. The results, as Said1 and Marbles, undoubtably were horrific. Tales of abuse persist to this day. Where this was not a reflection necessarily on Christians by any means, it did putter out the movement.

Since the 40's and 50's, things have been fairly status quo social wise. The 50's and 60's saw the rise of the Co-opertive Commenwealth Federation party headed by Rev. Tommy Douglas (who similarly was named the Greatest Canadian) which had Western, Christian social roots which would become the father of the current NDP (leftist) party. That saw the birth of Medicare, instituationalized by Lester B. Pearson, the same man who started the UN Peacekeepers.

So again I ask where sir, at what pivotal juncture in history have we strayed the path?

Seems to me it was a slow gradual departure, from the path. And if you had had to step up to the plate do what's right in the world, your country would be different. Noone looked to you to help europe in wwII. we were the only ones who could do something. When that's the case, you have to do it. We are the caretakers, and the leftists bite the hand that feeds.
Isaac Brock said:
I've seen this argument countless times from Americans and my question to them is: When do you think this slide began? You say we came from a country similar to the US, politics wise, but I ask when? Even since its inception Canada has had the beginnings of social institutions and a multicultural state?

Since its inception Canada's goal was to unite very different people. At time, the union of Quebec with Ontairo, and the Martimes no less, seemed like a pipe dream. However it was the promise of a national railroad and removed tarrifs the eventually sealed the deal. In contrast, inception did not become as a result freedom like the US, it was due to underlying social/economic factors that were thought best resolved upon Confederation. Indeed, they were correct, it did become better.

As for secularization, Canada history has not had the same religious backbone as the United States. Canada's pre-confederation history was marred with Protestent and Catholic feuding. As a result much of the religious wording and basis was removed from law in order to unite both groups, who were predominant at the time. Civil institutions such as divorce (which didn't occur in the US till 1909), civil unions, etc were creation upon Confederation.

During the mid 40's and early 50's there was a movement that promote a greater role in the majority based, Christian influence. The government allowed Christian churches to promote education amongst First Nations. The results, as Said1 and Marbles, undoubtably were horrific. Tales of abuse persist to this day. Where this was not a reflection necessarily on Christians by any means, it did putter out the movement.

Since the 40's and 50's, things have been fairly status quo social wise. The 50's and 60's saw the rise of the Co-opertive Commenwealth Federation party headed by Rev. Tommy Douglas (who similarly was named the Greatest Canadian) which had Western, Christian social roots which would become the father of the current NDP (leftist) party. That saw the birth of Medicare, instituationalized by Lester B. Pearson, the same man who started the UN Peacekeepers.

So again I ask where sir, at what pivotal juncture in history have we strayed the path?

As Rtwng said, the turn happened gradually. The same is happening here in the U.S. although we trail behind and hopefully can still turn the tide.

You could say the slide began when you tolerated "multiculturalism" instead of becoming a "melting pot" as the U.S. did. You actually have two separate official languages. This divides and separates people making it easier to pit one group against another making your country weak and open for "invasion".

You could say the slide began when you started stamping religion out of your culture. Your country now tolerates sleeze, sexual deviation, and other sordid activities much like the Eurotrash.

You could say the slide began as Secularism took hold of your people and they lost their moral compass allowing the State to be in charge. This allowed the principles of Marxism to gain leverage and begin to get a stranglehold on your country.

We are seeing the same radical progressive movement attempting to usurp the Constitution of the U.S. This fight is being fought on many different fronts. As an example, you can see it very clearly in the attempt here to prevent children from reading the Declaration of Independence because it contains the word "God". This is because the Declaration of Independence asserts the "self-evident" truth that all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". This means that the government must get their powers from the governed, not the other way around, as in Marxism.
I will applaud your attempts at being civil this time, BUT I won't go so far as to agree with everything you've stated. It's not so much that I disagree, I would have to say you are somewhat ahead of yourself with regard to the level of severity you use in your arguements.

1. Religion has not been stamped out of our culture. I should know, I went to Catholic school for 12 years.

3. What do you mean by "other sleeze and sordid activities"?

4. As for secularism, you have to remember, the liberals hold a MINORITY government here, there's hope for us yet. Canadians are getting a little more miffed than you give us credit for. Just curious, have you been to Canada, and if so where?

5. Yes, Canada has two official languages, which does not mean we are divided to the point of not standing togther, united as Canadians. The danger we face is increased hatred towards one another as the the federal government continues to please Quebecers and allow facist policies to exsist within their province. I don't really see how this leaves us open to invasion, could you please elaborate.

Your own "melting pot" has turned out to have it's negative side, and like us, you have your own "Chinatowns", "Little Italy" and newly emerging "Little Islamvilles". Canada also has a decreasing rate of natural increase, we better start making more babies quick if we don't want anymore immigrants. :D
rtwngAvngr said:
Seems to me it was a slow gradual departure, from the path. And if you had had to step up to the plate do what's right in the world, your country would be different. Noone looked to you to help europe in wwII. we were the only ones who could do something. When that's the case, you have to do it. We are the caretakers, and the leftists bite the hand that feeds.

You're kidding about WWII right? If not, well you need to brush up alot on your history.

You mention a departure, but where are the specifics? What was Canada that was once so great, but now isn't or is moving on the wrong path?
You're missing the question.

ScreamingEagle said:
As Rtwng said, the turn happened gradually. The same is happening here in the U.S. although we trail behind and hopefully can still turn the tide.

You could say the slide began when you tolerated "multiculturalism" instead of becoming a "melting pot" as the U.S. did. You actually have two separate official languages. This divides and separates people making it easier to pit one group against another making your country weak and open for "invasion".
Than why do we have less inter-culture crime?
You could say the slide began when you started stamping religion out of your culture. Your country now tolerates sleeze, sexual deviation, and other sordid activities much like the Eurotrash.
You have to be speaking in jest! We get all of our sleave from the States! Melrose Place? Sex in City? The entire porn industry? I'll tell you right now it's not from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

As for stamping out religion from our culture, this is absolutely absurd. I'd like to see your evidence. A reverend was just named our "Greatest Canadian". What does that say about us?

You could say the slide began as Secularism took hold of your people and they lost their moral compass allowing the State to be in charge. This allowed the principles of Marxism to gain leverage and begin to get a stranglehold on your country.

Secularism has always been in Canada, read my above post. Nothing has changed. I would prefer my country be secular over theocratic. Iran isn't a fun as it might seem.

We are seeing the same radical progressive movement attempting to usurp the Constitution of the U.S. This fight is being fought on many different fronts. As an example, you can see it very clearly in the attempt here to prevent children from reading the Declaration of Independence because it contains the word "God". This is because the Declaration of Independence asserts the "self-evident" truth that all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". This means that the government must get their powers from the governed, not the other way around, as in Marxism.

How does that apply to Canada? Our constitution enshrines our fundamental freedoms and there is no movement, left or right to change it. It is generally, a very well received document.
Isaac Brock said:
You're kidding about WWII right? If not, well you need to brush up alot on your history.

You mention a departure, but where are the specifics? What was Canada that was once so great, but now isn't or is moving on the wrong path?

I know you sent some. Whenever you accepted socialist leaning policies in government and economics and culture, that's when it went wrong. You tell me.

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