Business fleeing California

These aren’t just some unknown businesses. How about Tesla? Anyone heard of them? Building a $1.1bn factory in Austin TX. Musk the third richest man in the world moved to TX from Cali himself.

Ever hear of Charles Schwab? Likewise moving to Texas. They cite unreasonable tax climate. That sucks, eh?

Guess who else is moving to Austin, TX. Oracle. Wow, that’s a well known name. The founder and billionaire Larry Ellison has also left California

Hewlett-Packard or HP…leaving Cali for Houston, TX. Oh oh….stating that TX offers the best business climate in the nation.

Meanwhile VP Harris is campaigning for the governor due to the potential recall. You cannot make this stuff up.

This exodus has led California to lose $24.6bn in AGI. Maybe it’s time to turn California red and see how that goes?

But , but Dana and dr. Derpster claim businesses are fleeing Texas and won’t go there because of abortion. Okay, I couldn’t even type that with a straight face. Seems the better tax climate overcomes emotional blubbering from the left.
Just had the discussion about the all-out California exodus. People are tired of liberal bullshit, and others are tired of the BS many bring elsewhere because they're dumbasses, rude, disrespectful, self-absorbed, needy & pompous dicks.
I live in both Texas and Cali... Love the feel of Texas and am sick of the high tax, regulation and broken promises in Cali... Would happily vote for a Republican, actually did last election even though I didn't like the guy. But the Republicans as a whole need to do much better with their messaging and find better people to run for office. There is a very ugly element running through the Republican Party that keeps me from wanting anything to do with it.
I live in both Texas and Cali... Love the feel of Texas and am sick of the high tax, regulation and broken promises in Cali... Would happily vote for a Republican, actually did last election even though I didn't like the guy. But the Republicans as a whole need to do much better with their messaging and find better people to run for office. There is a very ugly element running through the Republican Party that keeps me from wanting anything to do with it.
But not the Democratic Party? Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters….AOC!?!


come on man
Trump was excellent when it came to actual action items. You dislike his rhetoric. I get. If Newsom is recalled then Elder is likely your new governor. You should listen to his one on one with Ben Shapiro. You may be surprised
Elder is a talker... Newsome is a talker with bad policies... Trump is a talker... most politicians are talkers. There is a right and wrong way to get things done on a political level. Trump did not understand that and ended up dividing the country in such a toxic way that we are going to be set back from actually getting meaningful things done for years. Something that was already in dire straights.
I had hopes that Trump could do something good because of his business background but he was quickly exposed as a mouthpiece and propagandist like the rest of them. He talks while others do. Thats how his businesses run and he surrounded himself by a team of dirty imbeciles while in the White House so all we got was the hot air.

No, I'm talking about somebody that actually knows business and how to do things.
I knew tramp could do not good.
But not the Democratic Party? Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters….AOC!?!


come on man
Dem party is bad too... I don't like their policies and big gov attitude and the wing nuts are just as toxic as those on the right. But when it comes to morality and charity and helping those in need, the dems are leagues ahead of reps. This is where the reps need to improve.
What did your heat comment have to do with business leaving California?
It didn't, it was a light hearted comment as I sit here melting in Texas having come from California. You're comment didn't make sense to me which is why I asked.
Elder is a talker... Newsome is a talker with bad policies... Trump is a talker... most politicians are talkers. There is a right and wrong way to get things done on a political level. Trump did not understand that and ended up dividing the country in such a toxic way that we are going to be set back from actually getting meaningful things done for years. Something that was already in dire straights.
That’s where you and I disagree. To me Trump was the effect not the cause. Regardless, major companies are fleeing California. That’s pretty eye opening.
Dem party is bad too... I don't like their policies and big gov attitude and the wing nuts are just as toxic as those on the right. But when it comes to morality and charity and helping those in need, the dems are leagues ahead of reps. This is where the reps need to improve.
Big difference between teaching someone to fish vs catching fish for them and making them dependent on you. Republicans did create opportunity zones. Dems do a better job of forcing people to depend on them.

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These aren’t just some unknown businesses. How about Tesla? Anyone heard of them? Building a $1.1bn factory in Austin TX. Musk the third richest man in the world moved to TX from Cali himself.

Ever hear of Charles Schwab? Likewise moving to Texas. They cite unreasonable tax climate. That sucks, eh?

Guess who else is moving to Austin, TX. Oracle. Wow, that’s a well known name. The founder and billionaire Larry Ellison has also left California

Hewlett-Packard or HP…leaving Cali for Houston, TX. Oh oh….stating that TX offers the best business climate in the nation.

Meanwhile VP Harris is campaigning for the governor due to the potential recall. You cannot make this stuff up.

This exodus has led California to lose $24.6bn in AGI. Maybe it’s time to turn California red and see how that goes?

much like Afghans attempted to jump on planes leaving the Taliban, Cubans got in rafts, and men and women attempted to scale the Berlin Wall, folks will do all they can to escape leftist oppression
That’s where you and I disagree. To me Trump was the effect not the cause. Regardless, major companies are fleeing California. That’s pretty eye opening.
Hey I just noticed that I made your moron wall of fame!! I'm humbled and honored :)

I think companies leaving California is very predictable. It is cheaper to expand and do business in other states. It is easier to fund raise and recruit talent in Silicon Valley which is why many of those companies started there
Big difference between teaching someone to fish vs catching fish for them and making them dependent on you. Republicans did create opportunity zones. Dems do a better job of forcing people to depend on them.

I don't hear the Reps promoting these opportunity zones very often. Perhaps they should focus their messaging a little more on their ideas to help those in need
Hey I just noticed that I made your moron wall of fame!! I'm humbled and honored :)

I think companies leaving California is very predictable. It is cheaper to expand and do business in other states. It is easier to fund raise and recruit talent in Silicon Valley which is why many of those companies started there
Was…not is. Now it’s almost irrelevant as many work remotely.
I don't hear the Reps promoting these opportunity zones very often. Perhaps they should focus their messaging a little more on their ideas to help those in need
I agree. That party is far from perfect but the Democrats have moved so far left it’s almost impossible to vote for them.

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