Businesswoman Who Bought Trump Penthouse Is Connected to Chinese Intelligence Front Group


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Businesswoman Who Bought Trump Penthouse Is Connected to Chinese Intelligence Front Group


When a Chinese American businesswoman who sells access to powerful people recently purchased a $15.8 million penthouse in a building owned by President Donald Trump, the deal raised a key question. Was this a straightforward real estate transaction, or was this an effort to win favor with the new administration? The woman, Angela Chen, refused to discuss the purchase with the media. The White House and the Trump Organization would not comment on it. Further investigation by Mother Jones has unearthed a new element to the story: Chen has ties to important members of the Chinese ruling elite and to an organization considered a front group for Chinese military intelligence.

Chen, who also goes by the names Xiao Yan Chen and Chen Yu, purchased the four-bedroom condo in the Trump Park Avenue building in New York City on February 21. As Mother Jones first reported, Chen runs a business consulting firm, Global Alliance Associates, which specializes in linking US businesses seeking deals in China with the country’s top power brokers. “As counselors in consummating the right relationships—quite simply—we provide access,” Chen’s firm boasts on its website. But Chen has another job: She chairs the US arm of a nonprofit called the China Arts Foundation, which was founded in 2006 and has links with Chinese elites and the country’s military intelligence service.

The China Arts Foundation was created by Deng Rong, the youngest daughter of Deng Xiaoping, the iconic revolutionary figure and Chinese leader. Deng Rong is what’s known in China as a princeling—a term used for the sons and daughters of former high-ranking officials or officers in the Chinese Communist Party who now hold significant sway in business and political circles. Since 1990, Deng has also served as a vice president of the China Association for International Friendly Contacts, which is an affiliate of the intelligence and foreign propaganda division of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

…To sum up: An influence-peddler who works with a princeling tied to Chinese military intelligence placed $15.8 million in the pockets of the president of the United States.

The guys so corrupt that you can smell it from 50 miles away.
The GOP in Congress protecting this POS is dragging them into the sewer with him. When will THEY break. He won't, he doesn't give a shit one way or the other, but they have to. Watching video after video of Republicans at townhall meetings is painting a really grim picture for Republicans in 2018. It was pathetic enough to see drumpf's cabinet go around the table and lick the dear leader's butt one by one, and horribly humiliating for Marco Rubio to be snubbed by Ivanka drumpf in a hug.

How low will these sycophants prostrate themselves before their balls hurt so much from being crushed under foot they say 'no more'? Is there a limit?
and he sells MEGA MEGA BUCK Florida mansions to filthy rich RUSSIANS.
The GOP in Congress protecting this POS is dragging them into the sewer with him. When will THEY break. He won't, he doesn't give a shit one way or the other, but they have to. Watching video after video of Republicans at townhall meetings is painting a really grim picture for Republicans in 2018. It was pathetic enough to see drumpf's cabinet go around the table and lick the dear leader's butt one by one, and horribly humiliating for Marco Rubio to be snubbed by Ivanka drumpf in a hug.

How low will these sycophants prostrate themselves before their balls hurt so much from being crushed under foot they say 'no more'? Is there a limit?

Groveling before the mad king: Donald Trump’s Cabinet of sycophants
Businesswoman Who Bought Trump Penthouse Is Connected to Chinese Intelligence Front Group


When a Chinese American businesswoman who sells access to powerful people recently purchased a $15.8 million penthouse in a building owned by President Donald Trump, the deal raised a key question. Was this a straightforward real estate transaction, or was this an effort to win favor with the new administration? The woman, Angela Chen, refused to discuss the purchase with the media. The White House and the Trump Organization would not comment on it. Further investigation by Mother Jones has unearthed a new element to the story: Chen has ties to important members of the Chinese ruling elite and to an organization considered a front group for Chinese military intelligence.

Chen, who also goes by the names Xiao Yan Chen and Chen Yu, purchased the four-bedroom condo in the Trump Park Avenue building in New York City on February 21. As Mother Jones first reported, Chen runs a business consulting firm, Global Alliance Associates, which specializes in linking US businesses seeking deals in China with the country’s top power brokers. “As counselors in consummating the right relationships—quite simply—we provide access,” Chen’s firm boasts on its website. But Chen has another job: She chairs the US arm of a nonprofit called the China Arts Foundation, which was founded in 2006 and has links with Chinese elites and the country’s military intelligence service.

The China Arts Foundation was created by Deng Rong, the youngest daughter of Deng Xiaoping, the iconic revolutionary figure and Chinese leader. Deng Rong is what’s known in China as a princeling—a term used for the sons and daughters of former high-ranking officials or officers in the Chinese Communist Party who now hold significant sway in business and political circles. Since 1990, Deng has also served as a vice president of the China Association for International Friendly Contacts, which is an affiliate of the intelligence and foreign propaganda division of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

…To sum up: An influence-peddler who works with a princeling tied to Chinese military intelligence placed $15.8 million in the pockets of the president of the United States.

The guys so corrupt that you can smell it from 50 miles away.

I had a friend who got Mother Jones - great laugh
Looney liberals are in extreme desperation mode to find something.....anything.....on Trump. ... :lol: .. :lol:

TRYING ? who needs to try, his fuckups are well known

but if you mean criminal, who knows ... 5 investigations may or may not lead to criminal
and he sells MEGA MEGA BUCK Florida mansions to filthy rich RUSSIANS.
Next thing you know, Trump will be selling them Uranium.
You do know that none of Uranimum One's uranium in the US can be exported to Russia, right?

What's that? You mean the pseudocons' masters didn't tell them that part?

And I bet they will get back in line to be lied to again, too!

These parroting rubes DESERVE to be lied to.
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Oh, but here's one thing Trump actually has done which the tards, including Trump, went after Clinton for doing.

Trump has sold $110 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia. Yeah!

Isn't it just astonishing how silent the rubes were about that?

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
and he sells MEGA MEGA BUCK Florida mansions to filthy rich RUSSIANS.
Next thing you know, Trump will be selling them Uranium.
You do know that none of Uranimum One's uranium in the US can be exported to Russia, right?

What's that? You mean your masters didn't tell you that part?

And I bet you will get back in line for them to lie to you again, too!

You rubes DESERVE to be lied to.

they dont care if Russia didnt have a license to export uranium from the US any more than they cared Obama lowered the deficit a trillion bucks ...
"The 1994 film “The Madness of King George” offers the following warning: “We consider ourselves blessed in our constitution. We tell ourselves our Parliament is the envy of the world. But we live in the health and well-being of the sovereign as much as any vizier does the sultan.”

It is tragic how quickly this horrible state of affairs has become a new type of normal in the United States."

Many of us saw it coming a year and a half ago. Many sounded the alarm, some of the most vocal and clear voices being the other Republican candidates like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and others. They were called all sorts of vile names by drumpf like Little Marco. Now these same people grovel at Trump's feet. A few Republicans in Congress are speaking out about the sham that is the current 'presidency' but they are marginalized by their own party.

No need to wonder how countries in the past fell so quickly from democracy to dictatorship and how so many people in those countries were fooled. It's happening in real time right in front of the entire population of the United States. And it isn't a given, the courts are proving to be quite robust so far.

The only question now that is the same as it was from the beginning, when push comes to shove and the Republicans in Congress either have to give up the Constitution or remove Trump, which will they do? On that simple thing hangs this democracy. The rest of the world knows this.

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