Busted… Vile Protesters With “Nazi” Signs Filmed Entering Dem Rep’s Office After Rall


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmJSzjIZyw]YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest[/ame]
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

BIG UPDATE: One of the protesters has been identified. She’s one of Obama’s Organizing for America staffers. They shipped her from Missouri to Chicago for their Hitler rally.

This Halvorson OFA protester gets around.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit
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well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit

i hate this type of stuff.

most conservative republicans are NOT nazis
just like most liberals and democrats are NOT nazis

bush was NOT a nazi
clinton was NOT a nazi
obama is NOT a nazi

I'm sure you are just as appalled when glenn beck and rush limbaugh refer to obama and liberals as nazis.....

well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit

i hate this type of stuff.

most conservative republicans are NOT nazis
just like most liberals and democrats are NOT nazis

bush was NOT a nazi
clinton was NOT a nazi
obama is NOT a nazi

I'm sure you are just as appalled when glenn beck and rush limbaugh refer to obama and liberals as nazis.....


this thread isn't about Beck or Limbaugh.
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It's distasteful, but apparently effective. I wouldn't do it....but so what if Halvorson's supporters do? So what if an Obama campaign worker helped? They were not pretending to be anything other than what they were -- Halvorson supporters. If they had shown up pretending to support her opponent and acted the fool, I'd say that was a dirty trick. But this?

I'm not feeling the outrage here, Stephanie. What's the biggie?

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It's distasteful, but apparently effective. I wouldn't do it....but so what if Halvorson's supporters do? So what if an Obama campaign worker helped? They were not pretending to be anything other than what they were -- Halvorson supporters. If they had shown up pretending to support her opponent and acted the fool, I'd say that was a dirty trick. But this?

I'm not feeling the outrage here, Stephanie. What's the biggie?

well my dear, maybe you'll figure it out.
Looks like 8 whole people. I hope you are not suggesting this fools represent the views of anyone else.

who are you talking to? this is ABOUT who the protesters are and what organizations they are involved with. and the tactics they are USING.
It's distasteful, but apparently effective. I wouldn't do it....but so what if Halvorson's supporters do? So what if an Obama campaign worker helped? They were not pretending to be anything other than what they were -- Halvorson supporters. If they had shown up pretending to support her opponent and acted the fool, I'd say that was a dirty trick. But this?

I'm not feeling the outrage here, Stephanie. What's the biggie?

well my dear, maybe you'll figure it out.

Gimmie a hint.
It's distasteful, but apparently effective. I wouldn't do it....but so what if Halvorson's supporters do? So what if an Obama campaign worker helped? They were not pretending to be anything other than what they were -- Halvorson supporters. If they had shown up pretending to support her opponent and acted the fool, I'd say that was a dirty trick. But this?

I'm not feeling the outrage here, Stephanie. What's the biggie?

well my dear, maybe you'll figure it out.

Gimmie a hint.

see above post.;)
After 8 years of "Bush is a nazi" the left can butch the fuck up and take the more accurate counter comparison regarding Obama. His policies say it all.


I am beginning to wonder, thanks to Dinesh DeSouza, if I am wrong about P-BO's inherent progressofascist philosophical roots. I'm taking some time to look at the possibility that it could be DeSouza is right and he is not so much a progressofascist as he is an African style "Anti-Colonialist". When considered in this light, his political tactics regardless of what color you wish to paint them align quite cleanly with the goal in which to end what P-BO views as the end of American Global Imperialism by breaking Her economic back.

Once you view his actions in this light, things suddenly line up and you can start laughing at his useful idiots on the left AND in the GOP elitists who are thinking they can either achieve victory for themselves OR play both sides against the middle and win.

As for the OP, yes. The left have out their Agents Provocateur. A tactic that used to be considered standard "Law Enforcement" back in the Napoleonic era where agents of the state were put in and amongst a group to drive troublemakers to the surface for them to be skimmed off when the raid came down. Very dirty pool indeed. Good that these people are being exposed. NOW... if the GOP had any cojones, they'd make national campaign ads and put them on the networks in front of every citizen so they can see how badly these leftists have been lying to them. Time for a lot of Rumor Control.
well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit

i hate this type of stuff.

most conservative republicans are NOT nazis
just like most liberals and democrats are NOT nazis

bush was NOT a nazi
clinton was NOT a nazi
obama is NOT a nazi

I'm sure you are just as appalled when glenn beck and rush limbaugh refer to obama and liberals as nazis.....


Have they done so? Honestly? Or is this your talking point from Soros? In deference to the OP? I'd say prove they did in context or STFU. And the OP is correct...this isn't of either of them. Nice try at derail.

It's addressed...and you fail too. Bonus.
I don't think any person on the planet was called Hitler more then George W.Bush,well except maybe Hitler
and that makes sense.All of a sudden now people are mad when someone calls Obama or Pelosi the same.Interesting.
well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

BIG UPDATE: One of the protesters has been identified. She’s one of Obama’s Organizing for America staffers. They shipped her from Missouri to Chicago for their Hitler rally.

This Halvorson OFA protester gets around.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit
That's straight out of the Alinsky rulebook.

It cracks me up when the marginally intelligent think they are pulling the wool over the eyes of most.
It's distasteful, but apparently effective. I wouldn't do it....but so what if Halvorson's supporters do? So what if an Obama campaign worker helped? They were not pretending to be anything other than what they were -- Halvorson supporters. If they had shown up pretending to support her opponent and acted the fool, I'd say that was a dirty trick. But this?

I'm not feeling the outrage here, Stephanie. What's the biggie?

An elected representative astro-turfs a protest that calls her opponent a Nazi, and you don't see anything wrong with this?

WTF is wrong with you????
The Rabbi, what is my reaction supposed to be? You tell me, okay? I'm all ears.

Should I have said "arrest those bastards"?

Should I have condemned them for hyperbole?

I just don't see why this is such a big fat deal. Stephanie declined to illuminate this point for me, so mebbe you can oblige me.
The Rabbi, what is my reaction supposed to be? You tell me, okay? I'm all ears.

Should I have said "arrest those bastards"?

Should I have condemned them for hyperbole?

I just don't see why this is such a big fat deal. Stephanie declined to illuminate this point for me, so mebbe you can oblige me.

OK, first look up Godwin's Law and then we can talk.

Okie dokie. Ready with that explanation now?

Okie dokie. Ready with that explanation now?

Do you think it is appropriate for an elected official to organize a fake grass roots rally with signs that smear her opponent with vile terms? Or do you think that's just politics as usual?
Because if you think the latter then you're part of the problem.

Okie dokie. Ready with that explanation now?

Do you think it is appropriate for an elected official to organize a fake grass roots rally with signs that smear her opponent with vile terms? Or do you think that's just politics as usual?
Because if you think the latter then you're part of the problem.
I've got Madeline's log in information for USMB.

Let's sign in and make racist posts about Obama.

Ready? Let's go.


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