But....a handgun ban that doesn't work? Just ask the Canadians...

Except nationally, police spending increased...

Defunded means exactly that, you stop funding police. We didn't do that. We increased funding to the police while social services (which do far more to prevent crime) are being slashed.

Except Lightfoot increased funding to the police. She did this despite massively decreased revenues due to TRUMP PLAGUE.

Except you realize your silly, ''no one defunded the police'', lie was just the typical leftist tactic of changing definitions to suit their agenda.

In 25 major U.S. cities across the country, officials have already cut – or have proposed cutting — funds from police budgets.

However, in as many as 20 of those same cities, mayors and other city officials enjoy the personal protection of a dedicated police security detail. In many cities, this security costs taxpayers millions of dollars per year.

We found that the defunding of police – coupled with taxpayer dollars spent on police security details protecting public officials– only occurred in cities run by Democratic mayors

Except you realized your, 'I Blame Trump', nonsense is just another leftist excuse for your own incomptence and failure.

Except you understand none of the above.
In 25 major U.S. cities across the country, officials have already cut – or have proposed cutting — funds from police budgets.

Okay, let's look at that. Some "proposed" it, but it didn't happen. Most of them that did were forced to cut back on ALL city services, not just police, because thanks to Covid, they had taken a sharp hit to revenues.
Okay, let's look at that. Some "proposed" it, but it didn't happen. Most of them that did were forced to cut back on ALL city services, not just police, because thanks to Covid, they had taken a sharp hit to revenues.

Okay, yes, lets look at that. Many democrat Hellholes ''proposed'' and then followed through on their plans to defund police and law enforcement.


Calls to defund the police coupled with taxpayer dollars spent to protect public officials only occurred in cities run by Democratic mayors, according to the report.

Baltimore, for example, slashed $22 million from its police budget in 2020 but didn't have a problem spending $3.6 million for 14 officers to protect Mayor Brandon Scott, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, and Police Commissioner Michael Harrison.

Maryland's largest city saw widespread protests against police in 2015 following the death of Freddie Gray and again in 2020 over the death of George Floyd. Gray, a 25-year-old black man, was arrested in April 2015 for possession of a "switchblade," thrown into the back of a Baltimore Police Department van, and found unconscious 45 minutes later with his spinal cord nearly severed. He spent seven days in a coma.

The city of Chicago spent $17.3 million between 2015 and 2020 to guard "unnamed city officials," according to information gathered through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Even though Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she was against defunding the police, records show that 400 police officer positions were cut last year while the cost of the security detail hit an all-time high of $3.4 million for 22 officers. The city spent $2.8 million for 17 officers in 2019; $2.8 million for 16 officers in 2018; $2.7 million for 20 police officers in 2017; and $2.9 million for 16 officers in 2016.

In San Francisco, officials made headlines for promising to divest $120 million from police over two years and move the money into health programs. However, the city spent $12.4 million between 2015 and 2020 to protect Democratic Mayor London Breed.

San Diego city council members this year budgeted $2.6 million for 12 full-time officials to protect Mayor Todd Gloria, as well as city council members during meetings and for security at the city administration building. However, Gloria's budget proposed a $4.3 million cut from the police overtime budget while spending $1 million to set up the Commission on Police Practices, a new oversight body to review and evaluate complaints brought by the public against police officers.

As crime spiked in New York, the city slashed $1 billion from its $6 billion police budget in 2021, reallocating $354 million to help curb homelessness and promote educational services. However, Mayor Bill de Blasio, his wife, and his son have had no problems traveling the country with an NYPD security detail
Okay, yes, lets look at that. Many democrat Hellholes ''proposed'' and then followed through on their plans to defund police and law enforcement.

What you leave out is that those funds were restored in 2022 when revenues returned.

Of course, security details for officials is a red herring. The real problem with police spending is that it isn't done efficiently.

Remember when Republicans used to be fiscally responsible and didn't want to throw money at every problem?
What you leave out is that those funds were restored in 2022 when revenues returned.

Of course, security details for officials is a red herring. The real problem with police spending is that it isn't done efficiently.

Remember when Republicans used to be fiscally responsible and didn't want to throw money at every problem?

Why did funds have to be restored?

You claimed earlier that , ''no one defunded the police''. If no defunding had taken place, there would be no requirement for restoration of funds.

Your major malfunction is that you can't recall the nonsense you post in various threads so you tend to come across as a total buffoon when you completely contradict yourself.
Why did funds have to be restored?

You claimed earlier that , ''no one defunded the police''. If no defunding had taken place, there would be no requirement for restoration of funds.

Did I need to use smaller words? Spending was cut because REVENUES declined. You can't spend money you don't have. You make it out to be "They disbanded the police force" instead of "Sorry, guys, you can't buy a new tank this year!"
Did I need to use smaller words? Spending was cut because REVENUES declined. You can't spend money you don't have. You make it out to be "They disbanded the police force" instead of "Sorry, guys, you can't buy a new tank this year!"
Do you need to use single syllable words to compose coherent sentences? Why, yes, of course.

Okay, let's look at that. Some "proposed" it, but it didn't happen. Most of them that did were forced to cut back on ALL city services, not just police, because thanks to Covid, they had taken a sharp hit to revenues.

Yes….they attacked the police openly and proudly …and the p9lice responded by refusing to engage criminals, they also quit or retired in massive numbers……….because of you and the democrats.
Yes….they attacked the police openly and proudly …and the p9lice responded by refusing to engage criminals, they also quit or retired in massive numbers……….because of you and the democrats.

You talk about racist cops quitting like that's a bad thing.

If someone quits being a cop because they can't abuse and murder black people anymore, it's a win-win for everyone.

I just imagine that if Jason Van Dyke or Derek Chauvin quit years ago because they were no longer feeling the love, how that would have worked out so much better for everyone.
You talk about racist cops quitting like that's a bad thing.

If someone quits being a cop because they can't abuse and murder black people anymore, it's a win-win for everyone.

I just imagine that if Jason Van Dyke or Derek Chauvin quit years ago because they were no longer feeling the love, how that would have worked out so much better for everyone.

They weren't racists you asshole......

But we will see what morons like you have created on Tuesday.....see you at the polls.....

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