But Actually Obama Was Right! Romney Is Now On Record, And Cannot Flip-Flop!!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Mostly the debate will be "won" by anyone who could keep up with it. This was a debate for people who don't have to get up on the east coast in the morning.

The Obama Campaign essentially set Romney up to take a big hit!

Only one example, there is this, for the next several weeks.

OBAMA: “Gov. Romney’s central economic plan calls for a $5 trillion tax cut — on top of the extension of the Bush tax cuts, that’s another trillion dollars — and $2 trillion in additional military spending that the military hasn’t asked for. That’s $8 trillion. How we pay for that, reduce the deficit, and make the investments that we need to make, without dumping those costs onto middle-class Americans, I think is one of the central questions of this campaign.”

THE FACTS: Obama’s claim that Romney wants to cut taxes by $5 trillion doesn’t add up. Presumably, Obama was talking about the effect of Romney’s tax plan over 10 years, which is common in Washington. But Obama’s math doesn’t take into account Romney’s entire plan.

Romney proposes to reduce income tax rates by 20 percent and eliminate the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax. The Tax Policy Center, a Washington research group, says that would reduce federal tax revenues by $465 billion in 2015, which would add up to about $5 trillion over 10 years.

However, Romney says he wants to pay for the tax cuts by reducing or eliminating tax credits, deductions and exemptions. The goal is a simpler tax code that raises the same amount of money as the current system but does it in a more efficient manner.

The knock on Romney’s plan, which Obama accurately cited, is that Romney has refused to say which tax breaks he would eliminate to pay for the lower rates.

So going forward, then the Obama Campaign has put Romney on a record that he cannot defend: With huge many weeks and days to go!

The Obama Campaign has far more money! The Romney message is unclear. Most likely economic events will trend mostly Democrat in coming days.

Romney has not plan.

End of knock-out in Debate Number One.

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Romney-Eyes only glazed ffteen times in 90 minutes--Getting to insane, but maybe not yet there!)
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

You are in a very small minority if you honestly believe Obama won. You're too funny! :lol:
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

You are in a very small minority if you honestly believe Obama won. You're too funny! :lol:

I honestly do believe Obama won! Romney now has more flip-flops and lies to answer for.
I thought Obama won the debate based on facts and likeability. Some MSNBC pundits say he was not aggressive enough, which I agree; however, Obama may have simply been giving Romney enough rope to hang himself with fact checkers.

Romney was psycho, much like a rabid pit bull, as he aggressively spewed his same old distortions and lies that have mostly been debunked by fact checkers.

The moderator, Jim Lehrer, was pathetic.

Bold #1: LULLLLZ

Bold #2: Ultra LULLLLLLLLZ
I honestly do believe Obama won! Romney now has more flip-flops and lies to answer for.

Oh man, keep the laughs coming. "I believe Obama won because the liberal media is going to come to work tomorrow."
Anyone can "win" a debate if they act like Charles Manson on meth while making shit up and having a retarded moderator.
If the debates were a watershed event, then likely it was among any who were unaware that national elections are already underway!

Some likely noticed that one of them looks white(?)! Others point out that it is only half-white. . .in America(?). . .which probably thinks more in terms of spades!

So that easily describes the viewers who thought Romney won. Anyone else likely needs a an MBA, even from a state school.

The President made no use of his time to actually do any math. That left Romney open to "an attack!" Nobody else can do any of my math either(?)! Romney actually drifted into that allusion; That other people can't seem to do the math the way that it is even presented in the OP.

That would be an appeal to an ignorant electorate.

Mostly, that will be called a "Romney Win!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So anyone knows the old joke, "What do you call a rich black guy with a college degree? A Mormon(?)!". . . .Well. . . .maybe not(?)!)
The whole Romney winning the debate thing was a set up for the knock out punch obama is going to give him next time.

Sort of like the fighter staggering around the ring, blood streaming down his face, saying "lemme at 'im, next round, I got him".
The whole Romney winning the debate thing was a set up for the knock out punch obama is going to give him next time.

Sort of like the fighter staggering around the ring, blood streaming down his face, saying "lemme at 'im, next round, I got him".

Nah I think it's more like Ali-Foreman. Rope-a-dope.
Anyone has to remember that in the case of the White Fellow, the real issue is Big Bird(?)--which is regarded wasteful spending: By China(?)! The Darker fellow actually looked directly in the camera, who probably needed to at least wiggle his ears, to keep up with the frenzy that Romney presented.

Somehow the insanity need to be moderated. As overnight polling appears to have it: "Romney Won!" History understands about political insanity unchecked.

A lot of other people seem to have noticed that Romney looked wild-eyed, and frantic!

Romney looks wild eyed and crazy - Democratic Underground

This debate seriously needed a laugh track, or least some audience reactions--to help cue the audience--not in the room--about remarks that were just made!

Romney admitted to cutting spending, relegating "Big Bird" into some nature of waste and fraud, funded by China(?)! There should at least have been someone in the audience with a "guffaw!" A moderating remark about there: Might have put the program back on to a serious track!

How many times was it necessary to note that "I don't have a 5 trillion dollar tax cut?" It just looks that way to analysts, who do not have any details about the Plan itself--just like everyone else? There should at least have been someone in the audience with a guffaw, or possibly some moderating remarks. "Governor, Do You Now Have the eliminated tax breaks at your website, since the debate started?" That was not asked. So Romney repeated the remark, over and over again!

It is somewhere reported that the overnight "tweets" volume actually centered on the Sesame Street character--and not on the Mickey Mouse character--or even The Donald--and the big tax break(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe get back to: "For A Good Time, Call ("Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts!)!"

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