Zone1 But Blacks Owned Slaves Too!

Every society has had crime and terrorism.
Especially Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Namibia, Niger and Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

But whites don't make excuses for that.
Don't need to. Humans don't need to make excuses for being human. To the best go the spoils. Too bad you just were not the best. Not even second best.

We aren't moving anywhere,
YOU are not moving anywhere. The rest of us have moved on and WILL move on. BLM is a failure. Racism is a dead political issue. Admit it, you've milked the teat for all it is worth. Now you fucks need to stand up and PRODUCE. Work. Earn Money. Contribute or GTFO.
Especially Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Namibia, Niger and Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

Don't need to. Humans don't need to make excuses for being human. To the best go the spoils. Too bad you just were not the best. Not even second best.

YOU are not moving anywhere. The rest of us have moved on and WILL move on. BLM is a failure. Racism is a dead political issue. Admit it, you've milked the teat for all it is worth. Now you fucks need to stand up and PRODUCE. Work. Earn Money. Contribute or GTFO.
LOL! Don't whites like you ever get tired of being ignorant. We've had 2 world wars because of whites.
LOL! Don't whites like you
Whites like me? Where have I ever identified myself as a white, racist?! And further, what difference would it make? Skin colour does not ally with social ideology, except with a racist like you.

ever get tired of being ignorant.
You're asking the question, spud?

We've had 2 world wars because of whites.
No, we've had two World Wars because of political and ideological ambitions wrought by technology. Meantime, your worthless ancestors still practiced their 500 year old basket weaving / mud thatch honing skills. So STFU. You cannot refute me. If not for western civilization, you idiots wouldn't even know what was actually going on in the world 50 miles from where you lived.
And that wasn't true either.

The ancient empire of Mali in West Africa.​

View attachment 811512

Timbuktu, Henrich Barth Painting​

The fame of Mansa Musa and his phenomenal wealth spread as he traveled on his hajj to Mecca. Afterward, he put himself and his kingdom, West Africa's Mali, on the map, literally. Mali's Timbuktu was known for its schools and libraries.

And that's just 1 Kingdom.

Then write about all the others.

How an Enslaved Blacksmith Had to Enslave His Own Family to Win Their Freedom​

In my book, The “Colored Hero” of Harper’s Ferry: John Anthony Copeland and the War against Slavery, I wrote about Allen and Temperance Jones, a married couple, both born into enslavement by a North Carolina plantation owner named Jeffrys in the late eighteenth century. Trained as a blacksmith, Allen had been able to work for wages on Sundays, the slaves’ only day of rest, eventually saving the $685 required to buy his freedom.

Jeffrys, however, was a swindler as well as a slaver. He took Allen’s money, falsely claiming that it was never rightfully his. “You are my n----r yet,” Jeffrys said, “and I have the money, too.”

Undeterred, Allen redoubled his labor. He eventually raised enough money to buy his freedom, which Jeffrys could not refuse a second time. Now able to work full time and keep his earnings, Allen saved the $3000—a small fortune in those days—necessary to free Temperance and their three children.

This time, Allen took no chances. North Carolina law required manumitted slaves to leave the state unless they had been freed under narrow circumstances. He could not trust the perfidious Jeffrys to release Temperance and the children, and certainly not to provide the certificate of “meritorious service” that would allow them to remain in North Carolina. Rather than risk simply handing over the cash, Allen was compelled to purchase his own wife and children, enslaving them to himself.

It's easy to make comments like blacks owned slaves too, but when comments are made they should contain the proper context. Most blacks purchased family members and of thextended relatives, which essentially freed them. Thus making the claim of blacks owning slaves as if they participated in the slave industry in the same manner as whites is disingenuous.
Guess De Santis was right. Blacks did get marketable skills. So what was all that fuss about?

I will listen to a word the OP has to say about slavery when he/she/it bothers to acknowledge that ALL slavery is as significant to the world as the enslavement of blacks in America from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

Only then.

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How an Enslaved Blacksmith Had to Enslave His Own Family to Win Their Freedom​

In my book, The “Colored Hero” of Harper’s Ferry: John Anthony Copeland and the War against Slavery, I wrote about Allen and Temperance Jones, a married couple, both born into enslavement by a North Carolina plantation owner named Jeffrys in the late eighteenth century. Trained as a blacksmith, Allen had been able to work for wages on Sundays, the slaves’ only day of rest, eventually saving the $685 required to buy his freedom.

Jeffrys, however, was a swindler as well as a slaver. He took Allen’s money, falsely claiming that it was never rightfully his. “You are my n----r yet,” Jeffrys said, “and I have the money, too.”

Undeterred, Allen redoubled his labor. He eventually raised enough money to buy his freedom, which Jeffrys could not refuse a second time. Now able to work full time and keep his earnings, Allen saved the $3000—a small fortune in those days—necessary to free Temperance and their three children.

This time, Allen took no chances. North Carolina law required manumitted slaves to leave the state unless they had been freed under narrow circumstances. He could not trust the perfidious Jeffrys to release Temperance and the children, and certainly not to provide the certificate of “meritorious service” that would allow them to remain in North Carolina. Rather than risk simply handing over the cash, Allen was compelled to purchase his own wife and children, enslaving them to himself.

It's easy to make comments like blacks owned slaves too, but when comments are made they should contain the proper context. Most blacks purchased family members and of thextended relatives, which essentially freed them. Thus making the claim of blacks owning slaves as if they participated in the slave industry in the same manner as whites is disingenuous.
Most Caucasians who were immigrants and moved to this nation never came within an earshot of owning slaves from Africa. I say to you. In a not disingenuous way. Have a many episode miniseries that advances the ROOTS mini series to pure reality. All Europeans involved in it with their names. All the then corporate interests involved in. All economic and financial people involved in it. All fiat currency interests involved in it. All Captains names of the slave ships coming to the Western World involved in it.
What can't logically be argued is that Africans forced whites to buy Africans and that blacks made slavery legal in America.
The cruel reality of world history is, if you couldn't defend your country against foreign invaders, you were defeated, and probably enslaved. Africans were particularly poor at defending themselves.
More white excusemaking. You brag about how America was founded of god given freedom of everyone and it wasn't. Talking about Ancient societies is very weak. Each of those slaveholding societies were destroyed.
Show me so much as one single post I made, claiming that America was founded of a "god" given freedom. America was created by a people that wanted independence from the rule of dictatorial royalty. As to slavery, when the Constitution was drafted, some states refused to allow it. Period. Was the US or any other nation guiltless in having slavery? No. It's history. People had a more primitive mentality and we can't apply "presentism" to what occurred then (claiming they should have known better. It was WORLDWIDE, with Islam being the most egregious of them).

How an Enslaved Blacksmith Had to Enslave His Own Family to Win Their Freedom​

In my book, The “Colored Hero” of Harper’s Ferry: John Anthony Copeland and the War against Slavery, I wrote about Allen and Temperance Jones, a married couple, both born into enslavement by a North Carolina plantation owner named Jeffrys in the late eighteenth century. Trained as a blacksmith, Allen had been able to work for wages on Sundays, the slaves’ only day of rest, eventually saving the $685 required to buy his freedom.

Jeffrys, however, was a swindler as well as a slaver. He took Allen’s money, falsely claiming that it was never rightfully his. “You are my n----r yet,” Jeffrys said, “and I have the money, too.”

Undeterred, Allen redoubled his labor. He eventually raised enough money to buy his freedom, which Jeffrys could not refuse a second time. Now able to work full time and keep his earnings, Allen saved the $3000—a small fortune in those days—necessary to free Temperance and their three children.

This time, Allen took no chances. North Carolina law required manumitted slaves to leave the state unless they had been freed under narrow circumstances. He could not trust the perfidious Jeffrys to release Temperance and the children, and certainly not to provide the certificate of “meritorious service” that would allow them to remain in North Carolina. Rather than risk simply handing over the cash, Allen was compelled to purchase his own wife and children, enslaving them to himself.

It's easy to make comments like blacks owned slaves too, but when comments are made they should contain the proper context. Most blacks purchased family members and of thextended relatives, which essentially freed them. Thus making the claim of blacks owning slaves as if they participated in the slave industry in the same manner as whites is disingenuous.

Amazing story...
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Show me so much as one single post I made, claiming that America was founded of a "god" given freedom. America was created by a people that wanted independence from the rule of dictatorial royalty. As to slavery, when the Constitution was drafted, some states refused to allow it. Period. Was the US or any other nation guiltless in having slavery? No. It's history. People had a more primitive mentality and we can't apply "presentism" to what occurred then (claiming they should have known better. It was WORLDWIDE, with Islam being the most egregious of them).
Americans claim this nation was founded bestowed to every human by God. So your excuse of slavery being global has nk merit. Islam was not the most egreegious because the trans atlantic trade dwarfed that. And slavery was prevalent in Eurooe. But none of these things excuse slavery here WHERE WE LIVE.
Americans claim this nation was founded bestowed to every human by God. So your excuse of slavery being global has nk merit. Islam was not the most egreegious because the trans atlantic trade dwarfed that. And slavery was prevalent in Eurooe. But none of these things excuse slavery here WHERE WE LIVE.
There is no slavery “WHERE WE LIVE” (except for the Democrat condoned child sex trafficking and slavery).
There is no slavery “WHERE WE LIVE” (except for the Democrat condoned child sex trafficking and slavery).
Another idiotic comment that doesn't have anything to do with the topic.
Another idiotic comment that doesn't have anything to do with the topic.
The topic of slavery doesn't have anything to do with the topic of slavery? Okay ... put the bottle down and go rest your head.
Blacks sold other black prisoners they had captured from warring tribes into slavery for money to the Portuguese and Spanish traders and thought it was a great idea until the Europeans started just taking anyone, including the people who had been doing the selling and profiteering.

Sucks to be on the losing end of a bargain--- the fate of the inferior and weaker everywhere.

Had Africans been technologically more advanced and met up with neolithic stone age white men in Europe, they would have done the exact same thing. In fact, they already were before they ever met a white person.

Fate of the inferior. Old as man himself is. Nature Politics. Even the insects practice it, so stop wasting your breath how evil white people are.

Be glad that stuff is long behind us getting better every day and more people are treated more equally than ever before in the 5 million year history of homo sapiens and move on instead of letting it consume and waste your life. Society EVOLVES. Change takes time.

Continually drudging up the soiled, dirty past only gets you more soil and dirt.
Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from Black slave owners.

Historian Steven Mintz describes the situation in his book African-American Voices: A Documentary Reader, 1619-1877:

Apologists for the African slave trade long argued that European traders did not enslave anyone: they simply purchased Africans who had already been enslaved and who otherwise would have been put to death. Thus, apologists claimed, the slave trade actually saved lives. Such claims represent a gross distortion of the facts. Some independent slave merchants did in fact stage raids on unprotected African villages and kidnap and enslave Africans. Most professional slave traders, however, set up bases along the west African coast where they purchased slaves from Africans in exchange for firearms and other goods. Before the end of the seventeenth century, England, France, Denmark, Holland, and Portugal had all established slave trading posts on the west African coast.

Yet to simply say that Europeans purchased people who had already been enslaved seriously distorts historical reality. While there had been a slave trade within Africa prior to the arrival of Europeans, the massive European demand for slaves and the introduction of firearms radically transformed west and central African society. A growing number of Africans were enslaved for petty debts or minor criminal or religious offenses or following unprovoked raids on unprotected villages. An increasing number of religious wars broke out with the goal of capturing slaves. European weapons made it easier to capture slaves.
The history of slavery was worldwide, even Vikings had slaves, captured from England and other coastal European areas. The Chinese had slaves. No race was excluded from either enslaving or being enslaved. The people that had been really aggressive at enslaving and purchasing slaves, were the Muslims and they castrated the male slaves. Their excuse, it was allowed in the Quran. Muslim nations were the last to end slavery, in the twentieth century.
As the history of slavery was a worldwide phenomenon, it needs to be taught in the schools, but as the worldwide problem it was, not some single area only. Once taught and learned in schools, it needs to be relegated to the past and all should focus on what matters, working together to build a unified nation, with respect for all law-abiding citizens.
Kind of disagree here.

Yes, slavery was world wide and goes far back into human history. Slavery wasn’t the same everywhere but unique to tbe cultures and mores of the time.

BUT slavery as a world wide problem had little effect on us in the particular development of our nation. Like it or not, slavery and its legacy is embedded in our history and who we are as a country. This conversation is proof of that, we still struggle to come to terms as a nation, with who are in relation to slavery.

The reason I disagree is that slavery didn’t end with emancipation. It’s effects continued through the enacting of new laws designed to maintain the old order without being explicitly slavery. This continued through the civil rights era and that is in living memory. This is where it diverged from “world wide slavery” because it became racial. You’re saying we should be putting all this behind us when it is still, historically, a recent event in the memories of people alive today (Jim Crowe and the fight for rights) and shouldn’t be relegated to the back pages.
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The topic of slavery doesn't have anything to do with the topic of slavery? Okay ... put the bottle down and go rest your head.
Your comment made mention of how there is no slavery here today except in your imagination about democrats. The top is about the ownership of slaves by blacks in the past. The comments I made was in response to the standardcwhite racist excuse of how slavery was worldwide in that past. Therefore your comment was off toic and you know it. You made that comment to troll.
The that was in the past excuse really needs to stop being used. In the history of the world there have been revolutions in every society. Yet no one will stand for anyone telling people to let go of the memory of the Revolutionary War.
Your comment made mention of how there is no slavery here today except in your imagination about democrats. The top is about the ownership of slaves by blacks in the past. The comments I made was in response to the standardcwhite racist excuse of how slavery was worldwide in that past. Therefore your comment was off toic and you know it. You made that comment to troll.
The fact of the matter is that blacks owned black slaves. It's also true that whites have been enslaved by non-whites over the centuries but you don't hear whites demanding that Muslims pay them reparations for past wrongs. That's just a stupid idea all around.

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