Zone1 Who was responsible for slavery.

Cant you see?
It requires growth to work--200 years prices double--100 years prices double--50 years prices double--25 years prices double-- 12 1/2 years prices double-6 years prices double-3 years prices double. we are in the 12 1/2 year period if not the 6 year period.=Greed run capitalism. The stock market is ruining to many lives. Its run on greed, corporations are run on the stock market thus are run on greed. The tribulation isn't to far off.
Its moronic at minimum to pay people to play games 50 million $$ a year, and the president of the usa gets 450,000 a year, Which job is more important? To morons games are. They have turned humans into outright idiots.
Anyone who thinks capitalism is EVIL needs to re-evaluate. Granted, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than the alternatives.
I prefer a mixed economy with a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation. I also want a high minimum wage and strong labor unions.

The problem with socialism is that nothing prevents the leader from giving the executives in socialist industries high incomes, with low taxes. North Korea has a socialist economy. The dictator and his cronies live well in a country where starvation is wide spread.

I incest on democracy, even when the majority is anti socialist. The choice between socialism and capitalism, or how much of each to allow in combination, should be decided by votes, rather than bullets.
Cant you see?
It requires growth to work--200 years prices double--100 years prices double--50 years prices double--25 years prices double-- 12 1/2 years prices double-6 years prices double-3 years prices double. we are in the 12 1/2 year period if not the 6 year period.=Greed run capitalism. The stock market is ruining to many lives. Its run on greed, corporations are run on the stock market thus are run on greed. The tribulation isn't to far off.
Its moronic at minimum to pay people to play games 50 million $$ a year, and the president of the usa gets 450,000 a year, Which job is more important? To morons games are. They have turned humans into outright idiots.
And that makes capitalism evil in your mind?

Would you like for the government to set prices, profits and wages?
Taking into account the culmination of the issue, the event, and the problem as far as who is responsible for slavery this entire thread began as a mischaracterization. That of a poor black man who owned no ships and had no legal slave auction authority.

After all why post the pictures of the top ten men-white men responsible for slavery, the selling of slaves, and the placing of a ten dollar tax on slaves as if they were a sack of dirt when you can smear a black man with no power instead.
You know, that institution that used to exist where blacks were enslaved. That we fought a Civil War to end? That many blacks these days laughingly want "reparations" for? Who started it all. It was a black person named Anthony Johnson. He was at one time an indentured servant who was freed after his indentured servitude. He went on to be successful. He himself got 4 indentured servants. Three White and one black.

The black one's name was John Castor. After his period of indentured servitude, Johnson didn't free him. But he went to work for a neighbor anyway. Johnson sued to get him back. The first trial ended where the neighbor got to keep him. But on appeal, Jonson was given the right to own him and got him back. That set the legal precedent. So for all the blacks who complain about their ancestors having been slaves, they have a black person to blame for it. And for those seeking reparations for slavery, they should look for the descendants of Anthony Johnson and try to get it from them.

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Yeah, slavery didn't exist before the US existed..... er...
Who is more responsible for illegal drug use?

The dealer or the user?

Or is it possible that it’s a meaningless question.

There is no user without a supplier. And there are no suppliers if there is no market of users.

And even that fails to capture an important part of the story. Slavery doesn’t legally exist anymore (except in a few Islamic shitholes).
Your whole story sounds like anti-White bullshit to me. Just like all of the other BS White bashing propaganda out there. Why? Because those people wanted slaves. So don't be going all "Mandingo" on me by telling me anything different. People fuck and have children. Unfortunately, that includes blacks. If somebody wanted slaves, all they had to do was wait a while to get more. No sort of forced breeding was necessary to make that happen.

Also, even if some slave owners did breed slaves, I would have to imagine it was to breed some favorable characteristic into them. What could that have been. To have large muscles and small brains? Because if they bred them for anything else, it was a failure.
It's documented factual history.

Slave breeding was the practice in slave states of the United States of slave owners to systematically force the reproduction of slaves to increase their profits. It included coerced sexual relations between male slaves and women or girls, forced pregnancies of female slaves, and favoring women or young girls who could produce a relatively large number of children. The objective was to increase the number of slaves without incurring the cost of purchase, and to fill labor shortages caused by the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade.

Your OP was white supremacist garbage that didn't even have the real picture of Anthony Johnson. That's because they couldn't take pictures in the 1600's. Slaves were bred like cattle, that's a fact, and it was done outside of normal human hormonal attraction. This is no anti white propaganda son. This is the truth of what was done. So deal with it.. Because your punk --- is trying to blame blacks for slavery in America and that's a lie.
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Sure but the title of this thread asks the question, "Who was responsible for slavery?"

That's what I was answering.
Go read about the Corwin Amendment.
The black pirates would raid cities in Europe and enslave white people. Dont hear much about that, where are my reparations for that crap?

Most Barbary pirates were European renegades who had lost their Letters of Marque.
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I believe the 430-year figure reflects the duration of Egypt's empire in Asia from a Canaanite perspective. The group that became first-millennium Israel had indeed been subjugated by the pharaohs, but in their native land, not in Egypt.

I believe the 430-year figure reflects the duration of Egypt's empire in Asia from a Canaanite perspective. The group that became first-millennium Israel had indeed been subjugated by the pharaohs, but in their native land, not in Egypt.
Which was never passed by Republicans and was 30 years after Democrats expanded slavery westward.
It was passed and the only thing that stopped it from ratification was the south losing. Today the same south is Republican.
Cant you see?
It requires growth to work--200 years prices double--100 years prices double--50 years prices double--25 years prices double-- 12 1/2 years prices double-6 years prices double-3 years prices double. we are in the 12 1/2 year period if not the 6 year period.=Greed run capitalism. The stock market is ruining to many lives. Its run on greed, corporations are run on the stock market thus are run on greed. The tribulation isn't to far off.
Its moronic at minimum to pay people to play games 50 million $$ a year, and the president of the usa gets 450,000 a year, Which job is more important? To morons games are. They have turned humans into outright idiots.
The question is, does the citizen working slack off with socialist policies? Do we? If Detroit's auto unions did not strike like clockwork from the end of WW 2 until the first gas crisis broke their backs in the early 1970's like Humpty Dumpty taking a fall, would they still be the most dominant auto producers in the world?

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