Butt-kissing A Dead Terrorist


Sep 23, 2010
Let me begin by admitting I did not attend the recent vaudeville show in Africa. Early on, I decided that a bunch of so-called “world leaders” traveling to Africa to throw a lip-lock on the ass of a dead terrorist wasn’t worth the time it would take for me to write an original message. The beginning of Katie Shaidle’s article, along with the Youtube audio she linked, and her title question changed my mind. The question:

Did Obama imply U.S. Founders were communist?​

Michael Savage

When it came to covering the Nelson Mandela memorial, most commentators focused on President Obama’s tacky “selfie” or his handshake with Castro. Dr. Savage, however, was more concerned about Obama’s speech, in which he compared Mandela to America’s Founding Fathers

“That’s like saying our Founding Fathers were communists,” said Savage. After all, “Mandela was a member of the Communist Party who supported the murderous dictatorship in Cuba” and other far left regimes.

Exclusive: Kathy Shaidle recaps week's hottest in talk radio
Published: 2 days ago

Did Obama imply U.S. Founders were communist?


According to Saul Alinsky (1909 - 1972) in his 1946 book Reveille for Radicals the Communists were everywhere, doing wonderful things, even while the Founding Fathers were writing the Constitution. Alinsky very cleverly used the word radicals when he meant Communists:

The American Radicals were in the colonies grimly forcing the addition of the Bill of Rights to our Constitution.

In case you missed it, that is the same Bill of Rights that American Communists despise. Barack Taqiyya calls them Negative Rights —— meaning they are not Rights at all because they do not have to be paid for with taxes.

Rules for Radicals

In 1971 Alinsky wrote the rule book for Barack Taqiyya’s chosen profession —— Community Organizer. The media turned community organizing into an honorable calling in order to help the biggest America-hater of all get elected. Think about those implications whenever you see anybody in the media fawning all over the messiah.

Alinsky was not the only Communist that had a strong influence on Barack Taqiyya. His mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was another. Valerie Jarrett is another.

Davis was also intimately familiar with the Citizens’ Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers. A surviving April 12, a member and among the small group of journalistically inclined individuals who comprised the group’s publicity committee. Joining him in both capacities was Vernon Jarrett.

Jarrett would become a major name in Chicago and known nationally. He wrote syndicated columns for the Chicago Tribune before joining the Chicago Sun-Times, on whose editorial board he later served. When Jarrett died in May 2004, he was hailed in a Washington Post obit titled “Vernon Jarrett, 84; Journalist, Crusader.”

The Post’s tribute neglected to note that in his youth Jarrett was elected to the Illinois Council of American Youth for Democracy, the CPUSA youth wing, at the group’s 1946 national convention. He also wrote for the left-wing Chicago Defender. In any or all of those capacities, Jarrett would have met Frank Marshall Davis.

In April 1948, Jarrett and Davis put their minds together for the Packing-House Committee and their pens to joint service defending Chicago’s oppressed proletariat. “The duty of this Committee,” declared their statement “is to give publicity to…the plight of the workers.”

Today, their political heirs put their minds to joint service at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In 1983, Jarrett’s son, Dr. William Robert Jarrett, married a young woman named Valerie Bowman. Valerie Bowman became Valerie Jarrett, who today is Barack Obama’s top adviser. (See my profile of her, “Letting Obama Be Obama,” TAS, July/August 2011.)

If that’s not eerie enough, there is another connection between Valerie Jarrett’s and Obama’s political ancestors. His name was Robert R. Taylor, and Davis worked with him at a CPUSA/ Comintern “antiwar” rally in Chicago in November 1940. The group behind the rally was the hideous American Peace Mobilization, later described by Congress as “one of the most seditious organizations which ever operated in the United States.” This “instrument of the Communist Party line” was “one of the most notorious and blatantly Communist fronts ever organized in this country.” The goal of the American Peace Mobilization was to keep the U.S. out of World War II, because, at the time, Hitler was allied with Stalin via the Hitler-Stalin pact. And so, the good comrades at CPUSA saluted the red flag. Davis and Taylor worked together on an event billed as “Negroes and National Defense.”

Dreams From Frank Marshall Davis
Meet the hard-core Communist who mentored the future 44th President of the United States.
By Paul Kengor – From the October 2012 issue

Dreams From Frank Marshall Davis | The American Spectator

Take all of the Communists in Barack Taqiyya’s life and put them together with his words and actions and the answer to Kathy Shaidle’s title question is an emphatic YES.

Finally, if you want a laugh take a short walk down memory lane. I think it’s sick-funny because Hillary Clinton admires Alinsky as much, or more, than does Taqiyya:

January 24, 2008
Hillary and Bill Use Alinksy Tactics To Bring Down Obama
By Kyle-Anne Shiver

Archived-Articles: Hillary and Bill Use Alinsky Tactics To Bring Down Obama
Most of what you are trying to convey here, is being obscured by the profound Obama hate.

Furthermore, your c&p's are kind of hard to follow. I do think its a circus, but I also do not get calling Mandela a terrorist.
Most of what you are trying to convey here, is being obscured by the profound Obama hate.

To Mad_Cabbie: I hate everything he stands for; so it’s pretty hard for that hatred not to spill over into hating him personally. I’m not of the school that says “I hate what you stand for, but will defend to the death your Right to screw me.”

Furthermore, your c&p's are kind of hard to follow.

To Mad_Cabbie: Not according to the people my messages are written for.

I do think its a circus,

To Mad_Cabbie: And Mandela was the star clown.

but I also do not get calling Mandela a terrorist.

To Mad_Cabbie: Does his being on the US government’s Terrorist Watch List help.

p.s. Please spare me the standard liberal responses that convert brutal individuals into great humanitarians. I heard it all when he was alive. In fact, the ol’ yardbird’s Nobel Peace Prize was a bigger disgrace than was Yasser Arafat’s and Mikhail Gorbachev’s.
but I also do not get calling Mandela a terrorist.

To Mad_Cabbie: Does his being on the US government’s Terrorist Watch List help.

No, it does not help one stinking bit. A "list?" Are you kidding? That's your evidence that Mandela was a terrorist?
p.s. Please spare me the standard liberal responses that convert brutal individuals into great humanitarians. I heard it all when he was alive. In fact, the ol’ yardbird’s Nobel Peace Prize was a bigger disgrace than was Yasser Arafat’s and Mikhail Gorbachev’s.

Standard liberal responses? Good God, man; they are standard responses by anyone with the good sense to use their own judgement.

Mandela helped to free South Africa - anyone who thinks otherwise is under the influence of AM radio. :lol:

Not according to the people my messages are written for.

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Conservatives on the wrong side of history again....why am I not surprised?
but I also do not get calling Mandela a terrorist.

To Mad_Cabbie: Does his being on the US government’s Terrorist Watch List help.

No, it does not help one stinking bit. A "list?" Are you kidding? That's your evidence that Mandela was a terrorist?

To Mad_Cabbie: I doubt you’ll read the linked article, but I’m posting it for anybody who doubts marble mouth’s place on the US government’s Terrorist Watch List:

Mandela, Great Man of Peace, never had much to say about the impending genocide of whites (well, he did have one thing to say, but I'll get to that).

December 16, 2013
White-washing Mandela's Memory
By Selwyn Duke

Articles: White-washing Mandela's Memory
Republicans under Reagan supported Apartheid. It was the CIA that caught Mandela and turned him over to the South African illegal government.

Yea, keep calling black leaders names. It's one way to ensure the black vote for years to come.
Conservatives on the wrong side of history again....why am I not surprised?

I believe Conservative appreciate reality where as Democrats prefer bullshit..

Funny, many conservatives on this site seem to believe Lincoln was a "confederate". We know there are conservatives who believe Obama is the anti Christ and that people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid.

So much for "reality".
Conservatives on the wrong side of history again....why am I not surprised?

I believe Conservative appreciate reality where as Democrats prefer bullshit..

Funny, many conservatives on this site seem to believe Lincoln was a "confederate". We know there are conservatives who believe Obama is the anti Christ and that people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid.

So much for "reality".

Liberal educational system and just plain ole goofy headed...

I don't believe Obama's bright enough to be the anti-Christ and if he is we have nothing to worry about..:lol:
I believe Conservative appreciate reality where as Democrats prefer bullshit..

Funny, many conservatives on this site seem to believe Lincoln was a "confederate". We know there are conservatives who believe Obama is the anti Christ and that people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid.

So much for "reality".

Liberal educational system and just plain ole goofy headed...

I don't believe Obama's bright enough to be the anti-Christ and if he is we have nothing to worry about..:lol:

Which is why people come here from overseas to study in Blue States at those dern "liberal" universities. Who wants to study at right winger tier four Bible colleges?
Funny, many conservatives on this site seem to believe Lincoln was a "confederate". We know there are conservatives who believe Obama is the anti Christ and that people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid.

So much for "reality".

Liberal educational system and just plain ole goofy headed...

I don't believe Obama's bright enough to be the anti-Christ and if he is we have nothing to worry about..:lol:

Which is why people come here from overseas to study in Blue States at those dern "liberal" universities. Who wants to study at right winger tier four Bible colleges?

The reason people end up in Blue states is because they know people that are already there. If you're Cuban, Brazilian, or Colombian you go to Miami. If you're Puerto Rican you go to NYC and New Jersey. Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hispanic go to California.
^ dude is retarded.

They come here mainly for opportunity. School / work.
The reason people end up in Blue states is because they know people that are already there. If you're Cuban, Brazilian, or Colombian you go to Miami. If you're Puerto Rican you go to NYC and New Jersey. Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hispanic go to California.

^ dude is retarded.

They come here mainly for opportunity. School / work.

To mudwhistle & G.T.: Let’s not downplay welfare, or the money the education industry rakes in, or the fact that most are illegal aliens after they overstay their visas.
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Liberal educational system and just plain ole goofy headed...

I don't believe Obama's bright enough to be the anti-Christ and if he is we have nothing to worry about..:lol:

Which is why people come here from overseas to study in Blue States at those dern "liberal" universities. Who wants to study at right winger tier four Bible colleges?

The reason people end up in Blue states is because they know people that are already there. If you're Cuban, Brazilian, or Colombian you go to Miami. If you're Puerto Rican you go to NYC and New Jersey. Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hispanic go to California.

Oh, yea, nothing to do with the schools. Uh huh, yea sure. Seriously, even you don't believe that.

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