Butthurt 3rd partiers. STFU

Some of us aren't buying into the dual party paradigm anymore. I don't have to salve my ass and you don't have to listen to me. Trying to shame me into voting for your guy after your guy disenfranchised me isn't going to work. The only real way to win my vote would have been to change the party platform and back it up with solid rhetoric so that I might have given the benefit of the doubt. That didn't happen and won't happen so obviously the GOP doesn't care about my vote. I AM NOT VOTING FOR ROMNEY QUIT YOUR LAME ASS WHINING AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
Nowhere in this thread have I tried to get anyone to vote any particular way. Was the op too hard to grasp?

No, you want us to quit giving our opinions. Sorry. You're out of luck.
Yes, many difference on the window dressing items. The core of it is identical.


Life is a core issue

Raising my kids without govt interference is a core issue

Not using our energy sources is a core issue

Cutting back on govt is a core issue

Just because one or two people don't follow those principles doesn't mean the PARTY doesn't still stand for them

And when was the last time anybody in the party did anything about those issues?
Um...You means besides never?
Most the people who support someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson do so not on a whim... These are people that are severally disenfranchised with Republicans mainly and sometimes from Democrats. Point is, people voting for Gary or Paul are doing so for very personal reasons, not because some white trash slogan like "if you vote for Gary/Paul you helped elect Obama!!!" makes them feel guilty... In fact that chit pisses most of us off.

Aka crybabies who are incapable of influencing their own representatives

My representatives were sent to the RNC, and then not allowed to represent me. Fuck me? No... I don't think so gramps... Fuck you. And fuck the party you rode in on.


It's time to dance.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPFZrRD3J8]The Rubberbandits - Horse Outside - YouTube[/ame]

I'm not talking about delegates numbnuts. I'm talking about the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives.

How many of you who cry have actually talked to your congressman? Gone to their town halls? Very few I bet. You just love to bitch and pretend you're above the fray
Aka crybabies who are incapable of influencing their own representatives

My representatives were sent to the RNC, and then not allowed to represent me. Fuck me? No... I don't think so gramps... Fuck you. And fuck the party you rode in on.


It's time to dance.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPFZrRD3J8]The Rubberbandits - Horse Outside - YouTube[/ame]

I'm not talking about delegates numbnuts. I'm talking about the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives.

How many of you who cry have actually talked to your congressman? Gone to their town halls? Very few I bet. You just love to bitch and pretend you're above the fray

I went and met my former Congressman, John Boccieri, at a "Congress On Your Corner" event at a local super-market several years ago. I urged him to co-sponsor Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, which he ultimately did. Obama's going to be at my college tomorrow, but tickets were sold out fairly quickly and I wasn't particularly interested in going to a campaign rally regardless.
I'm not talking about delegates numbnuts. I'm talking about the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives.

How many of you who cry have actually talked to your congressman? Gone to their town halls? Very few I bet. You just love to bitch and pretend you're above the fray
The delegates had the power to help choose the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives...And the GOP insider elite changed the rules at the last minute to silence those people, just like a bunch of spoiled rotten liberoidals do when they don't get their way....Speaking of butthurt.

Wake and smell the borscht, tovarich.
I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same. Maybe on a rare issue they find consensus. Just take your sore asses and find some preparation h and go fucking rub your wounds.

If the candidates you supported weren't partially insane they would garner more support. You also do them no favors by running around with your pants down spouting off like a spoiled fucking 9 year old.


The only butthurt expressed here is that felt by those who revere the mystical R behind their candidate's name.
Obama should be losing in a cake walk, but the GOPers picked the Windsock, so instead the race could come down to those very third party/independent voters you are so willing to villify.
So, in your own words, STFU.
I'm not talking about delegates numbnuts. I'm talking about the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives.

How many of you who cry have actually talked to your congressman? Gone to their town halls? Very few I bet. You just love to bitch and pretend you're above the fray
The delegates had the power to help choose the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives...And the GOP insider elite changed the rules at the last minute to silence those people, just like a bunch of spoiled rotten liberoidals do when they don't get their way....Speaking of butthurt.

Wake and smell the borscht, tovarich.
Thank you for saying it better than I would have. I'm feel like being very insulting to the old git after that stupid ass comment.
We lost. YOu'll lose in November.

Capitalization aside, this is the problem G. We have a group of people here who backed a candidate they know couldn't win. That is odd enough. But they are actually rooting for your guy to lose. Even taking it so far as to try to make it happen. All so they can gloat. There is nothing indicating concern for the country in these actions. Why would you want to reason with that?
Yeah, I can see that. So that makes me wonder how many of those people will change their minds in the voting booth and vote for Romney because of their feelings about Obama.


Most the people who support someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson do so not on a whim... These are people that are severally disenfranchised with Republicans mainly and sometimes from Democrats. Point is, people voting for Gary or Paul are doing so for very personal reasons, not because some white trash slogan like "if you vote for Gary/Paul you helped elect Obama!!!" makes them feel guilty... In fact that chit pisses most of us off.

Aka crybabies who are incapable of influencing their own representatives so instead support some nobody who has a 0 chance of winning. Meanwhile they will cry and cry about the establishment never realizing it's pointless because they bitch to the wrong people.

But hey, your shit don't stink right? Fuck you

Hey, Gramps, your the ones crying to us... We said fuck you to your face, deal with it. We try and influence the election by supporting candidates that represent us, in fact if the Republicans want our vote they have to shift from Progressive liberal to Conservative in the future... YOU allow the Republican party to shift even more to the left, YOU are the reason the Republican party is the crappy party it is due to being short sighted.

You play for the short game Gramps, we play for the long game.
I'm not talking about delegates numbnuts. I'm talking about the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives.

How many of you who cry have actually talked to your congressman? Gone to their town halls? Very few I bet. You just love to bitch and pretend you're above the fray
The delegates had the power to help choose the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives...And the GOP insider elite changed the rules at the last minute to silence those people, just like a bunch of spoiled rotten liberoidals do when they don't get their way....Speaking of butthurt.

Wake and smell the borscht, tovarich.
Thank you for saying it better than I would have. I'm feel like being very insulting to the old git after that stupid ass comment.

Be a man and have at it pussy
I read Avorysuds condescending posts all the time. I got tired of his bullshit and threw it back in his face.....sue me

You don't like me because as I once told you, I'm about 2-3 months ahead of you and you hate knowing that. Remember when your dumb shit ass was making fun of Ron Paul's eye brows "falling off" during the primaries? Yeah, now I'm gonna make fun of Mitt Romney for losing due to being a Progressive liberal flip flopper who says anything to anyone (47%) to get a vote.

Remember Gramps, if Mitt loses you wasted your vote and helped to elect Obama for 4 more years because you hate America.

Fucking stupid people...
Most the people who support someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson do so not on a whim... These are people that are severally disenfranchised with Republicans mainly and sometimes from Democrats. Point is, people voting for Gary or Paul are doing so for very personal reasons, not because some white trash slogan like "if you vote for Gary/Paul you helped elect Obama!!!" makes them feel guilty... In fact that chit pisses most of us off.

Aka crybabies who are incapable of influencing their own representatives so instead support some nobody who has a 0 chance of winning. Meanwhile they will cry and cry about the establishment never realizing it's pointless because they bitch to the wrong people.

But hey, your shit don't stink right? Fuck you

Hey, Gramps, your the ones crying to us... We said fuck you to your face, deal with it. We try and influence the election by supporting candidates that represent us, in fact if the Republicans want our vote they have to shift from Progressive liberal to Conservative in the future... YOU allow the Republican party to shift even more to the left, YOU are the reason the Republican party is the crappy party it is due to being short sighted.

You play for the short game Gramps, we play for the long game.

It's not a game jackass. I face the bullshit everyday in my business from liberal policies. I pay the price literally. From prevailing wages to mindless paperwork which serves no purpose.

I'm well aware that many in the gop are liberoids in disguise. I just have the common sense to not throw out the water with the baby. I didn't vote for Romney in the primaries and I didn't vote for Bush before him. Thing is I didn't cry about it either. I deal with the reality here and now not some stupid unicorn land that doesn't exist at this point and time.
The delegates had the power to help choose the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives...And the GOP insider elite changed the rules at the last minute to silence those people, just like a bunch of spoiled rotten liberoidals do when they don't get their way....Speaking of butthurt.

Wake and smell the borscht, tovarich.
Thank you for saying it better than I would have. I'm feel like being very insulting to the old git after that stupid ass comment.

Be a man and have at it pussy

Sure I’ll have at it…

I went to a Republican meeting here in Eugene Oregon where I live… You know what the main speaker said when they started? “Wow, this is by far the most people we have ever had here in all the years I remember doing this.”

You look around a room and here is what you see… Everyone 18-35 is Ron Paul supporters (about half the room… Then you see about a third the people 36-50 are Paul supporters… Then you see a few older people that are Paul supporters.

Point is, the Republican party is literally dying off and they FORECED the youth out of their party… Not even like 10 years olds, we’re talking people from 18-50, gone. We fucking hate you people. You are a dying party and you took a shotgun to the face just to puff up your egos and force Mitt to win… This is after we had to do this back in 2008.

Do you realize that Paul’s actual number of votes TRIPPLED in these primaries from 2008? Mitt LOST votes, Mitt actually got LESS votes in 2012 than back in 2008 and he was never even #1 in 2008.
The delegates had the power to help choose the people who actually hold the power to influence our lives...And the GOP insider elite changed the rules at the last minute to silence those people, just like a bunch of spoiled rotten liberoidals do when they don't get their way....Speaking of butthurt.

Wake and smell the borscht, tovarich.
Thank you for saying it better than I would have. I'm feel like being very insulting to the old git after that stupid ass comment.

Be a man and have at it pussy
You are what you eat... Ya Dick.
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Aka crybabies who are incapable of influencing their own representatives so instead support some nobody who has a 0 chance of winning. Meanwhile they will cry and cry about the establishment never realizing it's pointless because they bitch to the wrong people.

But hey, your shit don't stink right? Fuck you

Hey, Gramps, your the ones crying to us... We said fuck you to your face, deal with it. We try and influence the election by supporting candidates that represent us, in fact if the Republicans want our vote they have to shift from Progressive liberal to Conservative in the future... YOU allow the Republican party to shift even more to the left, YOU are the reason the Republican party is the crappy party it is due to being short sighted.

You play for the short game Gramps, we play for the long game.

It's not a game jackass. I face the bullshit everyday in my business from liberal policies. I pay the price literally. From prevailing wages to mindless paperwork which serves no purpose.

I'm well aware that many in the gop are liberoids in disguise. I just have the common sense to not throw out the water with the baby. I didn't vote for Romney in the primaries and I didn't vote for Bush before him. Thing is I didn't cry about it either. I deal with the reality here and now not some stupid unicorn land that doesn't exist at this point and time.

What the fuck are you talking about, you bitch like all day fuckin long on these boards… Hell you just claimed you have to deal with liberal policies yet you prolly don’t even know half or more was made by Republicans… You still failed to produce that list of Government cuts Republicans have made at ANY POINT DURING YOUR LIFETIME.

Democrats are the party of stupid

Republicans are the party of hypocrites... They know the liberal policies are fucking stupid, but vote for them as long as an R is in power.

I officially left the Republican party, I officially joined the Libertarian party as a few days ago… Man, not having to watch fucking retards post as “conservatives” and feel like “omfg that guy is retarded” feels FUCKING GREAT!
Fact is Gramps we made it through a great depression while fighting a world war… We’ll live through another 4 years of Obama if it happens. It’s crazy ass, hyper partisan, conspiracy theory kooks that claim America won’t last another 4 years of Obama… Holy fuck, we managed to make it with 8 years of Bush, and shit about 90% of Obama’s policies are identical to Bush’s.
At the end of the day, when you vote for President, the only thing you can really rely upon is the man/woman themselves. Presidents have very little power other than that to set the agenda.
At the end of the day, when you vote for President, the only thing you can really rely upon is the man/woman themselves. Presidents have very little power other than that to set the agenda.

The President is the most powerful person on the planet... And that's part of the problem. Obama and Bush are almost like mini dictators in that the constitution in no way concerns them.

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