Buttigieg Says He and Same-Sex Husband Hope to Start a Family and May Have Children in White House

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There is a great Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote that says: "The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community." I think this rings true when it comes to acceptance and love of others in today's society. Both sides have and will be a part of both aspects of that quote, neither side is immune to dreaming of community and overstepping, but in my personal opinion one side is typically seeking acceptance and the other side is typically seeking repression. The LGBTQ community as a whole is simply seeking acceptance and love from the existing community.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the President of the United States and the First Faggot!

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View attachment 306552

Maybe Pope Pete is just a bad kisser, but I swear they never look like they're especially attracted to each other.

Nobody can match the heat of Don the con and Melanoma...

Melania IS one hot woman, isn't she? What a sexy beast! And ALL woman, unlike the First Lady? who preceded her.

She is beautiful on the outside and hideous on the inside.

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Maybe Pope Pete is just a bad kisser, but I swear they never look like they're especially attracted to each other.

Nobody can match the heat of Don the con and Melanoma...

Melania IS one hot woman, isn't she? What a sexy beast! And ALL woman, unlike the First Lady? who preceded her.

She is beautiful on the outside and hideous on the inside.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We're making progress, the last one was hideous on the inside and outside.
Well, it'll make negotiations with any place in the Middle East exponentially harder, if not impossible, for a start.

Wouldn't being a Christian (pretending or real) also be a disadvantage? Actually by your logic we should elect a Muslim. How progressive of you.

Way to project your own ignorance onto the Muslim culture, AND display your inability to understand concepts all at the same time.

I didn't suggest that we wanted to elect someone just like them, you fucking moron. But someone they consider an abomination to be killed - which is NOT how they see Christians - is a whole other thing.

According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.
Wouldn't being a Christian (pretending or real) also be a disadvantage? Actually by your logic we should elect a Muslim. How progressive of you.

Way to project your own ignorance onto the Muslim culture, AND display your inability to understand concepts all at the same time.

I didn't suggest that we wanted to elect someone just like them, you fucking moron. But someone they consider an abomination to be killed - which is NOT how they see Christians - is a whole other thing.

According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.
Way to project your own ignorance onto the Muslim culture, AND display your inability to understand concepts all at the same time.

I didn't suggest that we wanted to elect someone just like them, you fucking moron. But someone they consider an abomination to be killed - which is NOT how they see Christians - is a whole other thing.

According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

No, dumbfuck. I get that you need everything simplified to a grade-school level, but I actually just said that it would make diplomacy in the Middle East exponentially more difficult. As in, intelligent voters (read: not you) should weigh this into their decision-making.

I could give a damn if other countries like us; in fact, I'd prefer they don't like us too much, because that probably means we're benefiting them at our own expense. But I think there's a possibility that a lot of countries, most notably the Middle East, would be unwilling to meet with a gay President, and might even be offended and insulted by it. We're still the United States, so I don't know if any of them would reject the interaction outright, but I doubt that Pope Pete has the gravitas and foreign relations savvy to overcome that kind of obstacle in an already-touchy diplomatic situation.
According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

No, dumbfuck. I get that you need everything simplified to a grade-school level, but I actually just said that it would make diplomacy in the Middle East exponentially more difficult. As in, intelligent voters (read: not you) should weigh this into their decision-making.

I don't think it makes a difference in the world. But if you want to vote for a candidate because of how they are perceived on the world stage please tell me you didn't vote for the international joke that is Donald Trump.

I could give a damn if other countries like us; in fact, I'd prefer they don't like us too much, because that probably means we're benefiting them at our own expense. But I think there's a possibility that a lot of countries, most notably the Middle East, would be unwilling to meet with a gay President, and might even be offended and insulted by it. We're still the United States, so I don't know if any of them would reject the interaction outright, but I doubt that Pope Pete has the gravitas and foreign relations savvy to overcome that kind of obstacle in an already-touchy diplomatic situation.

How are they on presidents who fuck porn stars or will obviously lie to them because they lie about everything?

My god, lady the right elected somebody that pretty much nobody wants anything to do with, don't trust and most likely will work around him as much as possible and shut out our country from the rest of the world.
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.

"so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?"

Because a man starts a family with a woman not with another man. It's Adam and Eve it wasn't Adam and Steve.

People can start a family by adoption. which is a willful process that requires dedication. Some people start families by fucking around, and then refuse to take their places as members of the families they started. Which, if any, of the three women who had babies by your whore were encouraged and comforted by him while in labor? Was he there to hold them when they pushed, panted, and screamed in pain? A real man, husband, and father is there. Where is the video? See donnie cleaning, diapering, and coddling his little infants and caring for their mothers after their ordeal.

I love how Lice suddenly morphed into the Sex Life Police to avocate marriage-only intercourse. At what point did you become so Puritanical, Lice?

When did I advocate for "marriage-only intercourse"? This is part of the culthead's lineup, but they they don't live it, so I enjoy mocking them. What I wrote above concerns how people embrace their duties as married folks and parents, husbands and wives together, creating the next generation in love. I would think that you would be pleased.

One of the most beautiful videos that I have ever seen was one that filmed a couple having their first child. There was a small pool of water like a kiddie pool. They both undressed. He stepped in first and spread his legs so that she could lean back against him. He held her, comforted her, and encouraged her while she did the pushing and screaming in pain. Finally their infant made its appearance. After the infant's breathing passages were cleared, the three held on together, bonding as a family unit. Fine work by committed heterosexuals.
Pigpence is involved in one of those cults that requires a woman to spread her legs whenever her male master snaps his fingers. Apparently, it is "ungodly" for a woman not to spread 'em on command. It's an S&M thing with a cross on top.

Where do we find these women? :banana:
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.
For some reason, I think that if Buttgig or his "spouse" go into "labor", it can be safely written off as a severe case of constipation...

Yeah, but then they would give birth to a Marine!
Way to project your own ignorance onto the Muslim culture, AND display your inability to understand concepts all at the same time.

I didn't suggest that we wanted to elect someone just like them, you fucking moron. But someone they consider an abomination to be killed - which is NOT how they see Christians - is a whole other thing.

According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.
Someone who's seen many names over the years can attest parents need to be careful how they name their children, and surname too. If something is off they'll often adapt to their names, true story. I can't think of past examples, but close enough, Buttram doesn't make you cool, it offers a high pitched startled voice and no girlfriends.

Anyway, in this case Peter Butts and Chasity Lezman are a gay married couple.
According to you wingnuts Muslims want to kill all Christians. At least that's what I keep hearing. It's just weird that you want to base your choice for president on what the Middle East thinks.

"Well, you believe this, because I was told you believe this. You've never said it, but defend it anyway!"

You're a homophobic idiot, I can only assume your afraid of other people too.

You're a childish dumbass without an argument. I can only assume you learned to debate in a preschool.

Sorry you claimed Pete shouldn't be elected because Muslims won't like him. It's a really stupid fucking argument.

Maybe you should learn something. Most Middle Eastern leaders are Muslim. They would refuse to even talk to Buttplug. Kind of hard to negotiate anything when the other nation’s leader sees an insult to his religion leading the other side. They likely wouldn’t even allow him in the country. Before you spout more idiocy, consider how seriously Muslims take their religion.

I think most world leaders are smarter than that. They have to deal with us and that's the only reason anyone one of them talks to Trump, they don't have a choice in the matter.

But if you want the Middle East to decide who is president then that's your prerogative I guess.
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.
Whereas, 'I don't think' means you don't know
So, if you don't know, then shut the fuck up

I've got First Amendment rights. Don't you know that, right-wing imbecile?
Guess what...so do I bitch
And, don't you forget it
so here's a guy who might be considering starting a family. Why not?
Why not a "wrinkled white Jew" who is miles above the present occupant of the Oval Office, who dropped his pants for everything still breathing and spawned children whom I seriously doubt he ever gave a moment's time to or even changed a diaper? If Buttigieg starts a family it will be by his will to become a parent, whereas I don't think that the orange whore ever even bothered to be present at the birth of the children he spawned to comfort and aid his children's mothers in labor and welcome his new progeny on their arrival.
Whereas, 'I don't think' means you don't know
So, if you don't know, then shut the fuck up

I've got First Amendment rights. Don't you know that, right-wing imbecile?
Guess what...so do I bitch
And, don't you forget it

And don't you forget that I have First Amendment rights, too. You are the one who told me to "shut the fuck up" in response to a post that I wrote that had nothing whatsoever to do with you personally. Did you have parents? Any kind of an upbringing at all? Were you ever taught the basics of civilized behavior?
Why are conservatives so worked up about gay people having children?

Maybe Pope Pete is just a bad kisser, but I swear they never look like they're especially attracted to each other.

Nobody can match the heat of Don the con and Melanoma...

Melania IS one hot woman, isn't she? What a sexy beast! And ALL woman, unlike the First Lady? who preceded her.

She is beautiful on the outside and hideous on the inside.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We're making progress, the last one was hideous on the inside and outside.

Michelle wasn’t a whore like the one we have now.

She’s in it for the money, nothing more.

Not only is she a whore but a hypocrite as well.

Preaching about bullying while defending the biggest bully on the planet.


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