Buying Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If candidates were treated like products, would the result be more salutary? Would voters pay more attention to their ‘purchase’?????

And, would Biden fall victim to the ‘Lemon Law’???

1.By this point, most sentient individuals, perhaps 30 or 40 million, who voted for Democrats, are suffering a deep buyer’s remorse. But today’s lesson will explain why, beyond the fear of the cancel culture, Obama’s call to violence ('I want you to argue with them and get in their face'), and the riots and media censorship, why your own behavior edged you in that direction: you treated a national election like a common purchase.
Professor Gad Saad turns your political choice into a consumer’s behavior in the marketplace, and explains why you made such a horrendous mistake.

2. We humans are a combination of thinking and feeling organisms, and our decisions generally involve both. “The challenge is to know when to activate the cognitive (thinking) versus the affective (feeling) systems.” And that challenge represents a defining difference between the Right and the Left.

3. “…consumers use one of two routes of persuasion when processing a message. The central route involves cognitive effort, namely the consumer will carefully evaluate the message’s substantive informational content (such as the seven reasons why a particular mutual fund is the best one to invest in). The peripheral route on the other hand relies on the use of non- substantive cues in arriving at an attitude (using an endorser’s physical attractiveness [Orange Man Bad] in forming an attitude toward investing in a mutual fund). In this case, the peripheral cue is not directly relevant in judging the logical merits of the message.

The route that is activated depends on a consumer’s motivation and ability to process information. [See the prob for Democrat voters?]

4. The negative hysteria surrounding Donald Trump is rooted in peripheral processing (“his mannerisms disgust me”). Trump’s detractors should perhaps be spending more effort engaging their central route of persuasion by evaluating his policy positions in a dispassionate and detached manner.

5. I would be remiss to not remind that even leading up to the election I made this point:

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

That challenge is even more significant today, viewing the mess the Democrats have produced.
If candidates were treated like products, would the result be more salutary? Would voters pay more attention to their ‘purchase’?????

And, would Biden fall victim to the ‘Lemon Law’???

1.By this point, most sentient individuals, perhaps 30 or 40 million, who voted for Democrats, are suffering a deep buyer’s remorse. But today’s lesson will explain why, beyond the fear of the cancel culture, Obama’s call to violence ('I want you to argue with them and get in their face'), and the riots and media censorship, why your own behavior edged you in that direction: you treated a national election like a common purchase.
Professor Gad Saad turns your political choice into a consumer’s behavior in the marketplace, and explains why you made such a horrendous mistake.

2. We humans are a combination of thinking and feeling organisms, and our decisions generally involve both. “The challenge is to know when to activate the cognitive (thinking) versus the affective (feeling) systems.” And that challenge represents a defining difference between the Right and the Left.

3. “…consumers use one of two routes of persuasion when processing a message. The central route involves cognitive effort, namely the consumer will carefully evaluate the message’s substantive informational content (such as the seven reasons why a particular mutual fund is the best one to invest in). The peripheral route on the other hand relies on the use of non- substantive cues in arriving at an attitude (using an endorser’s physical attractiveness [Orange Man Bad] in forming an attitude toward investing in a mutual fund). In this case, the peripheral cue is not directly relevant in judging the logical merits of the message.

The route that is activated depends on a consumer’s motivation and ability to process information. [See the prob for Democrat voters?]

4. The negative hysteria surrounding Donald Trump is rooted in peripheral processing (“his mannerisms disgust me”). Trump’s detractors should perhaps be spending more effort engaging their central route of persuasion by evaluating his policy positions in a dispassionate and detached manner.

5. I would be remiss to not remind that even leading up to the election I made this point:

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

That challenge is even more significant today, viewing the mess the Democrats have produced.
People will do what the media and academia tells them

It's just that simple
PC did you buy this???

Bombshell report on Trump’s DC hotel finds he exaggerated income, accepted foreign payments and concealed debt - So rump is a liar and a cheat. What else is new?​

He lies, he cheats, he steals, he stiffs contractors, he stiffs lawyers (can't really fault him too much there...), he abuses vulnerable women, he sucks up to the most brutal dictators and trashes anyone decent and respectable.

He doesn't understand economics, he has never read history, he does not care about the 95% - he bullies, he threatens, he berates and he breaks things so that when someone glues them back together he can take credit.

He is an arsehole, or as Rex put it - a Fucking Moron...

And when you have a Country where over a third of the population adore such a Fucking Moron - and wish to see him back in the White House - you understand that you have a Failed State well on the way to Collapse... But he's your guy lol lol
PC did you buy this???

Bombshell report on Trump’s DC hotel finds he exaggerated income, accepted foreign payments and concealed debt - So rump is a liar and a cheat. What else is new?​

He lies, he cheats, he steals, he stiffs contractors, he stiffs lawyers (can't really fault him too much there...), he abuses vulnerable women, he sucks up to the most brutal dictators and trashes anyone decent and respectable.

He doesn't understand economics, he has never read history, he does not care about the 95% - he bullies, he threatens, he berates and he breaks things so that when someone glues them back together he can take credit.

He is an arsehole, or as Rex put it - a Fucking Moron...

And when you have a Country where over a third of the population adore such a Fucking Moron - and wish to see him back in the White House - you understand that you have a Failed State well on the way to Collapse... But he's your guy lol lol
So what you are saying is he has a chance of competing with the current cheats and whores in office now?

How corrupt do you have to be in order to win office these days?

Maybe the son of Trump can start selling painting all round the world for hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymous donors from China.
So what you are saying is he has a chance of competing with the current cheats and whores in office now?

How corrupt do you have to be in order to win office these days?

Maybe the son of Trump can start selling painting all round the world for hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymous donors from China.
Trump jr does sell influence to Daddy..
So what you are saying is he has a chance of competing with the current cheats and whores in office now?

How corrupt do you have to be in order to win office these days?

Maybe the son of Trump can start selling painting all round the world for hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymous donors from China. are delighted that the fat former guy is a liar and a cheat. are delighted that the fat former guy is a liar and a cheat.
Along with the future court dates for lying and cheating next summer..Policlick loves the way the Orange Turd used women for instant sexual gratifications and wants that Orange Turd to do a little abusing her way..
Trump sucked and lost, sorry you have to rend your so called legacy and act the fool.
we know you hate America which is why you get desperate in your claim trump sucked ignoring he was the most anti war president sense carter and brought back more jobs to the country than any other president in the past 60 years which is WHY you hate his legacy and are butthurt that the entire country hates your hero lying Biden and cannot accept reality Biden is the latest Illegitimate president of many presidents we have had for decades now. The only way PC acts like a fool is ignoring that her hero Bush was a clone of Obama whom she hates and ignoring that the republicans corruption has been going on as long as the dems and ignoring that her hero Bush hates Trump cause he is not a warmonger like he was.yes she is a fool for ignoring all that but you are a greater fool for ignoring the facts that he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system who served the people instead of the bankers which is WHY both partties want him behind bars,another fact you are a fool for ignoring.
Along with the future court dates for lying and cheating next summer..Policlick loves the way the Orange Turd used women for instant sexual gratifications and wants that Orange Turd to do a little abusing her way..
dumbass you got trump miixed up with your hero lying Biden stupid just described Biden to a tee of a lying cheater and the entire country knows this other than you and the other stupid fuck Bodecca which you both want to pretend is not happening:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
we know you hate America which is why you get desperate in your claim trump sucked ignoring he was the most anti war president sense carter and brought back more jobs to the country than any other president in the past 60 years which is WHY you hate his legacy and are butthurt that the entire country hates your hero lying Biden and cannot accept reality Biden is the latest Illegitimate president of many presidents we have had for decades now. The only way PC acts like a fool is ignoring that her hero Bush was a clone of Obama whom she hates and ignoring that the republicans corruption has been going on as long as the dems and ignoring that her hero Bush hates Trump cause he is not a warmonger like he was.yes she is a fool for ignoring all that but you are a greater fool for ignoring the facts that he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system who served the people instead of the bankers which is WHY both partties want him behind bars,another fact you are a fool for ignoring.
Trump sucked and you think he is a champion because you have a fantasy about men you love and the Don is one of those kind of men you go for. Banking, Trump manipulates the banking system and lies and is about to be put on trial over it.. Enjoy the honeymoon.
Can you be more specific as to the sort of people who "will do what the media and academia tells them."
People are sheep.

There is overwhelming evidence that the majority of the media and academia are nothing short of propaganda machines for the DNC to steer the sheep

Propaganda wins every time.
In the next election a nominee with the policies you like can be nominated and that person can lead without being a name caller and disrespectful.we can have both. There will be a much better group of gop candidates out there who will lead with the proper disposition.
PC did you buy this???

Bombshell report on Trump’s DC hotel finds he exaggerated income, accepted foreign payments and concealed debt - So rump is a liar and a cheat. What else is new?​

He lies, he cheats, he steals, he stiffs contractors, he stiffs lawyers (can't really fault him too much there...), he abuses vulnerable women, he sucks up to the most brutal dictators and trashes anyone decent and respectable.

He doesn't understand economics, he has never read history, he does not care about the 95% - he bullies, he threatens, he berates and he breaks things so that when someone glues them back together he can take credit.

He is an arsehole, or as Rex put it - a Fucking Moron...

And when you have a Country where over a third of the population adore such a Fucking Moron - and wish to see him back in the White House - you understand that you have a Failed State well on the, way to Collapse... But he's your guy lol lol

Are you an accountant, eddie?

Did you go over the spreadsheets???

How do you swallow the Democrats propaganda after the last 30 or so lies and hoaxes???

And, there's this:

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People are sheep.

There is overwhelming evidence that the majority of the media and academia are nothing short of propaganda machines for the DNC to steer the sheep

Propaganda wins every time.

Can you be more specific as to the sort of people who "will do what the media and academia tells them."

Let me help.

The OP was specific about the ability to think, or the lack of same in choosing a candidate.

If thinking had been in evidence, Biden wouldn't be near winning.
JEZZUS ,,Trump served the people ???? Ask the farmers how he served them Tariffs on China cost us dearly Trump served himself as he had his whole life A liar cheat bully and pervert a republican ,,,,,,,but I repeat myself
In the next election a nominee with the policies you like can be nominated and that person can lead without being a name caller and disrespectful.we can have both. There will be a much better group of gop candidates out there who will lead with the proper disposition.

You are exactly the sort of dunce referred to in the OP.

There are morons for whom this takes precedence..


Over this.......

Hey I am totally vindicated. I didn't vote for either person. You cannot blame me. All I'm pointing out is there are many good gop candidates who will present well as a leader. You object to that?

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