Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?


How many times are we going to hear this?

ā€œThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.ā€

When you require lies to ā€˜getā€™ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed Newsā€™ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia ā€œbombshellsā€ that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counselā€™s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Muellerā€™s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

ā€œBuzzFeedā€™s description of specific statements to the Special Counselā€™s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohenā€™s Congressional testimony are not accurate,ā€ spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep readingā€¦
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?

That's only because you know, as well as I do, that the Mueller investigation is rigged in the Liberals' favor. There is no way in hell that Mueller would dare release a report that President Trump is innocent. The libs would shoot his ass.
Barack Robert Mugabe Obama, the most corrupt president in history, was born in Hawaii, son of Frank Marshall Davis.


So you deny he was born in Hawaii, stupid shit? :lmao:

You can't make this shit up... Fawn is so foaming at the mouth insane that he goes full birther...

No, Fruitcake, Iā€™m not denying Obama was born in Hawaii and in fact, I have many posts on this forum stating Obama was born in Hawaii; so yes, you just did ā€œmake this shit upā€ while saying ā€œyou canā€™t make this shit up.ā€

If Obama was born in Hawaii, why is the certificate number of his Certification of Live Birth (COLB) markedly out of sequence with the COLBs before and after his COLB recorded in the official certificate ledger? Recall that when Obama first released his COLB, the certificate number was blacked out. Why do you suppose that was? But later, due to a clerical error, his campaign accidentally released an unredacted copy of the COLB that showed the certificate number, and then researchers were able to track down his and other COLB entries in the certificate ledger for the day before, day of, and day after his alleged birth there--they found that his certificate number was clearly out of sequence.

And, when Obama finally released his birth certificate, many people were quick to note that it bore no resemblance to the description of his birth certificate given by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of Hawaii's Department of Public Health, in 2008. Dr. Fukino, among other things, said that the birth certificate was half "handwritten." The birth certificate that Obama released has very little handwriting on it. Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined and then "verified" the birth certificate?

Oh, and can you also provide a link that explains why there are no records that Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) was ever a patient at Kapiā€™olani Hospital in 1961? Iā€™m talking about records other than the problematic COLB and BC, such as a patient record, a hospital bill or receipt, admittance form, etc., etc.

Finally, can you provide a logical, credible explanation for why the About the Author write-up for Obama's first book matter of factly said he was born in Kenya? This was way back before he, or anyone else, ever dreamed he would run for president. Where did the publisher get the information that Obama was born in Kenya? Did they just guess? No, as an author myself, I can assure that you that the About the Author info was provided by the author, and that the publisher would rely on the author for that kind of information. No publisher or editor would just guess about something like that.
Birthers. LOLOL


Is irrelevant. The hospital received stacks of unfilled forms to fill in prior to submitting them to the Department of Health. They are not in order of birth; but in order of when theyā€™re filled out. And all three birth certificates, the Nordyke twins and Obamaā€™s, were filled out on the same day.

Blacked out:

Is meaningless. Likely blacked out for privacy reasons. Since there was nothing improper with the number, there is no other reason. And the fact that Obamaā€™s number turned out to be inline with the Nordyke twins, numbers he would not have known about prior to the rise of birtherism, that lends credibility to his certificate and his Hawaiian birthright claim.

Half written:

Thereā€™s no way of knowing if she simply meant it contained both hand written and typed details. Itā€™s doubtful she counted the actual number of fields that were hand written versus typed as there would have been no reason to do so. More likely, she observed it to confirm he had a record on file and noted some was hand written and some was typed. It also contained stamped entries, she made no mention of, and handwritten notations in many of the typed entries.

No record of Dunham Kapiā€™olani Hospital:

Thatā€™s a lie. The hospital hospitalā€™s response to requests regarding Dunham giving birth there to Obama was that they would not release any related information, citing federal statutes (HIPAA).

The publishers pamphlet:

The information on it was gathered from newspaper articles about Obama printed at that time. This is evident as some of the text in his bio is the same as text found in the news articles. And while the news articles stated he was born in Hawaii, some also pointed out his father, with the same name, was born in Kenya.

Given this, the editor of the pamphlet admits she made a mistake listing his birth place as Kenya and also states she received no such details from Obama. Furthermore, it would make no sense for Obama to tell her he was born in Kenya when Hawaii was already mentioned in several newspapers as his place of birth.

And while you offer your own self serving assurances that an author provides their own material for their bioā€™s, the actual publisher of that pamphlet stated ā€œalmost nobodyā€ wrote there own bioā€™s

Do you see now while normal folks laugh at birthers.

How many times are we going to hear this?

ā€œThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.ā€

When you require lies to ā€˜getā€™ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed Newsā€™ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia ā€œbombshellsā€ that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counselā€™s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Muellerā€™s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

ā€œBuzzFeedā€™s description of specific statements to the Special Counselā€™s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohenā€™s Congressional testimony are not accurate,ā€ spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep readingā€¦
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?

Trump doesn't have the ability to bury anything.
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?

Trump doesn't have the ability to bury anything.
Before this is all over you will be lecturing us that we do not have the right to know what is in the Mueller report and that the AG is fully within his authority to not put it out.
All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?

Trump doesn't have the ability to bury anything.
Before this is all over you will be lecturing us that we do not have the right to know what is in the Mueller report and that the AG is fully within his authority to not put it out.

Unless it has something to do with national security, we all have the right to know what's in the report. It will likely be turned over to the DOJ and Trump has no control of it from that point.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

Are you kidding? Liberals cannot accept reality:

Mueller will now be investigated by the senate asking Barr to investigate the deep state to see if mueller commited blackmail crime

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks
Mueller will now be investigated by the senate asking Barr to investigate the deep state

The term "deep state" is useful. Once you hear or see it, you know you're dealing with a conspiracy cult loon, and therefore you should just smile and slowly back away, before you get drooled on.
People will wake up to see that the senate is more powerful than the house

The senate will now make Barr start investigating the deep state. And media and crooked congress people

After that investigation Barr will declare Muellers probe as a blackmail crime

And because trump has the men on his side they all know he has the real power

So Barr will side with trump and the men

Trump won the more powerful senate with the mid term election

He now has a lot power over the house

Before the senate acts on trump they will investigate the investigators and when they do they will see the big blackmail crime by mueller

The senate is designed to be more powerful than the house

The senators must have more experience with a min age of 32 and not 28 by the house

Trump will start locking up crooked congress people these next 2 years and show the public that they are the traitors of America

The executive is designed to have more power than the senate and the lowest power the house

President must be 35 senators 32 representatives 28

The senators that trump increased on his side has to vote 2 thirds to stop trump

So trump can do anything he wants if he has 1 third of the senate

So during these 2 years he should go full speed showing how crooked half the congress is and the media and educators

And this would result in him getting elected again and then he will make a logic ability test for voters and keep it and let the senate stop him with 2 thirds vote

Trump has got McCain Flake Corker Alexander RINOS leaving the senate so trump with the increase in republicans with the mid term and the decrease in RINOS Shows that trump has increased his power

So impeach all you want to house

Trump will stop the crooks
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?


Everything Mueller says you disregard and put down...until he says something that supports your Messiah.

Your spine/integrity seems like a piece of wet spaghetti.

As for what he said...I believe nothing until I see the proof/evidence myself.
Be that the Buzz Feed story or Mueller's despute of it.
Only a fool would do otherwise.
Mueller will now be investigated by the senate asking Barr to investigate the deep state

The term "deep state" is useful. Once you hear or see it, you know you're dealing with a conspiracy cult loon, and therefore you should just smile and slowly back away, before you get drooled on.

The media and educators proves this is deep. So deep state is correct

Now a war with the senate against the house and men against women

Which has the power??

Trump has the men and at least 1 third of the senate he has free reign to expose the deep state in 2 years then the voters will decide again
Barack Robert Mugabe Obama, the most corrupt president in history, was born in Hawaii, son of Frank Marshall Davis.


So you deny he was born in Hawaii, stupid shit? :lmao:

You can't make this shit up... Fawn is so foaming at the mouth insane that he goes full birther...

No, Fruitcake, Iā€™m not denying Obama was born in Hawaii and in fact, I have many posts on this forum stating Obama was born in Hawaii; so yes, you just did ā€œmake this shit upā€ while saying ā€œyou canā€™t make this shit up.ā€

If Obama was born in Hawaii, why is the certificate number of his Certification of Live Birth (COLB) markedly out of sequence with the COLBs before and after his COLB recorded in the official certificate ledger? Recall that when Obama first released his COLB, the certificate number was blacked out. Why do you suppose that was? But later, due to a clerical error, his campaign accidentally released an unredacted copy of the COLB that showed the certificate number, and then researchers were able to track down his and other COLB entries in the certificate ledger for the day before, day of, and day after his alleged birth there--they found that his certificate number was clearly out of sequence.

And, when Obama finally released his birth certificate, many people were quick to note that it bore no resemblance to the description of his birth certificate given by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of Hawaii's Department of Public Health, in 2008. Dr. Fukino, among other things, said that the birth certificate was half "handwritten." The birth certificate that Obama released has very little handwriting on it. Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined and then "verified" the birth certificate?

Oh, and can you also provide a link that explains why there are no records that Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) was ever a patient at Kapiā€™olani Hospital in 1961? Iā€™m talking about records other than the problematic COLB and BC, such as a patient record, a hospital bill or receipt, admittance form, etc., etc.

Finally, can you provide a logical, credible explanation for why the About the Author write-up for Obama's first book matter of factly said he was born in Kenya? This was way back before he, or anyone else, ever dreamed he would run for president. Where did the publisher get the information that Obama was born in Kenya? Did they just guess? No, as an author myself, I can assure that you that the About the Author info was provided by the author, and that the publisher would rely on the author for that kind of information. No publisher or editor would just guess about something like that.
Birthers. LOLOL


Is irrelevant. The hospital received stacks of unfilled forms to fill in prior to submitting them to the Department of Health. They are not in order of birth; but in order of when theyā€™re filled out. And all three birth certificates, the Nordyke twins and Obamaā€™s, were filled out on the same day.

Blacked out:

Is meaningless. Likely blacked out for privacy reasons. Since there was nothing improper with the number, there is no other reason. And the fact that Obamaā€™s number turned out to be inline with the Nordyke twins, numbers he would not have known about prior to the rise of birtherism, that lends credibility to his certificate and his Hawaiian birthright claim.

Half written:

Thereā€™s no way of knowing if she simply meant it contained both hand written and typed details. Itā€™s doubtful she counted the actual number of fields that were hand written versus typed as there would have been no reason to do so. More likely, she observed it to confirm he had a record on file and noted some was hand written and some was typed. It also contained stamped entries, she made no mention of, and handwritten notations in many of the typed entries.

No record of Dunham Kapiā€™olani Hospital:

Thatā€™s a lie. The hospital hospitalā€™s response to requests regarding Dunham giving birth there to Obama was that they would not release any related information, citing federal statutes (HIPAA).

The publishers pamphlet:

The information on it was gathered from newspaper articles about Obama printed at that time. This is evident as some of the text in his bio is the same as text found in the news articles. And while the news articles stated he was born in Hawaii, some also pointed out his father, with the same name, was born in Kenya.

Given this, the editor of the pamphlet admits she made a mistake listing his birth place as Kenya and also states she received no such details from Obama. Furthermore, it would make no sense for Obama to tell her he was born in Kenya when Hawaii was already mentioned in several newspapers as his place of birth.

And while you offer your own self serving assurances that an author provides their own material for their bioā€™s, the actual publisher of that pamphlet stated ā€œalmost nobodyā€ wrote there own bioā€™s

Do you see now while normal folks laugh at birthers.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?
The top foul-up of the whole sordid saga. BuzzFeedā€™s report, by Jason Lepold and Anthony Cormier, in January claiming that Trump had directed Cohen to lie to Congress about talks to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Well, hereā€™s the Mueller report on that count: ā€œThe president did not direct Cohen to provide false testimony. Cohen also said he did not tell the president about his planned testimony.ā€ Ouch.

So surely BuzzFeed has now offered a straightforward correction and apology, right? Think again. Instead, Editor in Chief Ben Smith published a convoluted self-defense, only begrudgingly admitting that ā€œMueller has the last word.ā€
Mueller will now be investigated by the senate asking Barr to investigate the deep state

The term "deep state" is useful. Once you hear or see it, you know you're dealing with a conspiracy cult loon, and therefore you should just smile and slowly back away, before you get drooled on.

The media and educators proves this is deep. So deep state is correct

Now a war with the senate against the house and men against women

Which has the power??

Trump has the men and at least 1 third of the senate he has free reign to expose the deep state in 2 years then the voters will decide again

The men with a total different view than the women and their voting proves this

When they view women's vote will destroy the nation what will they do?

What they will do is stop this harmful voting system and make logic tests for voting

At the highest levels of logic ability science says only men have that ability
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?
The top foul-up of the whole sordid saga. BuzzFeedā€™s report, by Jason Lepold and Anthony Cormier, in January claiming that Trump had directed Cohen to lie to Congress about talks to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Well, hereā€™s the Mueller report on that count: ā€œThe president did not direct Cohen to provide false testimony. Cohen also said he did not tell the president about his planned testimony.ā€ Ouch.

So surely BuzzFeed has now offered a straightforward correction and apology, right? Think again. Instead, Editor in Chief Ben Smith published a convoluted self-defense, only begrudgingly admitting that ā€œMueller has the last word.ā€
Never, ever trust Jason Leopold. :eusa_naughty:
The men with a total different view than the women and their voting proves this

"Men and women have different views, therefore men are right." is a complete logic failure on your part.

When they view women's vote will destroy the nation what will they do?

What they will do is stop this harmful voting system and make logic tests for voting

At the highest levels of logic ability science says only men have that ability

Given the lack of logical thinking ability that you display, you are advocating for barring yourself from voting.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?
Is that really what they are talking about when the brain damaged Trump haters claim he told subordinates to lie? Mueller shot that down months ago.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

No, he did not dispute it.

"BuzzFeedā€™s description of specific statements to the Special Counselā€™s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohenā€™s Congressional testimony are not accurate," said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller's office.
In other words, they are lies. You don't get to pretend they are true when Mueller himself said they are not true.

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