Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?

Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

Mueller's nuts are in the vise .. his lead (Democratic Party) investigators look a lot like a traitors and the facts are coming out .....

Trump has won .. Dems are screwed... :thewave:

(close sources say)
Barack Robert Mugabe Obama, the most corrupt president in history, was born in Hawaii, son of Frank Marshall Davis.


So you deny he was born in Hawaii, stupid shit? :lmao:

You can't make this shit up... Fawn is so foaming at the mouth insane that he goes full birther...

No, Fruitcake, I’m not denying Obama was born in Hawaii and in fact, I have many posts on this forum stating Obama was born in Hawaii; so yes, you just did “make this shit up” while saying “you can’t make this shit up.”

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.

Where the fuck is the report? Will the Kennedy assignation be solved before or after it comes out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't be so impatient these things take time. Trump's organization is like that of a crime boss, way too much like a crime boss. Intentionally set up to make investigation difficult.

That's how those crime bosses work. If he can get away with this, the next thing you know he'll be bleach bitting his hard drive or say it crashed and he threw it away, using our federal authorities as his personal hit men, and confiscating computers with evidence and having them destroyed.
The problem is that every leftist outlet grabbed the ball and ran with it without checking the story out first. Then it became a national discussion.

We all know how desperate the left is, so people like BuzzKill throw them a bone. It's the only thing that keeps some of them alive today. These people are so full of hate that it's not hard to set them off like a bucket of fireworks.
Every outlet reported what Mueller's team said. Before that they all ran with a story and reported they could not verify it. So they checked it out and reported a story
If they couldn't confirm it, they should have said nothing about it. It's like if some right-wing half-ass site reported Obama was caught having sex in the mens room with another guy, and if true..........

Once you put something like that out there, it's more difficult to get the story straightened out than if you just said nothing at all, and they know it.


it has never worked that way. Some things even if rumors have a plausibility .. Obama in a mens room versus Cohen and Trump lies? One is believable and possible, maybe even probable.. the other? Obama was never a GOP Senator or Congressman demeaning gay people while tapping his feet in mens rooms

Trump for Years said Obama was born in Kenya and FOX shouted it to the rooftops! He only recently gave up in that lie....

Yeah, and where did that lie originate anyway? :1041:
Barack Robert Mugabe Obama, the most corrupt president in history, was born in Hawaii, son of Frank Marshall Davis.


So you deny he was born in Hawaii, stupid shit? :lmao:

You can't make this shit up... Fawn is so foaming at the mouth insane that he goes full birther...

No, Fruitcake, I’m not denying Obama was born in Hawaii and in fact, I have many posts on this forum stating Obama was born in Hawaii; so yes, you just did “make this shit up” while saying “you can’t make this shit up.”

If Obama was born in Hawaii, why is the certificate number of his Certification of Live Birth (COLB) markedly out of sequence with the COLBs before and after his COLB recorded in the official certificate ledger? Recall that when Obama first released his COLB, the certificate number was blacked out. Why do you suppose that was? But later, due to a clerical error, his campaign accidentally released an unredacted copy of the COLB that showed the certificate number, and then researchers were able to track down his and other COLB entries in the certificate ledger for the day before, day of, and day after his alleged birth there--they found that his certificate number was clearly out of sequence.

And, when Obama finally released his birth certificate, many people were quick to note that it bore no resemblance to the description of his birth certificate given by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of Hawaii's Department of Public Health, in 2008. Dr. Fukino, among other things, said that the birth certificate was half "handwritten." The birth certificate that Obama released has very little handwriting on it. Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined and then "verified" the birth certificate?

Oh, and can you also provide a link that explains why there are no records that Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) was ever a patient at Kapi’olani Hospital in 1961? I’m talking about records other than the problematic COLB and BC, such as a patient record, a hospital bill or receipt, admittance form, etc., etc.

Finally, can you provide a logical, credible explanation for why the About the Author write-up for Obama's first book matter of factly said he was born in Kenya? This was way back before he, or anyone else, ever dreamed he would run for president. Where did the publisher get the information that Obama was born in Kenya? Did they just guess? No, as an author myself, I can assure that you that the About the Author info was provided by the author, and that the publisher would rely on the author for that kind of information. No publisher or editor would just guess about something like that.
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The problem is that every leftist outlet grabbed the ball and ran with it without checking the story out first. Then it became a national discussion.

We all know how desperate the left is, so people like BuzzKill throw them a bone. It's the only thing that keeps some of them alive today. These people are so full of hate that it's not hard to set them off like a bucket of fireworks.
Every outlet reported what Mueller's team said. Before that they all ran with a story and reported they could not verify it. So they checked it out and reported a story
If they couldn't confirm it, they should have said nothing about it. It's like if some right-wing half-ass site reported Obama was caught having sex in the mens room with another guy, and if true..........

Once you put something like that out there, it's more difficult to get the story straightened out than if you just said nothing at all, and they know it.


it has never worked that way. Some things even if rumors have a plausibility .. Obama in a mens room versus Cohen and Trump lies? One is believable and possible, maybe even probable.. the other? Obama was never a GOP Senator or Congressman demeaning gay people while tapping his feet in mens rooms

Oh please, there are still people here on USMB that say Bush stole his first election, he was behind 911, Bill got impeached for a BJ, Romney was responsible for the death of a workers husband when he ran a business.

Once you put that stuff out there, people will believe it til the end no matter how much truth comes out afterwards.

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.

Where the fuck is the report? Will the Kennedy assignation be solved before or after it comes out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't be so impatient these things take time. Trump's organization is like that of a crime boss, way too much like a crime boss. Intentionally set up to make investigation difficult.

The results of the Mueller investigation will be far worse than the implications of the Mueller investigations. Mueller is meticulously taking the trump mafia apart.
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.

Where the fuck is the report? Will the Kennedy assignation be solved before or after it comes out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't be so impatient these things take time. Trump's organization is like that of a crime boss, way too much like a crime boss. Intentionally set up to make investigation difficult.

The results of the Mueller investigation will be far worse than the implications of the Mueller investigations. Mueller is meticulously taking the trump mafia apart.
Every source originally said it was unsubstantiated and then reported on the Mueller statement and pretty much disowned the thing. Just because the conservative outlets run bullshit for days after it is found out does not mean everyone does it.

Oh, hogwash! Go back and watch the CNN and MSNBC coverage of this story. Better yet: Go read the threads and replies that liberals here posted on this story. Sheesh, you must be kidding. Go read those threads. They surely didn't seem to express any doubt about the story.

Will you folks ever learn?
Correct, the talking points were out full force. Resign trump!!!

The results of the Mueller investigation will be far worse than the implications of the Mueller investigations. Mueller is meticulously taking the trump mafia apart.

It will make it so there is no path to 270 with the faithless electors, da Comrade? :lmao:
Every source originally said it was unsubstantiated and then reported on the Mueller statement and pretty much disowned the thing. Just because the conservative outlets run bullshit for days after it is found out does not mean everyone does it.
The day the Buzzfeed bullshit story came out CNN/MSNBC had their experts screaming IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!! all fucking day!
The day after when the Herr Muller called the story bullshit NOT A SINGLE FUCKING WORD about the bullshit story was heard. GO FUCKING FIGURE!
Rudy just admitted things on CNN that the story is actually true... he even said that Cohen stole $37,000 from Trump by paying the guy $13,000 for his hacking but put in an invoice to Trump for $50,000.

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
Buzz Feed jumped the gun. happens every day one side or the other puts out false or misleading information, usually there is no follow through to find the truth. partisan people eat the negative news & pass it on. never checking to see if its true.
When the report is a Nothing burger you will scream THEY GOT TO HIM
It does not take this long and this many indictments to find nothing. There's something, you can bet your ass on that. I'm just not going to engage in a lot of speculation on that.

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
When the report is a Nothing burger you will scream THEY GOT TO HIM
It does not take this long and this many indictments to find nothing. There's something, you can bet your ass on that. I'm just not going to engage in a lot of speculation on that.

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
That's right. No one has been able to disprove that Moscow is a city in Russia. There is that.

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?
We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
Or anything PROVEN!...A work of fiction to collect a large payment from the Hildebeast campaign!
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.
Were they "executed" or were they 'Hillaried"?
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
Or anything PROVEN!...A work of fiction to collect a large payment from the Hildebeast campaign!
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.
Were they "executed" or were they 'Hillaried"?
killed, murdered, wiped off the face of the Earth

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
What will your reaction be if Herr Muller comes out with his report and exonerates trump and his campaign?
Your are desperately invested in Trump's quilt........ANY QUILT that you will never be able to reconcile with the facts.
We'll see. My bet is you'll leave this forum and go crawl under your mommy's comforter.
I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation, will you? When Trump tries to bury the report will that mean anything to you other than an obvious sign of guilt?
There you go again asshole! You claimed "when" not if. You really are fucking sick in the head.
If Herr Muller presents provable evidence that Trump in any way 'colluded' with Putin to help defeat Hillary I'll pull the fucking switch on Trump myself.
Until Herr Muller presents documented evidence and NOT THIRD HAND hearsay from 'anonymous sources' I'm holding back on making any judgements either way. I suggest you consider doing the same.
I believe Herr Muller is smart enough to understand that he better be able to show us the beef.
That's the only way his report will ever be taken seriously.
Remember whatever happens if Trump ever ends up in front of the SC Herr Muller better have the beef to show the SC.
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