Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?

Dimocrat's Friday:

Dimocrats Saturday:

Democrats tomorrow

Screaming .jpeg

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Keep reading…
So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Everyone I saw on CNN and MSNBC and the rest of the media outlets ALWAYS said that "of this is true." We will wait and see what Mueller does have. As Yogi said...

So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.
Everyone I saw on CNN and MSNBC and the rest of the media outlets ALWAYS said that "of this is true." We will wait and see what Mueller does have. As Yogi said...

View attachment 240997

Oh this is too funny. It figures that MSNBC doesn't want to let go of this bogus story. Yeah, and is BuzzFeed still confident that the Steele Dossier is true too?

And just you watch: The next bogus story peddled by some shady and/or left-wing news outlet will be immediately embraced by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc., and of course by the gullible, Trump-hating liberals in this forum. You'll see a bunch of threads solemnly announcing the bogus "evidence" and proclaiming that Trump is "surely finished now!"
All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.

Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.


Again, Fruitcake, what “epic fail?”

Can’t you say what I fell for since I didn’t fall for this? Or is asking you to elucidate beyond your G-d given cognitive limitations?
Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.


Again, Fruitcake, what “epic fail?”

Can’t you say what I fell for since I didn’t fall for this? Or is asking you to elucidate beyond your G-d given cognitive limitations?

Humm, Faun, did you question this story before it was exposed? Did you post replies in any of the zany liberal threads on this story to question the credibility of the story on its face? I mean, I suspected this was hogwash as soon as I saw the claim that these same "sources" also said that Trump told Cohen to set up a trip to Russia so he could meet with Putin to discuss the real estate deals, during the campaign. That sounded absurd on its face.
The problem is that every leftist outlet grabbed the ball and ran with it without checking the story out first. Then it became a national discussion.

We all know how desperate the left is, so people like BuzzKill throw them a bone. It's the only thing that keeps some of them alive today. These people are so full of hate that it's not hard to set them off like a bucket of fireworks.
Every outlet reported what Mueller's team said. Before that they all ran with a story and reported they could not verify it. So they checked it out and reported a story
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.


Again, Fruitcake, what “epic fail?”

Can’t you say what I fell for since I didn’t fall for this? Or is asking you to elucidate beyond your G-d given cognitive limitations?

Humm, Faun, did you question this story before it was exposed? Did you post replies in any of the zany liberal threads on this story to question the credibility of the story on its face? I mean, I suspected this was hogwash as soon as I saw the claim that these same "sources" also said that Trump told Cohen to set up a trip to Russia so he could meet with Putin to discuss the real estate deals, during the campaign. That sounded absurd on its face.
I said if it’s true, it’s a criminal offense. And I also said I didn’t believe it’s true based on the person reporting it.
Thread awards participation bannerto our resident liberals with congratulations for their new Party slogan:

WaPo Saturday: "Mueller’s denial, according to people familiar with the matter, aims to make clear that none of those statements in [Buzzfeed] story are accurate.”

Friday: "Impeachment" was said more than 200 times on CNN & MSNBC after each news org couldn't confirm the story.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

No, he did not dispute it.

"BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate," said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller's office.

Thanks for that.
Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.


Again, Fruitcake, what “epic fail?”

Can’t you say what I fell for since I didn’t fall for this? Or is asking you to elucidate beyond your G-d given cognitive limitations?





Poor Fawn, pwned by reality yet again...
WaPo Saturday: "Mueller’s denial, according to people familiar with the matter, aims to make clear that none of those statements in [Buzzfeed] story are accurate.”

Friday: "Impeachment" was said more than 200 times on CNN & MSNBC after each news org couldn't confirm the story.

They aren't "news," they are party propaganda.

CNN is the cable equivalent of Fawn, a bitter little troll that openly lies and NEVER gets it right...
You’re batshit insane, Fruitcake. What did I fall for?



You know Fawn, the Inquisition released their statement because they rightfully fear a probe into their leaks.

But if you had a brain you might see that this has implications on just what Torquemada has - or rather doesn't have on our great President. :eusa_whistle:
Fruitcake, are you wasted on smack again?? :ack-1:

For what did I fall? I just posted how I didn’t fall for this...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
And who knows to whom you refer as “Torquemada?” :cuckoo:

What a shame modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered the cure for your mental condition.

You're not just too stupid to grasp your epic fail, you're too stupid to grasp that you got the shit kicked out of you.


Again, Fruitcake, what “epic fail?”

Can’t you say what I fell for since I didn’t fall for this? Or is asking you to elucidate beyond your G-d given cognitive limitations?





Poor Fawn, pwned by reality yet again...
The Left are masochistic.

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