Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?

YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about is pretty simple. But you are even too stupid to understand simple concepts.

Oh, now that's a new twist I never seen before. Bill Clinton perjured himself so it's the Republicans fault. :auiqs.jpg:

That is not what I said, he was stupid enough to lie under oath that is all on him.

you people have the reading comprehension of a bunch of 1st graders.

no wonder you spend your days sniffing Trump's ass

Oh, that is what you said. It's called Blame Shifting and you on the left do it constantly.

as I people have the reading comprehension of a bunch of 1st graders. but that might be an insult towards first graders

Here is your statement:

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about it.

Okay, so if you're not blaming the Republicans, what was the point of this comment? In detail please!
Mueller is playing a game and you fools are the pawns.

What did Mueller gain by coming out and saying the story was not "accurate" (which is very open ended word)?
Yeah, he's playing 64-D underwater chess! :rolleyes:

He came out because had to save his phony baloney ass from the myth that his cabal of DNC hack shysters and hatchet men is "leak proof".
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Every day there is another distraction from the real crimes and real criminals. Before Buzzfeed it was that Trump faked online polls. Fake news is all they do. Any day now Mueller will issue his report and then we'll know if there is anything serious there. The MSM has no credibility left. They need "Fake News" tattoos on their foreheads for their abuse of the "free press" standard that used to be honorable.
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
Yes it was...And even Bruce Ohr (#3 at the FBI at the time) knew it was fake.

Any day now.......
The Trump dossier is not and has never been the main thrust of the Mueller investigation, it's all the goddamned Russians the Trump campaign had substantial and ongoing contact with during the campaign.
It was the primary piece of "evidence" used to (unlawfully) get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, which touched off a series of events that led to the Muller inquisition....The RUSSIANS! shit is a cheap ruse, and you're a rube to believe it.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

A GOP think tank doesn't have the authority to order any investigation.
Jesus, are you people that uninformed about all this? The dossier timeline has been well known for at least a year and a half. The dossier was prepared by a private intelligence service for hire based in the UK.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

A GOP think tank doesn't have the authority to order any investigation.
Jesus, are you people that uninformed about all this? The dossier timeline has been well known for at least a year and a half. The dossier was prepared by a private intelligence service for hire based in the UK.

Are we talking about the Mueller investigation or the Steele investigation? Hillary and the DNC had their lawyers hire Steele and obtain that information from Russia. It doesn't matter who thought of it first. The only real Russian tie in all this is the Democrats.
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
Yes it was...And even Bruce Ohr (#3 at the FBI at the time) knew it was fake.

Any day now.......
The Trump dossier is not and has never been the main thrust of the Mueller investigation, it's all the goddamned Russians the Trump campaign had substantial and ongoing contact with during the campaign.
It was the primary piece of "evidence" used to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page, which touched off a series of events that led to the Muller inquisition....The RUSSIANS! shit is a cheap ruse, and you're a rube to believe it.
Nope, Page was already a person of interest in another investigation that resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of diplomatic compounds when he was hired by the campaign. Trump was told this and did not care.
Nope, Page was already a person of interest in another investigation that resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of diplomatic compounds when he was hired by the campaign. Trump was told this and did not care.
"Person of interest" isn't grounds to get a FISA warrant....Have mommy check under your be to make sure there aren't RUSSIANS! hiding under it.
Mueller should be pushed out over the whole Buzzfeed story. He listened for 24 hours while Cable Fake News outlets like CNN and MSLSD defamed our President and parroted the lies which he knew were not true, and kept silent until 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time yesterday evening.

The man Mr. Mueller is either a disgrace or just senile and it took a while for him to speak up.

That's not it at all.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada had no intention of derailing the latest lie from the fascist media. The only reason he did is that he was backed into a corner. Mark Levin, a lawyer and former deputy AG under Reagan pointed out that IF the Buzzfeed story were true, then the ONLY source would be from the Inquisition. Leaking, despite how common it is from Mewler and his thugs, is a FELONY.

Jeff Sessions, ergo Rod Rosenstien, is no longer the AG. Acting AG Whitaker started forming a leak investigation into the Inquisition about noon yesterday, including a dozen polygraph technicians. Bear in mind that the regardless of the Buzzfeed lie, which is a pure fabrication, the Mewler Inquisition LEAKS, constantly. Torquemada has used leaks to manage the press from the start. Since he never had oversight, it was just standard practice for the rogue Inquisition. But this time the DOJ was mobilizing. Sitting the Mewler democrats down and asking them about their DNC media contacts would be a disaster, the whole team including Torquemada would end up in federal prison.

So Mewler did the only thing he could. he called the DNC press out for their lies, he confirmed they had made the story up out of thin air.

Personally I think Whitaker should pursue the leak investigation anyway.
Personally I think Whitaker should pursue the leak investigation anyway.

The administration may already know for certain who did the leaking. The fake story was planted with suspected leakers, to find out which one or ones are the guilty parties. President Trump knew that the Fake News media will publish anything anti-Trump without checking it. The old "canary trap".
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Nope, Page was already a person of interest in another investigation that resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of diplomatic compounds when he was hired by the campaign. Trump was told this and did not care.
"Person of interest" isn't grounds to get a FISA warrant....Have mommy check under your be to make sure there aren't RUSSIANS! hiding under it.
Sure it is, the FISA court requires evidence. We do not get to see that evidence but I like to believe it was somewhat compelling. Just admit it, you don't think it's bad for Russia to help a republican become president.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Just admit you do not think it is a bad thing for Russia to help Trump become president.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Just admit you do not think it is a bad thing for Russia to help Trump become president.

The Russian Federation would have been best served by the Democrat candidate winning in 2016. Mrs. Clinton was anxious to "Reset" relations with Russia and the libs had assured the Kremlin they would have more flexibility after the election.
Nope, Page was already a person of interest in another investigation that resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of diplomatic compounds when he was hired by the campaign. Trump was told this and did not care.
"Person of interest" isn't grounds to get a FISA warrant....Have mommy check under your be to make sure there aren't RUSSIANS! hiding under it.
Sure it is, the FISA court requires evidence. We do not get to see that evidence but I like to believe it was somewhat compelling. Just admit it, you don't think it's bad for Russia to help a republican become president.

Russia didn't change the election one iota. Putting a bunch of ads on Facebook doesn't do squat. Nobody makes a decision on how they will vote based on Facebook ads.
Nope, Page was already a person of interest in another investigation that resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of diplomatic compounds when he was hired by the campaign. Trump was told this and did not care.
"Person of interest" isn't grounds to get a FISA warrant....Have mommy check under your be to make sure there aren't RUSSIANS! hiding under it.
Sure it is, the FISA court requires evidence. We do not get to see that evidence but I like to believe it was somewhat compelling. Just admit it, you don't think it's bad for Russia to help a republican become president.

Russia didn't change the election one iota. Putting a bunch of ads on Facebook doesn't do squat. Nobody makes a decision on how they will vote based on Facebook ads.
How many smoking guns have fallen flat now? Will the Democrats who were already calling for an investigation learn anything from this?


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The Democrats have no called the report truthful. They have called to find out if the report is truthful

and not sure why you all of a sudden believe Mueller is a good guy. LOL
Will you pay me $1 for every WE GOT HIM NOW statement from the Left?
LOL, Joy Behar alone would owe you 6 figures!

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