Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?

The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Just admit you do not think it is a bad thing for Russia to help Trump become president.

The Russian Federation would have been best served by the Democrat candidate winning in 2016. Mrs. Clinton was anxious to "Reset" relations with Russia and the libs had assured the Kremlin they would have more flexibility after the election.

Not only that but Hil-Liar kept confidential and classified information on her server in the closet. From what I read, it had very minimal security and a high school geek could have obtained that information.

It's likely Russia has it as well, and had she been elected, they could have used that information for blackmail purposes.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Just admit you do not think it is a bad thing for Russia to help Trump become president.

Just admit you lied.

The only one who dealt with Russia was the Obama regime, which paid Russia to fabricate dirt in order to rig the 2016 election.

You didn't mean to, but you admitted this yourself.

Obama is guilty of treason - fact.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

Same fucking lies, huh?

No, the Washington Free Beacon had NOTHING to do with the Dossier that Obama paid the Russians to fabricate.

The WFB used used Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research independent of the DNC/Obama Regime efforts.

Obama paid the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump in order to rig the election. His corrupt FSB then used that fabricated dirt to spy on the incoming president once they had failed to secure office for Hillary, despite election tampering.

That's treason.

Just admit you do not think it is a bad thing for Russia to help Trump become president.

Just admit you lied.

The only one who dealt with Russia was the Obama regime, which paid Russia to fabricate dirt in order to rig the 2016 election.

You didn't mean to, but you admitted this yourself.

Obama is guilty of treason - fact.
Jesus fuck you people are stupid.
Sure it is, the FISA court requires evidence. We do not get to see that evidence but I like to believe it was somewhat compelling. Just admit it, you don't think it's bad for Russia to help a republican become president.
The "evidence" was the "dossier" that they knew was a fake, you imbecile.

Not only knew was fake, but Ohr had been the BAG MAN paying for the damned thing from foreign spies that traitor James Clapper had used as intermediaries with the Russians. The treason of the Mugabe regime is DEEP,
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

A GOP think tank doesn't have the authority to order any investigation.
Jesus, are you people that uninformed about all this? The dossier timeline has been well known for at least a year and a half. The dossier was prepared by a private intelligence service for hire based in the UK.

Then why do you fucking lie?

The WFB had nothing to do with it. That they used the same company that Barack Mugabe used for Oppo Research is the ONLY thread.

As you say, we know full well about Clapper recruiting Steele to go to the Russians to "find" dirt that the administration and Clinton campaign - one and the same - could use to tamper with the election. So you know that the WFB had not a fucking thing to do with it, yet you continue to lie. Fucking Marxists.
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.

So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

A GOP think tank doesn't have the authority to order any investigation.
Jesus, are you people that uninformed about all this? The dossier timeline has been well known for at least a year and a half. The dossier was prepared by a private intelligence service for hire based in the UK.

Then why do you fucking lie?

The WFB had nothing to do with it. That they used the same company that Barack Mugabe used for Oppo Research is the ONLY thread.

As you say, we know full well about Clapper recruiting Steele to go to the Russians to "find" dirt that the administration and Clinton campaign - one and the same - could use to tamper with the election. So you know that the WFB had not a fucking thing to do with it, yet you continue to lie. Fucking Marxists.
I can't take you people seriously when you talk like that.
I can't take you people seriously when you talk like that.
Like you take anyone who isn't a blood-shooting-out-the-eyes howling leftist moonbat seriously to begin with?

Man, you one funnah mofo! :banana:
The tribes will jump on anything, desperately hoping for any advantage.

Beats doing the heavy lifting of collaborating and innovating, that's for sure.
I’m interested in truth.
Name one thing in this entire Trump/Russia thing that we know is true beyond a reasonable doubt.
Who knows.

I do see both tribes making ridiculous assumptions, however, especially considering none of us know what's coming.
The tribes will jump on anything, desperately hoping for any advantage.

Beats doing the heavy lifting of collaborating and innovating, that's for sure.
I’m interested in truth.
Name one thing in this entire Trump/Russia thing that we know is true beyond a reasonable doubt.
Who knows.

I do see both tribes making ridiculous assumptions, however, especially considering none of us know what's coming.
I can tell you with certainty that the IRS was used as a political weapon in a Presidential election in direct violation of Federal laws.
And nothing happened.
And there is not even a smoking gun in this entire Trump/Russia thing. It's just monkeys tossing crap to see what sticks.
Every source originally said it was unsubstantiated and then reported on the Mueller statement and pretty much disowned the thing. Just because the conservative outlets run bullshit for days after it is found out does not mean everyone does it.

Progs only know how to project and pull race cards. In this case prog news did what they always do and speculate on false information. But because progs are tarded now, to them is means conservative news is the culprit.
How many smoking guns have fallen flat now? Will the Democrats who were already calling for an investigation learn anything from this?


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The Democrats have no called the report truthful. They have called to find out if the report is truthful

and not sure why you all of a sudden believe Mueller is a good guy. LOL

Not CNN...MSNBC or any other news media said they had substantiated the story. The statement from Mueller if obtuse at best. Parts of the article may be inaccurate....but we all know Cohen just repeated what trump had been saying to the public.
So the Obama Regime used his FSB to buy the dossier from Russian spies? The Dossier he used to rig the election?

How is that not treason? Barack Mugabe went to foreign spies to corrupt the American election process.

You said it yourself, that is what he did. So should Obama not be tried and executed for treason? Along with Clapper, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al?
The dossier was initially ordered by some GOP think tank. After Trump was nominated it was shopped around to democrats. Why are we even talking about it? The actual thing that started the investigation, the dozens of Russian operatives in close contact with the Trump campaign, has only served to confirm the legitimacy of the investigation.

A GOP think tank doesn't have the authority to order any investigation.
Jesus, are you people that uninformed about all this? The dossier timeline has been well known for at least a year and a half. The dossier was prepared by a private intelligence service for hire based in the UK.

Then why do you fucking lie?

The WFB had nothing to do with it. That they used the same company that Barack Mugabe used for Oppo Research is the ONLY thread.

As you say, we know full well about Clapper recruiting Steele to go to the Russians to "find" dirt that the administration and Clinton campaign - one and the same - could use to tamper with the election. So you know that the WFB had not a fucking thing to do with it, yet you continue to lie. Fucking Marxists.
I can't take you people seriously when you talk like that.

I can't take you Stalinists seriously because you constantly lie.

The Washington Free Beacon story was debunked over a year ago, but you still try to get away with lying.

You're not just devoid of integrity, you're flat out stupid.
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Every source originally said it was unsubstantiated and then reported on the Mueller statement and pretty much disowned the thing. Just because the conservative outlets run bullshit for days after it is found out does not mean everyone does it.

Oh, hogwash! Go back and watch the CNN and MSNBC coverage of this story. Better yet: Go read the threads and replies that liberals here posted on this story. Sheesh, you must be kidding. Go read those threads. They surely didn't seem to express any doubt about the story.

Will you folks ever learn?
”They surely didn't seem to express any doubt about the story. Will you folks ever learn?”

Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
... see what happens when you generalize?

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??
Not CNN...MSNBC or any other news media said they had substantiated the story. The statement from Mueller if obtuse at best. Parts of the article may be inaccurate....but we all know Cohen just repeated what trump had been saying to the public.


And yet the two Marxist propaganda sewers were calling for impeachment all day.

democrats are psychopaths. Your cult, that's what it is, a cult, has purged itself of any hint of ethics, morality, or integrity. You lie as a matter of course. You seek power and will lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it. You got caught yesterday. You think you can lie your way out of anything, because the fascist media will cover for you.

Problem is, it is the fascist media that got caught lying this time, and not just a slip up or omission, but a propaganda war intended to overthrow the government of the United States.

No one with a brain trusts the fascist press. You don't any more than I do. Oh, you APPROVE of them lying, but you know full well that they are lying, as do I and other decent people. But those in the middle got a taste of just what lying fuck scumbags the DNC press is yesterday. The two worst fascist sources spent the day rolling in shit. Trying to convince anyone that they don't stink at this point is utterly futile.

CNN could lose half of their audience over this, I mean three people might no longer watch that shit.

How many times are we going to hear this?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When you require lies to ‘get’ someone, you are worse than your target.

BuzzFeed News’ latest disputed report about former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is just the latest in a long line of Russia “bombshells” that turned out to be anything but.

The Special Counsel’s office disputed a Thursday night report by BuzzFeed claiming that President Donald Trump directed his lawyer to lie about a potential business deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The BuzzFeed report was used to float impeachment proceedings and obstruction of justice charges against the president, but Mueller’s team disputed the core premise of the reporting.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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So all of a sudden you people believe Mueller's team is credible?

All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
Who on the left said that??

Oh, you Stalinists were so very circumspect Fawn, CNN was urging calm contemplation awaiting the facts. Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Jim the Accoster were all demanding proof of the allegations...


You fuckers were wallowing in shit all day yesterday - WE GOT HIM NOW.....

How many times can you fall for the same shit, Fawn?

I know that hate, rather than reason is what drives you, but still...

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