Buzzfeed Story that Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress Debunked, Even By Mueller--Do Libs Know?

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Who would care? I guess the same sort of people that cared about a president getting a blowjob in the Oval Office....
You resurrect the old standard leftist lie about Clinton being impeached over a blow job. How ignorantly sad.

I did not say that at all, why must you always lie about me? Is that all you have...lies and more lies?
YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.
All of a sudden you people believe Mueller is a pro Trump liar?
No matter how well backed up by evidence you will join with Trump to call the Mueller report a 100% fabrication and reject the results in their entirety. This is the only prediction concerning this mess that can be made with any certainty. You have already made up you mind, the rest of us are just doing the best we can with the black box that is the Mueller investigation.
When the report is a Nothing burger you will scream THEY GOT TO HIM
It does not take this long and this many indictments to find nothing. There's something, you can bet your ass on that. I'm just not going to engage in a lot of speculation on that.

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

Oh please, if the Republicans did anything near what the Democrats have done, there would have been protests and possibly riots in the streets of the US.

If Trump and the RNC funneled money to a lawyer to try and hide their tracks, to hire a foreign investigative outlet to find crap on Hillary, and then it was discovered the information they got came directly from Russia, and presented that information to a FISA court without telling them it was opposition research, and then got a surveillance warrant to spy on people in Hillary's team, people would be indicted by now; many of them.

It's like Limbaugh used to say so frequently "Democrats have two sets of rules: one for them, and another set for the rest of us."

The clown that interviewed Hillary about her email scam was the same guy that sent hundreds if not thousands of hate Trump text to his married girlfriend.
How many smoking guns have fallen flat now? Will the Democrats who were already calling for an investigation learn anything from this?


View attachment 240945

About the same number of smoking guns about Hillary or even about many times have we been told he was finished..

Here are a few examples...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

and my all time favorite...from May of last year...seems it has been more than a couple weeks! :206::206::206:

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

Yesterday must have crushed you.

In the morning the Buzzfeed lie stoked your mania and gave you a high that your filthy Stalinist party would at last succeed in the coup you have fantasized since that awful night when your beloved Hillary lost, despite your god Obama and his corrupt FSB rigging the election for her. But it would all be worth it, you had Trump..

And THEN, from the most unexpected place, the Grand Inquisitor himself pulled the rug out from under you, he confirmed what anyone with a brain already knew, Buzzfeed made the whole thing up, as the DNC controlled press tends to do.

The depth of your depression must be insane.

Hopefully you are on suicide watch - you know - so someone gets it on video at the very least....
How many smoking guns have fallen flat now? Will the Democrats who were already calling for an investigation learn anything from this?


View attachment 240945

About the same number of smoking guns about Hillary or even about many times have we been told he was finished..

Here are a few examples...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

and my all time favorite...from May of last year...seems it has been more than a couple weeks! :206::206::206:

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper
If you want to believe it’s acceptable for government to be used as a political weapon against Americans, that just dovetails into your leftist fascist beliefs.

The level of intellectual response I expected from you.

I respond accordingly. You ignore the smoking gun threads from your fellow sheep and instead make it about are a joke
Did the IRS use it’s authority to take sides in a Presidential election?

Yes or No.
It does not take this long and this many indictments to find nothing. There's something, you can bet your ass on that. I'm just not going to engage in a lot of speculation on that.

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
It does not take this long and this many indictments to find nothing. There's something, you can bet your ass on that. I'm just not going to engage in a lot of speculation on that.

We were told that report was going to come out immediately after the midterms. What happened to that? I'll tell you what happened: that information came out to try and change the outcome of the election. So nobody can tell me this isn't political.
Of course it is political, just not in the way you think. It's a shame that respect for the rule of law and due diligence in an investigation has an opposing view in America. This whole thing could go away and the Mueller report buried and you would never wonder what he found. What does it feel like to be that blindly partisan?

There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?
The dossier says a lot more than that but it was not the sole reason to launch an investigation nor has it been substantially disproved.
Or anything PROVEN!...A work of fiction to collect a large payment from the Hildebeast campaign!
The Trump dossier was based on Russian intelligence sources many of whom have been executed. Maybe one day Putin will be so kind to confirm it's accuracy.
How many smoking guns have fallen flat now? Will the Democrats who were already calling for an investigation learn anything from this?


View attachment 240945

About the same number of smoking guns about Hillary or even about many times have we been told he was finished..

Here are a few examples...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

and my all time favorite...from May of last year...seems it has been more than a couple weeks! :206::206::206:

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

Yesterday must have crushed you.

In the morning the Buzzfeed lie stoked your mania and gave you a high that your filthy Stalinist party would at last succeed in the coup you have fantasized since that awful night when your beloved Hillary lost, despite your god Obama and his corrupt FSB rigging the election for her. But it would all be worth it, you had Trump..

And THEN, from the most unexpected place, the Grand Inquisitor himself pulled the rug out from under you, he confirmed what anyone with a brain already knew, Buzzfeed made the whole thing up, as the DNC controlled press tends to do.

The depth of your depression must be insane.

Hopefully you are on suicide watch - you know - so someone gets it on video at the very least....

Not in the least, I have said for my whole time on here that I did not think Trump did anything are just too caught up in your stupid sheep games to understand that not everyone is a mindless partisan sheep like yourself
There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Who would care? I guess the same sort of people that cared about a president getting a blowjob in the Oval Office....
You resurrect the old standard leftist lie about Clinton being impeached over a blow job. How ignorantly sad.

I did not say that at all, why must you always lie about me? Is that all you have...lies and more lies?
YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about is pretty simple. But you are even too stupid to understand simple concepts.

The blowjob and the physical evidence of the event demonstrated that Mr. Clinton was lying in an attempt to avoid liability for Sexually Harassing Paula Corbin Jones. In and of itself, Judge Starr could have given a shit less about it. With the Clintons it was about the money he would have to fork over for his harassment. As far as the Jones case, why didn't Clinton just pony up the money to start with? In America, if you commit sex harassment, you have to pay.
There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Remember who published this Dossier that Obama bought from the Russians?

Yep, it was Buzzfeed. Clearly a Soros owned and controlled propaganda outlet.
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

No, he did not dispute it.

"BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate," said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller's office.

", regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate"

You're "special" aren't you?
Anyone who believes anything reported on BuzzFeed is either a Dimocrap or just plain brain dead.

I hadn't heard of BuzzFeed before yesterday and so my reaction to the story given its source was who's BuzzFeed? It was cheap journalism for other news organizations to report what BuzzFeed was reporting without the slightest investigation of their own.
Buzzfeed was the outfit that first reported about the fake propaganda "dossier", which claimed all sorts of things that weren't true....But they ran to publish it as though it was.
You resurrect the old standard leftist lie about Clinton being impeached over a blow job. How ignorantly sad.

I did not say that at all, why must you always lie about me? Is that all you have...lies and more lies?
YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about is pretty simple. But you are even too stupid to understand simple concepts.

The blowjob and the physical evidence of the event demonstrated that Mr. Clinton was lying in an attempt to avoid liability for Sexually Harassing Paula Corbin Jones. In and of itself, Judge Starr could have given a shit less about it. With the Clintons it was about the money he would have to fork over for his harassment. As far as the Jones case, why didn't Clinton just pony up the money to start with? In America, if you commit sex harassment, you have to pay.

Judge Starr was supposed to be investigation White Water, not sexual harassment charges.
And what was Mueller supposed to be investigating? You lefties are such hypocrites.
There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Who would care? I guess the same sort of people that cared about a president getting a blowjob in the Oval Office....

Trump wasn't President at the time of the alleged Mattress Desecration and wasn't doing it on the taxpayers time on taxpayers property.

The Oval Office is the workplace. A friend of mine worked as a night security guard and got busted for his girlfriend visiting him in the guard shack at night. He got fired on the spot. Its a dam shame that in America we hold Security Guards to a higher standard than we do Presidents.

Your friend could not do his job with his girlfriend visiting him...I am not sure the same could be said about Bill
Blow Job goes directly to the rape!

He raped Monica? Really? That is a new one
In the military a superior doing that to one of lower rank would be in Leavenworth.
There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Remember who published this Dossier that Obama bought from the Russians?

Yep, it was Buzzfeed. Clearly a Soros owned and controlled propaganda outlet.

Soros is a real fount of evil. The people who know him best, in his native Hungary, have passed laws against him. He should really be banned from America and deported if he is here.
Judge Starr was supposed to be investigation White Water, not sexual harassment charges.
Janet Reno reassigned him....And his orders were to investigate specific allegations, not to go on an open-ended fishing expedition.
There was no basis for establishing the Mueller investigation in the first place. The Dossier was patented bullshit. The idea that the Trumpster is a Russian agent is a joke.

BTW, let's just stipulate that the Dossier is correct and Mr. Trump did hire Russian hoes to ruin some fancy hotel mattresses in Moscow. Who would really care? The gentleman has the money to replace them, he's a freaking billionaire. Mr. Trump could hire a legion of escorts to destroy a boxcar full of deluxe bedding if he wanted to, why would you or anyone else care?

Who would care? I guess the same sort of people that cared about a president getting a blowjob in the Oval Office....
You resurrect the old standard leftist lie about Clinton being impeached over a blow job. How ignorantly sad.

I did not say that at all, why must you always lie about me? Is that all you have...lies and more lies?
YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about is pretty simple. But you are even too stupid to understand simple concepts.

Oh, now that's a new twist I never seen before. Bill Clinton perjured himself so it's the Republicans fault. :auiqs.jpg:
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?

Mueller is playing a game and you fools are the pawns.

What did Mueller gain by coming out and saying the story was not "accurate" (which is very open ended word)?

He raped Monica? Really? That is a new one

You're a dumb one, even as Communists go.

Oh, I don't mean because you thought he was talking about Monica rather than Juanita Broadrick, you didn't. But you DID think lying about it was CLEVER. Sloppy and ham handed defines you, Marxist Moron.
Who would care? I guess the same sort of people that cared about a president getting a blowjob in the Oval Office....
You resurrect the old standard leftist lie about Clinton being impeached over a blow job. How ignorantly sad.

I did not say that at all, why must you always lie about me? Is that all you have...lies and more lies?
YOU are the one that brought up Clinton and blow job and how the right cared about that when you know that the impeachment of Clinton wasn't over a blow job. Don't whine when you're called out for a false narrative.

If the right had not cared about the blowjob to begin with, then he would not have had a chance to lie about is pretty simple. But you are even too stupid to understand simple concepts.

Oh, now that's a new twist I never seen before. Bill Clinton perjured himself so it's the Republicans fault. :auiqs.jpg:

Gator defends all thinks Left and "pretends" to be a "Rightie". Much like Jake
Are our resident liberals in this forum aware that even the Mueller team has now debunked the BuzzFeed story that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about real estate deals in Russia? Have our liberals here learned a lesson about rushing to judgment about wild claims from a source like BuzzFeed? When I first read the story, I thought it sounded far fetched. So I'm not surprised that the story has now been exposed as bogus. The Mueller team has rarely commented on these kinds of stories, but they issued a clear denial of the BuzzFeed story. Recall that it was BuzzFeed that released the now thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier.

Trump calls release of BuzzFeed report 'a sad day for journalism'; Giuliani urges DOJ pursuit of leakers

Mueller's Office Disputes Buzzfeed Article on Trump, Cohen Conversations

Liberals, again, have you learned a lesson from this episode?
No.....As we speak, they're spinning, parsing, and hoping against hope that today is the day that they're really gonna gittim!
If you want to believe it’s acceptable for government to be used as a political weapon against Americans, that just dovetails into your leftist fascist beliefs.

The level of intellectual response I expected from you.

I respond accordingly. You ignore the smoking gun threads from your fellow sheep and instead make it about are a joke
Did the IRS use it’s authority to take sides in a Presidential election?

Yes or No.

What does that have to do with you ignoring the 1000s of smoking gun threads from your fellow sheep that never pan out?

you sheep are all the same, it does not matter if you are in the left pen or the right pen.
Because like the IRS being used as a political weapon in violation of Federal laws, Deep State buries them and nothing happens.

Just like all the FBI actions we keep hearing about.

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