Bwaak, Bwaak, Bwaak.....House Speaker Turns Chicken, Sees Disaster Coming - Calls For BidenTo Back Out Of Debates...

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pelosi calls on Biden to cancel presidential debates with TrumpBreaking News: CALL IT OFF
Pelosi calls on Biden to cancel presidential debates with Trump

Pelosi's excuse? 'I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him'

Trump is the President of the united States.

Joe Biden is an old, decrepit, feeble, elitist, corrupt, criminal, racist, pu$$y-grabbing, child-groping/sniffing, confessed extorting, influence-peddling, Alzheimer's'/Dementia-suffering Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat extremist 'sock-puppet' being kept hidden in his basement, away from the people and the country his handlers / puppet masters want to rule....

If anyone needs to be 'Legitimized' by being allowed to be on stage with the President of the United States it is Joe Biden.

The polls are souring for the Democrats, the campaign is turning south, Biden is sinking in the polls. Pelosi sees the unmasking of Joe Biden...she sees and hears the train coming, sees Biden feebly standing on the tracks, and is desperate to call the whole thing off...but it is too late. Biden needs to be 'taken to task', exposed before the whole world. It will be a 'massacre'. There will be no handlers to 'pull the plug' and save him.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

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