Bye Bye, Jew's American Pie.


Mar 12, 2012
Young Jews on American campuses are raised on values of freedom and democracy. They cannot support – and certainly not explain – a country in which half of the people under its rule do not have the right to vote. And it will only get worse without a two states for two peoples solution.


Those who do not mind losing the support of our Jewish brothers in the US should consider the possibility that Israel may lose the US aid needed to maintain our qualitative military edge and to fund the Iron Dome, Magic Wand and Arrow batteries. Not to mention the US veto in the UN and Washington's behind-the-scenes diplomatic activity to protect us. All this may stop if America's Jews do not support us.
Consider, for example, Congressman Gary Ackerman, a Jewish Democrat from New York who has introduced pro-Israel legislation in the House of Representatives. Speaking at the Israel Policy Forum gala in New York on Monday, he said Ehud Olmert, who also attended the event, "did not piss on the president’s shoe" when he visited the White House during his tenure as prime minister. "It’s only common sense," Ackerman said, alluding to PM Netanyahu's visit to the White House about a year and a half ago, during which he criticized Obama's comments regarding the 1967 borders. The crowd laughed, Ackerman didn’t.

The congressman was even blunter in referring to Lieberman's recent comments at the Saban Forum. The foreign minister claimed that if the Palestinians "achieve their GDP of $10,000, we will achieve peace." Senior American officials who attended the forum were stunned by Lieberman's comments. Every US Jew, including Ackerman, heard what Lieberman said.

"Somebody who is a very prominent politician who is not in this room commented during his presentation that part of the problem in dealing with the Palestinians was that they've not read Voltaire or Jean Jacque Rousseau and that they don't have a gross domestic product of $10,000 a person, per capita. And that's why you can't deal with them. And when they reach that level, then we can talk to them," Ackerman said at the gala.

"How demeaning is that? How disrespectful. How do you get somebody to have confidence that you view them as an equal if you have that kind of attitude? How do you bring them to the table? And where is the table? And why should they show up at the table if that’s the attitude? If we were deciding how to split a pizza and on the way to the table I ate three pieces, you'd start to wonder why the heck should you show up to the table? It’s about dignity and respect.

Ackerman is a Jew who loves Israel. He has done more for the Jewish state than many of those who are writing rude and hateful responses to this article.

We're losing America's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

seems to me someone on this very board has been cautioning the ardent zionists of this as long as three years ago. something about having grown up in post war europe and how children with NaZI parents bearing the shame of their ancestors.

this was about a two years after that person said that "anti-semitism" was way over used and was losing its effect and four years before the israeli foreign ministry decided to go with"jew hater" as an alternative.

maybe "american jews" should also consider who they alienate besides their own children with their attitudes. i very sincerely doubt that any of the pro-palestinian posters were so adamantly anti-israel before they came to this place and places like it and encountered such arrogant and derisive jews as those who read this post.

today, i could care less if israel was wiped of the face of the earth. i didn't get there on my own. i had some enthusiastic kosher guides.
Young Jews on American campuses are raised on values of freedom and democracy. They cannot support – and certainly not explain – a country in which half of the people under its rule do not have the right to vote. And it will only get worse without a two states for two peoples solution.


Those who do not mind losing the support of our Jewish brothers in the US should consider the possibility that Israel may lose the US aid needed to maintain our qualitative military edge and to fund the Iron Dome, Magic Wand and Arrow batteries. Not to mention the US veto in the UN and Washington's behind-the-scenes diplomatic activity to protect us. All this may stop if America's Jews do not support us.
Consider, for example, Congressman Gary Ackerman, a Jewish Democrat from New York who has introduced pro-Israel legislation in the House of Representatives. Speaking at the Israel Policy Forum gala in New York on Monday, he said Ehud Olmert, who also attended the event, "did not piss on the president’s shoe" when he visited the White House during his tenure as prime minister. "It’s only common sense," Ackerman said, alluding to PM Netanyahu's visit to the White House about a year and a half ago, during which he criticized Obama's comments regarding the 1967 borders. The crowd laughed, Ackerman didn’t.

The congressman was even blunter in referring to Lieberman's recent comments at the Saban Forum. The foreign minister claimed that if the Palestinians "achieve their GDP of $10,000, we will achieve peace." Senior American officials who attended the forum were stunned by Lieberman's comments. Every US Jew, including Ackerman, heard what Lieberman said.

"Somebody who is a very prominent politician who is not in this room commented during his presentation that part of the problem in dealing with the Palestinians was that they've not read Voltaire or Jean Jacque Rousseau and that they don't have a gross domestic product of $10,000 a person, per capita. And that's why you can't deal with them. And when they reach that level, then we can talk to them," Ackerman said at the gala.

"How demeaning is that? How disrespectful. How do you get somebody to have confidence that you view them as an equal if you have that kind of attitude? How do you bring them to the table? And where is the table? And why should they show up at the table if that’s the attitude? If we were deciding how to split a pizza and on the way to the table I ate three pieces, you'd start to wonder why the heck should you show up to the table? It’s about dignity and respect.

Ackerman is a Jew who loves Israel. He has done more for the Jewish state than many of those who are writing rude and hateful responses to this article.

We're losing America's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

seems to me someone on this very board has been cautioning the ardent zionists of this as long as three years ago. something about having grown up in post war europe and how children with NaZI parents bearing the shame of their ancestors.

this was about a two years after that person said that "anti-semitism" was way over used and was losing its effect and four years before the israeli foreign ministry decided to go with"jew hater" as an alternative.

maybe "american jews" should also consider who they alienate besides their own children with their attitudes. i very sincerely doubt that any of the pro-palestinian posters were so adamantly anti-israel before they came to this place and places like it and encountered such arrogant and derisive jews as those who read this post.

today, i could care less if israel was wiped of the face of the earth. i didn't get there on my own. i had some enthusiastic kosher guides.
Oh boy, another irrelevant masturbation to the destruction of Israel thread. How many years has it been that you've masturbated to the demise of Israel, Nazi cocksucker? 20, 30? Or is it your entire pathetic life?

Can't wait for your "compatriot" garbages of humanity to join you in this mutual masturbatory thread. Heh heh heh.
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Oh boy, another irrelevant masturbation to the destruction of Israel thread. How many years has it been that you've masturbated to the demise of Israel, Nazi cocksucker? 20, 30? Or is it your entire pathetic life?

Can't wait for your "compatriot" garbages of humanity to join you in this mutual masturbatory thread. Heh heh heh.
I picked you as one of my favorite posters.
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Oh boy, another irrelevant masturbation to the destruction of Israel thread. How many years has it been that you've masturbated to the demise of Israel, Nazi cocksucker? 20, 30? Or is it your entire pathetic life?

Can't wait for your "compatriot" garbages of humanity to join you in this mutual masturbatory thread. Heh heh heh.
I picked you as one of my favorite posters.

Young Jews on American campuses are raised on values of freedom and democracy. They cannot support – and certainly not explain – a country in which half of the people under its rule do not have the right to vote. And it will only get worse without a two states for two peoples solution.


Those who do not mind losing the support of our Jewish brothers in the US should consider the possibility that Israel may lose the US aid needed to maintain our qualitative military edge and to fund the Iron Dome, Magic Wand and Arrow batteries. Not to mention the US veto in the UN and Washington's behind-the-scenes diplomatic activity to protect us. All this may stop if America's Jews do not support us.
Consider, for example, Congressman Gary Ackerman, a Jewish Democrat from New York who has introduced pro-Israel legislation in the House of Representatives. Speaking at the Israel Policy Forum gala in New York on Monday, he said Ehud Olmert, who also attended the event, "did not piss on the president’s shoe" when he visited the White House during his tenure as prime minister. "It’s only common sense," Ackerman said, alluding to PM Netanyahu's visit to the White House about a year and a half ago, during which he criticized Obama's comments regarding the 1967 borders. The crowd laughed, Ackerman didn’t.

The congressman was even blunter in referring to Lieberman's recent comments at the Saban Forum. The foreign minister claimed that if the Palestinians "achieve their GDP of $10,000, we will achieve peace." Senior American officials who attended the forum were stunned by Lieberman's comments. Every US Jew, including Ackerman, heard what Lieberman said.

"Somebody who is a very prominent politician who is not in this room commented during his presentation that part of the problem in dealing with the Palestinians was that they've not read Voltaire or Jean Jacque Rousseau and that they don't have a gross domestic product of $10,000 a person, per capita. And that's why you can't deal with them. And when they reach that level, then we can talk to them," Ackerman said at the gala.

"How demeaning is that? How disrespectful. How do you get somebody to have confidence that you view them as an equal if you have that kind of attitude? How do you bring them to the table? And where is the table? And why should they show up at the table if that’s the attitude? If we were deciding how to split a pizza and on the way to the table I ate three pieces, you'd start to wonder why the heck should you show up to the table? It’s about dignity and respect.

Ackerman is a Jew who loves Israel. He has done more for the Jewish state than many of those who are writing rude and hateful responses to this article.

We're losing America's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

seems to me someone on this very board has been cautioning the ardent zionists of this as long as three years ago. something about having grown up in post war europe and how children with NaZI parents bearing the shame of their ancestors.

this was about a two years after that person said that "anti-semitism" was way over used and was losing its effect and four years before the israeli foreign ministry decided to go with"jew hater" as an alternative.

maybe "american jews" should also consider who they alienate besides their own children with their attitudes. i very sincerely doubt that any of the pro-palestinian posters were so adamantly anti-israel before they came to this place and places like it and encountered such arrogant and derisive jews as those who read this post.

today, i could care less if israel was wiped of the face of the earth. i didn't get there on my own. i had some enthusiastic kosher guides.

Not only that, but if the Jews declare a state, the Arabs will swoop in and destroy them, so they better be very, very careful.

Benhorin is just another clueless left wing idiot who is is offering yet another doomsday threat if the Israelis don't start taking his political opinions seriously. 90% of Americans who support Israel are not Jewish, 90%, and of those Jews who are critical of some of Israel's policies, none of them are opposed to support for Israel's security. Benhorin should have seen that Gary Ackerman exposes the emptiness of his analysis. While Ackerman is a harsh critic of Netanyahu and of some of Israel's policies vis a vis the Palestinian Arabs in the disputed territories, he remains one of the strongest advocates of military aid to Israel.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed..."

"One of the questions that the poll presented was 'Does the U.S. need to support Israel?'

"In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel.

"Another question posed by the pole was 'Is the Israeli government committed to peace with the Palestinians?'

"In December of 2007, 66% of respondents said that the government, then led by Ehud Olmert, was committed to peace with the Palestinians.

"In June of 2009, a month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, only 46% of Americans said they believed the Netanyahu government was committed to peace."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

As more and more Americans learn of The Land of Israel's apartheid nature, fewer and fewer will vote to support it.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed..."

"One of the questions that the poll presented was 'Does the U.S. need to support Israel?'

"In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel.

"Another question posed by the pole was 'Is the Israeli government committed to peace with the Palestinians?'

"In December of 2007, 66% of respondents said that the government, then led by Ehud Olmert, was committed to peace with the Palestinians.

"In June of 2009, a month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, only 46% of Americans said they believed the Netanyahu government was committed to peace."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

As more and more Americans learn of The Land of Israel's apartheid nature, fewer and fewer will vote to support it.

But a year later

Washington, Nov. 10 – Support for Israel among the U.S. electorate has risen to 60 percent, the highest level since 2009, according to a new poll published today. This increase in support comes on the heels of stalled Palestinian efforts to avoid negotiations and unilaterally declare statehood via the United Nations.

Support for Israel is more pronounced among ‘opinion elites’ at 67 percent – the definition of ‘opinion elite’ is based on high engagement in foreign policy, education, and income. Also, the increase among the general electorate is driven by a 10-point rise in support among Democrats since June 2011. Support is relatively steady among Independents and Republicans.

Respondents characterize Israel as “one of our strongest allies” (68 percent) and a “democracy” (66 percent) while rejecting the notion that Israel is “extremist” (61 percent) or “responsible for the violence” (65 percent).

Support for Israel Rises following Palestinian Efforts to Avoid Peace Process-The Israel Project

Notice how Americans characterize Israel.

one of our strongest allies 68%

democracy 66%

not extremist 61%

not responsible for violence 65%

Contrast this with how they see the Palestinian Arabs

By contrast, Palestinians are considered “extremist” (56 percent) and an “obstacle to peace” (56 percent), but are not considered to be “victims” (55 percent).

The support of the majority of Americans for Israel has been very stable for a number of years now with only some minor fluctuations around political events. There is no sign of a trend up or down.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed..."

"One of the questions that the poll presented was 'Does the U.S. need to support Israel?'

"In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel.

"Another question posed by the pole was 'Is the Israeli government committed to peace with the Palestinians?'

"In December of 2007, 66% of respondents said that the government, then led by Ehud Olmert, was committed to peace with the Palestinians.

"In June of 2009, a month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, only 46% of Americans said they believed the Netanyahu government was committed to peace."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

As more and more Americans learn of The Land of Israel's apartheid nature, fewer and fewer will vote to support it.
Look up Support for Israel is at record highs. Why would you rely on what foreign newspapers say about opinion polls in the USA? Ha ha.
More jew hatred..... this is what progessivism looks like.

yeah, real jew hatred...

i tell you simple minded fucks years ago that accusing someone of "anti-semitism" is aa very powerful toolo and you don't want to overuse it. jews continue to overuse it, the israeli foreign ministry recently comes out and says "we have overused the accusation 'anti-semitism,' let's start calling it "jew hatred.".

(by the way, everyone sees through the "jew hatred" gambit.)

i tell you simple minded fucks years ago that if you continue your behaviour regarding the palestians, that your children who go to american colleges with gentile students will begin to see some of the horrible wrongdoings of jews and the israeli government and start to reject your values and will no longer identify as jews. that is beginning to happen.

all it is really is simple and predictable animal behaviour.

i say "if you do X bad shite, then bad Y shite will happen.
so you all go out and do X bad shite and, guess what...bad Y shite happens.

yeah, i'm a real jew hater because i tell you what you need to hear to help you correct your problems and not tell you what you want to hear so you can contiue with your arrogant and oppressive ways.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed..."

"One of the questions that the poll presented was 'Does the U.S. need to support Israel?'

"In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel.

"Another question posed by the pole was 'Is the Israeli government committed to peace with the Palestinians?'

"In December of 2007, 66% of respondents said that the government, then led by Ehud Olmert, was committed to peace with the Palestinians.

"In June of 2009, a month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, only 46% of Americans said they believed the Netanyahu government was committed to peace."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

As more and more Americans learn of The Land of Israel's apartheid nature, fewer and fewer will vote to support it.
Look up Support for Israel is at record highs. Why would you rely on what foreign newspapers say about opinion polls in the USA? Ha ha.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed.

"The survey was carried out by pollster and strategist Stanley Greenberg and sponsored by the American Jewish organization the Israel Project, which organizes and executes pro-Israel public relations campaigns with a focus on North America.

"Greenberg, along with Israel Project heads, presented the poll's findings to senior Israeli officials, including President Shimon Peres, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor, as well as officials from the Prime Minister's office."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

The more Americans learn about Israel, the less they like it.
Maybe you should start working on a backstroke?
the first time I heard that israel's collapse was IMMINENT (other than from arab diplomats in 1967)----was circa 1970 when I was informed in all seriousness that Israelis are SHOOTING AT EACH OTHER IN THE STREETS OF TEL AVIV-----the "sephardis and the ashkenazis are killing each other"------I was a bit surprised that a pakistani would even KNOW the terms "sephardi" and "ashkenazi"-------most christian americans I knew at that time did not. We cannot blame georgie for repeating that which he is TAUGHT
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed..."

"One of the questions that the poll presented was 'Does the U.S. need to support Israel?'

"In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel.

"Another question posed by the pole was 'Is the Israeli government committed to peace with the Palestinians?'

"In December of 2007, 66% of respondents said that the government, then led by Ehud Olmert, was committed to peace with the Palestinians.

"In June of 2009, a month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, only 46% of Americans said they believed the Netanyahu government was committed to peace."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

As more and more Americans learn of The Land of Israel's apartheid nature, fewer and fewer will vote to support it.
Look up Support for Israel is at record highs. Why would you rely on what foreign newspapers say about opinion polls in the USA? Ha ha.
"American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed.

"The survey was carried out by pollster and strategist Stanley Greenberg and sponsored by the American Jewish organization the Israel Project, which organizes and executes pro-Israel public relations campaigns with a focus on North America.

"Greenberg, along with Israel Project heads, presented the poll's findings to senior Israeli officials, including President Shimon Peres, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor, as well as officials from the Prime Minister's office."

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

The more Americans learn about Israel, the less they like it.
Maybe you should start working on a backstroke?

That George Soros money funding press apparatchiks to say nice things about Israel's enemies and promote holocaust denial is working wonders?

Well, kiss my grits. :rolleyes:
any person ----in A CIVILIZED LAND that actually ADVOCATES killing babies is properly subject to scrutiiny--------islamic pigs REGULARLY refer to the sluts who tie bombs to their WHORISH ASSES in order to murder jewish babies as HOLY SHAHIDA and the dogs who sneak into houses in order to slit the throats of jewish babies as BELOVED HEROES OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD AND ISA

a jew who suggests it is ok to kill a baby-----is subject to scorn by other jewss
any person ----in A CIVILIZED LAND that actually ADVOCATES killing babies is properly subject to scrutiiny--------islamic pigs REGULARLY refer to the sluts who tie bombs to their WHORISH ASSES in order to murder jewish babies as HOLY SHAHIDA and the dogs who sneak into houses in order to slit the throats of jewish babies as BELOVED HEROES OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD AND ISA

a jew who suggests it is ok to kill a baby-----is subject to scorn by other jewss
So how many babies has the US government killed during your pathetic excuse for a life?
How many dead babies have you personally contributed to the cause?
Are you proud of your "service?"
any person ----in A CIVILIZED LAND that actually ADVOCATES killing babies is properly subject to scrutiiny--------islamic pigs REGULARLY refer to the sluts who tie bombs to their WHORISH ASSES in order to murder jewish babies as HOLY SHAHIDA and the dogs who sneak into houses in order to slit the throats of jewish babies as BELOVED HEROES OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD AND ISA

a jew who suggests it is ok to kill a baby-----is subject to scorn by other jewss
So how many babies has the US government killed during your pathetic excuse for a life?
How many dead babies have you personally contributed to the cause?
Are you proud of your "service?"

I have no idea how many babies died in wars conducted by the USA that can be related to USA FIRE. Deaths of children in the course of war is virtually inevitable and always tragic If the deaths occur in the course of legal military action----then they are "legal" If they occur as a matter of specific trageting like the islamic habit of grabbing infants and either shooting their brains out or slitting their throats----then they are MURDER

I am very proud of my service -----even if I had been in a fighting unit I would have been proud-----but I was not-----I have saved lots of lives
any person ----in A CIVILIZED LAND that actually ADVOCATES killing babies is properly subject to scrutiiny--------islamic pigs REGULARLY refer to the sluts who tie bombs to their WHORISH ASSES in order to murder jewish babies as HOLY SHAHIDA and the dogs who sneak into houses in order to slit the throats of jewish babies as BELOVED HEROES OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD AND ISA

a jew who suggests it is ok to kill a baby-----is subject to scorn by other jewss
So how many babies has the US government killed during your pathetic excuse for a life?
How many dead babies have you personally contributed to the cause?
Are you proud of your "service?"
What's all the fuss about babies? The issue of the Palestinian attacks and murders are not about babies. Any babies killed are a footnote to the situation. Usual Islamic terrorist lies.
any person ----in A CIVILIZED LAND that actually ADVOCATES killing babies is properly subject to scrutiiny--------islamic pigs REGULARLY refer to the sluts who tie bombs to their WHORISH ASSES in order to murder jewish babies as HOLY SHAHIDA and the dogs who sneak into houses in order to slit the throats of jewish babies as BELOVED HEROES OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD AND ISA

a jew who suggests it is ok to kill a baby-----is subject to scorn by other jewss
So how many babies has the US government killed during your pathetic excuse for a life?
How many dead babies have you personally contributed to the cause?
Are you proud of your "service?"

I have no idea how many babies died in wars conducted by the USA that can be related to USA FIRE. Deaths of children in the course of war is virtually inevitable and always tragic If the deaths occur in the course of legal military action----then they are "legal" If they occur as a matter of specific trageting like the islamic habit of grabbing infants and either shooting their brains out or slitting their throats----then they are MURDER

I am very proud of my service -----even if I had been in a fighting unit I would have been proud-----but I was not-----I have saved lots of lives
Whose lives?
Those inflicting an illegal invasion/occupation or those resisting?
So how many babies has the US government killed during your pathetic excuse for a life?
How many dead babies have you personally contributed to the cause?
Are you proud of your "service?"

I have no idea how many babies died in wars conducted by the USA that can be related to USA FIRE. Deaths of children in the course of war is virtually inevitable and always tragic If the deaths occur in the course of legal military action----then they are "legal" If they occur as a matter of specific trageting like the islamic habit of grabbing infants and either shooting their brains out or slitting their throats----then they are MURDER

I am very proud of my service -----even if I had been in a fighting unit I would have been proud-----but I was not-----I have saved lots of lives
Whose lives?
Those inflicting an illegal invasion/occupation or those resisting?

I am ethically constrained from mentioning names or identifying people who came under my care-------I will say that one who I did not personally save ----but who was saved by one of
my teacher colleagues was a general in the egyptian army

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