Bye-Bye, Regulations! Trump Cuts Regulations with a Zeal Not Seen Since Reagan


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
the positive effects of Trump's actions are already being felt

Leaving the Paris Accord was just a cherry on top.

Keep up the good work & keep fighting the good fight Mr. President!


Bye-Bye, Regulations! Trump Cuts Regulations with a Zeal Not Seen Since Reagan

Throughout his campaign, President Donald Trump promised to shrink the size of government — and to get the government out of the way of the American people.

Within a week of his Inauguration, during a meeting with business leaders (including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has since removed himself from contact with the Trump administration), Trump doubled down — promising a reduction in regulations by as much as 75%.

And just a week later, he took the first steps toward making good on that promise. On January 30, President Trump signed an order placing a cap on regulations and ensuring that for every one regulation his administration passed, two regulations would be rolled back.

And according to the Washington Examiner, Trump's efforts so far have been pretty successful:

And it appears that he is delivering big time, especially on his pledge to kill two regulations for every new one issued. According to a tally provided by the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, the president has issued fewer rules than any other president since Ronald Reagan and cut the costs of those regulations significantly.

The American Action Forum, a conservative think tank that charts federal policy and rules, called Trump's regulatory freeze “historic.”

CEI's Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. said federal agencies haven't seen such a shift away from red tape since former President Ronald Reagan arrived in Washington in 1981.
He needs to bring it right on down to allowing companies the ability to hire and fire who they want to once again, and this outside of the laws regarding the hiring of illegals. Hiring illegals should remain illegal, but companies dealing with Americans needs the federal government out of it's business. End the dam red tape also when it comes to hiring Americans, and let companies handle that aspect of their role in that. Have companies train their employees again, and quit making the taxpayers pay for the education and training of future employees for companies outside of the standard course of education offered in our school system k-12 or in the college courses if one chooses to go to college. Our government should not be paying private institutions to train Americans to work in private companies. Otherwise if a trucking company wants to hire a driver, but the driver needs training, then the trucking companies should be responsible for the potential employee to go to a training facility whether on site or at a private facility, and not have the government involved in that situation. If companies want trained employees, then they should pay for that training, and not the taxpayer.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?
. It's gone to far now, just like with anything the leftist agenda has been involved with in these latter days. The corporations has loved all the welfare they have gotten over the years from our government, and this against the taxpayers wishes. It has to end and order restored. The left has loved the free ride it has gotten out of it all, and the empowering of a welfare state out of it all.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?
. It's gone to far now, just like with anything the leftist agenda has been involved with in these latter days. The corporations has loved all the welfare they have gotten over the years from our government, and this against the taxpayers wishes. It has to end and order restored. The left has loved the free ride it has gotten out of it all, and the empowering of a welfare state out of it all.
Yes way too far. That's why Republicans are killing Dodd-Frank. Way too much money to be made off of another housing collapse.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?

It depends. Are we talking about federal or state government?

The federal government regulations that don't involve interstate commerce are either regulations that were lobbied for usually by big corporations and others were made because you have a bunch of highly educated useless people in DC.

Each state is different because of whatever circumstances New York will need different regulations than Nebraska. Montana will need different regulations than Tennessee.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?
. It's gone to far now, just like with anything the leftist agenda has been involved with in these latter days. The corporations has loved all the welfare they have gotten over the years from our government, and this against the taxpayers wishes. It has to end and order restored. The left has loved the free ride it has gotten out of it all, and the empowering of a welfare state out of it all.
Yes way too far. That's why Republicans are killing Dodd-Frank. Way too much money to be made off of another housing collapse.
. You mean the one Bill Clinton and his cronies created ??
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?
. It's gone to far now, just like with anything the leftist agenda has been involved with in these latter days. The corporations has loved all the welfare they have gotten over the years from our government, and this against the taxpayers wishes. It has to end and order restored. The left has loved the free ride it has gotten out of it all, and the empowering of a welfare state out of it all.
Yes way too far. That's why Republicans are killing Dodd-Frank. Way too much money to be made off of another housing collapse.
. You mean the one Bill Clinton and his cronies created ??
Sure, let's go with that. Anyways, Republicans have made sure that someone else and their cronies can create another one.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?

It depends. Are we talking about federal or state government?

The federal government regulations that don't involve interstate commerce are either regulations that were lobbied for usually by big corporations and others were made because you have a bunch of highly educated useless people in DC.

Each state is different because of whatever circumstances New York will need different regulations than Nebraska. Montana will need different regulations than Tennessee.
Think a little more basic as in - snake oil.
Tell us, why do you think we began to regulate capitalism here? Were we just being mean?

Some regulation is fine, excess regulation that we have had now for quite awhile is a burden.

A lot of regulations are about funding local, state and federal government. Government is greedy.
the positive effects of Trump's actions are already being felt

Leaving the Paris Accord was just a cherry on top.

Keep up the good work & keep fighting the good fight Mr. President!


Bye-Bye, Regulations! Trump Cuts Regulations with a Zeal Not Seen Since Reagan

Throughout his campaign, President Donald Trump promised to shrink the size of government — and to get the government out of the way of the American people.

Within a week of his Inauguration, during a meeting with business leaders (including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has since removed himself from contact with the Trump administration), Trump doubled down — promising a reduction in regulations by as much as 75%.

And just a week later, he took the first steps toward making good on that promise. On January 30, President Trump signed an order placing a cap on regulations and ensuring that for every one regulation his administration passed, two regulations would be rolled back.

And according to the Washington Examiner, Trump's efforts so far have been pretty successful:

And it appears that he is delivering big time, especially on his pledge to kill two regulations for every new one issued. According to a tally provided by the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, the president has issued fewer rules than any other president since Ronald Reagan and cut the costs of those regulations significantly.

The American Action Forum, a conservative think tank that charts federal policy and rules, called Trump's regulatory freeze “historic.”

CEI's Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. said federal agencies haven't seen such a shift away from red tape since former President Ronald Reagan arrived in Washington in 1981.
Nothing in Nature Is Where It Belongs Unless Man Put It There

Repeal the Endangered (Unfit) Species Act. It is based on a degenerate and superstitious ideology that Nature knows what's best for us and we should passively accept whatever it does to us.

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