C I S A finally admitted that Dominion machines can switch votes from one candidate to another without the voter or auditors ever knowing.

“Conspiracy mongers” will ALWAYS have something to scream about in regard to election security, not only because voting and running elections is done by humans (and criticized mostly by cynical or totally ignorant political partisans), but because the subject is inherently immensely complex — not just technically but administratively.

Not only is our electoral process dependent primarily (even in elections for President) on State authorities and State law, but actual administration and implementation is primarily done at the local county level within states.

State “semi-sovereignty” and county administration of elections has long provided strength & vitality to our nation’s democratic development, but of course has also at times contributed to historical problems that threatened to rip apart the nation.

It is today an under-appreciated part of our “trust in elections” problem and a major reason why simple “legislative solutions” — or even clear lines of regulatory oversight, financial aid, and “best practice” technical measures — are so hard to realize.

Our present elections are nevertheless today better and “more fairly” run by local county election boards than ever. There is by all evidence remarkably little “fraudulent voting” orgoing on today, and less voter intimidation and discrimination in registering … than ever before.

The real problems we have go far deeper than mere “voting” procedures. The hysteria over “voting fraud” is actually a symptom of deeper problems. Can’t go into all that here.

But I’ve done some research into recent Congressional bills attempting to improve “security” and “integrity” of elections. Most proposals, even the bipartisan ones, died in Congress due to the terrible partisan “gridlock.” But what was most obvious to me was that whenever it came down to the level of specifics, all these Congressional proposals necessarily limited themselves to providing funds and “suggestions” for states and counties.

More than 20 years ago HBO ran a series demonstrating how easily hacked electronic voting machines are.

All the facts and information, including 2000 Mules, including plain old common sense, show the election of 2020 was rigged.

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