C-SPAN Political Editor & Scheduled 'Trump-Biden Debate2' Moderator Steve Scully Suspended For Lying About Twitter Account Being 'HACKED'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
C-SPAN Political Editor & Scheduled moderator for the 2nd 'Trump-Biden Debate' has been 'Suspended' for admitting he LIED about 'colluding' / 'coordinating' with an anti-Trumper before the 2nd scheduled debate between President Trump and Joe Biden.

I guess you could give Kudois to CSPAN for their loyalty to Scully by standing up for him when he said his Twitter account had been 'hacked' and that he had never 'tweeted' former Trump aide-turned-adversary Anthony Scaramucci...but CSPAN was left with embarrassing 'egg on their face' when Scully finally admitted it was all a lie.

To say he ruined his 'journalistic integrity' and 'disgraced C-SPAN' is an understatement beyond question. What is in question is WHY has Scully only been 'Suspended'? With this black mark against his record, this proven lack of credibility, should C-Span bring him back that 'question of lack of integrity' will be shared by C-SPAN.

...and of course, once Scully was forced to admit he lied, President Trump appropriately mocked the disgraced faux journalist:

“Steve Scully of @cspan had a very bad week. When his name was announced, I said he would not be appropriate because of conflicts,” Trump tweeted. “I was right! Then he said he was hacked, he wasn’t. I was right again! But his biggest mistake was “confiding” in a lowlife loser like the Mooch. Sad!”

In true Liberal fash=ion and in the liberal tradition of not taking any personal accountability, the exposed liar did not apologize for lying - he attempted to blame President Trump, attempting to claim President Trump FORCED him to lie:

"For several weeks, I was subjected to relentless criticism on social media and in conservative news outlets regarding my role as moderator for the second presidential debate, including attacks aimed directly at my family," Scully wrote. "This culminated on Thursday, October 8th when I heard President Trump go on national television twice and falsely attack me by name. Out of frustration, I sent a brief tweet addressed to Anthony Scaramucci. The next morning when I saw that this tweet had created a controversy, I falsely claimed that my Twitter account had been hacked."

:p Bwuhahahahaha

And in typical liberal fashion, the posters above take a look at wrong doing by a democrat/media, shrug their shoulders, and claim orange man bad.

So if a “moderator” was caught plotting to fuck Biden, I’m sure you guys would be calling Biden names for not wanting to do that debate, right?

Classic liberal move... claim to be hacked, turns out you are the hack.
Then still blame the other guy.

Here is your list of Moderators

Mike Wallace: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Steve Scully: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Savannah Guthrie: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

George Stephanoplis: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Susan Page: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Kristen Welker: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

The Debate Commission is UNIFIED in their Opposition to President Trump.

Expect Welker like every moderator to be in Aggressive Opposition to President Trump, placing her wicked finger on the scales to defend Joe Biden, attack Donald Trump, and like Democrat Allies, Russia and China attempt to impact the results of the election.
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?
Liar: The Democrat Debate Commission is who ran from the debate to protect Senile Pedophile and his crack head son from being exposed more to The American People.

Trump is 3-0

Kicked Biden's Ass
Kicked Mike Wallace's Ass
Kicked Savannah Guthrie's Ass
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?
Liar: The Democrat Debate Commission is who ran from the debate to protect Senile Pedophile and his crack head son from being exposed more to The American People.

Trump is 3-0

Kicked Biden's Ass
Kicked Mike Wallace's Ass
Kicked Savannah Guthrie's Ass

The blob withdrew from the second debate. There was no second debate. So nobody cares about the second debate moderator

I'll now kick your ass; broadway style:

I know you won't watch it...you'd be in danger of learning something and we all know you avoid that like the plague....

But her is the still from the video that I'm sure others will enjoy.

Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?

Trump, Trump refused to do virtual debate, Biden refused to do live debate...

but it was Trump that ran like a bitch?


Yes....your blob ran like a bitch.
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?

Trump, Trump refused to do virtual debate, Biden refused to do live debate...

but it was Trump that ran like a bitch?


Yeah, who else would have rejected the idea of Joe sitting in his basement with his handlers running a teleprompter and holding up huge cue cards for Joe to reed, ready to pull-the-plug and claim technical difficulties if Joe started to short-circuit?!

Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?

Trump, Trump refused to do virtual debate, Biden refused to do live debate...

but it was Trump that ran like a bitch?


Yes....your blob ran like a bitch.

so did your moron.

:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?
Liar: The Democrat Debate Commission is who ran from the debate to protect Senile Pedophile and his crack head son from being exposed more to The American People.

Trump is 3-0

Kicked Biden's Ass
Kicked Mike Wallace's Ass
Kicked Savannah Guthrie's Ass

The blob withdrew from the second debate. There was no second debate. So nobody cares about the second debate moderator

I'll now kick your ass; broadway style:

I know you won't watch it...you'd be in danger of learning something and we all know you avoid that like the plague....

But her is the still from the video that I'm sure others will enjoy.

View attachment 402389

The Debate Commission owes The American People two Debates. It was the debate Commission who withdrew from the debates to protect Joe Biden and his Crack Head son who took $10 Million Dollars a year from China and $3.5 Million from Russia.

Here is why you are afraid of Trump, why all of you Evil DemNazis are afraid of Trump.

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;

for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.

Just like 2016 The Left is trying to rig The Election and Debates in their Favor, but they are a bunch of Effeminate Lying Weasels and do not know how to handle being confronted by a fighter like President Trump whom gives Jesus Christ the glory for his successes.

Here is your list of Moderators

Mike Wallace: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Steve Scully: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Savannah Guthrie: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

George Stephanoplis: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Susan Page: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Kristen Welker: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

The Debate Commission is UNIFIED in their Opposition to President Trump.

Expect Welker like every moderator to be in Aggressive Opposition to President Trump, placing her wicked finger on the scales to defend Joe Biden, attack Donald Trump, and like Democrat Allies, Russia and China attempt to impact the results of the election.
A little known truism is that it was the AMERICAN RICH who supplied the Industrial Fire Power for the NAZI WAR MACHINE.

They were Too Big to Prosecute, way above the LAW. Today the GLOBALIST OLIGARCHY is the same one-world government cabal that supported Hitler, but with different players, of course

The one thing the GLOBALISTS learned from their loss in WWII is not to back a strong leader that makes his own decisions, bur rather one compliant with their wishes. Who better to advance their agenda then an empty suit like Joe Biden.
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?
Liar: The Democrat Debate Commission is who ran from the debate to protect Senile Pedophile and his crack head son from being exposed more to The American People.

Trump is 3-0

Kicked Biden's Ass
Kicked Mike Wallace's Ass
Kicked Savannah Guthrie's Ass

The blob withdrew from the second debate. There was no second debate. So nobody cares about the second debate moderator

I'll now kick your ass; broadway style:

I know you won't watch it...you'd be in danger of learning something and we all know you avoid that like the plague....

But her is the still from the video that I'm sure others will enjoy.

View attachment 402389

The Debate Commission owes The American People two Debates. It was the debate Commission who withdrew from the debates to protect Joe Biden and his Crack Head son who took $10 Million Dollars a year from China and $3.5 Million from Russia.

Here is why you are afraid of Trump, why all of you Evil DemNazis are afraid of Trump.

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;

for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.

Just like 2016 The Left is trying to rig The Election and Debates in their Favor, but they are a bunch of Effeminate Lying Weasels and do not know how to handle being confronted by a fighter like President Trump whom gives Jesus Christ the glory for his successes.

Here is your list of Moderators

Mike Wallace: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Steve Scully: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Savannah Guthrie: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

George Stephanoplis: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Susan Page: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Kristen Welker: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

The Debate Commission is UNIFIED in their Opposition to President Trump.

Expect Welker like every moderator to be in Aggressive Opposition to President Trump, placing her wicked finger on the scales to defend Joe Biden, attack Donald Trump, and like Democrat Allies, Russia and China attempt to impact the results of the election.

The candidates owe us. Trump decided he didn't.

As for the commission...I have problems with them too. This isn't one of them.
Thread 300 on this.

Its really too bad <sarcasm> that the blob ran like a bitch from debate #2. This may have been a game changer. Instead it's "steve who"?
Liar: The Democrat Debate Commission is who ran from the debate to protect Senile Pedophile and his crack head son from being exposed more to The American People.

Trump is 3-0

Kicked Biden's Ass
Kicked Mike Wallace's Ass
Kicked Savannah Guthrie's Ass

The blob withdrew from the second debate. There was no second debate. So nobody cares about the second debate moderator

I'll now kick your ass; broadway style:

I know you won't watch it...you'd be in danger of learning something and we all know you avoid that like the plague....

But her is the still from the video that I'm sure others will enjoy.

View attachment 402389

The Debate Commission owes The American People two Debates. It was the debate Commission who withdrew from the debates to protect Joe Biden and his Crack Head son who took $10 Million Dollars a year from China and $3.5 Million from Russia.

Here is why you are afraid of Trump, why all of you Evil DemNazis are afraid of Trump.

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;

for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.

Just like 2016 The Left is trying to rig The Election and Debates in their Favor, but they are a bunch of Effeminate Lying Weasels and do not know how to handle being confronted by a fighter like President Trump whom gives Jesus Christ the glory for his successes.

Here is your list of Moderators

Mike Wallace: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Steve Scully: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Savannah Guthrie: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

George Stephanoplis: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Susan Page: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

Kristen Welker: Democrat-Globalist-Clinton-Obama-Biden supporter

The Debate Commission is UNIFIED in their Opposition to President Trump.

Expect Welker like every moderator to be in Aggressive Opposition to President Trump, placing her wicked finger on the scales to defend Joe Biden, attack Donald Trump, and like Democrat Allies, Russia and China attempt to impact the results of the election.

The candidates owe us. Trump decided he didn't.

As for the commission...I have problems with them too. This isn't one of them.

Trump decided he didn't.

so did Biden.
takes two to tango, and neither of them wanted to show up for the dance.

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