CA gov. D Jerry Brown Insults R Carli Fiorina

Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

Classic red herring of a person without an argument attack the messenger and don't refute the claim. She made a ton of sense and it's the truth, but if you don't have the intelligence to debunk an argument go for the personal attack.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

This thread is a failure, as are most of your efforts to demean others simply because your are a partisan hack who would criticize a Democratic Official even if s/he cured cancer. You have zero credibility because you are dishonest and lack the intelligence and ability to post anything sage or panoptic.

Well opinions are like assholes

Dishonest partisan hacks are assholes.

That makes you an asshole then.

That you actually believe you're fair and balanced in your on going character assassinations is hilarious - IMO you're are a myopic, ignorant curmudgeon.
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

This thread is a failure, as are most of your efforts to demean others simply because your are a partisan hack who would criticize a Democratic Official even if s/he cured cancer. You have zero credibility because you are dishonest and lack the intelligence and ability to post anything sage or panoptic.

Well opinions are like assholes

Dishonest partisan hacks are assholes.

That makes you an asshole then.

That you actually believe you're fair and balanced in your on going character assassinations is hilarious - IMO you're are a myopic, ignorant curmudgeon.
I'm fair.....but I'm not going to say I'm balanced. I'm not a news reporter.
Ignorant people can be educated, arrogant ignorance is worse than willful ignorance, and is rarely cured.
That's a perfect description of left wing AGW sheeple.
Instead of being educated and relying on what scientists say, that being that man contributes very little to any climate change and that measures undertaken by government are way too extreme, lefties rely instead on what the lefty politicians tell them as though the lefty politicians are the scientists.
Brown is a moron who could only get elected in the state of California.

Gee, the evidence provided above ^^^ is ... missing. One must conclude blackhawk is the moron, for only fools echo bullshit as if it is the truth and believe their post is anything but excrement.
His record and policies are the evidence much as your response is the evidence of your idiocy now go back to the kiddies table and leave the grown ups alone.
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

Its okay because its a liberal attacking a woman.
should we be glad women don't "pull the female card" and claim they are tired of needing a good argument and want to oil wrestle us for it?
Typical. Palin was a retard and called a retard. Somehow thats something against women in general.

Fiorina has a position on global warming that someone is calling ignorant.......and somehow thats an attack on women in general.

Of course....we all realize its just a troll/bait and switch thread but............can you afford to at least try a little harder to be witty and more subtle?
Two can play this game.......
Yea but youre just bad at it. It was so easy to tell it was bait and switch that it should have been a gigantic waste of your fucking time.
This is a typical method of attack used by the left.

Critics of their policies are all bigots, sexist, homophobic, mean-spirited assholes.
Say anything they don't're a bigot.
Carli was stating a fact of life for Californians. Democrats purposely screwed that state up by bringing in millions of illegals.....and not addressing needed infrastructure improvements. The reservoirs are the lifeblood of that state. The movie "Chinatown" was based off of a similar conspiracy. Dumping water to extort money from the citizens. This time it was to save a few smelt.

I wouldn't say opponents are all bigots, sexist, homophobic, mean-spirited assholes, but many are. Just look at your own posts for proof.
Not planning for water shortages is smart. Pointing out that there was no plan to deal with water shortages is ignorant.

It's like the leaky roof. When it rains the roof leaks. When it isn't raining there is no need to fix the roof. Blame the rain for causing the leak.

You may want to join the Know Nothing Party too.

List of dams and reservoirs in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California drought: Why doesn't California build big dams any more?

Since 1966 we have had four Republican Governors (31 years) and two Democratic Governors (15 years) and a Democratic Legislature held hostage by a minority of Republicans, the precursors of the Tea Party.

These are the facts.

The Wildcard is the Democratic legislators.

While Arnold was the govenator their microphone was blasting all over the capital the fact that they were brainstorming possible ways of throwing a monkey wrench into the works.

For the learning impaired.......they were implicated in a conspiracy to ruin the economy.

I remember seeing this story. Of course... .the Dems claimed it was just a joke.

Credible link?
Brown IS an idiot; and California's so-called fiscal good standing is smoke and mirrors
well lets see the smoke and mirrors.....does the unfunded liabilities have anything to do with it?....but you know the wealthy counties seem to be doing pretty good out here ,4.3% UE here in OC.....but poor old Imperial county is 21%....farming area....
You mean that Brown responded like Trump responds to women?
Trump usually is responding to an attack. Megan Kelly slandered him over Rosie Fucking O'DONNELL. SHE wants to rub her period blood all over Planned-Parenthood critics' faces. Such a nice lady.

In this case Jerry Brown wasn't responding to an attack........he was just being an asshole. Most people that live in California can attest to Carli's assertions. Tree -huggers are destroying the state by erasing their fresh water supply.

Is that why Trump is doing so badly with the woman voting bloc?
he has them right where he wants them Kiwi.....then when those mesmerized babes least expect it...."Badda Bing,Badda Boo"........"he paid me"...
Brown is a moron who could only get elected in the state of California.

Gee, the evidence provided above ^^^ is ... missing. One must conclude blackhawk is the moron, for only fools echo bullshit as if it is the truth and believe their post is anything but excrement.
His record and policies are the evidence much as your response is the evidence of your idiocy now go back to the kiddies table and leave the grown ups alone.

His record and policies are conservative, his social record is based on his Jesuit education, putting people before ideology. You're either a liar or too stupid to check out the bullshit you've been feed by the right wing fringe.

Brown has scared the crap out of conservatives (the real one's, the ones the clown car calls RINO's) because his policies work and work well by cutting the fat and even some muscle, and raising taxes.
Not planning for water shortages is smart. Pointing out that there was no plan to deal with water shortages is ignorant.

It's like the leaky roof. When it rains the roof leaks. When it isn't raining there is no need to fix the roof. Blame the rain for causing the leak.

You may want to join the Know Nothing Party too.

List of dams and reservoirs in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California drought: Why doesn't California build big dams any more?

Since 1966 we have had four Republican Governors (31 years) and two Democratic Governors (15 years) and a Democratic Legislature held hostage by a minority of Republicans, the precursors of the Tea Party.

These are the facts.

The Wildcard is the Democratic legislators.

While Arnold was the govenator their microphone was blasting all over the capital the fact that they were brainstorming possible ways of throwing a monkey wrench into the works.

For the learning impaired.......they were implicated in a conspiracy to ruin the economy.

I remember seeing this story. Of course... .the Dems claimed it was just a joke.

Credible link?

He's never credible; he might be the missing link.
Ignorant people can be educated, arrogant ignorance is worse than willful ignorance, and is rarely cured.
That's a perfect description of left wing AGW sheeple.
Instead of being educated and relying on what scientists say, that being that man contributes very little to any climate change and that measures undertaken by government are way too extreme, lefties rely instead on what the lefty politicians tell them as though the lefty politicians are the scientists.

LINK MISSING - post the scientist who claim human behavior has little to do with climate change.

Were Catalytic converters too extreme?

Catalytic Converters - Chemwiki
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

Did everyone know that this is the first time in the history of California--that they have put on water restrictions. It's not because they haven't experienced droughts in the past as every other state, it's because they waited 4 LONG YEARS before doing anything. Most states will put on water restrictions at the very first sign of a drought. They wait until they're down to their last cup of water.

This is very typical of California--they were warned about the electric grid decades before they had rolling blackouts. They were encouraged to build more electric grid infrastructure and didn't. They were encouraged to build more water holding resources and didn't. NOW--This idiot has the nerve to call someone else ignorant!!!

So Jerry Brown's new solution to California's water problem. Millions of plastic black balls to keep the water from evaporating.

Not planning for water shortages is smart. Pointing out that there was no plan to deal with water shortages is ignorant.

It's like the leaky roof. When it rains the roof leaks. When it isn't raining there is no need to fix the roof. Blame the rain for causing the leak.

You may want to join the Know Nothing Party too.

List of dams and reservoirs in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California drought: Why doesn't California build big dams any more?

Since 1966 we have had four Republican Governors (31 years) and two Democratic Governors (15 years) and a Democratic Legislature held hostage by a minority of Republicans, the precursors of the Tea Party.

These are the facts.

The Wildcard is the Democratic legislators.

While Arnold was the govenator their microphone was blasting all over the capital the fact that they were brainstorming possible ways of throwing a monkey wrench into the works.

For the learning impaired.......they were implicated in a conspiracy to ruin the economy.

I remember seeing this story. Of course... .the Dems claimed it was just a joke.

Credible link?

He's never credible; he might be the missing link.
IMO Gov. Brown was being kind. Ignorant people can be educated, arrogant ignorance is worse than willful ignorance, and is rarely cured.

He said "ignorant" and "these kind of people" to complain against a Republican Woman. Use that same language about Obama and they call you a racist and intolerant bigot. The identity victim card is bullshit.
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

Did everyone know that this is the first time in the history of California--that they have put on water restrictions. It's not because they haven't experienced droughts in the past as every other state, it's because they waited 4 LONG YEARS before doing anything. Most states will put on water restrictions at the very first sign of a drought. They wait until they're down to their last cup of water.

This is very typical of California--they were warned about the electric grid decades before they had rolling blackouts. They were encouraged to build more electric grid infrastructure and didn't. They were encouraged to build more water holding resources and didn't. NOW--This idiot has the nerve to call someone else ignorant!!!

So Jerry Brown's new solution to California's water problem. Millions of plastic black balls to keep the water from evaporating.


Why do you people make stuff up? Or, why do they echo things they haven't verified?
Talk about a war on women....Gov Jerry Brown insulted R candidate Carli Fiorina, saying that her comments are ignorant.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought.

Todd proclaimed “n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this worse. Not to say that the drought is directly caused but it’s made it worse.”

For her part, Fiorina refused to accept Todd’s claim and instated blamed “liberal politicians” for causing the massive drought:

You know what’s also made it worse? Politicians, liberal politicians who stood up for 40 years as the population of California doubled and saying, you cannot build a new reservoir and you cannot build a water conveyance system. And so, for 40 years 70% of the rainfall has washed out to sea. That's pretty dumb when you know you’re going to have droughts every single year, or every three years let’s say.

The Meet the Press moderator continued to play up how climate change made the California drought worse and how he “asked Governor Jerry Brown to respond to that exact criticism you made. I said, do you blame liberal environmentalists in California, specifically on dams and reservoirs, and this is how he responded.”

After Brown called Fiorina’s argument “such utter ignorance” and how “these people if they want to run for president, better do kind of eighth grade science before they make any more utterances” the Republican presidential candidate pushed back once again:

That's a lot of insults but of course it makes no sense what he just said. It would be helpful if you were fighting fires to have more water. Firefighters in California have difficulty getting enough water now, so they're using other means.

It would be helpful to agriculture and everything else to have water saved in the good years so that you could use it in the bad years. I'm not denying that California's air is dry. That's obvious. I'm not denying that there is a drought. But there is no denying that politicians have made this problem immeasurably worse.

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

Did everyone know that this is the first time in the history of California--that they have put on water restrictions. It's not because they haven't experienced droughts in the past as every other state, it's because they waited 4 LONG YEARS before doing anything. Most states will put on water restrictions at the very first sign of a drought. They wait until they're down to their last cup of water.

This is very typical of California--they were warned about the electric grid decades before they had rolling blackouts. They were encouraged to build more electric grid infrastructure and didn't. They were encouraged to build more water holding resources and didn't. NOW--This idiot has the nerve to call someone else ignorant!!!

So Jerry Brown's new solution to California's water problem. Millions of plastic black balls to keep the water from evaporating.


Why do you people make stuff up? Or, why do they echo things they haven't verified?
STFU, Dickhead.

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