Cain is gone libs, time to redirect your irrational hate....

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Seriously 4 hate Cain threads on the main page. All started by liberals and all irrational since he IS GONE.

But yesterday I was the troll for making this very connection.
Seriously 4 hate Cain threads on the main page. All started by liberals and all irrational since he IS GONE.

But yesterday I was the troll for making this very connection.

Now they take sights on the next front runner.

Even with Newts baggage he still has more ethics then any combination of low life democrats.
Cain is gone libs, time to redirect your irrational hate....

Feel free to cite an example of ‘liberal hate’ for Cain, irrational or otherwise. I’m aware of none.

We’ve seen criticism of Cain’s ignorance of foreign policy, domestic policy, Constitutional law, and sound public policy, but none of it hateful and certainly not irrational, given he was running for president.

As for the affairs and sexual harassment, Cain has only himself to blame for the ridicule and derision.

Cain’s ‘campaign’ was a joke, a farce, a rich man’s indulgence, and his supporters were clearly as naïve and as foolish as Cain.

The proper emotional response to Cain is pity, not hate.
My best Bro at work is a Cain fan, tried to tell him he's a Federal Reserve lackey no different than Ben Bernanke but he won't listen.

I wonder what he'll say on Monday. I think I'll just keep my distance for a while. :lol:

Honestly, I don't understand why Herman Cain was imploded now. I mean, wouldn't the system be better served to have him make it as far as he can in the primaries?

If he'd have won the nomination, then have all this stuff come out that would have guaranteed another 4 years for Obama.
Seriously 4 hate Cain threads on the main page. All started by liberals and all irrational since he IS GONE.

But yesterday I was the troll for making this very connection.

Now they take sights on the next front runner.

Even with Newts baggage he still has more ethics then any combination of low life democrats.
Just look at Barney Frank who like his partner in crime Chris Dodd, is gettin while the gettin is good. They see the writing on the wall and choose not to run again.
In fact, I’ll wager a significant number of republicans are glad he’s gone: he was an embarrassment, a distraction; making the GOP look foolish and bush-league (pun intended).

Like it or not, politics is cruel, capricious, and unfair – Cain was foolish to believe his sexual misconduct wouldn’t be discovered, or become an issue once revealed.
Cain is gone libs, time to redirect your irrational hate....

Feel free to cite an example of ‘liberal hate’ for Cain, irrational or otherwise. I’m aware of none.

We’ve seen criticism of Cain’s ignorance of foreign policy, domestic policy, Constitutional law, and sound public policy, but none of it hateful and certainly not irrational, given he was running for president.

As for the affairs and sexual harassment, Cain has only himself to blame for the ridicule and derision.

Cain’s ‘campaign’ was a joke, a farce, a rich man’s indulgence, and his supporters were clearly as naïve and as foolish as Cain.

The proper emotional response to Cain is pity, not hate.

Yep, that's completely rational and founded on policy not hate.

Now, go finish your bowl of fruitloops and be quiet.
Why was he even running? He has to know his life was going to be gone over with fine tooth comb. Now here he is a political failure possibly staring an expensive divorce in the face, it is the common republican habit of not giving a thought to the negative consequences of their actions. At least it will just be him paying the price rather than the country.
Cain is gone libs, time to redirect your irrational hate....

Feel free to cite an example of ‘liberal hate’ for Cain, irrational or otherwise. I’m aware of none.

We’ve seen criticism of Cain’s ignorance of foreign policy, domestic policy, Constitutional law, and sound public policy, but none of it hateful and certainly not irrational, given he was running for president.

As for the affairs and sexual harassment, Cain has only himself to blame for the ridicule and derision.

Cain’s ‘campaign’ was a joke, a farce, a rich man’s indulgence, and his supporters were clearly as naïve and as foolish as Cain.

The proper emotional response to Cain is pity, not hate.

case in point. this post shows irrationality, hate, and downright stupidity.
Why was he even running? He has to know his life was going to be gone over with fine tooth comb. Now here he is a political failure possibly staring an expensive divorce in the face, it is the common republican habit of not giving a thought to the negative consequences of their actions. At least it will just be him paying the price rather than the country.

He was either naive or not truthful w/ his campaign about his free-time activities. His staff & supporters should be more pissed off than anyone
I didn't really pay any attention to Cain and I certainly don't hate him but I am just blown away by stuff like this, it's exactly like when John Edwards' life blew up in his face, running for president knowing there was a career ending timebomb waiting in the wings. Irresponsible and selfish.
Compared to the others, he was just so blatantly uninformed yet deliberately cavalier in his approach. I thought it added a humorous angle to the debates not a hateful one.
Seriously 4 hate Cain threads on the main page. All started by liberals and all irrational since he IS GONE.

But yesterday I was the troll for making this very connection.

Now they take sights on the next front runner.

Even with Newts baggage he still has more ethics then any combination of low life democrats.


I can't believe anyone who supports Newt after saying something like that has the balls to attack Democrats. Wouldn't that person be the exact thing they just bitched about, just "not as bad" in their opinion?

Seems Republicans didn't learn shit from the 07 collapse, hope it happens again to be honest...
Their latest mantra, "Newt is fat."


I thought it was pointing out all Newts flip flops and corruption… But I guess if you want it to be Newt being fat then by all means, burry your head in the sand.
Why was he even running? He has to know his life was going to be gone over with fine tooth comb. Now here he is a political failure possibly staring an expensive divorce in the face, it is the common republican habit of not giving a thought to the negative consequences of their actions. At least it will just be him paying the price rather than the country.

IF thiese allegations were true, you have apoint.

Than again, we just elected an Acorn Activist whose awesome mentor was Wright who's on tape with G_D America, the most racist load of feces on the planet. But we won't even discuss Bill Ayers and his nasty bombings where he says he didn't do enough. Maybe Cain said, they sure gave a pass to NObama, why would they give me one , too?

Sounds logical when you really think about it.
Cain is gone libs, time to redirect your irrational hate....

Feel free to cite an example of ‘liberal hate’ for Cain, irrational or otherwise. I’m aware of none.

We’ve seen criticism of Cain’s ignorance of foreign policy, domestic policy, Constitutional law, and sound public policy, but none of it hateful and certainly not irrational, given he was running for president.

As for the affairs and sexual harassment, Cain has only himself to blame for the ridicule and derision.

Cain’s ‘campaign’ was a joke, a farce, a rich man’s indulgence, and his supporters were clearly as naïve and as foolish as Cain.

The proper emotional response to Cain is pity, not hate.

case in point. this post shows irrationality, hate, and downright stupidity.

I agree, you just showed outright stupidity Willo…
Why was he even running?

Excellent question.

He has to know his life was going to be gone over with fine tooth comb. Now here he is a political failure possibly staring an expensive divorce in the face, it is the common republican habit of not giving a thought to the negative consequences of their actions. At least it will just be him paying the price rather than the country.

Cain admitting to the 13 year ‘affair’ alone is telling, whether or not it was sexual or otherwise inappropriate.

In politics there is something known as the ‘appearance of wrongdoing.’ It’s therefore incumbent upon a competent politician to identify such an issue, get ahead of it, and make it a non-issue prior to announcing for a given public office.

Cain is not a competent politician, he failed to address this and other issues successfully, and has now suffered the consequences accordingly.

This creates a conundrum for Cain supporters, of course, who despise ‘professional politicians’ and fantasized about Cain being some sort of ‘citizen president.’

Do they support another neophyte in 2016 after Obama’s second term? And what can they do to keep this ‘citizen candidate’ from suffering Cain’s fate? Or do they concede to political reality and support a ‘mainstream’ candidate?
I didn't really pay any attention to Cain and I certainly don't hate him but I am just blown away by stuff like this, it's exactly like when John Edwards' life blew up in his face, running for president knowing there was a career ending timebomb waiting in the wings. Irresponsible and selfish.

except the John Edwards story was neglected by the press until after the election was over.
Feel free to cite an example of ‘liberal hate’ for Cain, irrational or otherwise. I’m aware of none.

We’ve seen criticism of Cain’s ignorance of foreign policy, domestic policy, Constitutional law, and sound public policy, but none of it hateful and certainly not irrational, given he was running for president.

As for the affairs and sexual harassment, Cain has only himself to blame for the ridicule and derision.

Cain’s ‘campaign’ was a joke, a farce, a rich man’s indulgence, and his supporters were clearly as naïve and as foolish as Cain.

The proper emotional response to Cain is pity, not hate.

Yep, that's completely rational and founded on policy not hate.

Now, go finish your bowl of fruitloops and be quiet.

you didnt realize Ravi is pushing peoples buttons with that thread? Its a shit stirring thread.....Guess you took the bait

Got it.

When the left displays irrational hate its ok and just fun.

When the right displays irrational hate were not only trolls were often called unamerican.

Good times

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