CAIR Orders U.S. Air Force to Ditch "Anti-Muslim" Counterterrorism Instructor


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Where the hell does a terrorist group get off ordering our Air Force to do anything?

The Islamic terrorist front group that transformed the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training is ordering the Air Force to sever ties with an instructor it considers to be anti-Muslim. The question is will the Trump administration cave into its demands?

Under Barack Obama, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group that reportedly raises money for Hamas, wielded tremendous power and managed to bully law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter counterterrorism training materials deemed by the group to discriminate against Muslims.

Read more: Family Security Matters CAIR Orders U.S. Air Force to Ditch "Anti-Muslim" Counterterrorism Instructor
I think it is a public disservice to propagate CAIR's demands.

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