Caleb White, 17-year-old No. 3 high school basketball player in Alabama, dies after collapsing on court

I heard a stat that historically it was 19 of these type deaths per year, and for the past 2 years it has been like 10/month.
It is worrisome. Not knowing, if there is a link, and if so what ordinarily healthy young people and young adults may be unknowingly susceptible. Mind you, I am not anti-vax. Lord knows I have had a variety of inoculations (often at the hands of the US Army) that would curl your hair, all with no ill effects or at least none that lasted more than 24 hours.
There are quite a few studies out that show a dramatic increase in deaths especially among young people from causes that traditionally have not afflicted the young. I personally know of at least a dozen people who got the vax then died under suspicious circumstances.
The media is in full cover up mode and not allowing the public to know the real extent of the rate of deaths.
'Quite a few studies' and then does not bother to link a single one.

So where are these 'quite a few' peer reviewed studies? All I see so far is useless articles.
It is worrisome. Not knowing, if there is a link, and if so what ordinarily healthy young people and young adults may be unknowingly susceptible. Mind you, I am not anti-vax. Lord knows I have had a variety of inoculations (often at the hands of the US Army) that would curl your hair, all with no ill effects or at least none that lasted more than 24 hours.
Billions of vaccies have been administered.

Billions. There is more data available for these vaccines then there are for any vaccine in history. We already know.
Billions of vaccies have been administered.

Billions. There is more data available for these vaccines then there are for any vaccine in history. We already know.
So, it is your opinion, there is no link in any cases?
lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.
Civilization saving? Hahahahahahahahaha..
Wow, a little over the top today, are we??

FDA adds a warning to Covid-19 vaccines about risk of heart inflammation​

The fucking FDA said there was a connection.


Citing an FDA warning of the vax causing heart inflammation as reported by CNN really shuts the cult fucks up.

The question is, will they continue to lie, or listen to the FDA as reported by CNN?

You cult fucks are so ignorant

Seems to be alot of these over the past 2 years or so.

Weird, huh?

I wonder why,

God Bless this young man and his family. Very sad.
So did this happen last year but only reported in NY Post on Aug 11th or did it recently happen on an outside court in Alabama where the temps down here are in the 90's and heat indexes well over 100 where quite a few high school kids drop dead each year for as long as I can remember from practicing sports outside in this heat? Since you live in Florida seems you would know this.

Why did you post this in politics.
lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.

It was good to see the mods finally moved it. Shocking it took so long.

As for the matter at hand; the kid may have been in great shape to do a specialized skill that a coach asked him to do. How was his health overall? I don't know. Buck Schowalter was in spring training one year talking to a reporter about drafting kids out of high school. He said that when he drafted a pitcher or a pitching prospect; he would often zero in on what other sports the kid played. The reason was because there is nothing natural about trying to hurl a baseball 100 miles an hour at a target. If you're not taking months off to use other muscles; you're bound to injure the muscles you use for pitching. True or not? I don't know. Schowalter was known for building teams that would eventually win World Series though. Perhaps there is some wisdom to that....

Godspeed young man.
I love when I shut the mouths of cult fucks.

The vax causing heart inflamation is a CONSPIRACY THEORY!
lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.

These kids are in better shape than you have ever been or ever will be in your life. These kinds of tragic incidents happen from time to time when young people have things like heart defects that were never diagnosed because most people never push themselves so hard. Time will tell if the vaccine has any long term detrimental effects that may exacerbate underlying conditions, but to simply speculate that the poor kid was out of shape or taking PEDs is offensive and illogical.
Basketball player suggests tall and tall is often the disproportionality associated with Marfan syndrome. The heart isn’t as large as necessary for the size of the rest of the body.
We had a center on our HS basketball team that was 7'2" tall. His nickname was Watusi. We won State when he was a junior and a senior.
The colleges were fighting over him after he graduated. He eventually selected a college on a full scholarship, and began playing. One day during practice, he dropped to the court floor, dead from a heart attack.

In the newspaper article about his death, the doctor said that his heart wasn't big enough for the length of his circulatory system. We were all very sad.

Caleb was only 6' tall. I just wanted to post this anyway.

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