Caleb White, 17-year-old No. 3 high school basketball player in Alabama, dies after collapsing on court

Citing an FDA warning of the vax causing heart inflammation as reported by CNN really shuts the cult fucks up.

The question is, will they continue to lie, or listen to the FDA as reported by CNN?

You cult fucks are so ignorant
You don't even read your own sources denier:
"ACIP members agreed there is a likely association between the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and rare cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults. Almost all the cases resolved with little treatment and patients recovered quickly. The advisers said that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks."

Inflammation is a risk associated with COVID as well. A GREATER risk than the vaccine.

This is not new. We know about the risk.

It is telling that the very same people bitching that COVID is immaterial because it has a death rate under 1% suddenly shit their pats at a vaccine that has a death rate under .006%.

Which is it ignorant cult fuck? Is .2% immaterial or is .006% material?
So, it is your opinion, there is no link in any cases?

That is an EXTREEMLY strong statement so no, I would not say that. What we do know, as a hard fact, is that the risk factors are FAR less than COVID risk factors. The very same thing people are complaining about in this thread are the very same people that discount the millions killed by COVID and side effects that COVID has matching the vaccine.

All you have to do is look at the sources of these claims. Almost universally they come from people that reject COVID as any real threat to begin with. The very same people stepping over a million bodies and ignoring them are running to news articles about athletes that have died without an actual causal link.

Notice that when I point out they claim 'studies' they linked not ONE SINGLE STUDY. It tells you that they have read zero studies on the subject but instead have been running to headlines. Look at the coted FDA link (not a study) and see how they blatantly misrepresent even that tidbit of information. It is not like the studies are not out there, I can link a dozen right now within minuets that are on a link between COVID vaccines and a heart issues, they are out there. The problem, of course, is that these are all on possible links, plausible connections and routs that they can be linked or other inquiries that are not establishing actual death rates increasing over staying unvaccinated and COVID exposure.

This reads exactly like every other conspiracy nonsense bullshit, take the fact that scientists explore every avenue and find minor links to a few cases and then ignore the mountains of evidence that the risk factors are much more favorable than remaining unvaccinated because you have stick with the narrative.
That is what they say, but that doesn't mean much. I'm a 48 year smoker. Strangely enough, they say that is a comorbidity factor, but the numbers for smokers do not bear that out for deaths or hospitalization with ventilator, last I looked at the published numbers, though that has been over a year or so since I looked it up or saw an article relating it.
Comorbidity and COVID has been wildly misunderstood IMHO. The stark reality is that almost everyone has a comorbidity.

over 50 percent of people have one of the 10 comorbidity condition in this review and that does not include obesity.

Obesity is considered a comorbidity for COVID. 70% of people in the US are obese.

Basically everyone has a comorbidity.

There has been an OBVIOUS uptick on these nu bers on the past coupke of years.
Where does the link say that? You might try proofreading your posts.
The FDA as reported by CNN claims the vax causes heart inflammation.

You cult fucks spreading disinformation should be banned off social media, right?


Heart inflammation is rarely fatal and he showed no symptoms. An autopsy would also show that he died with heart inflammation. How are you THAT stupid?
There are quite a few studies out that show a dramatic increase in deaths especially among young people from causes that traditionally have not afflicted the young. I personally know of at least a dozen people who got the vax then died under suspicious circumstances.
The media is in full cover up mode and not allowing the public to know the real extent of the rate of deaths.
ANTI-VAXXX MAN TO THE RESCUE!!! :113: :spinner:
I know it all.

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