Caleb White, 17-year-old No. 3 high school basketball player in Alabama, dies after collapsing on court

Basketball player suggests tall and tall is often the disproportionality associated with Marfan syndrome. The heart isn’t as large as necessary for the size of the rest of the body.
clot shot killed this person

FYI.. New England Journal of Medicine

In a study of professional American basketball players, cardiac dimensions correlated well to height and body surface area.

Comorbidity and COVID has been wildly misunderstood IMHO. The stark reality is that almost everyone has a comorbidity.

over 50 percent of people have one of the 10 comorbidity condition in this review and that does not include obesity.

Obesity is considered a comorbidity for COVID. 70% of people in the US are obese.

Basically everyone has a comorbidity.
I am not trying to ruffle you with these posts and am pro-Covid vaccination myself. PJ and I have both been vaccinated and boosted twice. Both my sons, and my daughter and granddaughters have been vaccinated. My 73-year-old post heart attack, triple bypass, smoker brother, also is vaccinated and boosted. All the adult in the family have had Covid, either one of the two strains that first entered the country, such as I had or one of the seemingly lighter variants, with the possible exception of my brother, who doesn't get out much, had very limited exposure and took all recommended precautions. Nobody in the family had it serious enough for hospitalization.

I am well aware of comorbidities, know that the vast majority have at least one or more traits or conditions that could be considered comorbidities. What I do not know is what factors (possibly genetic) have not been identified as comorbidities that determine the body's reactions to some diseases or vaccines and do not think, the "experts" know either. I look at it like allergies. What is different genetically about the healthy individuals, where a couple of bee or wasp stings is pain and reddening, vs the other healthy individual with the same stings, who's body reacts with an allergic response, by trying to shut down, sometimes ending in death?

There obviously is not one answer for all people, only a general answer that fits most people and this is the case with both Covid and the Covid inoculations. Safe for all? No. Safe and effective to a degree for the vast majority? Absolutely, but how does an individual know what group they are in?
clot shot killed this person

FYI.. New England Journal of Medicine

In a study of professional American basketball players, cardiac dimensions correlated well to height and body surface area.

Post #40.

Seems to be alot of these over the past 2 years or so.

Weird, huh?

I wonder why,

God Bless this young man and his family. Very sad.
Lol, let me guess jab right? As you speculate with absolutely no proof as usual.
You’re moron !!

Tens of thousands dead now
Lol, tell me about it retard! Love retard story time. Show me an autopsy report on this kid the blames the jab there retard. Or maybe go back to complaining about your shit life on here. Ya seem good at that. Lol, what's the last from retard story land? A job as an IT professional for a guy that knows nothing about computers? Hilarious 😂 Car problems from a retard that can't change oil? A fellow with zero knowledge base on any damn thing on here running his big fat retard mouth! Entertaining but sad!
I am not trying to ruffle you with these posts and am pro-Covid vaccination myself. PJ and I have both been vaccinated and boosted twice. Both my sons, and my daughter and granddaughters have been vaccinated. My 73-year-old post heart attack, triple bypass, smoker brother, also is vaccinated and boosted. All the adult in the family have had Covid, either one of the two strains that first entered the country, such as I had or one of the seemingly lighter variants, with the possible exception of my brother, who doesn't get out much, had very limited exposure and took all recommended precautions. Nobody in the family had it serious enough for hospitalization.
Ruffle me?

Did I come off that way because I certainly was not going for that. I am, however, pointing out how willy some of the 'challenges' to the vaccination are and how the comorbidity statements are just useless drivel. Sure, comorbidity is a good predictor of negative outcomes but that becomes a useless statement when 90 percent of the people in the nation have a comorbidity.

Your particular vaccination status and that of your family is irrelevant. Indeed, it is entirely plausible that the vaccination is not a good idea for any specific person, there are plenty of reasons why that could be the case. That does not change the greater conversation or any of the points I have made in particular to the crowd that is anti-vaccine and the outrageous bullshit they sling.
I am well aware of comorbidities, know that the vast majority have at least one or more traits or conditions that could be considered comorbidities. What I do not know is what factors (possibly genetic) have not been identified as comorbidities that determine the body's reactions to some diseases or vaccines and do not think, the "experts" know either. I look at it like allergies. What is different genetically about the healthy individuals, where a couple of bee or wasp stings is pain and reddening, vs the other healthy individual with the same stings, who's body reacts with an allergic response, by trying to shut down, sometimes ending in death?
And they will never know. It is impossible to be 100 percent exhaustive on understanding any topic or occurrence particularly in something and monumentally complex and messy as biology. But that is, again, utterly irrelevant to the conversation. The reality here is that we really do have enough information to understand and make accurate enough risk assessments.
There obviously is not one answer for all people, only a general answer that fits most people and this is the case with both Covid and the Covid inoculations. Safe for all? No. Safe and effective to a degree for the vast majority? Absolutely, but how does an individual know what group they are in?
And with driving, drinking soda, going out in sunlight and absolutely everything everywhere at all times. Is there a point there? No, there is not.
uhhh clot shot... Demonrats dumping WUWU on the USA to make orange man look bad......
Since LeBron James’ son went into cardiac arrest during a practice, it’ll be interesting to see what the “official” cause of his collapse was. A lot of talk that the clot shot was the main culprit.
Lol, retard is your perfect description. No need for change. Lol, would ya prefer short bus? Hilarious 😂 I will make an exception and change it ti short bus if ya quit crying like a little bitch on here all the time.
You are a fat Buffon hick !!
Get another shot like a good little Trotsky and drop dead
Lol, tell me about it retard! Love retard story time. Show me an autopsy report on this kid the blames the jab there retard. Or maybe go back to complaining about your shit life on here. Ya seem good at that. Lol, what's the last from retard story land? A job as an IT professional for a guy that knows nothing about computers? Hilarious 😂 Car problems from a retard that can't change oil? A fellow with zero knowledge base on any damn thing on here running his big fat retard mouth! Entertaining but sad!
STFU you cowardly sheep. Laughing at your mandated vaccine likely killing another kid. Place your head in the toilet and flush.
Since LeBron James’ son went into cardiac arrest during a practice, it’ll be interesting to see what the “official” cause of his collapse was. A lot of talk that the clot shot was the main culprit.
There is a 'lot of talk' in your head. Meanwhile, there is zero talk about any evidence of anything, something that has yet to be posted by a single person in this thread. Not once.

Though one of you managed to post a trojan source. That was entertaining.

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