why did all those Syrians flee to Europe ….


And I supported the invasion so I share some of the blame for that mistake

But the statute of limitations has expired for that and does not include palestine

I resigned the Republican party before Bush invaded Iraq.

Palestine has been a horrible mistake since the 1920s when Jewish refugees began abusing the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

It's a sad, ugly history of demonizing the neighbors, stealing their land and killing those who resist.
I resigned the Republican party before Bush invaded Iraq.

Palestine has been a horrible mistake since the 1920s when Jewish refugees began abusing the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

It's a sad, ugly history of demonizing the neighbors, stealing their land and killing those who resist.
Jews never had the power to abuse muslims

The british had the authority and they wouldnt allow it

In 1947 Jews accepted a peaceful UN compromise that would have avoided all the wars since then
Jews never had the power to abuse muslims

The british had the authority and they wouldnt allow it

In 1947 Jews accepted a peaceful UN compromise that would have avoided all the wars since then

The Jewish terror gangs killed over 600 British peacekeepers before statehood.
The Jewish terror gangs killed over 600 British peacekeepers before statehood.
Yes, thats true

There was a huge bomb in the King David Hotel that killed many innocent people

So Jews are not perfect

But in 1947 peace was possible which muslims rejected

Was it the deal that arabs wanted?

No, it was a compromise

But was a peaceful solution that would have avoided so much pain and suffering since then up to now
Yes, thats true

There was a huge bomb in the King David Hotel that killed many innocent people

So Jews are not perfect

But in 1947 peace was possible which muslims rejected

Was it the deal that arabs wanted?

No, it was a compromise

But was a peaceful solution that would have avoided so much pain and suffering since then up to now

Let me know if you will give up your home to illegal immigrants.

In 1947 Zionists bombed the oil refinery in Haifa.
Muslims are raised to believe they own the entire planet, and are actually entitled to subservience from all infidels, so why be grateful for people merely doing what is expected from them? Europeans are to be used, plundered, raped, and then murdered.
SO TRUE!!!! for more information talk to Hindu Indians,
Christian Nigerians, Copts, Chaldeans, Marannos
Yes, thats true

There was a huge bomb in the King David Hotel that killed many innocent people

So Jews are not perfect

But in 1947 peace was possible which muslims rejected

Was it the deal that arabs wanted?

No, it was a compromise

But was a peaceful solution that would have avoided so much pain and suffering since then up to now
Guess what----the Hindu Indians killed "British peacekeepers" in
their fight for independence from the BRITISH HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE ---in 1948. but the American anglicans aka
episcopalians aka deists killed even MORE British
peacekeepers 1776-1783. I feel like I am in a
of jelly-bean school valedictorians
Let me know if you will give up your home to illegal immigrants.

In 1947 Zionists bombed the oil refinery in Haifa.
First of all the Jewish settlers bought the land from individual arabs beginning with the first settlements around 1900 to 1947

So yeah, if I sell my house to someone they get to live in it for as long as they want
Israel is not a signatory to the UNHRC either. They don't accept refugees unless they are Jewish.
Israel was made, in part, as a refuge for escapees from the
IslamoEpiscoNazi oppression that stimulates you. Pakistan,
was made----according to its cheerleaders and founders, to
wit, one Muhummad Ali Jinnah as a refuge for OPPRESSED
MUSLIMS. For the plight of hindus there---find an escapee
from Bangla desh---they are around-----for that matter in regard
to the MUSLIMS of West Pakistan find a muslim Bangla Deshi.
How did you manage to remain clueless? PS---Israel has lots
of non-jewish refugees----especially blacks (some muslims) who
have managed to escape being shot in the head when trying to
escape to "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" (islamic ethics)
Guess what----the Hindu Indians killed "British peacekeepers" in
their fight for independence from the BRITISH HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE ---in 1948. but the American anglicans aka
episcopalians aka deists killed even MORE British
peacekeepers 1776-1783. I feel like I am in a
of jelly-bean school valedictorians
Were the British giving their homes and farms to European colonizers?
First of all the Jewish settlers bought the land from individual arabs beginning with the first settlements around 1900 to 1947

So yeah, if I sell my house to someone they get to live in it for as long as they want
the buying program began in 1800. By 1900 there were towns
on PURCHASED LAND---and hospitals and schools ---etc etc---
including in lands that islamo nazis describe as "palestinian
First of all the Jewish settlers bought the land from individual arabs beginning with the first settlements around 1900 to 1947

So yeah, if I sell my house to someone they get to live in it for as long as they want
No they didn't. In 1948 the Jews owned less than 7% of the land.
Were the British giving their homes and farms to European colonizers?
"European colonizers" is a filthy, HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE, christian libel on the level of "they bake matzohs with christian baby blood"
and the GENOCIDAL STINK of the idiot "deicide bullshit"
No they didn't. In 1948 the Jews owned less than 7% of the land.
In 1948 there was a war to drive Jews into the sea that arabs lost

Thats why not accepting a peaceful compromise was such a dumb idea that muslims have never learned from
"European colonizers" is a filthy, HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE, christian libel on the level of "they bake matzohs with christian baby blood"
and the GENOCIDAL STINK of the idiot "deicide bullshit"
You're still colonizing occupied territories. You have no respect for the rights and properties of others. No better than the Nazis. I am sorry you were abused and persecuted all over Europe for 2000 years.
No they didn't. In 1948 the Jews owned less than 7% of the land.
she memorized the memes ^^^^. She left out the fact that
arabs owned almost NONE ---except in accordance with shariah
law under which they OWNED THE ENTIRE LEVANT by virtue of
holy attack, murder, rape, pillage, enslavement ---BY THE GRACE OF THE BENEVOLENT ALLAH AND HIS BBF MUHUMMAD
and AL NABI ISSA IBN MARYAM. For more insight, talk to a
Copt, Chaldean, Marronite, Biafran, Zoroastrian............
You're still colonizing occupied territories. You have no respect for the rights and properties of others. No better than the Nazis. I am sorry you were abused and persecuted all over Europe for 2000 years.
Another meme ^^^^^ islamo nazis insist that jews scattered
thruout the Levant and Africa and Southeast Asia and Iran
the stink and filth of Shariah. Well---I did grow up in a town
founded by Anglicans, aka Episcopalians, Aka "deists".
my little playmate (the one with whom I attended sunday
school) told me---WAY BACK in the 1950s---that the "N
people" were lucky to be enslaved because they got

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