why did all those Syrians flee to Europe ….

Another meme ^^^^^ islamo nazis insist that jews scattered
thruout the Levant and Africa and Southeast Asia and Iran
the stink and filth of Shariah. Well---I did grow up in a town
founded by Anglicans, aka Episcopalians, Aka "deists".
my little playmate (the one with whom I attended sunday
school) told me---WAY BACK in the 1950s---that the "N
people" were lucky to be enslaved because they got
did many think so?
she memorized the memes ^^^^. She left out the fact that
arabs owned almost NONE ---except in accordance with shariah
law under which they OWNED THE ENTIRE LEVANT by virtue of
holy attack, murder, rape, pillage, enslavement ---BY THE GRACE OF THE BENEVOLENT ALLAH AND HIS BBF MUHUMMAD
and AL NABI ISSA IBN MARYAM. For more insight, talk to a
Copt, Chaldean, Marronite, Biafran, Zoroastrian............

They lived there 2000 years.. They had farms, orchard, villages. That's why the Zionists destroyed over over 300! Arab villages before statehood.
did many think so?
The town in question was kinda "HICKISH" at that time--ie
the 1950s. It has been "restricted" until the world war II baby
boom instigated town projects of lots of little houses--actually
planned neighborhoods that made the local chicken farmers
sorta rich. It's not like that anymore----now (gasp) even "N"
people live there..........but there is still a resistent wasp core. WE
left long ago
They lived there 2000 years.. They had farms, orchard, villages. That's why the Zionists destroyed over over 300! Arab villages before statehood.
who lived where? OH!!!! "they" did. Then the evil zionists from some place called "europe" magically DESCENDED from the
clouds upon the islamoepisco PARADISE some time about 1938
with bomber jets and atomic bombs. AND.....the evil zionists made up nasty stories-----one of the latest of which is the FILTHY JOOOO
lies about friendly visits by poor oppressed arabs upon lands they had once "owned" in their own minds----on October 7, 2023. They came to help and
offer friendly hospitality to the depraved joooos who habitually killed "prophets" ----even Isa ibn maryam said so and they tried to kill the best and only LAST----the wonderful dog of mecca (in his
depraved mind) That's why allah said---"kill them" "rape them"
"pillage them" "incinerate infants" -----because it HOLY HOLY
HOLY-----and allah provides whories for all who rape because allah
is THE MOST BENEVOLENT as are his islamoepiscoworshippers
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Bullshit? sheeeeesh she hates chaldeans and copts and
.....and......and ....TOO.

^^^^ it is a trained parrot from the school of Josef Goebbels

It;s a sock account with multiple posters, used to go by the handle 'Margo' and later 'Margo2' on several boards for many years, always peddling terrorist apologia, averaging anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 posts a year on at least 3 boards I can remember. It's several trained parrots, actually.
again a refugee from Syria has killedsomebody …. and a German minister suggests we Germsnd are guilty
The Syrian refugees in Arabia do not live in refugees camps. They live in the existing economy and attend Saudi schools.

The Hajj visa protects visitors from exploitation and provides many services and protections. Sounds like you support illegal immigrants .
How many of the Syrian refugees in "arabia" are Chaldeans?
Do the Chaldean refugees in arabia have their own schools?
Besides "proof of being a practicing muslim and proof of
financial ability to pay all expenses----just the haj visa itself
costs between $ 5000.00 and $ 10,000.00
How many of the Syrian refugees in "arabia" are Chaldeans?
Do the Chaldean refugees in arabia have their own schools?
Besides "proof of being a practicing muslim and proof of
financial ability to pay all expenses----just the haj visa itself
costs between $ 5000.00 and $ 10,000.00

The Saudis don't take in Christian refugees.. Why would a Christian make the pilgrimage to Mecca?

Syrian Chaldeans are ethnic Assyrians who are adherents of the Chaldean Catholic Church and are based in Syria. They are also known as Chaldo-Assyrians or Assyro-Chaldeans.

The Chaldean Catholic Church originated from the historic Church of the East and is united with the Roman Catholic Church, but has its own Bishops and a Patriarch. The Patriarch of Babylon oversees the Chaldean Catholic Church.
The Saudis don't take in Christian refugees.. Why would a Christian make the pilgrimage to Mecca?

Syrian Chaldeans are ethnic Assyrians who are adherents of the Chaldean Catholic Church and are based in Syria. They are also known as Chaldo-Assyrians or Assyro-Chaldeans.

The Chaldean Catholic Church originated from the historic Church of the East and is united with the Roman Catholic Church, but has its own Bishops and a Patriarch. The Patriarch of Babylon oversees the Chaldean Catholic Church.
thanks for yet another mindless cut/paste. I have access to
wiki too. You are still having a problem reading---I did not
mention the pilgrimage to the black turd in the sand---I mentioned REFUGEES ----like the hundreds of thousands of desperate Syrian christians who have fled the filth of islamic violence in their, for the past 2000 years homeland,------SYRIA.
The decimation of the Chaldeans is yet ANOTHER islamic
and then complain that food and morals are different from home ….

why did they not flee to some country with similar food and morals?

Have you had much interaction with muslims?

The Syrian refugees in Arabia do not live in refugees camps. They live in the existing economy and attend Saudi schools.

The Hajj visa protects visitors from exploitation and provides many services and protections. Sounds like you support illegal immigrants .

How many of the Syrian refugees in "arabia" are Chaldeans?
Do the Chaldean refugees in arabia have their own schools?
Besides "proof of being a practicing muslim and proof of
financial ability to pay all expenses----just the haj visa itself
costs between $ 5000.00 and $ 10,000.00

The Saudis don't take in Christian refugees.. Why would a Christian make the pilgrimage to Mecca?

Syrian Chaldeans are ethnic Assyrians who are adherents of the Chaldean Catholic Church and are based in Syria. They are also known as Chaldo-Assyrians or Assyro-Chaldeans.

The Chaldean Catholic Church originated from the historic Church of the East and is united with the Roman Catholic Church, but has its own Bishops and a Patriarch. The Patriarch of Babylon oversees the Chaldean Catholic Church.
the west has adapted the clear blue print for MENA´s Christians. we WILL NOT Create for you the Christian states in MENA. But, we are always ready to take you . There IS no future for MENA´S Christians in MENA.
the west has adapted the clear blue print for MENA´s Christians. we WILL NOT Create for you the Christian states in MENA. But, we are always ready to take you . There IS no future for MENA´S Christians in MENA.
yeah----sadly true-----so what TO DO? so many are stranded

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