Calif Dems Don’t Believe the Gorebal Warming Either

When the price of the EV's are less than that of the ICE's, and anyone with a south facing roof can provide their own fuel for their EV, that person will be keeping a lot more of their money. And have a better and faster vehicle to boot.
When the price of the EV's are less than that of the ICE's, and anyone with a south facing roof can provide their own fuel for their EV, that person will be keeping a lot more of their money. And have a better and faster vehicle to boot.
Unless you want to commute for more than an hour away, which in Calif is about 20 miles. And by 2020 the State taxes you to death for your EV and solar panels, both of which are in the works.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
No incentive to go solar or EV. Solar companies are going belly up, government is fining you for not supporting power companies and EV is useless for the extended driving times required in gridlock Calif.

California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

With Rooftop Solar Booming, California Utilities Want to Charge More
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Liar, you pay for the road with your registrations fees yearly.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Liar, you pay for the road with your registrations fees yearly.
Actually, most Calif car fees pay illegals to live here.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Liar, you pay for the road with your registrations fees yearly.

Dumb fuck, you pay the feds 18.4 cents per gallon, and in California, 38.13 cents per gallon. Might pay you to do some basic research before you flap your ignorant yap.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
No incentive to go solar or EV. Solar companies are going belly up, government is fining you for not supporting power companies and EV is useless for the extended driving times required in gridlock Calif.

California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

With Rooftop Solar Booming, California Utilities Want to Charge More
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners
Under the PUC plan, new solar customers would face a one-time fee for connection to the electric grid. The commission estimates that the fee would range from $75 to $150 per solar customer.
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

A one time fee is hardly an impediment to putting in solar.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Liar, you pay for the road with your registrations fees yearly.

Dumb fuck, you pay the feds 18.4 cents per gallon, and in California, 38.13 cents per gallon. Might pay you to do some basic research before you flap your ignorant yap.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia
Naw, I'll just make up crap like you do.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
No incentive to go solar or EV. Solar companies are going belly up, government is fining you for not supporting power companies and EV is useless for the extended driving times required in gridlock Calif.

California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

With Rooftop Solar Booming, California Utilities Want to Charge More
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners
Under the PUC plan, new solar customers would face a one-time fee for connection to the electric grid. The commission estimates that the fee would range from $75 to $150 per solar customer.
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

A one time fee is hardly an impediment to putting in solar.
"Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and Pacific Gas & Electric had pressed the commission to charge solar owners hefty fees that the solar industry said would crush their business.

By Edison's account, the average solar customer under the current structure has a monthly electric bill of about $82. Under the commission's decision, that would increase to $91. A utility counterproposal would have increased it to $103.

“Our decision today is a big step forward,” said commission President Michael R. Picker, who added that solar customers would face even higher costs over the next few years. “It's a big step but it's only one of many.

“This has been a very difficult task, to find the right balance,” Picker said. “There's a shift in the way we use electricity. … [The decision] also forces the utility to come to grips with the technology challenges.”

California solar owners face new fees, utilities say costs should be higher
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
Liar, you pay for the road with your registrations fees yearly.

Dumb fuck, you pay the feds 18.4 cents per gallon, and in California, 38.13 cents per gallon. Might pay you to do some basic research before you flap your ignorant yap.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia
Existing: The base excise tax is 18 cents a gallon. A price-based excise tax is currently set at 9.8 cents a gallon, for a total rate of 27.8 cents a gallon.

Nov. 1, 2017: The base excise tax will increase to 30 cents a gallon.

July 1, 2019: The price-based excise tax will reset to 17.3 cents a gallon, about half-a-cent more than the rate the Brown administration projects will be in effect by then anyway.

The 47.3-cent combined excise tax in effect July 1, 2019 will be adjusted for inflation beginning July 1, 2020.

In addition a sales tax of 7.5% to 10% is added.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
No incentive to go solar or EV. Solar companies are going belly up, government is fining you for not supporting power companies and EV is useless for the extended driving times required in gridlock Calif.

California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

With Rooftop Solar Booming, California Utilities Want to Charge More
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners
Under the PUC plan, new solar customers would face a one-time fee for connection to the electric grid. The commission estimates that the fee would range from $75 to $150 per solar customer.
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

A one time fee is hardly an impediment to putting in solar.
"Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and Pacific Gas & Electric had pressed the commission to charge solar owners hefty fees that the solar industry said would crush their business.

By Edison's account, the average solar customer under the current structure has a monthly electric bill of about $82. Under the commission's decision, that would increase to $91. A utility counterproposal would have increased it to $103.

“Our decision today is a big step forward,” said commission President Michael R. Picker, who added that solar customers would face even higher costs over the next few years. “It's a big step but it's only one of many.

“This has been a very difficult task, to find the right balance,” Picker said. “There's a shift in the way we use electricity. … [The decision] also forces the utility to come to grips with the technology challenges.”

California solar owners face new fees, utilities say costs should be higher
Given that Tesla offers home batteries, as do many other companies, the utilities had better have second thoughts on upping fees on solar customers. Add a few more panels, a couple of batteries, and tell the utility to get their lines of your property. And even with the increased fees, solar is still a winner. The backward utilities will try to legislate the solar out of existence, the forward looking ones will use them as a new source of generation. Technology moves on, and the people that resist it get ran over.
…you pay the feds 18.4 cents per gallon, and in California, 38.13 cents per gallon. Might pay you to do some basic research before you flap your ignorant yap.

Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia

Those of you on the extreme left wrong are fond of characterizing the petroleum industry as evil and greedy. It is worth noting, in that context, that government makes far more “profit“ on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than the oil companies do.
Holy Mother of many, costs don't matter in life. In California, its a way of life. These morons are paying mega-bills for electricity they don't need! Place is a total shithole and getting worse by the day........think all the progressives should go live their. Make up their own country.............happy now!!:2up::spinner:

Californians are paying billions for power they don't need
First the left stopped letting new electric car owners use carpools lanes, now they want to tax electric car owners to death.

May as well get a Ford F450.

California to test taxing drivers by the mile

The basic Californian is intelligent but not highly intelligent. Lord have Mercy, you are going to buy a new F-450 which will shrink your pocketbook. I suggest a new F-150 XLT which is a luxury truck. If it has Flexfuel, that is snob appeal.
Links for the solar panels. Yes, they will tax the EV's for road tax, since they don't pay that at the pumps. All good and proper, we who use the roads should help pay for their upkeep. Of course, since you are a 'Conservative', you don't believe in accountability on any level.
No incentive to go solar or EV. Solar companies are going belly up, government is fining you for not supporting power companies and EV is useless for the extended driving times required in gridlock Calif.

California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

With Rooftop Solar Booming, California Utilities Want to Charge More
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners
Under the PUC plan, new solar customers would face a one-time fee for connection to the electric grid. The commission estimates that the fee would range from $75 to $150 per solar customer.
California PUC Outlines Fees on New, Existing Solar Owners

A one time fee is hardly an impediment to putting in solar.
"Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and Pacific Gas & Electric had pressed the commission to charge solar owners hefty fees that the solar industry said would crush their business.

By Edison's account, the average solar customer under the current structure has a monthly electric bill of about $82. Under the commission's decision, that would increase to $91. A utility counterproposal would have increased it to $103.

“Our decision today is a big step forward,” said commission President Michael R. Picker, who added that solar customers would face even higher costs over the next few years. “It's a big step but it's only one of many.

“This has been a very difficult task, to find the right balance,” Picker said. “There's a shift in the way we use electricity. … [The decision] also forces the utility to come to grips with the technology challenges.”

California solar owners face new fees, utilities say costs should be higher
Given that Tesla offers home batteries, as do many other companies, the utilities had better have second thoughts on upping fees on solar customers. Add a few more panels, a couple of batteries, and tell the utility to get their lines of your property. And even with the increased fees, solar is still a winner. The backward utilities will try to legislate the solar out of existence, the forward looking ones will use them as a new source of generation. Technology moves on, and the people that resist it get ran over.
The left hate green energy. Nuclear power, gone, EV cars able to use HOV lanes gone, huge taxes on EV coming, huge taxes on solar coming, hydro power being killed, etc etc.

The left never practice what they preach.

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