Calif Gov Jerry Brown crows about "coercive power of the State" on manmade-global-warming hoax


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Every now and then a liberal lets slip a whisper of truth, in an unguarded moment.

Here we have one. Gov. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown admitted his plan to use the coercive power of government to force people to do what they ordinarily would never do.

It was nice of him to include the caveat that such an oppressive, dictatorial government should b careful not to use such force on "stupid" things. But the supreme irony of his admission, was that he made it at a conference where a bunch of world leaders agreed to transfer money to each other for the purpose of changing Earth's climate - the ultimate "stupid" goal.

This is after forty years of research and rhetoric were unable to produce the slightest proof that Man ever had anything to do with our changing climate, nor any proof that man could do anything to change it back.

But apparently Jerry Brown sees nothing wrong with expending $billions of Other People's Money to force us to do something we physically cannot do.

You can't make this stuff up, folks.


Jerry Brown Touts 'Coercive Power of the State' on Climate Change

Jerry Brown Touts 'Coercive Power of the State' on Climate Change

Tells an audience in Paris to never underestimate that power being used "in the service of good."

Rob Nikolewski | December 13, 2015

Taking part in an onstage presentation with billionaire and climate activist Tom Steyer, Brown said government regulations force companies to adopt clean technologies.

After Steyer mentioned business frameworks, Brown said, "Tom, you used the phrase 'policy.' Good policy. But I want to unpack that term a little bit. Inside the policy, you need a law. You need a rule. You need the coercive power of government to say, 'Do this.' Now, you have to be wise and don't say something stupid or order something stupid but the fact is, the regulations supported by the laws drive innovation."

The Sacramento Bee reported that Brown later urged a small crowd to "never underestimate the coercive power of the central state in the service of good."

"You can be sure California is going to keep innovating, keep regulating," the 77-year-old Democrat said. "And, shall I say, keep taxing."

"Gov. Brown's statement is a frank admission that politicians and government in the U.S. are out of control," said Dan Kish, senior vice president at the Institute for Energy Research, a public policy organization that calls for free market solutions on energy policy.

"The governor bragged about the 'coercive powers of government' and how his state would keep regulating and taxing. The United States was formed to put citizens in charge of their lives by putting a fence around government power and control," Kish said in an email to

"Gov. Brown has shown he thinks people should be inside the fence, with government, and their crony business partners, using its coercive and taxing powers to make them do what the politicians say, and it's illustrative he is doing it at the Climate Summit in Paris. This is how freedom is lost and tyranny and coercion prevail."

Brown led a California delegation in Paris that includes Steyer, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León, D-Los Angeles, and other state legislators.
Man-made emissions reduction is all too evident in the increased use of natural gas brought about by high volume high pressure hydraulic fracturing. This is proven science. Proven science in which I, as a Republican, believe.

Yet, sadly, science in which Liberals do not believe.

Fuck Liberals. Fuck Obama. And fuck Democrats.
Jerry Brown seems to think that there is no limit to the power of government, as long as that power is used "in the service of good".

"Good" is as defined by Jerry Brown, of course.

In other words, people in government can do whatever they like, if they think it's good.

How many governments in the history of the world, have taken the same attitude? And what was the result, almost every time?

Inevitably, it's always big-government liberals (in whatever party or country) who think they have a better idea of what is "good" than the lowly masses do. And that that makes it OK to control and rule over them. With results we have seen countless times.
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Okay hypocrites, are you RWNJs against this?

Jerry Brown seems to think that there is no limit to the power of government, as long as that power is used "in the service of good".

"Good" is as defined by Jerry Brown, of course.

In other words, people in government can do whatever they like, if they think it's good.

How many governments in the history of the world, have taken the same attitude? And what was the result, almost every time?

Inevitably, it's always big-government liberals (in whatever party or country) who think they have a better idea of what is "good" than the lowly masses do. And that that makes it OK to control and rule over them. With results we have seen countless times.

My sig quote sums up my view of tyrants who think they are doing "good".
The liberals have been using one excuse after another to expand their power.

They are now starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel, using "The climate is changing and we can change it back" is a laughable way to transfer money from taxpayers to themselves and their cronies. Laughable, because it's so obviously false - there has never been any proof that man can cause the climate change we are seeing or that he can change it back.

This is the liberals' last hurrah. Their schemes have become so silly and transparent, that in a few years nobody will be listening to them or supporting them. So they have to make all the laws they can NOW, since pretty soon nobody will be voting for them, and they will fall from office.
My sig quote sums up my view of tyrants who think they are doing "good".
And has for a long time.

You'll never get them to admit it, though. Or even discuss it. Look how many board liberals are avoiding this thread like the plague.
Liberals prefer Fascism to science
Of course. If they had to wait to get the approval of the people, they'd be out of office quickly. Because they spend their entire careers legislating against what normal Americans want, and trying to fool them into accepting it.
Okay hypocrites, are you RWNJs against this?


OKay idgiot.

The point wasn't about global warming but more about how the left sees the legitimate use of state power. Your reaction kind of says it all because you reacted to the issue of global warming not whether or not the state can thwart democracy in order to achieve a higher goal. You seem to think that this kind of thing for government is normal and I suspect most democrats see government in this way. They just don't have the guts to come out and say it.

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