Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent

"She literally ran our agent down, the agent actually was impacted, was hit by the vehicle and carried several hundred yards on the hood before fearing for his life did discharge his weapon to get the vehicle to stop," said Border Patrol Deputy Chief Rodney Scott.
Alvarado's husband, Gilbert Alvarado said he wants the shooting investigated.
"I want justice. Yes. Whoever shot my wife, that guy whoever that is, that guy needs to get shot," he said.
Alvarado's family called the killing senseless.
"Where's the evidence that my wife threatened a trained officer? You know? He's a trained officer to use lethal force, shoot my wife like that and just not even call an ambulance?" said Gilbert Alvarado.
Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent - Yahoo! News
Because of Obama’s immigration policies, we will be seeing a lot more of this kind of stuff because if the woman was an Illegal Aliens, she has been given the impression by Obama that she has ever right to be here.
There will be protesting in the streeets now.
The agent allegedly went half-way thru the windshield and the bitch kept driving. He had to stop her, in self-defense. Not any way to spin this as anything but SD.
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It's like tens of thousands of meso's aren't butchered by their own people every year. She shouldn't of broke our laws.

Where is the evidence that she threaten the officer?:lol::lol:

Oh come on... this was YOUR post. You pulled the following quote (without attribution)

"She literally ran our agent down, the agent actually was impacted, was hit by the vehicle and carried several hundred yards on the hood before fearing for his life did discharge his weapon to get the vehicle to stop," said Border Patrol Deputy Chief Rodney Scott.

You ARE capable of comprehending a simple sentence, right?
Where is the evidence that she threaten the officer?:lol::lol:

If you did not know a car is considered a deadly weapon. IDIOT. She did not stop that is like a hit and RUN. He had every right to defend himself . NUMBNUTS

I think she was being sarcastic

I suppose that's possible. But that would require a modicum of intelligence - something that wouldn't necessarily follow from her quoting herself in the OP instead of the text she got from AP news (or her incredible command of English as a first language).
How do we know the woman was actually doing something wrong? Don't be so fast to condemn her, this could be an unfortunate incident of mechanical failure leading to a runaway car.

How fast could she have been going that the officer was hit, but not subsequently thrown off the car? Or that he was not so injured as to be unable to pull his weapon and fire? That's a bit unsettling for me at the moment.

Plenty of stuff to investigate in all of this, and very little hard information is available at the moment, so we can't really be sure how this is going to turn out yet.
Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent

"She literally ran our agent down, the agent actually was impacted, was hit by the vehicle and carried several hundred yards on the hood before fearing for his life did discharge his weapon to get the vehicle to stop," said Border Patrol Deputy Chief Rodney Scott.
Alvarado's husband, Gilbert Alvarado said he wants the shooting investigated.
"I want justice. Yes. Whoever shot my wife, that guy whoever that is, that guy needs to get shot," he said.
Alvarado's family called the killing senseless.
"Where's the evidence that my wife threatened a trained officer? You know? He's a trained officer to use lethal force, shoot my wife like that and just not even call an ambulance?" said Gilbert Alvarado.
Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent - Yahoo! News
Because of Obama’s immigration policies, we will be seeing a lot more of this kind of stuff because if the woman was an Illegal Aliens, she has been given the impression by Obama that she has ever right to be here.
There will be protesting in the streeets now.

I'm sorry, I must have missed the part of the story where it said anything about illegal immigrants. Nice try at partisan spin though.
How do we know the woman was actually doing something wrong? Don't be so fast to condemn her, this could be an unfortunate incident of mechanical failure leading to a runaway car.

How fast could she have been going that the officer was hit, but not subsequently thrown off the car? Or that he was not so injured as to be unable to pull his weapon and fire? That's a bit unsettling for me at the moment.

Plenty of stuff to investigate in all of this, and very little hard information is available at the moment, so we can't really be sure how this is going to turn out yet.

True, but the damage to the front of her car, and the fact that the car did stop after she was shot, leads me to believe that she was running down the officer. That's all assumptions going off of what the officer said of course. But that's how I interpret the story as of now.
It's like tens of thousands of meso's aren't butchered by their own people every year. She shouldn't of broke our laws.

Where is the evidence that she threaten the officer?:lol::lol:

Where is the presumption of innocence on the part of the officer, that is a two way street. All officer involved shooting are investigated and you can guarantee with eric holder as attorney general, it will be biased against the officer. But it sound like this guy has witnesses and may be ok.

But if you doubt that a vehicle is just as deadly a weapon as a gun, I envite you to stand in front of mine, I'd be happy to demonstrate.
How do we know the woman was actually doing something wrong? Don't be so fast to condemn her, this could be an unfortunate incident of mechanical failure leading to a runaway car.

How fast could she have been going that the officer was hit, but not subsequently thrown off the car? Or that he was not so injured as to be unable to pull his weapon and fire? That's a bit unsettling for me at the moment.

Plenty of stuff to investigate in all of this, and very little hard information is available at the moment, so we can't really be sure how this is going to turn out yet.

True, but the damage to the front of her car, and the fact that the car did stop after she was shot, leads me to believe that she was running down the officer. That's all assumptions going off of what the officer said of course. But that's how I interpret the story as of now.

The pictures only show damage to her windshield that, when looking at the location of the bullet holes, is more consistent with being caused by the bullets themselves than it is with anything else. It certainly does not appear consistent with being caused by the impact of the officer's body.
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It's like tens of thousands of meso's aren't butchered by their own people every year. She shouldn't of broke our laws.

Where is the evidence that she threaten the officer?:lol::lol:

Where is the presumption of innocence on the part of the officer, that is a two way street. All officer involved shooting are investigated and you can guarantee with eric holder as attorney general, it will be biased against the officer. But it sound like this guy has witnesses and may be ok.

But if you doubt that a vehicle is just as deadly a weapon as a gun, I envite you to stand in front of mine, I'd be happy to demonstrate.

I saw the tattoos on the husband and his friends. That border patrol agent won't make it christmas.

Oops. Forgot to add: and it's Chula Vista.
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How do we know the woman was actually doing something wrong? Don't be so fast to condemn her, this could be an unfortunate incident of mechanical failure leading to a runaway car.

How fast could she have been going that the officer was hit, but not subsequently thrown off the car? Or that he was not so injured as to be unable to pull his weapon and fire? That's a bit unsettling for me at the moment.

Plenty of stuff to investigate in all of this, and very little hard information is available at the moment, so we can't really be sure how this is going to turn out yet.

True, but the damage to the front of her car, and the fact that the car did stop after she was shot, leads me to believe that she was running down the officer. That's all assumptions going off of what the officer said of course. But that's how I interpret the story as of now.

The pictures only show damage to her windshield that, when looking at the location of the bullet holes, is more consistent with being caused by the bullets themselves than it is with anything else. It certainly does not appear consistent with being caused by the impact of the officer's body.

Have to disagree. Bullet holes don't cause that much spider cracking of a windshield, and not in that pattern.

Something much larger hit her windshield, and with a great deal of impact.

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