Zone1 7 Christian Virtues

So then why choose a non-Biblical writer when Galatians summarizes it so well in the fruits of the Spirit?

Those are actually virtues.
He outlines obedience and sanctification, not virtues.
He left that up to Peter and Paul.

  1. Philippians 4:8
    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
  2. 2 Peter 1:3
    According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
  3. 2 Peter 1:5
    And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;

Virtue: Greek

The KJV translates Strong's G703 in the following manner: virtue (4x), praise (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
  1. a virtuous course of thought, feeling and action
    1. virtue, moral goodness
  2. any particular moral excellence, as modesty, purity,,,
They are often enumerated as chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

How many of the 7 Christian virtues does Trump display?


Then we aren't a Christian nation are we?

80 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal​

And a lot of Christians are cherry pickers when it comes to sin. Why should Biden be any different?

Can you imagine our overpopulation and poverty problem if we didn't have abortion?

Abortion is an economic issue. You don't want to raise my taxes but you want to force me to have a child I can't afford? That's going to cost me $300,000 over 18 years.
polls on "abortion" are invariably compromised - taken to "prove" a desired result. 80% of Americans would support abortion to save the life of a mother who would likely die if required to go through childbirth. Even most Catholic priests would privately give an OK to that one.

And there is your 80%. It is total bullshit. The issue is not the extreme cases; it is the convenience abortions because people were just too irresponsible to use BC (or to refrain from reproductive activity with disreputable men).
A virtue is something that YOU did.

A "Fruit of the Spirit" is God growing in you, sanctifying you.

Big difference
These definitions may help: The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as a “habitual and firm disposition to do good”.

They are considered graces given to the soul by God to attain a specific objective.
Actually it's all the difference in the world--it's who takes credit for it.

Virtue = "I'm a good person"

Fruits of the Spirit = "God is good"
Virtue is God working within. His blessings brings about all. Let's take another look: faith, hope, love, justice, solidarity, temperance, courage, and wisdom.

Who provides us with our gift of faith? Who brings us courage in tough times? Who is our shining example for love and justice? And so on. God is good. God also works within us.
polls on "abortion" are invariably compromised - taken to "prove" a desired result. 80% of Americans would support abortion to save the life of a mother who would likely die if required to go through childbirth. Even most Catholic priests would privately give an OK to that one.

And there is your 80%. It is total bullshit. The issue is not the extreme cases; it is the convenience abortions because people were just too irresponsible to use BC (or to refrain from reproductive activity with disreputable men).

Do you have a citation for the claim "most Catholic priests would privately give an okay" ... even in places where abortion is strictly illegal in all cases ... an Catholic priest giving the okay for cold-blooded murder? ... remember, Catholicism is world-wide, not just Englishing countries ...

Pope Francis is adamant, we as Christians are to protect the weakest of our communities, and unborn children are the weakest of all ... no abortions, if the mother dies, then that's God's will ... and I believe in this matter the Pope is infallible ... yet you claim "most priests" don't follow God's Law? ... interesting, please expand on this if you will ...

Housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked ... these are not virtues? ... no one talks about protecting children ...
You can't call yourself a Christian if you support a Anti Christ.

They feel supporting a scumbag, or lying, are okay things to do so long as you're lying for the lord. Example "Oh we would never try to ban abortion and call it murder".

They feel supporting a scumbag, or lying, are okay things to do so long as you're lying for the lord. Example "Oh we would never try to ban abortion and call it murder".


I'm so glad Jesus is not at all like you.

He died for sinners. You just accuse and throw stones.

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