Dr Fauci's last call with trump: "That f__ker Biden."

Nope. But why didn't you answer my question? I think it's because you know you killed A LOT of people by running around thinking you were "immune" to covid after you got your magic shot. How many did you kill? 100? 1,000? 10,000?
Meanwhile YOU were running around without the shot, without a mask, without social distancing…

How many did YOU kill?
I did until I did some research and found out that without any side effects it makes your symptoms mild,... then I got COVID.

The answer is yes they did. They're just too embarrassed to admit it.

Yes he did.

Yes he did as it was something about vaccinated people become a dead end to COVID. That might be using different words but that's what he meant.

You apparently don't understand what you read. Because you're a dumb as fuck magaturd.
Tough shit, shirley. Your boy made all of his problems. Cruised on the accomplishments of his predecessor and then the moment his presidency was tested, he fell flat on his fat orange ass. Got a lot of people killed. Lost his re-election bid (because he was a shitty President), and then goaded his minions into storming the Capitol and tried to shred our Constitution. And you assholes haven't shut up about FRAUD!! ever since..even though there's ZERO proof.

That's not gaslighting princess. That's fact.
Now Trump is pimping himself out to every uber wealthy Oligarch in the Country such as Mellon for campaign cash as the willfully ignorant rubes jizz all over themselves because that Clown in Loseiana passed a law requiring that The Ten be posted in every school in the state.

We're doomed.

And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..

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Oh, here we go again. Retarded faggot Democrats trying to tell Christians how to behave.

Hey genius, no one's listening to you. Go stick your finger in a light socket or something.

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