Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

You're still stuck on the idea that we could actually believe that Pence was is any danger that day.

Keep bringing it.

Secret Service believed he was as they escorted him to safety. You can imagine whose opinion I trust between you and the secret service.

That aside, I also didn't say anything about Pence's safety. You're suffering from delusions again.
Secret Service believed he was as they escorted him to safety. You can imagine whose opinion I trust between you and the secret service.

That aside, I also didn't say anything about Pence's safety. You're suffering from delusions again.

Nice try.

Names of people who had guns
They didn't arrest them on site.
You know this.
Instead they used very effective tactics like video and the idiots OWN Social Media Posts.

So sure, keep pretending and insisting that NONE of the 1,000's of trump Loving 2nd A supporters were packing.
They ALL turned into PUSSIES that day......LOL

I have no proof, YOU have no proof.
They didn't arrest them on site.
You know this.
Instead they used very effective tactics like video and the idiots OWN Social Media Posts.

So sure, keep pretending and insisting that NONE of the 1,000's of trump Loving 2nd A supporters were packing.
They ALL turned into PUSSIES that day......LOL

I have no proof, YOU have no proof.
Numbnuts you said people were armed. Named them.
Lie harder, little demon.

PS -- Wish I had some of whatever you're using recreationally. I'd go down to the trailer park and make a bit of money.

You appear deranged. :cuckoo:

The claim made was that cops "opened" doors for Trump's minions. The door in that video is already open when the clip starts. It does show who opened it. That you think otherwise speaks to your mental state, which doesn't bode well for you.
He's holding the door open numbnuts


First and foremost, the claim I challenged was that cops "opened" doors. The video you posted fails to show that; indicating you're an illiterate moron.

But secondly, how do you know he's holding the door open? You can't see his hands or any part of his body holding it open.

First and foremost, the claim I challenged was that cops "opened" doors. The video you posted fails to show that; indicating you're an illiterate moron.

But secondly, how do you know he's holding the door open? You can't see his hands or any part of his body holding it open.
I've posted another video
Anyway the first video was two cops holding the door open

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